
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [Personal] Coli tracking
[center][b]On the 20th day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:[/b] [u]third[/u] egg, since I started this.[/center] [center][center][quote=Apparel][item=Soft Pink Silk Veil][item=Green Lace Collar][item=Friend Hedgehog][/quote] [quote=Familiars][item=Augite Protector][item=Bell Goat][item=Stonestomp Spearmaiden][item=Leafy Moth][/quote] [quote=Battle Items][item=Magical Might Fragment][item=Meditate][item=Obsidian Hybrid Fragment][item=Congeal][item=Anticipate][item=Anticipate][item=Natural Might Fragment][item=Shining Acuity Fragment][item=Earthen Might Fragment][item=Aquatic Might Fragment][/quote] [quote=Skins/Accents][item=Accent: Moss-Covered Golem][/quote] [quote=Scene/Vistas/Genes][item=Tertiary Gene: Polkadot][/quote] [quote=Chests][item=Crystallized Satchel] x2, [item=Glittering Geode] x5, [ITEM=Skirmisher Pack] x2, [item=Leafy Pack] x6, [item=Broken Flower Pot] x5[/quote] [quote=Eggs][item=Unhatched Wind Egg][/quote][/center][/center]
On the 20th day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me: third egg, since I started this.
Apparel wrote:
Soft Pink Silk Veil Green Lace Collar Friend Hedgehog
Familiars wrote:
Augite Protector Bell Goat Stonestomp Spearmaiden Leafy Moth
Battle Items wrote:
Magical Might Fragment Meditate Obsidian Hybrid Fragment Congeal Anticipate Anticipate Natural Might Fragment Shining Acuity Fragment Earthen Might Fragment Aquatic Might Fragment
Skins/Accents wrote:
Accent: Moss-Covered Golem
Scene/Vistas/Genes wrote:
Tertiary Gene: Polkadot
Chests wrote:
Crystallized Satchel x2, Glittering Geode x5, Skirmisher Pack x2, Leafy Pack x6, Broken Flower Pot x5
Eggs wrote:
Unhatched Wind Egg
[center][b]On the 21st day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:[/b][/center] [center][quote=Apparel][item=Date Plumed Mantle][item=Date Plumed Headdress][/quote] [quote=Familiars][item=Greenroot Janustrap][item=Augite Protector][item=Redtail Gryphon][item=Catercroak][item=Maned Cerdae][item=Emerald Webwing][item=Glowing Pocket Mouse][item=Silky Webwing][item=Coral Carpenter][item=Dryad][item=Clown Charger][item=Glorious Dayjar][/quote] [quote=Battle Items][item=Hydro Bolt][item=Jungle Slash][item=Acuity Fragment][item=Dark Acuity Fragment][item=Scratch] x2,[item=Contuse][item=Magical Might Fragment][item=Frozen Acuity Fragment][item=Drown][item=Anticipate][item=Bolster][item=Rune Slash][item=Contuse][/quote] [quote=Skins/Accents][/quote] [quote=Scene/Vistas/Genes][/quote] [quote=Chests][item=Treasured Planter],[item=Broken Flower Pot] x7,[item=Leafy Pack] x10, [item=Bringing Green Chest][/quote] [quote=Eggs][/quote] [quote=Festival Loot][item=Bladed Flatleaf] x93[/quote][/center]
On the 21st day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:
Apparel wrote:
Date Plumed Mantle Date Plumed Headdress
Familiars wrote:
Greenroot Janustrap Augite Protector Redtail Gryphon Catercroak Maned Cerdae Emerald Webwing Glowing Pocket Mouse Silky Webwing Coral Carpenter Dryad Clown Charger Glorious Dayjar
Battle Items wrote:
Hydro Bolt Jungle Slash Acuity Fragment Dark Acuity Fragment Scratch x2, Contuse Magical Might Fragment Frozen Acuity Fragment Drown Anticipate Bolster Rune Slash Contuse
Skins/Accents wrote:
Scene/Vistas/Genes wrote:
Chests wrote:
Treasured Planter , Broken Flower Pot x7, Leafy Pack x10, Bringing Green Chest
Eggs wrote:
Festival Loot wrote:
Bladed Flatleaf x93
[u][b]On the 22nd day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:[/b][/u] [center][quote=Apparel][item=Nebula Starsilk Tailwrap][/quote] [quote=Familiars][item=Colony Killer][item=Assassin Bug][item=Scarlet Hamble][item=Shy Bagwitch][item=ruffletail tadhop][/quote] [quote=Battle Items][item=Jungle Slash][/quote] [quote=Skins/Accents][item=Accent: White Rot Deer][/quote] [quote=Scene/Vistas/Genes][item=Scene: Silk-Strewn Wreckage][item=Primary Gene: Python][/quote] [quote=Chests][item=Jademist Polypore], [item=Wrapped Trove] x6, [Item=Treasured Planter] x3[/quote] [quote=Eggs][/quote] [quote=Festival currency][item=Bladed Flatleaf] x91[/quote][/center]
On the 22nd day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:
Apparel wrote:
Nebula Starsilk Tailwrap
Familiars wrote:
Colony Killer Assassin Bug Scarlet Hamble Shy Bagwitch Ruffletail Tadhop
Battle Items wrote:
Jungle Slash
Skins/Accents wrote:
Accent: White Rot Deer
Scene/Vistas/Genes wrote:
Scene: Silk-Strewn Wreckage Primary Gene: Python
Chests wrote:
Jademist Polypore , Wrapped Trove x6, Treasured Planter x3
Eggs wrote:
Festival currency wrote:
Bladed Flatleaf x91
[u][b]On the 23rd day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:[/b][/u] [center][quote=Apparel][item=Bitey][item=Dented Iron Helmet][/quote] [quote=Familiars][item=Emerald Cave Jewel][item=Cursed Bat][item=Fungalhoof Qiriq][/quote] [quote=Battle Items][item=Contuse][item=Shining Acuity Fragment][item=Charged Might Fragment][item=Shock Bolt][/quote] [quote=Skins/Accents][/quote] [quote=Scene/Vistas/Genes][/quote] [quote=Chests][item=Glittering Geode] x1, [item=Jademist Polypore][item=In the Rainforest Chest][/quote] [quote=Eggs][/quote] [quote=Festival Currency][item=Bladed Flatleaf] x31[/quote][/center]
On the 23rd day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:
Apparel wrote:
Bitey Dented Iron Helmet
Familiars wrote:
Emerald Cave Jewel Cursed Bat Fungalhoof Qiriq
Battle Items wrote:
Contuse Shining Acuity Fragment Charged Might Fragment Shock Bolt
Skins/Accents wrote:
Scene/Vistas/Genes wrote:
Chests wrote:
Glittering Geode x1, Jademist Polypore In the Rainforest Chest
Eggs wrote:
Festival Currency wrote:
Bladed Flatleaf x31
[u][b]On the 24th day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:[/b][/u] [center][quote=Apparel][/quote] [quote=Familiars][item=Flesh Forager][item=Pale Greattusk][item=Raptorik Wanderer][item=Coursing Skira][item=Grassland Skira][/quote] [quote=Battle Items][/quote] [quote=Skins/Accents][/quote] [quote=Scene/Vistas/Genes][item=Tertiary Gene: Flecks][/quote] [quote=Chests][item=Jademist Polypore][/quote] [quote=Eggs][/quote]
On the 24th day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:
Apparel wrote:
Familiars wrote:
Flesh Forager Pale Greattusk Raptorik Wanderer Coursing Skira Grassland Skira
Battle Items wrote:
Skins/Accents wrote:
Scene/Vistas/Genes wrote:
Tertiary Gene: Flecks
Chests wrote:
Jademist Polypore
Eggs wrote:
[center][b]On the 25th day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:[/b] [center][quote=Apparel][/quote] [quote=Familiars][item=Coral Basilisk][item=Ragepuff][item=Silky Webwing][item=Longneck Gladiator][/quote] [quote=Battle Items][item=Aquatic Acuity Fragment][item=Meditate][item=Might Fragment][item=Sap][item=Shred][/quote] [quote=Skins/Accents][/quote] [quote=Scene/Vistas/Genes][item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Diamond][item=Scene: Woodland Path][/quote] [quote=Chests][item=Broken Flower Pot] x2, [item=Leafy Pack] x5, [item=Skirmisher Pack] x1[/quote] [quote=Eggs][/quote][/center]
On the 25th day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:
Apparel wrote:
Familiars wrote:
Coral Basilisk Ragepuff Silky Webwing Longneck Gladiator
Battle Items wrote:
Aquatic Acuity Fragment Meditate Might Fragment Sap Shred
Skins/Accents wrote:
Scene/Vistas/Genes wrote:
Ancient Gene Parchment: Diamond Scene: Woodland Path
Chests wrote:
Broken Flower Pot x2, Leafy Pack x5, Skirmisher Pack x1
Eggs wrote:
[center][b]On the 26th day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:[/b] the [u][b]fourth[/b][/u] egg since I started! [center][quote=Apparel][item=Cleaver][item=nebula Starsilk Shawl][item=Skulking Wing Segments][item=Tropical Birdskull Wingpiece][item=Twilight Rose Thorn Tail Tangle][/quote] [quote=Familiars][item=Blue Dragon Reef Snail][item=Coast Charger][item=Cursed Bat][item=Djamor Bat][item=Emerald Cave Jewel][item=Longneck Gladiator][item=Mottled Sea Serpent][item=Ruby Webwing][item=Vivid Wavehopper][/quote] [quote=Battle Items][item=Aquatic Acuity Fragment] x2, [item=Contuse][item=Dark Acuity Fragment][item=Enfeeble][item=Fiery Might Fragment][item=Frozen Acuity Fragment][item=Gust Slash][item=Meditate] x5, [item=Might Fragment][item=Sap][item=Scratch][item=Shining Acuity Fragment][item=Shining Might Fragment][item=Shred] x2, [item=Wave Slash][/quote] [quote=Skins/Accents][/quote] [quote=Scene/Vistas/Genes][/quote] [quote=Chests][item=Barnacle-Encrusted Bottle] x2, [item=Burlap Sack] x2, [item=Fishscale Basket] x2, [item=Glittering Geode] x6, [item=Pelt-Lined Crate] x3[/quote] [quote=Eggs][item=Unhatched Light Egg][/quote][/center]
On the 26th day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me: the fourth egg since I started!
Apparel wrote:
Cleaver Nebula Starsilk Shawl Skulking Wing Segments Tropical Birdskull Wingpiece Twilight Rose Thorn Tail Tangle
Familiars wrote:
Blue Dragon Reef Snail Coast Charger Cursed Bat Djamor Bat Emerald Cave Jewel Longneck Gladiator Mottled Sea Serpent Ruby Webwing Vivid Wavehopper
Battle Items wrote:
Aquatic Acuity Fragment x2, Contuse Dark Acuity Fragment Enfeeble Fiery Might Fragment Frozen Acuity Fragment Gust Slash Meditate x5, Might Fragment Sap Scratch Shining Acuity Fragment Shining Might Fragment Shred x2, Wave Slash
Skins/Accents wrote:
Scene/Vistas/Genes wrote:
Chests wrote:
Barnacle-Encrusted Bottle x2, Burlap Sack x2, Fishscale Basket x2, Glittering Geode x6, Pelt-Lined Crate x3
Eggs wrote:
Unhatched Light Egg
[center][b]On the 27th day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:[/b] [center][quote=Apparel][/quote] [quote=Familiars][item=Fallen Streak] x3, [item=Dodo]x2, [item=Windcarve Harpy][item=Cardinal Hippogriff][item=Hooded Dodo][item=Mesacliff Assassin][item=Acid Ant][/quote] [quote=Battle Items][item=Glass Hybrid Fragment][item=Regeneration][/quote] [quote=Skins/Accents][/quote] [quote=Scene/Vistas/Genes][/quote] [quote=Chests][item=Featherfall Pack] x7, [item=Waterlogged Trunk] x1[/quote] [quote=Eggs][/quote][/center]
