
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Dressing Service, open!
@LadyCorvus no worries!
@LadyCorvus no worries!
vFUjKWv.png tumblr_inline_nbca3nfzd81qg78ij.png
5hF3FGk.pngAny Pronoun (Agender flag)BMbHYAh.pngYMPbu9R.png
Bluewave Jellyfish
@MINGI Here you go! Item lists to be edited in later. I had a ton of fun dressing your dragons!!

Mingi Hatter

@MINGI Here you go! Item lists to be edited in later. I had a ton of fun dressing your dragons!!

Mingi Hatter

I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!! Thank you so much, they look amazing! (just realized now this never sent cries)
I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!! Thank you so much, they look amazing! (just realized now this never sent cries)
@WindKiss sorry for the wait! I tried to stay away from a priestess type of outfit like you asked and instead landed on what I call Witch queen. [center][outfit=2587695][/center] [center]Total: 411 gems[/center] [left][list] [*]shackled book of mysteries: 18 gems [*] date plumed mantle: 3 gems [*]barbarian's banner: 100 gems [*]barbarian's kilt: 17 gems [*]jolly mushroom basket: 6 gems [*]barbarian's leather arm guards: 14 gems [*]witch's cloak: 30 gems [*]witch's cobwebs: 78 gems [*]naturalist adornments: sorry never mind, use poisonous thorn crown and antlers instead. Naturalist is crazy expensive. [*]poisonous rose thorn crown: 90 gems [*] murderous vial: 55 gems [/left][/list]
@WindKiss sorry for the wait! I tried to stay away from a priestess type of outfit like you asked and instead landed on what I call Witch queen.
Not Found
Total: 411 gems
  • shackled book of mysteries: 18 gems
  • date plumed mantle: 3 gems
  • barbarian's banner: 100 gems
  • barbarian's kilt: 17 gems
  • jolly mushroom basket: 6 gems
  • barbarian's leather arm guards: 14 gems
  • witch's cloak: 30 gems
  • witch's cobwebs: 78 gems
  • naturalist adornments: sorry never mind, use poisonous thorn crown and antlers instead. Naturalist is crazy expensive.
  • poisonous rose thorn crown: 90 gems
  • murderous vial: 55 gems
@kumatan sorry for the wait! Here's your girl, I did use the skin because I think it's too dang cute! [center]Lady Free[/center] [center][outfit=2587368][/center] [center]Total: 365 gems[/center] [left][list] [*]demure faderose garniture: 15 gems [*]strawberry plumed headdress: 15 gems [*]chancellor collar: 4 gems [*]chancellor overcoat: 4 gems [*]demure faderose ovalcrown: 20 gems [*]vintage starsilk sleeves: 95 gems [*]vintage starsilk scarf: 95 gems [*]sweetheart lace waist frill: 5 gems [*]demure faderose bustle: 23 gems [*]demure faderose bodice: 22 gems [*] ethereal flame tail ribbon: 42 gems [*]Spring Carousel Wing decor: free [*]bowman's leggings: 25 gems [/left][/list]
@kumatan sorry for the wait! Here's your girl, I did use the skin because I think it's too dang cute!
Lady Free
Lady Free
Total: 365 gems
  • demure faderose garniture: 15 gems
  • strawberry plumed headdress: 15 gems
  • chancellor collar: 4 gems
  • chancellor overcoat: 4 gems
  • demure faderose ovalcrown: 20 gems
  • vintage starsilk sleeves: 95 gems
  • vintage starsilk scarf: 95 gems
  • sweetheart lace waist frill: 5 gems
  • demure faderose bustle: 23 gems
  • demure faderose bodice: 22 gems
  • ethereal flame tail ribbon: 42 gems
  • Spring Carousel Wing decor: free
  • bowman's leggings: 25 gems
@SealedSalt alright here's 3 of the five! I'm still working on the last two! [center]Kleine[/center] [center][outfit=2587372][/center] [center]Total: 204[/center] [left][list] [*]segmented gauntlets: 5 gems [*]segmented murkmire belts: 6 gems [*]segmented murkmire boots: 8 gems [*]frog's shoulder pads: 2 gems [*]frog's tail guard: 2 gems [*]aerborne gustgather: 105 gems [*]venom rogue Wing guard: 13 gems [*]contestant's weapons: 4 gems [*]Poisoned Kusarigama: 10 gems [*]Green protective eyewear: 19 gems [*]accent: almandine sturgeon: 30 gems [/left][/list] [center]Blood and Valor[/center] [center][outfit=2587376][/center] [center]Total: 331[/center] [left][list] [*]viper's Wing fans: 19 gems [*]ravenskull broadsword: 214 gems [*]magician's cloak: 20 gems [*]summer swelter: 22 gems [*]blood red pelt pack: 6 gems [*]bloody Wing bandages: 5 gems [*]viper's arm guards: 18 [*]Viper tail guard: 20 gems [*]bloody tail bandages: 7 gems [/left][/list] [center]Soup, the Acolyte of Chaos[/center] [center][outfit=2587378][/center] [center]Total: 1148 [/center] For this outfit ghost flame items can be used instead of gossamer as it's much cheaper (most items are 2-3 gems) that will make the outfit cool toned. [left][list] [*]Arcane aura: 110 gems [*]heralds wrap: 65 gems [*]spectral fuchsia grasp: 250 gems [*]gossamer flame tail jewel:179 gems [*]ghost flame cloak: 3 gems [*]black wooly antennae: 11 gems [*]gossamer flame collar: 180 gems [*]gossamer flame headpiece:150 gems [*]gossamer flame tail ribbon: 200 gems [*]obsidian Unicorn mane: 189,000 treasure [*] bright rogue footpads: 2 gems [/left][/list]
@SealedSalt alright here's 3 of the five! I'm still working on the last two!
Total: 204
  • segmented gauntlets: 5 gems
  • segmented murkmire belts: 6 gems
  • segmented murkmire boots: 8 gems
  • frog's shoulder pads: 2 gems
  • frog's tail guard: 2 gems
  • aerborne gustgather: 105 gems
  • venom rogue Wing guard: 13 gems
  • contestant's weapons: 4 gems
  • Poisoned Kusarigama: 10 gems
  • Green protective eyewear: 19 gems
  • accent: almandine sturgeon: 30 gems

