

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | | Storage for MidnightSun | Private
[center][img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=5][b][color=090050]ZARRIUS[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]The Market to the Tavern | Feyrien [/font][/size] [img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=4]Once he was finished shopping, Zarrius checked his watch for the time. He still had some time to kill before meeting with the bookstore owner. Surveying the market, none of the stalls caught his eye. He tapped his lower lip with a claw. He could stop for some refreshments at the tavern. It’d been ages since he dined outside of the palace. Zarrius looked both ways before crossing the street and made his way up the path to the Inn and Tavern. He knew it was early in the day for regular patrons and he liked a quiet venue. As he pushed the door open, he was assaulted with the warm smells of hops and food. Just as he’d assumed, Zarrius was the only guest. He spotted a golden-skinned centaur lost in his work behind the bar. Tucking his loose strands of midnight hair behind his pointed ears, Zarrius worked up the courage to approach the server. [b][color=090050]"Good day, I was hoping to take a look at your menu?”[/color][/b] He greeted as he took a seat at one of the open stools. Zarrius fidgeted with the chrome ring on his index finger. He traced the royal crest absently. The scribe needed more practice talking to strangers; he was getting rusty. [center][img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=5][b][color=990033]MAYVIS[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]Apothecary | Adara [/font][/size] [img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=4]Although the wood-elf was terrible with names, Mayvis recognized the fair-skinned woman that greeted her. She often waited on her when she visited town. Smiling to ease the tension, Mayvis gestured to the wall of goods with one hand. “I was hoping to find an Elderberry Tonic?” Mayvis knew the desire was vague but assumed the shopkeeper could lead her in the right direction. “You see, my mother is in the late stages of Wildwood Fever and I was hoping for something to ease her pain.” Despite no cure for the Wildwood Fever, Mayvis had hoped to find something to help soothe her mother’s pain. It wasn’t a contagious illness, but Wildwood Fever was a killer and there wasn’t a person in Qequvell Greenwood that hadn’t seen the effects of the ailment. As a Keeper of the Woods, Mayvis had basic healing magic but it didn’t go further than minor cuts, bruises, and colds. She was appreciative of healers and the apothecary.

The Market to the Tavern | Feyrien


Once he was finished shopping, Zarrius checked his watch for the time. He still had some time to kill before meeting with the bookstore owner. Surveying the market, none of the stalls caught his eye. He tapped his lower lip with a claw. He could stop for some refreshments at the tavern. It’d been ages since he dined outside of the palace.

Zarrius looked both ways before crossing the street and made his way up the path to the Inn and Tavern. He knew it was early in the day for regular patrons and he liked a quiet venue. As he pushed the door open, he was assaulted with the warm smells of hops and food. Just as he’d assumed, Zarrius was the only guest. He spotted a golden-skinned centaur lost in his work behind the bar. Tucking his loose strands of midnight hair behind his pointed ears, Zarrius worked up the courage to approach the server.

"Good day, I was hoping to take a look at your menu?” He greeted as he took a seat at one of the open stools. Zarrius fidgeted with the chrome ring on his index finger. He traced the royal crest absently. The scribe needed more practice talking to strangers; he was getting rusty.


Apothecary | Adara


Although the wood-elf was terrible with names, Mayvis recognized the fair-skinned woman that greeted her. She often waited on her when she visited town. Smiling to ease the tension, Mayvis gestured to the wall of goods with one hand.
“I was hoping to find an Elderberry Tonic?” Mayvis knew the desire was vague but assumed the shopkeeper could lead her in the right direction. “You see, my mother is in the late stages of Wildwood Fever and I was hoping for something to ease her pain.”

Despite no cure for the Wildwood Fever, Mayvis had hoped to find something to help soothe her mother’s pain. It wasn’t a contagious illness, but Wildwood Fever was a killer and there wasn’t a person in Qequvell Greenwood that hadn’t seen the effects of the ailment.
As a Keeper of the Woods, Mayvis had basic healing magic but it didn’t go further than minor cuts, bruises, and colds. She was appreciative of healers and the apothecary.

[center][img][/img] [img][/img] [font=Calibri][size=4][color=#a6afde][b]NAME:[/b][/color] Altais Astra [color=#a6afde][b]AGE:[/b][/color] Twenty-seven [color=#a6afde][b]SPECIES:[/b][/color] Seraph, mutated [color=#a6afde][b]GENDER:[/b][/color] Male [color=#a6afde][b]ORIENTATION:[/b][/color] Fluid [color=#a6afde][b]AFILLIATION:[/b][/color] Prince of Amalitheas, King's Wizard in Training [color=#a6afde][b]AFILLIATION DESCRIPTION:[/b][/color] Amalitheas is an age-old kingdom shrouded in darkness, their land living in endless night. Rumors say the king of Amalitheas lights the moon each night until the morning sun replaces it in the sky. The Kingdom of Amalitheas is veiled in moonlight and mystery. There isn't much written history about the territory or where the kingdom actually lies. However, scholars say Amalitheas is a starlight valley nestled between two mountains with peaks that hide in the clouds. The rare moonflower is native to their lush valley and is used in many cultural rituals. Several rivers split the valley; the water appears to be liquid silver. Most of the architecture is built with marble and stone, and high arches and ornate pillars decorate most of the buildings. The inhabitants of Amalitheas are the hierarchy of angels and pegasi. They travel on wind currents, slip between shadows, and some even skip between reflections of moonlight on objects and water. [color=#a6afde][b]BACKSTORY:[/b][/color] There is a legend among the Amalithean people that tells the tale of a giant beast made of white flames that resembles a canine. It tore through the valley, setting fire to the forest and villages. Many people died trying to stop the beast, but their magic was no match. However, the King of Amalitheas made a contract with the monster, sealing it away but not without a cost. The contract created a curse that only affected the firstborn child of the Astra bloodline every five hundred years, cursing the seraphim to develop bestial traits like ears and claws. White flames engulfed their body and soul, and their magic turned feral. For King Anadius, he hoped the curse had disappeared because it had been nearly eight hundred years since the last cured child had been born to the royal bloodline. But much to his dismay, his first child, Altais, was born engulfed in white flames, killing his mother in childbirth. Due to the trauma of losing his mother and bearing the weight of the curse, Altais grew up unruly and wild. He felt his emotions deeply and struggled to self-regulate. His father tried his best to care for the child, but nothing seemed to work. With nowhere else to turn, King Anadius sent his son to study under his royal wizard and advisor, Wizard Taikan. There, Altais learned to control his powers and manage his emotions. Wizard Taikan quickly became a father figure for Altais, and they fell into a routine. Altais wanted nothing more than to make his guardian proud. He studied hard and made more than a few mistakes, but he eventually found his place. His father remarried after Altais moved into Wizard Taikan's tower. They had another son named Kaveh, who would become next in line for the throne. Altais grew curious about his half-sibling and tried to visit the castle whenever he got the chance. However, Kaveh's studies and royal training often got in the way, causing a rift between the two brothers. Recently though, Altais returned to the castle and took on an advisory role in order to take over Wizard Taikan's positions when the wizard eventually retires. This change created an opportunity for the two princes to rekindle a relationship, however rocky it may be. [color=#a6afde][b]PERSONALITY:[/b][/color] Compassionate | Sensitive | Loyal | Moody | Thoughtful | Somber Due to his curse, Altais shares a link to the legendary wolf beast that tormented his homeland. Because of this, his emotions are often more than he can handle, and he struggles to take control. As a child, he often destroyed things in rage and despair. He couldn't help but hurt the people around him despite his best efforts. It wasn't until he moved in with Wizard Tiakan that he learned how to control his powers and his emotions. He is sensitive and deeply empathetic. At his core, Altais is compassionate and nearly loyal to a fault. All he wants is to be good and recognized as good. Because he was raised mostly isolated, Altais is a bit shy and can come across as awkward in social situations. But once he gets to know someone, he breaks out of his shell. He has a heart of gold and a contagious smile. Although Altais only recently reconnected with his half-brother, he loves him deeply and wants nothing more than a relationship with him. [color=#a6afde][b]APEARANCE:[/b][/color] Altais is a tall, lanky man with spindly limbs. He has pale skin and choppy hair, the color of starlight that halos his feminine face. His eyes are an icy blue that are wild like a beast. The people of Amalitheas often say the Astra family is heart-breakingly beautiful, and Altais is no exception. Altais has two large white canine ears that protrude from the top of his head. He has three sets of wings due to being a seraph. One pair of wings stems from his temples, the other two pairs from his back. However, when he is in a more tamed form, he only has one pair of wings because it's easier to move indoors. When he loses control of his emotions, he develops more bestail traits. [color=#a6afde][b]POWERS:[/b][/color] [b]Flight[/b]- Seraphim travel mostly by flight. However, Amalitheans have the unique ability to slip in and out of shadows as well as in reflections made by moonlight. [b]White Fire Manipulation[/b]- Altais can conjure and manipulate a brilliant white fire. It takes concentration to control the flames, and if he isn't careful, they will consume him. [b]Bestial Form[/b]- Altais always has white ears, a tail, and angel wings, but he can manipulate his body to take on a more monstrous form. His monstrous form has more wings and wolf features, and he is engulfed in white flames. [color=#a6afde][b]SCENT:[/b][/color] Mint and evergreen on a winter night. [color=#a6afde][b]VOICE:[/b][/color] [color=#a6afde]#a6afde[/color] Altais has a smooth tenor voice that is rich like honey. He has a distinctive accent when he speaks, but no one can recall it to describe it. He articulates his words and occasionally hums between sentences. [color=#a6afde][b]TRIVIA:[/b][/color] [b]x[/b] In his more appealing human(ish) form, the hardest part for him to keep normal is his hands. He often looks down and realizes his hands have turned into claws, and he's torn up whatever was in front of him. [b]x[/b] He is proficient at the piano and loves to play in his free time. [b]x[/b] All children of the Astra bloodline are required to read and write a dozen languages. He can understand and read more languages than he can speak. [b]x[/b] Altais doesn't handle caffeine well. It makes him shake.[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [center][img][/img] [img][/img] [font=Calibri][size=4][color=#868cb3][b]NAME:[/b][/color] Kaveh Astra [color=#868cb3][b]AGE:[/b][/color] Twenty-two [color=#868cb3][b]SPECIES:[/b][/color] Seraph [color=#868cb3][b]GENDER:[/b][/color] Male [color=#868cb3][b]ORIENTATION:[/b][/color] Bisexual [color=#868cb3][b]AFILLIATION:[/b][/color] Prince of Amalitheas, Crowned [color=#868cb3][b]AFILLIATION DESCRIPTION:[/b][/color] Refer to Altais. [color=#868cb3][b]BACKSTORY:[/b][/color] Kaveh couldn't help resenting his older brother, Altais. Everything he did was lost in the shadow of his brother, who bore the curse. Even if the people around him didn't speak of it, he could tell in their eyes that he was only the replacement. However, Kaveh always felt that his father loved him all the same; he didn't see him as a replacement. He did think he could see a sadness in his father's eyes sometimes though like he was too afraid to miss his wife and son out loud. Kaveh was seven when he finally met his brother. He was surprised at how thin and haunted his brother looked. After meeting him, he felt conflicted about hating such a pitiful thing. Kaveh was never allowed to be alone with him because of the misguided fear of those in charge. Everyone was afraid Altais might [i]lose control again.[/i] Because of his training, Kaveh rarely had time to spend time with his brother. Eventually, Altais came around less and less. However, Kaveh remembered thinking his brother seemed stronger and more confident each time he saw him. Several years had passed before Kaveh saw his brother again. By that time, they were both men: Kaveh nearly ready for Kinghood, and Altais, a royal wizard. They were strangers but honestly, they always had been. When Altais was assigned to work alongside his brother, Kaveh felt that he had no reason to hate him anymore. With the hate gone, it left room for gentle awkwardness and new beginnings. [color=#868cb3][b]PERSONALITY:[/b][/color] Brave | Clever | Moody (runs in the family) | Arogant | Steadfast Kaveh has a bad case of imposter syndrome. He doesn't feel like the crowned prince, but a puppet dressed up like royalty. Manhood is a hard identity for Kaveh because of the ghost of his brother. He only heard rumors and whispers about Altais, but people always felt the need to compare the two. Kaveh is witty and has a sharp tongue. Despite his imposter syndrome, Kaveh was born to lead. When he leads, people follow. He is brave and level-headed, and a natural warrior. Kaveh can't help his bluntness, and he doesn't take compliments well. He is easy to fluster, which often brings out his bratty. He doesn't like to admit it, but he wants to be the person Altais thinks he is. [color=#868cb3][b]APEARANCE:[/b][/color] Kaveh is a handsome man of average high and build. He has a soft, feminine face and storm-colored eyes. His hair is a brilliant silver that he keeps cropped just above his shoulders. He dresses in elegant silver and grey attire and loves ornate jewelry. His expression is often hard to read unless he is flustered. He has three sets of massive white wings. [color=#868cb3][b]POWERS:[/b][/color] [b]Flight[/b]- Seraphim travel mostly by flight. However, Amalitheans have the unique ability to slip in and out of shadows as well as in reflections made by moonlight. [b]Water Manipulation[/b]- Control over water and the tides. [b]Healing and Regeneration[/b] [color=#868cb3][b]SCENT:[/b][/color] A cool summer night and an ocean breeze. [color=#868cb3][b]VOICE:[/b][/color] [color=#868cb3]#868cb3[/color] Kaveh has a deep silvery voice. He is eloquent and can command a room. Similar to his brother and all Amalitheans, he has a distinct accent that is hard to pinpoint. [color=#868cb3][b]TRIVIA:[/b][/color] [b]x[/b] Kaveh is a skilled tactioner and is trained in the art of war. His weapon of choice is a sword. [b]x[/b] Kaveh is often mistaken as the older brother of the two; however, when he's around Altais, he takes on a younger, more submissive role. [b]x[/b] His hobbies include painting and drawing. He keeps a sketchbook that fills with images from his travels.[/size] [img][/img]


