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TOPIC | I need a name
as the title says this permababy needs a name: [url=][img][/img][/url] (am subscribed) almost all of the names in my lair come from the random button or the previous owner and my mind just goes blank right now for this one for those who wonder - no need to read, I named: Mini (my nickname for my progen) Maximilian (Mini <-> Max - replaced my random progen as breeding partner) Char (the home planet of the Zerg in Star Craft) Max (Mini <-> Max - my random progen) Ranunculus (that's another name for Buttercup - the tert color of the dragon) Error (I've seen an OC named like that years ago and thougt that was a cool name) Order (rather straight lined genes, opposite to Chaos) Chaos (chaotic genes, opposite to Order) Pap (cuz dad for breeding project) Moma (cuz mom for breeding project)
as the title says this permababy needs a name:
(am subscribed)

almost all of the names in my lair come from the random button or the previous owner and my mind just goes blank right now for this one

for those who wonder - no need to read, I named:
Mini (my nickname for my progen)
Maximilian (Mini <-> Max - replaced my random progen as breeding partner)
Char (the home planet of the Zerg in Star Craft)
Max (Mini <-> Max - my random progen)
Ranunculus (that's another name for Buttercup - the tert color of the dragon)
Error (I've seen an OC named like that years ago and thougt that was a cool name)
Order (rather straight lined genes, opposite to Chaos)
Chaos (chaotic genes, opposite to Order)
Pap (cuz dad for breeding project)
Moma (cuz mom for breeding project)
He reminds me of one of those dual color gummy worms.
He reminds me of one of those dual color gummy worms.

fr time + 3
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I have a dragon named Trolli and I think that's a cute suggestion!

I like to name things after nature, myths, and that sort of thing. Red salamander is Pseudotriton ruber, fire skinks are Mochlus fernandi or Riopa fernandi, and Gargoyle geckos are Rhacodactylus auriculatus. I know my names are a lot but I looked up little red lizards for him.
I have a dragon named Trolli and I think that's a cute suggestion!

I like to name things after nature, myths, and that sort of thing. Red salamander is Pseudotriton ruber, fire skinks are Mochlus fernandi or Riopa fernandi, and Gargoyle geckos are Rhacodactylus auriculatus. I know my names are a lot but I looked up little red lizards for him.
I am a greek naming girlie, so the ones that pop to mind for him are Morpheus (i'm getting similar vibes off him to my Morpheus), or you could do a titan name since he's an ancient, like Atlas or Koios!
I am a greek naming girlie, so the ones that pop to mind for him are Morpheus (i'm getting similar vibes off him to my Morpheus), or you could do a titan name since he's an ancient, like Atlas or Koios!
Adult Player (Shadow flight)
Firecracker. Silly I know but his colors remind me of the red, white, and blue popsicles called firecrackers lol
Firecracker. Silly I know but his colors remind me of the red, white, and blue popsicles called firecrackers lol

Or maybe Summer, Sparkle, Comet, Astrid, or Eclipse?

I'm bad at coming up with names usually ^^''

Or maybe Summer, Sparkle, Comet, Astrid, or Eclipse?

I'm bad at coming up with names usually ^^''
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The tail is really striking. I wanna call her Silvertail. Or maybe it can be a last name. Like Crim Silvertail or something like that.
The tail is really striking. I wanna call her Silvertail. Or maybe it can be a last name. Like Crim Silvertail or something like that.
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Something strange is happening on Sornieth. All across the world, dragons have begun to be born with multiple elements. How? Why? As dragons all across Sornieth takes notice, the wheel of fate begins to turn, as one fae's search for her mysterious origins leads her down a path that could change Sornieth forever.
I named him Auricul! thanks @pythonesque for the inspiration I might have bought 3 more babys after posting which needed names too, so... @yoshimario40 Silvertail is really my naming style for dinosaurs in ARK but somehow I foud the name to "cute" or to "nice" for him and as last name it felt to long but I appreciate another "color+bodypart" namer :D @WebstickKitten I've been looking for a name for this one: [url=][img][/img][/url] and sparkle really fit well @AdrestiaEris I named this one Koios, thanks for the ideas: [url=][img][/img][/url] now he needs a name: [url=][img][/img][/url] and bone-noodle isn't edgy enough maybe I'll call him LordEdgelord or something [emoji=spiral confused size=1] or Alarak
I named him Auricul!
thanks @pythonesque for the inspiration

I might have bought 3 more babys after posting which needed names too, so...

Silvertail is really my naming style for dinosaurs in ARK
but somehow I foud the name to "cute" or to "nice" for him
and as last name it felt to long
but I appreciate another "color+bodypart" namer :D

I've been looking for a name for this one:
and sparkle really fit well

I named this one Koios, thanks for the ideas:

now he needs a name:
and bone-noodle isn't edgy enough
maybe I'll call him LordEdgelord or something
or Alarak