Blood and Valor
Blood and Valor
Total: 331
  • viper's Wing fans: 19 gems
  • ravenskull broadsword: 214 gems
  • magician's cloak: 20 gems
  • summer swelter: 22 gems
  • blood red pelt pack: 6 gems
  • bloody Wing bandages: 5 gems
  • viper's arm guards: 18
  • Viper tail guard: 20 gems
  • bloody tail bandages: 7 gems

Soup, the Acolyte of Chaos
Acolyte of Chaos
Total: 1148
For this outfit ghost flame items can be used instead of gossamer as it's much cheaper (most items are 2-3 gems) that will make the outfit cool toned.
  • Arcane aura: 110 gems
  • heralds wrap: 65 gems
  • spectral fuchsia grasp: 250 gems
  • gossamer flame tail jewel:179 gems
  • ghost flame cloak: 3 gems
  • black wooly antennae: 11 gems
  • gossamer flame collar: 180 gems
  • gossamer flame headpiece:150 gems
  • gossamer flame tail ribbon: 200 gems
  • obsidian Unicorn mane: 189,000 treasure
  • bright rogue footpads: 2 gems
No rush on the last two, and thank you as always! All three of them look fantastic! :O I super appreciate you including the name of the much cheaper apparel for Soup too! I'll pop it on her in the dressing room at some point and see which version I like better or whether it's worth saving the cash for the other's outfits >:) I'm gonna have to get saving haha.

I really love them all and can't pick a favourite this time!!! You did awesome with every one, thanks heaps! :D
No rush on the last two, and thank you as always! All three of them look fantastic! :O I super appreciate you including the name of the much cheaper apparel for Soup too! I'll pop it on her in the dressing room at some point and see which version I like better or whether it's worth saving the cash for the other's outfits >:) I'm gonna have to get saving haha.

I really love them all and can't pick a favourite this time!!! You did awesome with every one, thanks heaps! :D
@MINGI Here's Seonghwa relayered and with a skin!!!
Seonghwa relayered with skin
I used the same items just layered them differently, no worries if you don't like the skin or the relayering!
@MINGI Here's Seonghwa relayered and with a skin!!!
Seonghwa relayered with skin
I used the same items just layered them differently, no worries if you don't like the skin or the relayering!
OMG TYSM that looks so amazing, I love it a lot!! It looks so great I really appreciate you doing this for me!!
OMG TYSM that looks so amazing, I love it a lot!! It looks so great I really appreciate you doing this for me!!
Hi hi! Would love it if you helped to dress my boy Dustil here <3 [url=][img][/img][/url] It’s been a struggle dressing him ngl, I’m aiming for a kinda librarian or bookstore type of dragon? He’s going to be one of the faces for my future lore shop so I want him to fit that vibe. I’m kinda stingy with my gems ngl? But I’m willing to splurge/save up since I have 600 rn, but I won’t go any more expensive on gems than 300 or so. Far more willing to splurge on treasure though since I grind G&G like a maniac, eager to see the results! <3
Hi hi! Would love it if you helped to dress my boy Dustil here <3


It’s been a struggle dressing him ngl, I’m aiming for a kinda librarian or bookstore type of dragon? He’s going to be one of the faces for my future lore shop so I want him to fit that vibe.

I’m kinda stingy with my gems ngl? But I’m willing to splurge/save up since I have 600 rn, but I won’t go any more expensive on gems than 300 or so. Far more willing to splurge on treasure though since I grind G&G like a maniac, eager to see the results! <3
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