
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Canterlot Nursery - Hatchery
@toxXxic | @TheWhiteHart | @Dragonsongbird - 2 | @Infernalis | @Redkap421 | @Prongsie |

pinglist-5486 - Affiliates
rubeusbeaky - 7 / GothicDraki

@Birthstones - Birthstones
BreathlessRose / ZoranaDragon - 2 /
SakuraAngel / sunny0509 (May) /
CrescentCaribou - 1 / FemRevivebur - 1 / Rocky12 - 1

@General Pings - Everything
Banhana / rubeusbeaky - 7 / SakuraAngel
GothicDraki / CrescentCaribou - 1
ShadowLessHC98 / FemRevivebur - 1 / MPLily

@Mane 6 - Mane 6
itsrowan / CrescentCaribou - 1
jodyody / FaeDragoness

@My Little Pony Ponyville - Ponyville
BreathlessRose / SakuraAngel / alphias /
marcywu / jodyody / Rocky12 - 1 / FaeDragoness

@My Little Pony Royals - Royals
SakuraAngel / CrescentCaribou - 1 / Rocky12 - 1

@Other Pairs - Other
SakuraAngel / itsrowan /
CrescentCaribou -1 / FemRevivebur - 1

Since I did a full lair Nest. I'm just waiting for all their cooldowns
@toxXxic | @TheWhiteHart | @Dragonsongbird - 2 | @Infernalis | @Redkap421 | @Prongsie |

pinglist-5486 - Affiliates
rubeusbeaky - 7 / GothicDraki

@Birthstones - Birthstones
BreathlessRose / ZoranaDragon - 2 /
SakuraAngel / sunny0509 (May) /
CrescentCaribou - 1 / FemRevivebur - 1 / Rocky12 - 1

@General Pings - Everything
Banhana / rubeusbeaky - 7 / SakuraAngel
GothicDraki / CrescentCaribou - 1
ShadowLessHC98 / FemRevivebur - 1 / MPLily

@Mane 6 - Mane 6
itsrowan / CrescentCaribou - 1
jodyody / FaeDragoness

@My Little Pony Ponyville - Ponyville
BreathlessRose / SakuraAngel / alphias /
marcywu / jodyody / Rocky12 - 1 / FaeDragoness

@My Little Pony Royals - Royals
SakuraAngel / CrescentCaribou - 1 / Rocky12 - 1

@Other Pairs - Other
SakuraAngel / itsrowan /
CrescentCaribou -1 / FemRevivebur - 1

Since I did a full lair Nest. I'm just waiting for all their cooldowns
Hatchery / Brewing & Melting Shop
[center][emoji=plant size=1][emoji=bogsneak tongue size=2][emoji=nature rune size=1][size=6][color=green][b][font=Lucida Handwriting] Happy May!!! [/font][/b][/color][/size][emoji=nature rune size=1][emoji=auraboa love size=2][emoji=plant size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Happy May!!!

@toxXxic | @TheWhiteHart | @Dragonsongbird - 2 | @Infernalis | @Redkap421 | @Prongsie | pinglist-5486 - Affiliates rubeusbeaky - 7 / GothicDraki @pinglist-5487 - Birthstones BreathlessRose / ZoranaDragon - 2 / SakuraAngel / sunny0509 (May) / CrescentCaribou - 1 / FemRevivebur - 1 / Rocky12 - 1 @pinglist-5481 - Everything Banhana / rubeusbeaky - 7 / SakuraAngel GothicDraki / CrescentCaribou - 1 ShadowLessHC98 / FemRevivebur - 1 / MPLily pinglist-5482 - Mane 6 itsrowan / CrescentCaribou - 1 jodyody / FaeDragoness pinglist-5485 - Ponyville BreathlessRose / SakuraAngel / alphias / marcywu / jodyody / Rocky12 - 1 / FaeDragoness pinglist-5483 - Royals SakuraAngel / CrescentCaribou - 1 / Rocky12 - 1 pinglist-5488 - Other SakuraAngel / itsrowan / CrescentCaribou -1 / FemRevivebur - 1 Sorry about double Pings phone glitched Hatchlings [quote][color=#005D48]May Birthstone: Emerald[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] may 1 [b]Eyes:[/b] Rare[emoji=nature rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] Emerald Starmap / Shamrock Constellation / Emerald Filigree [b]Price:[/b]30k or 30gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] may 2 [b]Eyes:[/b] Common[emoji=nature rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Male [b]Genes:[/b] Shamrock Starmap / Emerald Constellation / Shamrock Filigree [b]Price:[/b]30k or 30gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] may 3 [b]Eyes:[/b] Unusual[emoji=nature rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] Emerald Starmap / Emerald Constellation / Shamrock Opal [b]Price:[/b]30k or 30gems[/quote]
@toxXxic | @TheWhiteHart | @Dragonsongbird - 2 | @Infernalis | @Redkap421 | @Prongsie |

pinglist-5486 - Affiliates
rubeusbeaky - 7 / GothicDraki

@Birthstones - Birthstones
BreathlessRose / ZoranaDragon - 2 /
SakuraAngel / sunny0509 (May) /
CrescentCaribou - 1 / FemRevivebur - 1 / Rocky12 - 1