NAME: Altais Astra
AGE: Twenty-seven
SPECIES: Seraph, mutated

AFILLIATION: Prince of Amalitheas, King's Wizard in Training
Amalitheas is an age-old kingdom shrouded in darkness, their land living in endless night. Rumors say the king of Amalitheas lights the moon each night until the morning sun replaces it in the sky. The Kingdom of Amalitheas is veiled in moonlight and mystery. There isn't much written history about the territory or where the kingdom actually lies. However, scholars say Amalitheas is a starlight valley nestled between two mountains with peaks that hide in the clouds. The rare moonflower is native to their lush valley and is used in many cultural rituals. Several rivers split the valley; the water appears to be liquid silver. Most of the architecture is built with marble and stone, and high arches and ornate pillars decorate most of the buildings. The inhabitants of Amalitheas are the hierarchy of angels and pegasi. They travel on wind currents, slip between shadows, and some even skip between reflections of moonlight on objects and water.

There is a legend among the Amalithean people that tells the tale of a giant beast made of white flames that resembles a canine. It tore through the valley, setting fire to the forest and villages. Many people died trying to stop the beast, but their magic was no match. However, the King of Amalitheas made a contract with the monster, sealing it away but not without a cost. The contract created a curse that only affected the firstborn child of the Astra bloodline every five hundred years, cursing the seraphim to develop bestial traits like ears and claws. White flames engulfed their body and soul, and their magic turned feral.

For King Anadius, he hoped the curse had disappeared because it had been nearly eight hundred years since the last cured child had been born to the royal bloodline. But much to his dismay, his first child, Altais, was born engulfed in white flames, killing his mother in childbirth. Due to the trauma of losing his mother and bearing the weight of the curse, Altais grew up unruly and wild. He felt his emotions deeply and struggled to self-regulate. His father tried his best to care for the child, but nothing seemed to work. With nowhere else to turn, King Anadius sent his son to study under his royal wizard and advisor, Wizard Taikan. There, Altais learned to control his powers and manage his emotions.

Wizard Taikan quickly became a father figure for Altais, and they fell into a routine. Altais wanted nothing more than to make his guardian proud. He studied hard and made more than a few mistakes, but he eventually found his place.
His father remarried after Altais moved into Wizard Taikan's tower. They had another son named Kaveh, who would become next in line for the throne. Altais grew curious about his half-sibling and tried to visit the castle whenever he got the chance. However, Kaveh's studies and royal training often got in the way, causing a rift between the two brothers.
Recently though, Altais returned to the castle and took on an advisory role in order to take over Wizard Taikan's positions when the wizard eventually retires. This change created an opportunity for the two princes to rekindle a relationship, however rocky it may be.

Compassionate | Sensitive | Loyal | Moody | Thoughtful | Somber

Due to his curse, Altais shares a link to the legendary wolf beast that tormented his homeland. Because of this, his emotions are often more than he can handle, and he struggles to take control. As a child, he often destroyed things in rage and despair. He couldn't help but hurt the people around him despite his best efforts. It wasn't until he moved in with Wizard Tiakan that he learned how to control his powers and his emotions. He is sensitive and deeply empathetic. At his core, Altais is compassionate and nearly loyal to a fault. All he wants is to be good and recognized as good. Because he was raised mostly isolated, Altais is a bit shy and can come across as awkward in social situations. But once he gets to know someone, he breaks out of his shell. He has a heart of gold and a contagious smile.

Although Altais only recently reconnected with his half-brother, he loves him deeply and wants nothing more than a relationship with him.

APEARANCE: Altais is a tall, lanky man with spindly limbs. He has pale skin and choppy hair, the color of starlight that halos his feminine face. His eyes are an icy blue that are wild like a beast. The people of Amalitheas often say the Astra family is heart-breakingly beautiful, and Altais is no exception.
Altais has two large white canine ears that protrude from the top of his head. He has three sets of wings due to being a seraph. One pair of wings stems from his temples, the other two pairs from his back. However, when he is in a more tamed form, he only has one pair of wings because it's easier to move indoors. When he loses control of his emotions, he develops more bestail traits.

Flight- Seraphim travel mostly by flight. However, Amalitheans have the unique ability to slip in and out of shadows as well as in reflections made by moonlight.
White Fire Manipulation- Altais can conjure and manipulate a brilliant white fire. It takes concentration to control the flames, and if he isn't careful, they will consume him.
Bestial Form- Altais always has white ears, a tail, and angel wings, but he can manipulate his body to take on a more monstrous form. His monstrous form has more wings and wolf features, and he is engulfed in white flames.

