
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Steal His Look: Likes Raffle [closed]
Like #231!
Like #231!
~InterstellarArtistStarDust~ (my preferred username was too long for the character limit.)

Dainty Wavehopper Furry Fiddle LW1L2V3.png Muckbottom Catfish Vivid Wavehopper
Bump #31!
Bump #31!
Go check out Alloria's art shop!
b95b0796e11ad0b3753b6.png f9a68afc37ad7e6ddeb25.png 5hkZHNv.gif
Bump #32!
Bump #32!
Go check out Alloria's art shop!
b95b0796e11ad0b3753b6.png f9a68afc37ad7e6ddeb25.png 5hkZHNv.gif
Bump #33!
Bump #33!
Go check out Alloria's art shop!
b95b0796e11ad0b3753b6.png f9a68afc37ad7e6ddeb25.png 5hkZHNv.gif
#232! (Hold on, it said i added the 232[emoji=star size=1] to Wyrm, but the poster above me [i]also[/i] said 232? I havent done this kind of raffle before, did I mess something up?)

(Hold on, it said i added the 232 to Wyrm, but the poster above me also said 232? I havent done this kind of raffle before, did I mess something up?)

@DaggerEmbereye How strange! Wyrm had 232 likes when the last person posted, and he does indeed have 232 now... meaning someone must have unliked him at some point. Oh well. You'll still have a slot in the raffle so no worries!
@DaggerEmbereye How strange! Wyrm had 232 likes when the last person posted, and he does indeed have 232 now... meaning someone must have unliked him at some point. Oh well. You'll still have a slot in the raffle so no worries!
wVgbkWH.png kRJzNcN.gif nSuCNbP.png 0PX3ESA.gif KXcXE3Q.png LRKvkRV.png hHVFSzN.png p0r9Zpa.png 2s3L9vU.gif iYTisMQ.gif
like #233 ~
like #233 ~
Bump #34!
Bump #34!
Go check out Alloria's art shop!
b95b0796e11ad0b3753b6.png f9a68afc37ad7e6ddeb25.png 5hkZHNv.gif
like #234!

edit: happy to be apart of this :D
like #234!

edit: happy to be apart of this :D
Hk6RYPQ.pngIMG-4437.png J2BfnAm.gif