@General Pings - Everything
Banhana / rubeusbeaky - 7 / SakuraAngel
GothicDraki / CrescentCaribou - 1
ShadowLessHC98 / FemRevivebur - 1 / MPLily

pinglist-5482 - Mane 6
itsrowan / CrescentCaribou - 1
jodyody / FaeDragoness

pinglist-5485 - Ponyville
BreathlessRose / SakuraAngel / alphias /
marcywu / jodyody / Rocky12 - 1 / FaeDragoness

pinglist-5483 - Royals
SakuraAngel / CrescentCaribou - 1 / Rocky12 - 1

pinglist-5488 - Other
SakuraAngel / itsrowan /
CrescentCaribou -1 / FemRevivebur - 1

Sorry about double Pings phone glitched
May Birthstone: Emerald
Name: may 1
Eyes: Rare
M/F: Female
Genes: Emerald Starmap / Shamrock Constellation / Emerald Filigree
Price:30k or 30gems

Name: may 2
Eyes: Common
M/F: Male
Genes: Shamrock Starmap / Emerald Constellation / Shamrock Filigree
Price:30k or 30gems

Name: may 3
Eyes: Unusual
M/F: Female
Genes: Emerald Starmap / Emerald Constellation / Shamrock Opal
Price:30k or 30gems
Hatchery / Brewing & Melting Shop
Hello! May I buy this baby for 30 gems? @IraBell [url=][img][/img][/url]
Hello! May I buy this baby for 30 gems? @IraBell 94880590_350.png
[center][emoji=plant size=1][emoji=bogsneak tongue size=2][emoji=nature rune size=1][size=6][color=green][b][font=Lucida Handwriting] Happy May!!! [/font][/b][/color][/size][emoji=nature rune size=1][emoji=auraboa love size=2][emoji=plant size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Happy May!!!

[center][emoji=plant size=1][emoji=bogsneak tongue size=2][emoji=nature rune size=1][size=6][color=green][b][font=Lucida Handwriting] Happy May!!! [/font][/b][/color][/size][emoji=nature rune size=1][emoji=auraboa love size=2][emoji=plant size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Happy May!!!

@toxXxic | @TheWhiteHart | @Dragonsongbird - 2 | @Infernalis | @Redkap421 | @Prongsie | pinglist-5486 - Affiliates rubeusbeaky - 7 / GothicDraki pinglist-5487 - Birthstones BreathlessRose - 1 / ZoranaDragon - 2 / SakuraAngel / sunny0509 - 1 / CrescentCaribou - 1 / FemRevivebur - 3 / Rocky12 - 1 @pinglist-5481 - Everything Banhana / rubeusbeaky - 7 / SakuraAngel / GothicDraki alriune / Phoenixpearl / CrescentCaribou - 1 ShadowLessHC98 / FemRevivebur - 3 / MPLily @pinglist-5482 - Mane 6 itsrowan / CrescentCaribou - 1 jodyody / FaeDragoness / Silvergoldfish @pinglist-5485 - Ponyville BreathlessRose - 1 / SakuraAngel / alphias / marcywu jodyody / Rocky12 - 1 / FaeDragoness / meowdyy @pinglist-5483 - Royals SakuraAngel / CrescentCaribou - 1 / Rocky12 - 1 @pinglist-5488 - Other SakuraAngel / itsrowan / CrescentCaribou -1 / FemRevivebur - 3 Hatchlings [quote][color=#FA912B]Amber Stardust[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] carrot 1 [b]Eyes:[/b] Unusual[emoji=fire rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] Carrot Starmap / Carrot Constellation / Carrot Filigree [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] carrot 2 [b]Eyes:[/b] Uncommon[emoji=fire rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Male [b]Genes:[/b] Carrot Starmap / Carrot Constellation / Fire Filigree [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] fire [b]Eyes:[/b] Common[emoji=fire rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] Fire Starmap / Fire Constellation / Fire Filigree [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems[/quote] [quote][color=#0174DF]Rainbow Dash[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] dash 1 [b]Eyes:[/b] Common[emoji=arcane rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] Sky Crystal / Sky Facet / Sky Filigree [b]Price:[/b]30k or 30gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] dash 2 [b]Eyes:[/b] Uncommon[emoji=arcane rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Male [b]Genes:[/b] Sky Crystal / Sky Bee / Cornflower Filigree [b]Price:[/b]30k or 30gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] dash 3 [b]Eyes:[/b] Faded[emoji=arcane rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Male [b]Genes:[/b] Sky Wasp / Sky Facet / Cornflower Opal [b]Price:[/b]30k or 30gems[/quote] [quote][color=#FA912B]Applejack[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] apple 1 [b]Eyes:[/b] Common[emoji=nature rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] Sunset Petals / Sunset Butterfly / Marigold Glimmer [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] apple 2 [b]Eyes:[/b] Uncommon[emoji=nature rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Male [b]Genes:[/b] Sunset Wasp / Sunset Butterfly / Saffron Glimmer [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] apple 3 [b]Eyes:[/b] Common[emoji=nature rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] Sunset Wasp / Sunset Butterfly / Marigold Glimmer [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems[/quote] [quote][color=#A261CF]King Cosmos[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] cosmos 1 [b]Eyes:[/b] Rare[emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Male [b]Genes:[/b] Grape Starmap / Iris Constellation / Twilight Filigree [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] cosmos 2 [b]Eyes:[/b] Dark[emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Male [b]Genes:[/b] Eggplant Starmap / Twilight Constellation / Iris Glimmer [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems[/quote] [quote][color=#08088A]Princess Luna[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] luna 1 [b]Eyes:[/b] Common[emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] Storm Starmap / Indigo Constellation / Sapphire Glimmer [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] luna 2 [b]Eyes:[/b] Unusual[emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Male [b]Genes:[/b] Indigo Starmap / Eggplant Constellation / Indigo Glimmer [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] luna 3 [b]Eyes:[/b] Unusual[emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] Royal Pharaoh / Eggplant Constellation / Royal Filigree [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems[/quote] [quote][color=#A261CF]Twilight Sparkle[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] twilight 1 [b]Eyes:[/b] Common[emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Male [b]Genes:[/b] Orchid Starmap / Orchid Constellation / Purple Glimmer [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] twilight 2 [b]Eyes:[/b] Common[emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] Amethyst Starmap / Amethyst Constellation / Purple Stained [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] twilight 3 [b]Eyes:[/b] Common[emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] Amethyst Starmap / Amethyst Constellation / Purple Stained [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems[/quote] [quote][color=#E934AA]Princess Celestia[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] celestia 1 [b]Eyes:[/b] Common[emoji=arcane rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] White Phantom / Watermelon Spirit / White Glimmer [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] celestia 2 [b]Eyes:[/b] Uncommon[emoji=arcane rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] White Phantom / Watermelon Spirit / White Pinions [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] celestia 3 [b]Eyes:[/b] Common[emoji=arcane rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] White Phantom / Raspberry Spirit / White Pinions [b]Price:[/b]30k or 35gems[/quote] [quote][color=#005D48]Queen Chrysalis[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] chrysalis 1 [b]Eyes:[/b] Common[emoji=wind rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Male [b]Genes:[/b] Obsidian Wasp / Mint Bee / Seafoam Sparkle [b]Price:[/b]30k or 30gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] chrysalis 2 [b]Eyes:[/b] Common[emoji=wind rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Female [b]Genes:[/b] Obsidian Wasp / Mint Bee / Mint Runes [b]Price:[/b]30k or 30gems [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] chrysalis 3 [b]Eyes:[/b] Rare[emoji=wind rune size=1] [b]M/F:[/b] Male [b]Genes:[/b] Obsidian Wasp / Mint Bee / Seafoam Runes [b]Price:[/b]30k or 30gems[/quote]
@toxXxic | @TheWhiteHart | @Dragonsongbird - 2 | @Infernalis | @Redkap421 | @Prongsie |

pinglist-5486 - Affiliates
rubeusbeaky - 7 / GothicDraki

pinglist-5487 - Birthstones
BreathlessRose - 1 / ZoranaDragon - 2 /
SakuraAngel / sunny0509 - 1 /
CrescentCaribou - 1 / FemRevivebur - 3 / Rocky12 - 1

@General Pings - Everything
Banhana / rubeusbeaky - 7 / SakuraAngel / GothicDraki
alriune / Phoenixpearl / CrescentCaribou - 1
ShadowLessHC98 / FemRevivebur - 3 / MPLily

@Mane 6 - Mane 6
itsrowan / CrescentCaribou - 1
jodyody / FaeDragoness / Silvergoldfish

@My Little Pony Ponyville - Ponyville
BreathlessRose - 1 / SakuraAngel / alphias / marcywu
jodyody / Rocky12 - 1 / FaeDragoness / meowdyy

@My Little Pony Royals - Royals
SakuraAngel / CrescentCaribou - 1 / Rocky12 - 1

@Other Pairs - Other
SakuraAngel / itsrowan /
CrescentCaribou -1 / FemRevivebur - 3

Amber Stardust
Name: carrot 1
Eyes: Unusual
M/F: Female
Genes: Carrot Starmap / Carrot Constellation / Carrot Filigree
Price:30k or 35gems

Name: carrot 2
Eyes: Uncommon
M/F: Male
Genes: Carrot Starmap / Carrot Constellation / Fire Filigree
Price:30k or 35gems

Name: fire
Eyes: Common
M/F: Female
Genes: Fire Starmap / Fire Constellation / Fire Filigree
Price:30k or 35gems

Rainbow Dash
Name: dash 1
Eyes: Common
M/F: Female
Genes: Sky Crystal / Sky Facet / Sky Filigree
Price:30k or 30gems

Name: dash 2
Eyes: Uncommon
M/F: Male
Genes: Sky Crystal / Sky Bee / Cornflower Filigree
Price:30k or 30gems

Name: dash 3
Eyes: Faded
M/F: Male
Genes: Sky Wasp / Sky Facet / Cornflower Opal
Price:30k or 30gems

Name: apple 1
Eyes: Common
M/F: Female
Genes: Sunset Petals / Sunset Butterfly / Marigold Glimmer
Price:30k or 35gems

Name: apple 2
Eyes: Uncommon
M/F: Male
Genes: Sunset Wasp / Sunset Butterfly / Saffron Glimmer
Price:30k or 35gems

Name: apple 3
Eyes: Common
M/F: Female
Genes: Sunset Wasp / Sunset Butterfly / Marigold Glimmer
Price:30k or 35gems

King Cosmos
Name: cosmos 1
Eyes: Rare
M/F: Male
Genes: Grape Starmap / Iris Constellation / Twilight Filigree
Price:30k or 35gems

Name: cosmos 2
Eyes: Dark
M/F: Male
Genes: Eggplant Starmap / Twilight Constellation / Iris Glimmer
Price:30k or 35gems

Princess Luna
Name: luna 1
Eyes: Common
M/F: Female
Genes: Storm Starmap / Indigo Constellation / Sapphire Glimmer
Price:30k or 35gems

Name: luna 2
Eyes: Unusual
M/F: Male
Genes: Indigo Starmap / Eggplant Constellation / Indigo Glimmer
Price:30k or 35gems

Name: luna 3
Eyes: Unusual
M/F: Female
Genes: Royal Pharaoh / Eggplant Constellation / Royal Filigree
Price:30k or 35gems

Twilight Sparkle
Name: twilight 1
Eyes: Common
M/F: Male
Genes: Orchid Starmap / Orchid Constellation / Purple Glimmer
Price:30k or 35gems

Name: twilight 2
Eyes: Common
M/F: Female
Genes: Amethyst Starmap / Amethyst Constellation / Purple Stained
Price:30k or 35gems

Name: twilight 3
Eyes: Common
M/F: Female
Genes: Amethyst Starmap / Amethyst Constellation / Purple Stained
Price:30k or 35gems

Princess Celestia
Name: celestia 1
Eyes: Common
M/F: Female
Genes: White Phantom / Watermelon Spirit / White Glimmer
Price:30k or 35gems

Name: celestia 2
Eyes: Uncommon
M/F: Female
Genes: White Phantom / Watermelon Spirit / White Pinions
Price:30k or 35gems

Name: celestia 3
Eyes: Common
M/F: Female
Genes: White Phantom / Raspberry Spirit / White Pinions
Price:30k or 35gems

Queen Chrysalis
Name: chrysalis 1
Eyes: Common
M/F: Male
Genes: Obsidian Wasp / Mint Bee / Seafoam Sparkle
Price:30k or 30gems

Name: chrysalis 2
Eyes: Common
M/F: Female
Genes: Obsidian Wasp / Mint Bee / Mint Runes
Price:30k or 30gems

Name: chrysalis 3
Eyes: Rare
M/F: Male
Genes: Obsidian Wasp / Mint Bee / Seafoam Runes
Price:30k or 30gems
Hatchery / Brewing & Melting Shop
Could I buy Dash 1 and Cosmos 2 off ya for gems?
Could I buy Dash 1 and Cosmos 2 off ya for gems?

Hello, can I please buy chrysalis 2 for treasure?

Hello, can I please buy chrysalis 2 for treasure?
xx 5999&p=21621.jpg



x 76639.png x 5999&p=21621.jpg



xx rI18gRz.png
Hatchery / Brewing & Melting Shop