SCENT: Mint and evergreen on a winter night.
VOICE: #a6afde Altais has a smooth tenor voice that is rich like honey. He has a distinctive accent when he speaks, but no one can recall it to describe it. He articulates his words and occasionally hums between sentences.

x In his more appealing human(ish) form, the hardest part for him to keep normal is his hands. He often looks down and realizes his hands have turned into claws, and he's torn up whatever was in front of him.
x He is proficient at the piano and loves to play in his free time.
x All children of the Astra bloodline are required to read and write a dozen languages. He can understand and read more languages than he can speak.
x Altais doesn't handle caffeine well. It makes him shake.





NAME: Kaveh Astra
AGE: Twenty-two

AFILLIATION: Prince of Amalitheas, Crowned
Refer to Altais.

Kaveh couldn't help resenting his older brother, Altais. Everything he did was lost in the shadow of his brother, who bore the curse. Even if the people around him didn't speak of it, he could tell in their eyes that he was only the replacement. However, Kaveh always felt that his father loved him all the same; he didn't see him as a replacement. He did think he could see a sadness in his father's eyes sometimes though like he was too afraid to miss his wife and son out loud.

Kaveh was seven when he finally met his brother. He was surprised at how thin and haunted his brother looked. After meeting him, he felt conflicted about hating such a pitiful thing. Kaveh was never allowed to be alone with him because of the misguided fear of those in charge. Everyone was afraid Altais might lose control again. Because of his training, Kaveh rarely had time to spend time with his brother. Eventually, Altais came around less and less. However, Kaveh remembered thinking his brother seemed stronger and more confident each time he saw him.

Several years had passed before Kaveh saw his brother again. By that time, they were both men: Kaveh nearly ready for Kinghood, and Altais, a royal wizard. They were strangers but honestly, they always had been. When Altais was assigned to work alongside his brother, Kaveh felt that he had no reason to hate him anymore. With the hate gone, it left room for gentle awkwardness and new beginnings.

Brave | Clever | Moody (runs in the family) | Arogant | Steadfast

Kaveh has a bad case of imposter syndrome. He doesn't feel like the crowned prince, but a puppet dressed up like royalty. Manhood is a hard identity for Kaveh because of the ghost of his brother. He only heard rumors and whispers about Altais, but people always felt the need to compare the two.

Kaveh is witty and has a sharp tongue. Despite his imposter syndrome, Kaveh was born to lead. When he leads, people follow. He is brave and level-headed, and a natural warrior. Kaveh can't help his bluntness, and he doesn't take compliments well. He is easy to fluster, which often brings out his bratty. He doesn't like to admit it, but he wants to be the person Altais thinks he is.


Kaveh is a handsome man of average high and build. He has a soft, feminine face and storm-colored eyes. His hair is a brilliant silver that he keeps cropped just above his shoulders. He dresses in elegant silver and grey attire and loves ornate jewelry. His expression is often hard to read unless he is flustered. He has three sets of massive white wings.

Flight- Seraphim travel mostly by flight. However, Amalitheans have the unique ability to slip in and out of shadows as well as in reflections made by moonlight.
Water Manipulation- Control over water and the tides.
Healing and Regeneration

SCENT: A cool summer night and an ocean breeze.
VOICE: #868cb3 Kaveh has a deep silvery voice. He is eloquent and can command a room. Similar to his brother and all Amalitheans, he has a distinct accent that is hard to pinpoint.

x Kaveh is a skilled tactioner and is trained in the art of war. His weapon of choice is a sword.
x Kaveh is often mistaken as the older brother of the two; however, when he's around Altais, he takes on a younger, more submissive role.
x His hobbies include painting and drawing. He keeps a sketchbook that fills with images from his travels.

[center][img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=5][b][color=#868cb3]KAVEH[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]The Float | Altais, open [/font][/size] [img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=4][b][color=#a6afde]“I think we’re late,”[/color][/b] Altais mused as he followed his brother from the palace. The two had been surprised to find the ballroom empty and returned to the streets. Dozens of bodies crowded the sides of the road. Some huddled, lost in conversation, while others danced in excited pockets of swaying masses. Brilliant colored paper fell from the sky, littering the ground and everyone it fell on. [b][color=#868cb3]“We’re never late; we’re princes.”[/color][/b] Kaveh retorted. He clicked his tongue as he surveyed the crowd. Creatures of all shapes and sizes mingled, and Kaveh noted that he recognized some of them. During his training and education, he was required to learn about many different territories and species. Kaveh tucked his wings close to his body and exhaled through his nose. He wasn’t particularly excited about the event, but he was pleased to see his brother eager to escape their isolated kingdom. The food and floats looked incredible, he had to admit. A table filled with jeweled fruits, expensive meats, and cheese caught Kaveh’s eye. His stomach betrayed his uninterested expression, and he kicked himself internally. The two seraphim hurried to join the other attendees on the float. It took a moment for them to adjust to the movement of the vehicle, but they eventually fell into the rhythm with ease. [b][color=#a6afde]“Hungry?”[/color][/b] Altais raised an eyebrow and gestured toward the table. Kaveh turned his nose up at his brother and crossed his arms reproachfully over his elegantly adorned chest. [b][color=#868cb3]No, I’m going to get a drink. Go mingle,”[/color][/b] he shrugged, turning away from the wizard. As much as he liked having his brother around, Kaveh didn’t want his brother hanging on him the whole night. It was a good opportunity for Altais to step out of his comfort zone. Tucking a strand of silver hair behind his ears, Kaveh strowed over to the drink table and snagged a dainty glass filled with a bubbling gold liquid. He lifted the drink to sniff before taking a sip. It was fruity and buzzed in his mouth. With one hand, he adjusted the richly embellished silver tunic he was wearing and straightened his midnight colored cloak. The fabric was a rich wool that appeared to have a swirling night sky stitched into the lining. He double-checked that his silver crown was still in one place and took another swig of his drink. Glancing around, he saw his brother struggling to decide where to stand or what to do now that he was alone. The crowned prince wasn’t big on small talk despite it being part of his job description.[/size] [img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=5][b][color=#a6afde]ALTAIS[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]The Float| open [/font][/size] [img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=4]Altais’s heart skipped a beat when his brother dismissed him. The thought of mingling in such a crowd made his blood run cold. When he was left to his own devices, the royal wizard was painfully shy and awkward. He was severely under-prepared and under-exposed to social events. It was safer and quieter in his tower. However, he’d promised his teacher he’d try his best to enjoy himself. He had to admit that taking on the role as the crowned prince’s royal wizard was a great opportunity to broaden his horizons, but it was much harder than he’d thought. Inhaling deeply, Altais ran his hands nervously over his baroqued silver robes. His fingers glided over the lavish embroidery and beads that adorned his chest. The texture was soothing and familiar. His large wings ruffled in anticipation as his pointed ears flickered back and forth. He inched closer to the food table and filled a plate. Eating would give him something to do. The spread was obviously built for royalty. He couldn’t choose between all the delicious treats so he decided to get a little bit of everything. The grapes were his first conquest; their red pearly skin looked like fine jewels. Altais popped one in his mouth and let out a startled hum of delight. It was sweet and juicy and melted on his tongue. [b][color=#a6afde]“The food here is amazing,”[/color][/b] he stated to no one in particular.

The Float | Altais, open


“I think we’re late,” Altais mused as he followed his brother from the palace. The two had been surprised to find the ballroom empty and returned to the streets. Dozens of bodies crowded the sides of the road. Some huddled, lost in conversation, while others danced in excited pockets of swaying masses. Brilliant colored paper fell from the sky, littering the ground and everyone it fell on.
“We’re never late; we’re princes.” Kaveh retorted. He clicked his tongue as he surveyed the crowd. Creatures of all shapes and sizes mingled, and Kaveh noted that he recognized some of them. During his training and education, he was required to learn about many different territories and species.

Kaveh tucked his wings close to his body and exhaled through his nose. He wasn’t particularly excited about the event, but he was pleased to see his brother eager to escape their isolated kingdom. The food and floats looked incredible, he had to admit. A table filled with jeweled fruits, expensive meats, and cheese caught Kaveh’s eye. His stomach betrayed his uninterested expression, and he kicked himself internally. The two seraphim hurried to join the other attendees on the float. It took a moment for them to adjust to the movement of the vehicle, but they eventually fell into the rhythm with ease.

“Hungry?” Altais raised an eyebrow and gestured toward the table. Kaveh turned his nose up at his brother and crossed his arms reproachfully over his elegantly adorned chest.
No, I’m going to get a drink. Go mingle,” he shrugged, turning away from the wizard. As much as he liked having his brother around, Kaveh didn’t want his brother hanging on him the whole night. It was a good opportunity for Altais to step out of his comfort zone.

Tucking a strand of silver hair behind his ears, Kaveh strowed over to the drink table and snagged a dainty glass filled with a bubbling gold liquid. He lifted the drink to sniff before taking a sip. It was fruity and buzzed in his mouth. With one hand, he adjusted the richly embellished silver tunic he was wearing and straightened his midnight colored cloak. The fabric was a rich wool that appeared to have a swirling night sky stitched into the lining. He double-checked that his silver crown was still in one place and took another swig of his drink. Glancing around, he saw his brother struggling to decide where to stand or what to do now that he was alone. The crowned prince wasn’t big on small talk despite it being part of his job description.


The Float| open


Altais’s heart skipped a beat when his brother dismissed him. The thought of mingling in such a crowd made his blood run cold. When he was left to his own devices, the royal wizard was painfully shy and awkward. He was severely under-prepared and under-exposed to social events. It was safer and quieter in his tower. However, he’d promised his teacher he’d try his best to enjoy himself. He had to admit that taking on the role as the crowned prince’s royal wizard was a great opportunity to broaden his horizons, but it was much harder than he’d thought.

Inhaling deeply, Altais ran his hands nervously over his baroqued silver robes. His fingers glided over the lavish embroidery and beads that adorned his chest. The texture was soothing and familiar. His large wings ruffled in anticipation as his pointed ears flickered back and forth. He inched closer to the food table and filled a plate. Eating would give him something to do. The spread was obviously built for royalty. He couldn’t choose between all the delicious treats so he decided to get a little bit of everything. The grapes were his first conquest; their red pearly skin looked like fine jewels. Altais popped one in his mouth and let out a startled hum of delight. It was sweet and juicy and melted on his tongue. “The food here is amazing,” he stated to no one in particular.
[center][img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=5][b][color=#868cb3]KAVEH[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]The Float | Altais, open [/font][/size] [img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=4]Kaveh felt someone’s gaze on him and turned his attention toward them. His stony grey eyes fell on a freckled harpy and a dark-skinned satyr adorned in rich gold and fine silk. He recognized the satyr after a few moments of staring. The man was the crowned prince of Miram, a kingdom allied with his home country. The Seraph had visited the kingdom six months prior for a bureaucratic meeting but hadn’t had the chance to meet the young monarch. The harpy quickly looked away most likely out of embarrassment. Kaveh wasn’t surprised by the attention; he and his brother often caught the eye of admirers. Rather vainly, he was handsome and he knew it. It was common for Seraphim to be beautiful, they had to be because they were created to sit at the right hand of God. However, that was ancient history and Amalitheas hadn’t housed Gods for over a millennium. Losing interest, he returned his thoughts to the drink table. He traded his empty glass for another and walked away. Making his way toward the protective wall of the float, he leaned leisurely against it and watched the crowd. They whispered and pointed at the royalty in excitement. He shared a small smile with them and waved. He spotted a young Seraphim couple towards the back of the mob and they fluttered their wings eagerly when they caught his eye. Kaveh nodded at them in acknowledgment before turning his back to the crowd. Despite all of the noise and delight of the parade, Kaveh found himself feeling rather bored. He wasn’t too keen on parties and this one was no different.[/size] [img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=5][b][color=#a6afde]ALTAIS[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]The Float| Gabriel and Az’Coreth[/font][/size] [img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=4]Altais munched on his plate of food and looked around. The roar of the crowd had lulled into the background and he’d grown accustomed to the bright lights and confetti. He watched as groups of people paired off and clumped together to talk. Their body language was fascinating and he tried his best to figure out what kind of conversations they were having just by observing. Social interactions weren’t his specialty but he was getting better the more he practiced. He spotted a tall, thin man with dark hair speaking with a shorter frail boy with a partially wrapped face. From where he was sitting, the two didn’t seem to get along very well but he wasn’t positive. The smaller of the two looked faint and unsteady. Immediately, Altais recognized the symbol of the Church of Retonis hanging from his neck. Altais perked up in delight, his ears flickering back and forth. He’d read about the Church of Retonis during his world religion studies and he was surprised to see a worshipper at the parade. Padding over to them, he bowed his head respectfully. He was unsure of the proper way to enter an ongoing conversation but Altais thought he’d try. [b][color=#a6afde ]“Hello,”[/color][/b] he greeted. [b][color=#a6afde ]“Pardon my intrusion, I’m Prince Altais of Amalitheas. Well, actually I’m the Royal Wizard in training,”[/color][/b] he trailed on, his tail wagged giving away his excitement and nerves. [b][color=#a6afde ]“I couldn’t help but notice the emblem around your neck. Are you by chance from the Church of Retonis?”[/color][/b] He inquired. Glancing at the taller man, he tilted his head in interest. [b][color=#a6afde ]“Oh, uh you both look very nice this evening,”[/color][/b] Altais said quickly. His teacher had taught him a compliment would take him a long way.

The Float | Altais, open


Kaveh felt someone’s gaze on him and turned his attention toward them. His stony grey eyes fell on a freckled harpy and a dark-skinned satyr adorned in rich gold and fine silk. He recognized the satyr after a few moments of staring. The man was the crowned prince of Miram, a kingdom allied with his home country. The Seraph had visited the kingdom six months prior for a bureaucratic meeting but hadn’t had the chance to meet the young monarch. The harpy quickly looked away most likely out of embarrassment. Kaveh wasn’t surprised by the attention; he and his brother often caught the eye of admirers. Rather vainly, he was handsome and he knew it. It was common for Seraphim to be beautiful, they had to be because they were created to sit at the right hand of God. However, that was ancient history and Amalitheas hadn’t housed Gods for over a millennium.

Losing interest, he returned his thoughts to the drink table. He traded his empty glass for another and walked away. Making his way toward the protective wall of the float, he leaned leisurely against it and watched the crowd. They whispered and pointed at the royalty in excitement. He shared a small smile with them and waved. He spotted a young Seraphim couple towards the back of the mob and they fluttered their wings eagerly when they caught his eye. Kaveh nodded at them in acknowledgment before turning his back to the crowd. Despite all of the noise and delight of the parade, Kaveh found himself feeling rather bored. He wasn’t too keen on parties and this one was no different.


The Float| Gabriel and Az’Coreth


Altais munched on his plate of food and looked around. The roar of the crowd had lulled into the background and he’d grown accustomed to the bright lights and confetti. He watched as groups of people paired off and clumped together to talk. Their body language was fascinating and he tried his best to figure out what kind of conversations they were having just by observing. Social interactions weren’t his specialty but he was getting better the more he practiced.

He spotted a tall, thin man with dark hair speaking with a shorter frail boy with a partially wrapped face. From where he was sitting, the two didn’t seem to get along very well but he wasn’t positive. The smaller of the two looked faint and unsteady. Immediately, Altais recognized the symbol of the Church of Retonis hanging from his neck. Altais perked up in delight, his ears flickering back and forth. He’d read about the Church of Retonis during his world religion studies and he was surprised to see a worshipper at the parade.

Padding over to them, he bowed his head respectfully. He was unsure of the proper way to enter an ongoing conversation but Altais thought he’d try. “Hello,” he greeted. “Pardon my intrusion, I’m Prince Altais of Amalitheas. Well, actually I’m the Royal Wizard in training,” he trailed on, his tail wagged giving away his excitement and nerves. “I couldn’t help but notice the emblem around your neck. Are you by chance from the Church of Retonis?” He inquired. Glancing at the taller man, he tilted his head in interest. “Oh, uh you both look very nice this evening,” Altais said quickly. His teacher had taught him a compliment would take him a long way.

[center] [font=Herculanum][size=5][color=#a1b3d4]land of the starlight and moonstone[/color][/size] Amalitheas lore written for Waltz of Whispers[/font] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [font=Herculanum][size=5][b][color=#a1b3d4]DESCRIPTION[/color][/b][/size][/font] [font=Bookman][size=4]Amalitheas is an age-old kingdom shrouded in darkness, their land living in endless night. Rumors say the king of Amalitheas lights the moon each night until the morning sun replaces it in the sky. The Kingdom of Amalitheas is veiled in moonlight and mystery. There isn't much written history about the territory or where the kingdom actually lies. However, scholars say Amalitheas is a starlight valley nestled between two mountains with peaks that hide in the clouds. The rare moonflower is native to their lush valley and is used in many cultural rituals. Several rivers split the valley; the water appears to be liquid silver. Most of the architecture is built with marble and stone, and high arches and ornate pillars decorate most of the buildings. The inhabitants of Amalitheas are the hierarchy of angels and pegasi. They travel on wind currents, slip between shadows, and some even skip between reflections of moonlight on objects and water.[/font][/size] [font=Herculanum][size=5][b][color=#a1b3d4]HISTORY[/color][/b][/size][/font] [font=Bookman][size=4]txt[/font][/size] [font=Herculanum][size=5][b][color=#a1b3d4]RELIGION[/color][/b][/size][/font] [font=Bookman][size=4]txt[/font][/size] [font=Herculanum][size=5][b][color=#a1b3d4]TERRAIN & LOCATION[/color][/b][/size][/font] [font=Bookman][size=4]txt[/font][/size] [font=Herculanum][size=5][b][color=#a1b3d4]INHABITANTS[/color][/b][/size][/font] [font=Bookman][size=4]txt[/font][/size] [font=Herculanum][size=5][b][color=#a1b3d4]TRADE[/color][/b][/size][/font] [font=Bookman][size=4]Silver, Moonstone, Moonflowers, Silk, Fruit, Marble, Stone, Magic Goods and Wares, Tinctures, Spells, Pelts, Meats, and Dyes. Amalitheas's rich mines are filled with silver, moonstone, marble, and a variety of stones. They are known for their strong forges powered with pale flames. Most of their buildings are made from the material found in the mines. Their jewelry is luxurious and handcrafted by the finest whitesmiths and jewelers. [/font][/size] [font=Bookman][size=4][/size] [b][color=#143580]#143580[/color] [color=#24576f]#24576f[/color] [color=#0c2444]#0c2444[/color] [color=#040825]#040825[/color] [color=#44c4cc]#44c4cc[/color] [color=#3b73ca]#3b73ca[/color] [color=#648ccc]#648ccc[/color] [color=#435697]#435697[/color] [color=#a1b3d4]#a1b3d4[/color] [color=#e3e7f1]#e3e7f1[/color] [/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] Icon by [url=]Martith[/url] Moon by [url=]altairas[/url] Wings by [url=]strobelast[/url]
land of the starlight and moonstone
Amalitheas lore written for Waltz of Whispers




Amalitheas is an age-old kingdom shrouded in darkness, their land living in endless night. Rumors say the king of Amalitheas lights the moon each night until the morning sun replaces it in the sky. The Kingdom of Amalitheas is veiled in moonlight and mystery. There isn't much written history about the territory or where the kingdom actually lies. However, scholars say Amalitheas is a starlight valley nestled between two mountains with peaks that hide in the clouds. The rare moonflower is native to their lush valley and is used in many cultural rituals. Several rivers split the valley; the water appears to be liquid silver. Most of the architecture is built with marble and stone, and high arches and ornate pillars decorate most of the buildings. The inhabitants of Amalitheas are the hierarchy of angels and pegasi. They travel on wind currents, slip between shadows, and some even skip between reflections of moonlight on objects and water.





Silver, Moonstone, Moonflowers, Silk, Fruit, Marble, Stone, Magic Goods and Wares, Tinctures, Spells, Pelts, Meats, and Dyes.

Amalitheas's rich mines are filled with silver, moonstone, marble, and a variety of stones. They are known for their strong forges powered with pale flames. Most of their buildings are made from the material found in the mines. Their jewelry is luxurious and handcrafted by the finest whitesmiths and jewelers.




Icon by Martith
Moon by altairas
Wings by strobelast
[center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][font=Georgia][i]The[/i] last of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is [b]d e a t h.[/b] He is a pale figure riding a pale horse, always followed by Hades. Everyone meets death eventually. Some fear him, while others greet him like an old friend.[/font][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=#000066][b]NAME:[/b] [/color] Silas, [i]Death[/i] [color=#000066][b]AGE:[/b] [/color] Unknown [color=#000066][b]GENDER:[/b] [/color] Genderless, but he identifies as male. [color=#000066][b]PRONOUNS:[/b] [/color]He/him [color=#000066][b]SPECIES:[/b] [/color]Omen, [I] Personification of Death[/i] [color=#000066][b]ROLE:[/b] [/color]Death [color=#000066][b]ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:[/b][/color] Fluid [color=#000066][b]PERSONALITY:[/b][/color] Somber | Quiet | Thoughtful | Observant | Dutiful | Reserve | Stoic Death weighs heavily on Silas's shoulders. It stares at him when he looks in the mirror, and he sees it in the face of those around him. He remembers the name and face of every soul he's taken. Some beg for more time while others take his hand expectantly. But, unlike his brothers, Silas is the most peaceful death. It is his nature to come to everyone and everything at its natural end. Silas is a quiet man. He prefers to keep to himself and observe those around him. His presence often goes unnoticed and can easily slip in and out of the room between the shadows. He is a man of few words, but when he does speak, he chooses his words with care. Due to his dutiful nature and contemplative disposition, his opinion is often sought after. Despite his marble exterior, Silas has a soft side. He is deeply affected by those around him and regularly needs time to recharge alone. He keeps a tight lid on his emotions and tends to blow up in solitude. Death never cries in front of others. [color=#000066][b]ABILITIES/SKILLS:[/b][/color] [b]x[/b] People usually have two reactions when in the presence of death, irrational fear or tranquility. Some people have noted a heightened anxiety response to being near him, like heart palpitations, shortness of breath, etc. Others feel a warm sense of calm, like being hugged by a loved one or recently meditating. [b]x[/b] Death. Before coming to the academy, Silas was the sole shepherd of death. He helped deliver souls to Hades. [b]x[/b] Control over darkness. Darkness billows and flows around him like a cloud or a river. [b]x[/b] Water freezes when he touches it. The room is colder when he enters. [b]x[/b] Decay. [b]x[/b] Silas is an accomplished artist. He has had dozens of art shows under the pen name Thanatos. (He isn't very creative when it comes to pen names, though.) [color=#000066][b]WEAKNESSES:[/b][/color] His emotions: one day they will swallow him whole. His trauma demands recognition and acceptance. He will need to ask for help before he implodes like a black hole. His brothers: he has sworn an oath to him, and he is nothing but loyal. He cares for them too much. [color=#000066][b]HISTORY:[/b][/color] Trauma and time have locked away Silas's memories of Paradise. The faces of the lives he has taken fill the nooks and crannies of his mind and grip his heart. His memories are too much to handle, and he refuses to acknowledge his darkness. Without realizing it, Silas isolated himself and drifted away from his sworn brothers. However, he finds himself falling back into their orbit. Even if he won't open up to them, he wants to be near them and be their ally. [color=#000066][b]OTHER:[/b][/color] [b]x[/b] Silas is not blood-related to any of the Horseman. (Willing to change this if anyone is interested.) He has sworn a blood oath to them, which is the highest promise. [b]x[/b] He rides a pale stallion named Aethras. In the moonlight, the stallion appears to be only a skeleton. [b]x[/b] Silas has acquired many hobbies over the eons he's been around. Drawing and playing piano are his most well-known pastimes. He often doodles on napkins if he doesn't have his sketchbook with him. He also likes to birdwatch. Birds have a tendency to flock to him and perch his shoulder since he sits very still. [b]x[/b] He is a excellent cook. [color=#000066][b]APPEARANCE:[/b][/color] Silas is a tall, spindly man with a ghostly complexion. He is handsome yet forgettable. Most who meet him struggle to describe him. Permanent bags reside underneath his sharp, slate-colored eyes. Long, raven eyelashes cast shadows on his gaunt cheeks. An aloof expression often plagues his face, yet his thin eyebrows often betray his apathy. He has short, fluffy obsidian hair that rarely lies flat and has never seen a brush. His taste in clothing is simple yet classy. For everyday wear, Silas usually wears a snug-fitting dress shirt, pressed dress pants, and a matching overcoat, often in dark tones of grey, navy, black, and maroon. He isn't too keen on jewelry besides two silver rings on either pointer finger. As for footwear, he hates to admit he has a weakness for Italian leather shoes and combat boots. His closet is filled with Oxfords, Derbies, and a dozen unique designs. [/size][/font]
The last of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is d e a t h. He is a pale figure riding a pale horse, always followed by Hades. Everyone meets death eventually. Some fear him, while others greet him like an old friend.

NAME: Silas, Death
AGE: Unknown
GENDER: Genderless, but he identifies as male.
SPECIES: Omen, Personification of Death
ROLE: Death

Somber | Quiet | Thoughtful | Observant | Dutiful | Reserve | Stoic

Death weighs heavily on Silas's shoulders. It stares at him when he looks in the mirror, and he sees it in the face of those around him. He remembers the name and face of every soul he's taken. Some beg for more time while others take his hand expectantly. But, unlike his brothers, Silas is the most peaceful death. It is his nature to come to everyone and everything at its natural end.
Silas is a quiet man. He prefers to keep to himself and observe those around him. His presence often goes unnoticed and can easily slip in and out of the room between the shadows. He is a man of few words, but when he does speak, he chooses his words with care. Due to his dutiful nature and contemplative disposition, his opinion is often sought after.
Despite his marble exterior, Silas has a soft side. He is deeply affected by those around him and regularly needs time to recharge alone. He keeps a tight lid on his emotions and tends to blow up in solitude. Death never cries in front of others.


x People usually have two reactions when in the presence of death, irrational fear or tranquility. Some people have noted a heightened anxiety response to being near him, like heart palpitations, shortness of breath, etc. Others feel a warm sense of calm, like being hugged by a loved one or recently meditating.
x Death. Before coming to the academy, Silas was the sole shepherd of death. He helped deliver souls to Hades.
x Control over darkness. Darkness billows and flows around him like a cloud or a river.
x Water freezes when he touches it. The room is colder when he enters.
x Decay.
x Silas is an accomplished artist. He has had dozens of art shows under the pen name Thanatos. (He isn't very creative when it comes to pen names, though.)


His emotions: one day they will swallow him whole. His trauma demands recognition and acceptance. He will need to ask for help before he implodes like a black hole.

His brothers: he has sworn an oath to him, and he is nothing but loyal. He cares for them too much.

Trauma and time have locked away Silas's memories of Paradise. The faces of the lives he has taken fill the nooks and crannies of his mind and grip his heart. His memories are too much to handle, and he refuses to acknowledge his darkness.
Without realizing it, Silas isolated himself and drifted away from his sworn brothers. However, he finds himself falling back into their orbit. Even if he won't open up to them, he wants to be near them and be their ally.


x Silas is not blood-related to any of the Horseman. (Willing to change this if anyone is interested.) He has sworn a blood oath to them, which is the highest promise.
x He rides a pale stallion named Aethras. In the moonlight, the stallion appears to be only a skeleton.
x Silas has acquired many hobbies over the eons he's been around. Drawing and playing piano are his most well-known pastimes. He often doodles on napkins if he doesn't have his sketchbook with him. He also likes to birdwatch. Birds have a tendency to flock to him and perch his shoulder since he sits very still.
x He is a excellent cook.


Silas is a tall, spindly man with a ghostly complexion. He is handsome yet forgettable. Most who meet him struggle to describe him. Permanent bags reside underneath his sharp, slate-colored eyes. Long, raven eyelashes cast shadows on his gaunt cheeks. An aloof expression often plagues his face, yet his thin eyebrows often betray his apathy. He has short, fluffy obsidian hair that rarely lies flat and has never seen a brush.

His taste in clothing is simple yet classy. For everyday wear, Silas usually wears a snug-fitting dress shirt, pressed dress pants, and a matching overcoat, often in dark tones of grey, navy, black, and maroon. He isn't too keen on jewelry besides two silver rings on either pointer finger. As for footwear, he hates to admit he has a weakness for Italian leather shoes and combat boots. His closet is filled with Oxfords, Derbies, and a dozen unique designs.

[center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][font=Georgia][b]P R I D E[/b] is what allienates one from God. Bask in self-glory and self-righteousness. Sin because at the end there is only [i]death[/i].[/font][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][font=Georgia][color=#006666][b]NAME:[/b] [/color] Aristide, Ari [color=#006666][b]AGE:[/b] [/color] Young Adult [color=#006666][b]GENDER:[/b] [/color] Non-binary [color=#006666][b]PRONOUNS:[/b] [/color]She/Her [color=#006666][b]SPECIES:[/b] [/color]Pride Demon [color=#006666][b]ROLE:[/b] [/color]Demon Exchange Student [color=#006666][b]ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:[/b][/color] Pan [color=#006666][b]PERSONALITY:[/b][/color] Outgoing | Proud | Reckless | Playful | Arrogant | Loyal | Adventurous . Aristide is the life of the party. She's a rough-and-tumble kind of demon that doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut. There is a glint in her eye that one might read as insanity, but who isn't a little insane? Ari tries her best to make the people around her feel welcomed and special. She's loud and always ready to get into trouble. Her friends describe her as someone who is [i]'ride or die'[/i] and [i]tells it how it is.[/i] Her quirks are, she hates clutter and can fit all of her belongings in one bag; she's blunt and doesn't believe in lying for someone's own good. She has a tendency to purge her items a lot because she lived with hoarders growing up. (Might write more/re-write this later.) [color=#006666][b]ABILITIES/SKILLS:[/b][/color] Aristide is a pride demon, and her specialty is control. She can manipulate matter and command it to bend against her will. The most common magic she does is elemental manipulation and telekinetic movements. She mostly likes to play with fire, electricity, and weather. Another ability that falls under control is the minds and wills of others. Humans are very easily persuaded, but despite being a demon, Ari feels that manipulating people is distasteful. [b]x[/b] She can shapeshift into a black panther. [b]x[/b] She is a skilled chef and likes to cook and bake in her free time. [b]x[/b] Gardening is important to her because she cares about sustainably sourced ingredients. [b]x[/b] She enjoys fishing and hunting as well. [color=#006666][b]WEAKNESSES:[/b][/color] Aristide has a hard time saying no. She fills her days up and rarely has time to rest and recharge. Because she's an extrovert, Ari loves to spend time with other people. However, she hasn't realized she isn't comfortable being alone. She is constantly surrounded by people because she can't be alone with her thoughts. She's loyal to a fault but has a hard time sharing her problems with others. She had to be strong growing up and currently doesn't know how to lighten her load. Ari can't sit still and constantly needs to fidget with things. Despite being a chef, Ari struggles to get enough to eat. She is picky about textures, and something she's eaten a thousand times could suddenly become inedible. [color=#006666][b]HISTORY:[/b][/color] Aristide grew up with nothing. Poverty sunk its claws into her family and haunts her to this day. She was a happy child despite her trauma, and she loved her parents. Her parents struggled to throw things away, therefore, her small home was filled to the brim with unnecessary things. Because there was nothing really to do at home, Ari spent most of her time outside. She loved to wander and play in the woods. Summer months were filled with swimming, camping, hunting, foraging, and sports. When the weather turned cold, Ari took up hiking and snowboarding. Ari worked as a part-time chef for a local artisan restaurant and learned how to cook under a well-known demon. Demons and angels around the world traveled to taste his food. He taught her the importance of sharing food with people you care about and it's something she has taken with her everywhere. When Aristide got the opportunity to attend Devildom, she knew she would never return to her parents. She wanted to make a step out and make a name for herself. [color=#006666][b]OTHER:[/b][/color] [b]x[/b] Ari plans on taking up a part-time job in a restaurant or bakery once she is settled into school. [b]x[/b] Sometimes, she wanders off and ends up sleeping outside. [b]x[/b] She's picked up a few demon languages while working in a kitchen. [b]x[/b] Ari has an photographic memory. [color=#006666][b]APPEARANCE:[/b][/color] Aristide is a lean, muscular demon that stands at 5'9. Her shoulders are strong and broad, but when she's dressed, her body is unassuming. She has long dark hair with rainbow streaks underneath that appear to change colors in the sunlight and bushy eyebrows. Her eyes are the color of the ocean and are cat-like. A large scar cuts her face in half across the bridge of her nose, and her body is littered with dozens of battle scars. Another notable feature is her sharp fangs and huge smile. As for clothing, Aristide leans towards masculine cuts. She likes formfitting dress pants in all kinds of patterns, button-ups, and the occasional blazer. Rings adorn every finger, and she often wears a few necklaces. She has wildflower tattoo sleeves on both arms that connect across her chest. [/size][/font]
P R I D E is what allienates one from God. Bask in self-glory and self-righteousness. Sin because at the end there is only death.

NAME: Aristide, Ari
AGE: Young Adult
GENDER: Non-binary
SPECIES: Pride Demon
ROLE: Demon Exchange Student

Outgoing | Proud | Reckless | Playful | Arrogant | Loyal | Adventurous
Aristide is the life of the party. She's a rough-and-tumble kind of demon that doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut. There is a glint in her eye that one might read as insanity, but who isn't a little insane? Ari tries her best to make the people around her feel welcomed and special. She's loud and always ready to get into trouble. Her friends describe her as someone who is 'ride or die' and tells it how it is.
Her quirks are, she hates clutter and can fit all of her belongings in one bag; she's blunt and doesn't believe in lying for someone's own good. She has a tendency to purge her items a lot because she lived with hoarders growing up.

(Might write more/re-write this later.)


Aristide is a pride demon, and her specialty is control. She can manipulate matter and command it to bend against her will. The most common magic she does is elemental manipulation and telekinetic movements. She mostly likes to play with fire, electricity, and weather.

Another ability that falls under control is the minds and wills of others. Humans are very easily persuaded, but despite being a demon, Ari feels that manipulating people is distasteful.

x She can shapeshift into a black panther.
x She is a skilled chef and likes to cook and bake in her free time.
x Gardening is important to her because she cares about sustainably sourced ingredients.
x She enjoys fishing and hunting as well.


Aristide has a hard time saying no. She fills her days up and rarely has time to rest and recharge. Because she's an extrovert, Ari loves to spend time with other people. However, she hasn't realized she isn't comfortable being alone. She is constantly surrounded by people because she can't be alone with her thoughts.

She's loyal to a fault but has a hard time sharing her problems with others. She had to be strong growing up and currently doesn't know how to lighten her load.

Ari can't sit still and constantly needs to fidget with things.

Despite being a chef, Ari struggles to get enough to eat. She is picky about textures, and something she's eaten a thousand times could suddenly become inedible.


Aristide grew up with nothing. Poverty sunk its claws into her family and haunts her to this day. She was a happy child despite her trauma, and she loved her parents. Her parents struggled to throw things away, therefore, her small home was filled to the brim with unnecessary things.

Because there was nothing really to do at home, Ari spent most of her time outside. She loved to wander and play in the woods. Summer months were filled with swimming, camping, hunting, foraging, and sports. When the weather turned cold, Ari took up hiking and snowboarding.

Ari worked as a part-time chef for a local artisan restaurant and learned how to cook under a well-known demon. Demons and angels around the world traveled to taste his food. He taught her the importance of sharing food with people you care about and it's something she has taken with her everywhere.
When Aristide got the opportunity to attend Devildom, she knew she would never return to her parents. She wanted to make a step out and make a name for herself.


x Ari plans on taking up a part-time job in a restaurant or bakery once she is settled into school.
x Sometimes, she wanders off and ends up sleeping outside.
x She's picked up a few demon languages while working in a kitchen.
x Ari has an photographic memory.


Aristide is a lean, muscular demon that stands at 5'9. Her shoulders are strong and broad, but when she's dressed, her body is unassuming. She has long dark hair with rainbow streaks underneath that appear to change colors in the sunlight and bushy eyebrows. Her eyes are the color of the ocean and are cat-like. A large scar cuts her face in half across the bridge of her nose, and her body is littered with dozens of battle scars. Another notable feature is her sharp fangs and huge smile.

As for clothing, Aristide leans towards masculine cuts. She likes formfitting dress pants in all kinds of patterns, button-ups, and the occasional blazer. Rings adorn every finger, and she often wears a few necklaces. She has wildflower tattoo sleeves on both arms that connect across her chest.