On the 27th day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:
Apparel wrote:
Familiars wrote:
Fallen Streak x3, Dodo x2, Windcarve Harpy Cardinal Hippogriff Hooded Dodo Mesacliff Assassin Acid Ant
Battle Items wrote:
Glass Hybrid Fragment Regeneration
Skins/Accents wrote:
Scene/Vistas/Genes wrote:
Chests wrote:
Featherfall Pack x7, Waterlogged Trunk x1
Eggs wrote:
[center][b]On the 28th day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:[/b] [center][quote=Apparel][item=Crimson Rogue Tail Binding][/quote] [quote=Familiars][item=Fungal Garden][item=Salve Kamaitachi] x2, [item=Psywurm][item=Common Podid][item=Copperplate Longmech][item=Aberrant Chacma][/quote] [quote=Battle Items][item=Freezing Slash][item=Obsidian Hybrid Fragment][item=Wave Slash][item=Lustrous Shell][/quote] [quote=Skins/Accents][/quote] [quote=Scene/Vistas/Genes][/quote] [quote=Chests][item=Waterlogged Trunk] x1, [item=Lustrous Shell] x1[/quote] [quote=Eggs][/quote][/center]
On the 28th day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:
Apparel wrote:
Crimson Rogue Tail Binding
Familiars wrote:
Fungal Garden Salve Kamaitachi x2, Psywurm Common Podid Copperplate Longmech Aberrant Chacma
Battle Items wrote:
Freezing Slash Obsidian Hybrid Fragment Wave Slash Lustrous Shell
Skins/Accents wrote:
Scene/Vistas/Genes wrote:
Chests wrote:
Waterlogged Trunk x1, Lustrous Shell x1
Eggs wrote:
[center][b]On the 29th day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:[/b] [center][quote=Apparel][item=Brown Wizard Hat][item=Copper Filigree Tail Guard][item=Peridot Arm Enhancement (Back)][item=Tin Steampunk Spats][/quote] [quote=Familiars][item=Black Wolf][item=Corrosive Depin][item=Emerald Webwing][item=Frosttangle Strangler][item=Longneck Scholar][item=Pebblehide Stoat][item=Poultygeist][item=Ruby Webwing][item=Stone Borer][/quote] [quote=Battle Items][item=Contaminate][item=Drown] x2, [item=Field Manual][item=Fossilize][item=Mana Bolt] x2, [item=Regeneration] x2, [item=Shock Bolt][/quote] [quote=Skins/Accents][/quote] [quote=Scene/Vistas/Genes][item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Pachy][item=Ancient Gene Parchment: Sugarplum][item=Scene: Ghostlight Ruins][item=Scene: Golem Workshop] x2, [item=Scroll of Renaming][/quote] [quote=Chests][item=Broken Flower Pot] x4, [item=Cryptic Cube][item=Featherfall Pack] x7, [item=Frozen Knapsack] x3, [item=Leafy Pack][item=Swift Volt Crate][item=Toolbox] x2[/quote] [quote=Eggs][/quote][/center]
On the 29th day of Coli tracking, my Coli team sent to me:
Apparel wrote:
Brown Wizard Hat Copper Filigree Tail Guard Peridot Arm Enhancement (Back) Tin Steampunk Spats
Familiars wrote:
Black Wolf Corrosive Depin Emerald Webwing Frosttangle Strangler Longneck Scholar Pebblehide Stoat Ruby Webwing Stone Borer
Battle Items wrote:
Contaminate Drown x2, Field Manual Fossilize Mana Bolt x2, Regeneration x2, Shock Bolt
Skins/Accents wrote:
Scene/Vistas/Genes wrote:
Ancient Gene Parchment: Pachy Ancient Gene Parchment: Sugarplum Scene: Ghostlight Ruins Scene: Golem Workshop x2, Scroll of Renaming
Chests wrote:
Broken Flower Pot x4, Cryptic Cube Featherfall Pack x7, Frozen Knapsack x3, Leafy Pack Swift Volt Crate Toolbox x2
Eggs wrote: