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TOPIC | Coffee?
No coffee (highschool) > Coffee with milk (College, year 1) > Coffee, black (College, year 2) > Caffine tablets (College, years 3-4) > Tea (Work)

It's been a wild ride lol
No coffee (highschool) > Coffee with milk (College, year 1) > Coffee, black (College, year 2) > Caffine tablets (College, years 3-4) > Tea (Work)

It's been a wild ride lol
I only drink coffee if it tastes like a dessert! A nice coffee creamer does wonders for me without having to pay for a fancy craft drink, though I do indulge in those sometimes! I drink coffee every day, I will get caffeine headaches if I don't (though I have detoxed before and it's not that bad, but I just choose not to because I enjoy coffee so much).

I love our legal addictive stimulant drink.
I only drink coffee if it tastes like a dessert! A nice coffee creamer does wonders for me without having to pay for a fancy craft drink, though I do indulge in those sometimes! I drink coffee every day, I will get caffeine headaches if I don't (though I have detoxed before and it's not that bad, but I just choose not to because I enjoy coffee so much).

I love our legal addictive stimulant drink.
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i used to drink so, so, so much coffee because college but then it turned out I had a chronic fatigue issue and that's why i was always tired lol. I used to drink exclusively black coffee bc i didn't want 8 cups of sugar and milk, but then i found caffeine ***** so i have those and then a sweet iced mocha frappuccino. I really like the bottled starbucks drinks, but those add up super quickly so i switched to making them at home. not nearly as good but they are worth saving that money!
i used to drink so, so, so much coffee because college but then it turned out I had a chronic fatigue issue and that's why i was always tired lol. I used to drink exclusively black coffee bc i didn't want 8 cups of sugar and milk, but then i found caffeine ***** so i have those and then a sweet iced mocha frappuccino. I really like the bottled starbucks drinks, but those add up super quickly so i switched to making them at home. not nearly as good but they are worth saving that money!
I love a good coffee, and have been drinking it since elementary school (so like, 7-8 years old)

I used to drink it black but with a LOT of sugar bc yknow, i was a child, and then later on I drank it with creamer! It's kinda funny looking back at it, bc when me and either my mom or dad would be at like the tax office or on any special business there would just be this kid walking up to the coffee machine, pouring themselves up a drink and adding sugar and cream like an old person (and FINISHING IT no less).

In my senior year of highschool we went on like a retreat (religious school) and stayed at a cabin where they would serve us breakfast, and i was like the ONLY kid that drank coffee with my breakfast which was apparently weird bc every one of my friends asked me "how do you drink that?? what is that?? is it good??" and i'm like "you guys don't drink coffee?? i thought you guys liked starbucks..."

It's only been recently that I make coffee and add so much sugar and so much milk that I get asked "do you want coffee with your cream and sugar?? lmao", mainly bc when I was at work, I would DoorDash Dunkin iced coffee (large iced coffee 4 pumps vanilla swirl 4 pumps caramel swirl no mocha shot) and it was pure bliss,,,,then I quit that job and have had homemade coffee since, with little dunkin and local coffee shop treats sprinkled in

nothing beats hot black coffee with sugar tho
I love a good coffee, and have been drinking it since elementary school (so like, 7-8 years old)

I used to drink it black but with a LOT of sugar bc yknow, i was a child, and then later on I drank it with creamer! It's kinda funny looking back at it, bc when me and either my mom or dad would be at like the tax office or on any special business there would just be this kid walking up to the coffee machine, pouring themselves up a drink and adding sugar and cream like an old person (and FINISHING IT no less).

In my senior year of highschool we went on like a retreat (religious school) and stayed at a cabin where they would serve us breakfast, and i was like the ONLY kid that drank coffee with my breakfast which was apparently weird bc every one of my friends asked me "how do you drink that?? what is that?? is it good??" and i'm like "you guys don't drink coffee?? i thought you guys liked starbucks..."

It's only been recently that I make coffee and add so much sugar and so much milk that I get asked "do you want coffee with your cream and sugar?? lmao", mainly bc when I was at work, I would DoorDash Dunkin iced coffee (large iced coffee 4 pumps vanilla swirl 4 pumps caramel swirl no mocha shot) and it was pure bliss,,,,then I quit that job and have had homemade coffee since, with little dunkin and local coffee shop treats sprinkled in

nothing beats hot black coffee with sugar tho
Fen / Vyrus | FR +3
Traveling Dragon Thread! | CS acct Clearance for FR
I drink at least one tiny cup of strong pure black coffee a day, can't help it... So good! I love the bitterness.
I drink at least one tiny cup of strong pure black coffee a day, can't help it... So good! I love the bitterness.

From the shadows all things came
To the shadows will all return again.