[center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][font=Georgia]The [b]S T I N G[/b] is what brings you back for more. You [i]crave[/i] it. You wish to burn and blister.[/font][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Franklin Gothic][color=#870F06][b]NAME:[/b][/color] Ulryck Diocara [color=#870F06][b]AGE:[/b][/color] Twenty-six [color=#870F06][b]GENDER:[/b][/color] Male, He/him [color=#870F06][b] VOICE:[/b] #870F06[/color] A deep, rough rumble like a stormy night. [color=#870F06][b]PLANT:[/b][/color] Stinging Nettle [color=#870F06][b]APPEARANCE:[/b][/color] Ulrych is a tall, pale man with a broad chest, squared to shoulder the world. Old scars lace across his calloused hands, snaking around his arms and chest. Burn marks cloak his eyes like a mask, cutting his face in half. Ulrych might have been handsome if not for the accident that left him blind in his left eye. But now, his face is only something a mother could love. He keeps his snowy white hair cropped short and brushed to the side. [color=#870F06][b]NOTEABLE FEATURES:[/b][/color] x Piercing scarlet red eyes silhouetted by long white eyelashes. x Sharp canine teeth. x Burn scars across the bridge of his nose, eyes, and littering his body. [color=#870F06][b]POWER:[/b][/color] Electricity [u]VERDANT EFFLUENCE: Circuit Board[/u] Like a lightning bolt across the sky, the plants around Ulrych jump to life. An electrical current spreads through the earth and commands the greenery to spring forth and climb toward the sky. For a few moments after, visible electricity flickers along the stalks and leaves of the plants. [u]Ability Name: Volt[/u] Ulrych can bend electricity to his will. He manipulates it in his fingers like taught stands of string. When he enters a room, the people around him note a vigorous humming sound from the lights, the electricity flowing through the wires confused by his presence. He has spent his entire life honing this dangerous skill. He's like a plug without a grounding rod, always overflowing with electric energy. The scars on his skin are the living records of his mistakes. [u]Ability Name: Amplifier[/u] Because of his overflowing energy, Ulrych is like a battery for the people around him. His energy can be used to power simple things like electronics or more complex things like other people's abilities. However, if he gives too much, he is at risk for burnout and long rest periods. Additionally, his energy can be too much and cause blackouts or harm to those around him. [color=#870F06][b]SPECIAL EQUIPMENT:[/b][/color] [u]Equipment Name: Rectifier[/u] A thin with ornate tips emulating soft wings crafted from pure silver. Rather than taking arrows, the bow shoots lightning. Despite its metal material, the weapon is lightweight. [u]Equipment Name: Arclight[/u] A clear crystal orb the size of a baseball. When Ulrych touches it, the orb fills with electricity and emits light. It hovers in the air wherever it's commanded to. [color=#870F06][b]GENERAL EQUIPMENT:[/b][/color] A hunting knife, a pistol, a medical kit, and a small toolbox. [color=#870F06][b]DESCRIPTION:[/b][/color] Ulrych had the misfortune of being born into a family of [i]rich[/i] tradition. His father, General Benedict Diocara, ruled with an iron fist and no 'I love you's. And his mother, Gladius, a simple woman from old money, agreed her husband was always right. She loved her son to the best of her ability, but when her husband demanded their freakish son with electricity in his veins should attend military school, she agreed without a fuss. He grew up behind a barbed wire fence, dreaming of the world on the other side. It took him the first ten years of his life to gain control of his powers. Looking back, he might even admit he was thankful for his parents' decision to send him away. He could practice to his heart's content away from watchful eyes, the burns on his body a timeline of his progress. Despite his initial fears, he wasn't the only one with unnatural abilities in his battalion. Those in charge took extra care to push him to perfection. Due to his affinity for electricity and mathematical mind, Ulrych spent his teens and early twenties working as an electrical engineer. He had the magic touch and could fix any machine he put his mind to. He eventually moved up the ranks to pilot for the military, doing reconnaissance work outside the Arboretum. However, his career was short-lived after an explosion onboard a fighter plane stole part of his sight and pride. He was honorably discharged and retired in the Greenhouse's hands. [color=#870F06][b]OTHER:[/b][/color] x He is a certified military medic. x He's often described as a grandpa because he likes to go to bed early, drinks expensive whiskey to wind down, and enjoys sudoku. x Ulrych was an only child for the first twenty years of his life but now has a sister who doesn't know he exists. x Can't feel anything in his left arm. x Signed an NDA while in the military. He's seen things and knows things he cannot share with anyone. [/center][/size]
The S T I N G is what brings you back for more. You crave it. You wish to burn and blister.
NAME: Ulryck Diocara
AGE: Twenty-six
GENDER: Male, He/him
VOICE: #870F06 A deep, rough rumble like a stormy night.
PLANT: Stinging Nettle

Ulrych is a tall, pale man with a broad chest, squared to shoulder the world. Old scars lace across his calloused hands, snaking around his arms and chest. Burn marks cloak his eyes like a mask, cutting his face in half. Ulrych might have been handsome if not for the accident that left him blind in his left eye. But now, his face is only something a mother could love. He keeps his snowy white hair cropped short and brushed to the side.

x Piercing scarlet red eyes silhouetted by long white eyelashes.
x Sharp canine teeth.
x Burn scars across the bridge of his nose, eyes, and littering his body.

POWER: Electricity
Like a lightning bolt across the sky, the plants around Ulrych jump to life. An electrical current spreads through the earth and commands the greenery to spring forth and climb toward the sky. For a few moments after, visible electricity flickers along the stalks and leaves of the plants.
Ability Name: Volt
Ulrych can bend electricity to his will. He manipulates it in his fingers like taught stands of string. When he enters a room, the people around him note a vigorous humming sound from the lights, the electricity flowing through the wires confused by his presence. He has spent his entire life honing this dangerous skill. He's like a plug without a grounding rod, always overflowing with electric energy. The scars on his skin are the living records of his mistakes.
Ability Name: Amplifier
Because of his overflowing energy, Ulrych is like a battery for the people around him. His energy can be used to power simple things like electronics or more complex things like other people's abilities. However, if he gives too much, he is at risk for burnout and long rest periods. Additionally, his energy can be too much and cause blackouts or harm to those around him.
Equipment Name: Rectifier
A thin with ornate tips emulating soft wings crafted from pure silver. Rather than taking arrows, the bow shoots lightning. Despite its metal material, the weapon is lightweight.
Equipment Name: Arclight
A clear crystal orb the size of a baseball. When Ulrych touches it, the orb fills with electricity and emits light. It hovers in the air wherever it's commanded to.
A hunting knife, a pistol, a medical kit, and a small toolbox.

Ulrych had the misfortune of being born into a family of rich tradition. His father, General Benedict Diocara, ruled with an iron fist and no 'I love you's. And his mother, Gladius, a simple woman from old money, agreed her husband was always right. She loved her son to the best of her ability, but when her husband demanded their freakish son with electricity in his veins should attend military school, she agreed without a fuss. He grew up behind a barbed wire fence, dreaming of the world on the other side.

It took him the first ten years of his life to gain control of his powers. Looking back, he might even admit he was thankful for his parents' decision to send him away. He could practice to his heart's content away from watchful eyes, the burns on his body a timeline of his progress. Despite his initial fears, he wasn't the only one with unnatural abilities in his battalion. Those in charge took extra care to push him to perfection.

Due to his affinity for electricity and mathematical mind, Ulrych spent his teens and early twenties working as an electrical engineer. He had the magic touch and could fix any machine he put his mind to. He eventually moved up the ranks to pilot for the military, doing reconnaissance work outside the Arboretum. However, his career was short-lived after an explosion onboard a fighter plane stole part of his sight and pride. He was honorably discharged and retired in the Greenhouse's hands.

x He is a certified military medic.
x He's often described as a grandpa because he likes to go to bed early, drinks expensive whiskey to wind down, and enjoys sudoku.
x Ulrych was an only child for the first twenty years of his life but now has a sister who doesn't know he exists.
x Can't feel anything in his left arm.
x Signed an NDA while in the military. He's seen things and knows things he cannot share with anyone.

[center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][font=Georgia]Beauty is [b]D E A D LY[/b] and hypnotic. If you're not careful, you'll [i]sink[/i] in the murk.[/font][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Franklin Gothic][color=#20374C][b]NAME:[/b][/color] Indrid Antropes [color=#20374C][b]AGE:[/b][/color] Twenty-four [color=#20374C][b]GENDER:[/b][/color] Non-binary, He/they [color=#20374C][b] VOICE:[/b] #20374C[/color] A soft, melodic tenor. Dreamy. [color=#20374C][b]PLANT:[/b][/color] Atropa Belladonna [color=#20374C][b]APPEARANCE:[/b][/color] Indrid is the spitting image of their mother—long legs, jet-black locks of pencil-straight hair, and soft, hooded grey eyes. They're tall with a haunting beauty. People often describe Indrid as a wallflower; he's always observing and is easy to miss. Indrid has always left his hair long. It falls in smooth flats around his knees, and he tends to mess with them absently. [color=#20374C][b]NOTEABLE FEATURES:[/b][/color] x Long, silky swaths of midnight hair that end at his knees x Observant storm grey eyes x Thin, nimble fingers adorned with dainty silver rings [color=#20374C][b]POWER:[/b][/color] Psychosis [u]VERDANT EFFLUENCE: Aberration[/u] Plants around Indrid grow rapidly and erratically. They burst from the earth with desperation, eager to please their master. During their growth, the earth around them blackens and dies. [u]Ability Name: Hysteria[/u] The mind is a fickle thing. Through touch alone, sanity is Indrid's domain. His ability causes whomever he touches to hallucinate. This effect is strengthened through how he touches his victim whether he exposes them to his blood and saliva. Some of the more "mild" symptom include blurred vision, convulsions, and seizures. But the real magic lies in the hallucinations. Indrid can break the mind of the person they touch. Prolonged exposure to their abilities causes delirium, memory loss, and brain damage. [color=#20374C][b]SPECIAL EQUIPMENT:[/b][/color] [u]Equipment Name: Psyche[/u] A hand spun lasso made from the fibers of the belladona plant. The thread is meticulously woven to be nearly indestructible. Indrid uses it to capture their enemies like a spider spinning it's web. [color=#20374C][b]GENERAL EQUIPMENT:[/b][/color] A small knife made of pure silver, a hand gun with ammunition, and a sewing kit. [color=#20374C][b]DESCRIPTION:[/b][/color] Indrid was a sickly child born to a low income family. His mother was a seamstress and raised her child on her own. Where they lacked in materials, they were abundant in love. Due to his poor health, Indrid spent most of his time inside. They passed their days reading and sewing with their mother. Just as Indrid was finishing secondary school, their mother married a kind doctor with two of her own children. They became a blended family and they were happy for awhile. Indrid became transfixed with the world of medicine. He started following his step-mother to work, learning everything he could by watching. Instead of sewing dresses, Indrid was doing sutures. Things were great for Indrid but before they could apply to medical school, Viridus Project reared it's ugly head and they were spirited away. [color=#20374C][b]OTHER:[/b][/color] x Indrid makes a lot of their own clothes. x They can read both Latin and Greek despite their lack of use in the modern world. x He has two older step sisters. One of them is a scientist working for the Viridus Project but not closely related to the subjects. x They're proficient at piano. [/center][/size]
Beauty is D E A D LY and hypnotic. If you're not careful, you'll sink in the murk.
NAME: Indrid Antropes
AGE: Twenty-four
GENDER: Non-binary, He/they
VOICE: #20374C A soft, melodic tenor. Dreamy.
PLANT: Atropa Belladonna

Indrid is the spitting image of their mother—long legs, jet-black locks of pencil-straight hair, and soft, hooded grey eyes. They're tall with a haunting beauty. People often describe Indrid as a wallflower; he's always observing and is easy to miss. Indrid has always left his hair long. It falls in smooth flats around his knees, and he tends to mess with them absently.

x Long, silky swaths of midnight hair that end at his knees
x Observant storm grey eyes
x Thin, nimble fingers adorned with dainty silver rings

POWER: Psychosis
Plants around Indrid grow rapidly and erratically. They burst from the earth with desperation, eager to please their master. During their growth, the earth around them blackens and dies.
Ability Name: Hysteria
The mind is a fickle thing. Through touch alone, sanity is Indrid's domain. His ability causes whomever he touches to hallucinate. This effect is strengthened through how he touches his victim whether he exposes them to his blood and saliva. Some of the more "mild" symptom include blurred vision, convulsions, and seizures. But the real magic lies in the hallucinations. Indrid can break the mind of the person they touch. Prolonged exposure to their abilities causes delirium, memory loss, and brain damage.

Equipment Name: Psyche
A hand spun lasso made from the fibers of the belladona plant. The thread is meticulously woven to be nearly indestructible. Indrid uses it to capture their enemies like a spider spinning it's web.

A small knife made of pure silver, a hand gun with ammunition, and a sewing kit.

Indrid was a sickly child born to a low income family. His mother was a seamstress and raised her child on her own. Where they lacked in materials, they were abundant in love. Due to his poor health, Indrid spent most of his time inside. They passed their days reading and sewing with their mother.

Just as Indrid was finishing secondary school, their mother married a kind doctor with two of her own children. They became a blended family and they were happy for awhile. Indrid became transfixed with the world of medicine. He started following his step-mother to work, learning everything he could by watching. Instead of sewing dresses, Indrid was doing sutures.
Things were great for Indrid but before they could apply to medical school, Viridus Project reared it's ugly head and they were spirited away.
x Indrid makes a lot of their own clothes.
x They can read both Latin and Greek despite their lack of use in the modern world.
x He has two older step sisters. One of them is a scientist working for the Viridus Project but not closely related to the subjects.
x They're proficient at piano.

[center][img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=5][b][color=#870F06]ULRYCH DIOCARA[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma | Maia, open [/font][/size] [img][/img] [font=Bookman][size=4]The scent of leather and mildew filled the veteran's nose. Regret and envy squeezed his chest. Every bump of turbulence sent a thrill up his spine. Ulrych longed for open skies and the steering wheel in his hands. But that was his old life, empty and forgotten. Crossing one leg over the other, Ulrych leaned against the cool metal wall of the aircraft, wishing desperately for a window just to catch another glimpse of what was out there. He ran a hand over his bad eye, pressing his palm firmly into the socket. The persistent throbbing eased with the pressure. It was easy to ignore the other passengers aboard despite his growing curiosity. There would be time to socialize later, but for now, his mind was on the mission. After he retired from the military, he'd lost his identity and craved direction. He knew better than to think he was a free man during his service, but at least he had a purpose. His heart lurched as the aircraft landed, the familiar sound of the wheels deploying easing his nerves. Yawning, his ears popping against the pressure. He rose to his feet and stretched. His eyes flicked to Moran, her midnight hair gleaming blue under the fluorescent lights. She gestured for the passenger to exist. Ulrych obliged. As he passed her, his gaze lingered on hers for a moment but they didn't speak. There was nothing to say. He took the key card and exited. As he filed into the breezeway, Ulrych noticed the creatures blocking the exit. The buzzing of the wasps roared in his ears. For a moment, Ulrych thought the slumbering Catastrophe would wake at the sound, but after a few beats of silence, the monster grumbled and flipped over in its sleep. Instinctively, Ulrych lifted his hand. The electricity in the air cracked, eager to please its master. It would have been easy to destroy the Catastrophe and the wasps, but the veteran remembered where he was. He couldn't guarantee the safety of his comrades and he wasn't in charge here. Exhaling, he let the spark dissipate. Just as he was about to open his mouth, Maia got to the question first. [color=#e30959][b]“What's the battle plan?”[/b][/color] She asked the group. Ulrych thought for a moment. Anything they did to the wasps would wake the Catastrophe or vice versa. They needed to split up and target both enemies at once. But how should they team up? [color=#870F06][b]“We need to attack the wasps and the Catastrophe simultaneously. Do you have any ideas?”[/b][/color] Ulrych added, surveying the group. He wasn't sure who was built for short-range attacks or long-range. As long as they stayed quiet, they should have enough time to formulate a plan. [/font][/size][/center]

Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma | Maia, open


The scent of leather and mildew filled the veteran's nose. Regret and envy squeezed his chest. Every bump of turbulence sent a thrill up his spine. Ulrych longed for open skies and the steering wheel in his hands. But that was his old life, empty and forgotten.
Crossing one leg over the other, Ulrych leaned against the cool metal wall of the aircraft, wishing desperately for a window just to catch another glimpse of what was out there. He ran a hand over his bad eye, pressing his palm firmly into the socket. The persistent throbbing eased with the pressure.
It was easy to ignore the other passengers aboard despite his growing curiosity. There would be time to socialize later, but for now, his mind was on the mission. After he retired from the military, he'd lost his identity and craved direction. He knew better than to think he was a free man during his service, but at least he had a purpose.
His heart lurched as the aircraft landed, the familiar sound of the wheels deploying easing his nerves. Yawning, his ears popping against the pressure. He rose to his feet and stretched. His eyes flicked to Moran, her midnight hair gleaming blue under the fluorescent lights. She gestured for the passenger to exist. Ulrych obliged. As he passed her, his gaze lingered on hers for a moment but they didn't speak. There was nothing to say. He took the key card and exited.
As he filed into the breezeway, Ulrych noticed the creatures blocking the exit. The buzzing of the wasps roared in his ears. For a moment, Ulrych thought the slumbering Catastrophe would wake at the sound, but after a few beats of silence, the monster grumbled and flipped over in its sleep.
Instinctively, Ulrych lifted his hand. The electricity in the air cracked, eager to please its master. It would have been easy to destroy the Catastrophe and the wasps, but the veteran remembered where he was. He couldn't guarantee the safety of his comrades and he wasn't in charge here. Exhaling, he let the spark dissipate. Just as he was about to open his mouth, Maia got to the question first.
“What's the battle plan?” She asked the group.
Ulrych thought for a moment. Anything they did to the wasps would wake the Catastrophe or vice versa. They needed to split up and target both enemies at once. But how should they team up?
“We need to attack the wasps and the Catastrophe simultaneously. Do you have any ideas?” Ulrych added, surveying the group. He wasn't sure who was built for short-range attacks or long-range. As long as they stayed quiet, they should have enough time to formulate a plan.