
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | GG 2024 Real-Life Scavenger Hunt
[b]Reminders:[/b] Please do not delete your [u]whole[/u] post. (Deleting contents is fine.) Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk! Having trouble with an item? Get creative! [b]DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FR![/b] [color=navy][b]TOTAL (so far, please check): 540 points[/b][/color] INTRODUCTIONS! [b]#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points[/b] [color=navy] Hi I’m stormdrink! I study and keep some arthropods as a hobby so I’m pretty excited to share some cool ones! I started FR like 9 yrs ago, went on a hiatus, and started up again in past year or so with a LOT more effort put into my lair and overall design.[/color] [b]#2 - Create your ID - 5 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points[/b] [color=navy]@mynnthia idk if you wanna join but here’s where you can see all my stuff for the event![/color] [b]#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][img][/img] [color=navy]Lee Gilyoung! Just a boy and his giant pet mantids.[/color] [b]#5 - Be prepared - 5 points[/b] (no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here. [img],15320,23723,47038,47035,47034,47022,50767,42929,33701&xt=dressing.png[/img] THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica. [b]#6 - World map or globe - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#8 - The ground - 10 points[/b] [color=navy]Included in #7![/color] [b]#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#11 - Stairs - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] WHAT THEY ARE NOT [b]#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each![/b] Be careful if it's a real one! [img][/img] [img][/img] [color=navy]Was SO excited to see this bright blue and orange tarantula hawk wasp today!! Gently scooped for the photo and released afterwards.[/color] [b]#15 - Lady bug - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [color=navy]A twice-struck ladybug (Chilocorus cacti)! I found this guy as a larva and was observing as it turned into a pupa and then an adult beetle. To be re-released to the park tomorrow![/color] [b]#16 - Spider - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [color=navy]A wild female bold jumper (Phidippus audax) and some pics of my pet bold jumpers! Yes they do sell jumping spider furniture on Etsy.[/color] [b]#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] West Coast Painted Lady (Vanessa annabella) [b]#18 - Beetle - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [color=navy]Yellow mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor), the mealworm was originally supposed to be food for my spiders but I guess this one hid so well in the enclosure it ended up maturing into a beetle lol[/color] [b]#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [color=navy]Grey bird grasshopper (Schistocerca nitens). I catch these sometimes in the garden, they kick like a spiky horse. This one lives in my Sonoran millipede tank (you can kind of see the butt of Velocipe, my chocolate milli, under the log).[/color] [b]#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [color=navy]Common green bottle fly (Lucilia sericata)![/color] #21 - Dragonfly - 10 points [color=navy]STILL LOOKING...been wanting to see one since early spring but have been busy with work ;-;[/color] [b]#22 - Ant - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [color=navy]Probably pavement ants (Tetramorium immigrans), I wasn't looking too closely[/color] [b]#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] A CLOSER LOOK Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground. [b]#24 - Egg - 10 points[/b] Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs. [img][/img] [b]#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points[/b] When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge. [img][/img] [b]#26 - Shell - 10 points[/b] When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind. [img][/img] [color=navy]You can kind of see a history of my arthropod keeping (and. my tabletop game aesthetics) in one box here[/color] [b]#27 - Leg - 10 points[/b] Like other insects, cicadas have six. [color=navy]See #26; got a ton of molted legs from my bold jumpers in there from molts I couldn't reassemble.[/color] [b]#28 - Wing - 10 points[/b] Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long. [img][/img] [color=navy]Another grey bird grasshopper (Shistocerca nitens), a California mantis (Stagmomantis californica)(my first mantis ;u;), and a Carolina mantis (Stagmomantis carolina).[/color] [b]#29 - Eye - 10 points[/b] Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness. [img][/img] [color=navy]Jumping spiders are famous for their 4 big ol eyes in the front, which they use to detect prey and hunt! Unlike some other spiders, they don’t really use the vibration from their webs to hunt, so they have to use their sight to detect motion and pounce on prey![/color] THINGS THAT FLY (BETTER) Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better. [b]#30 - Flag - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [color=navy]Trans flag represent~[/color] [b]#31 - Kite - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#32 - Clouds - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [color=navy]There's also a blurry plane! It went too fast for me to pull up my ID but this photo is following the one I'm putting under plane, hope that's ok![/color] [b]#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [color=navy]A young crow! It looks fully fledged but I guess it's just young enough that it was still making a ruckus begging its parents to beak-feed it (which they did, kudos to them).[/color] [b]#34 - Dragon - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#35 - Plane - 10 points[/b] (Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.) [img][/img] [color=navy]See #32; fast plane goes so fast...[/color] FEEDING TIME Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots. [b]#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each[/b] Two different types of trees. [img][/img] [img][/img] [color=navy]Idk about trees as much as bugs but these were some cool trees[/color] [b]#38 - Roots - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [s]MATING[/s] DATING HELPERS As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help? [b] #39 - Chocolate - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#40 - Flowers - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points[/b] Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter. [img][/img] [color=navy]Oops on the printable checklist it just says 'hearts' as an option, please let me know if this is ok or not![/color] [b]#42 - Art - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [color=navy]Doubled up for #44, thank you presumably kid artists[/color] [b]#43 - A picnic - 10 points[/b] Food + Outdoors [img][/img] [b]#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points A park bench or outdoor seat[/b] [color=navy]See #42.[/color] [b]#45 - Dinner - 10 points[/b] A menu (Don't show the location!) [img][/img] [b]#46 - Movie - 10 points[/b] DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show. [img][/img] [color=navy]Watching Natsume Yuujinchou with @mynnthia![/color] [b]#47 - Music - 10 points[/b] CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music. [img][/img] [color=navy]For #52 as well![/color] NOISE Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise! [b]#48 - Radio - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#49 - Wind chime - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#51 - String instrument - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#52 - Keyboard - 10 points[/b] [color=navy]See #47[/color] [b]#53 - Bell - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#54 - Power tool - 10 points[/b] From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods. [img][/img] CREATIVE USES Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind. [b]#55 - Recipe - 15 points[/b] Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.) [img][/img] [color=navy]I don’t draw much these days so might as well[/color] BONUS In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points. (Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.) [b]#56 - Cicada - 10 points each[/b] Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada! [img][/img] [b]#57 - Type - 10 points[/b] Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.) [color=green]A dog-day cicada![/color] [color=navy]It’s too bad my area doesn’t have cicadas because these are so sick[/color]
Please do not delete your whole post. (Deleting contents is fine.)
Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk!
Having trouble with an item? Get creative!

DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FR!

TOTAL (so far, please check): 540 points

#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points
Hi I’m stormdrink! I study and keep some arthropods as a hobby so I’m pretty excited to share some cool ones! I started FR like 9 yrs ago, went on a hiatus, and started up again in past year or so with a LOT more effort put into my lair and overall design.

#2 - Create your ID - 5 points

#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points
@mynnthia idk if you wanna join but here’s where you can see all my stuff for the event!

#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points

Lee Gilyoung! Just a boy and his giant pet mantids.

#5 - Be prepared - 5 points
(no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here.

Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica.

#6 - World map or globe - 10 points

#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points

#8 - The ground - 10 points
Included in #7!

#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points

#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points

#11 - Stairs - 10 points

#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points

#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points

#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each!
Be careful if it's a real one!
Was SO excited to see this bright blue and orange tarantula hawk wasp today!! Gently scooped for the photo and released afterwards.

#15 - Lady bug - 10 points
A twice-struck ladybug (Chilocorus cacti)! I found this guy as a larva and was observing as it turned into a pupa and then an adult beetle. To be re-released to the park tomorrow!

#16 - Spider - 10 points
A wild female bold jumper (Phidippus audax) and some pics of my pet bold jumpers! Yes they do sell jumping spider furniture on Etsy.

#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points
West Coast Painted Lady (Vanessa annabella)

#18 - Beetle - 10 points
Yellow mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor), the mealworm was originally supposed to be food for my spiders but I guess this one hid so well in the enclosure it ended up maturing into a beetle lol

#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points
Grey bird grasshopper (Schistocerca nitens). I catch these sometimes in the garden, they kick like a spiky horse. This one lives in my Sonoran millipede tank (you can kind of see the butt of Velocipe, my chocolate milli, under the log).

#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points
Common green bottle fly (Lucilia sericata)!

#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points
STILL LOOKING...been wanting to see one since early spring but have been busy with work ;-;

#22 - Ant - 10 points
Probably pavement ants (Tetramorium immigrans), I wasn't looking too closely

#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points

Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground.

#24 - Egg - 10 points
Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs.

#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points
When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge.

#26 - Shell - 10 points
When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind.
You can kind of see a history of my arthropod keeping (and. my tabletop game aesthetics) in one box here

#27 - Leg - 10 points
Like other insects, cicadas have six.
See #26; got a ton of molted legs from my bold jumpers in there from molts I couldn't reassemble.

#28 - Wing - 10 points
Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long.
Another grey bird grasshopper (Shistocerca nitens), a California mantis (Stagmomantis californica)(my first mantis ;u;), and a Carolina mantis (Stagmomantis carolina).

#29 - Eye - 10 points
Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness.
Jumping spiders are famous for their 4 big ol eyes in the front, which they use to detect prey and hunt! Unlike some other spiders, they don’t really use the vibration from their webs to hunt, so they have to use their sight to detect motion and pounce on prey!

Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better.

#30 - Flag - 10 points
Trans flag represent~

#31 - Kite - 10 points

#32 - Clouds - 10 points
There's also a blurry plane! It went too fast for me to pull up my ID but this photo is following the one I'm putting under plane, hope that's ok!

#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points
A young crow! It looks fully fledged but I guess it's just young enough that it was still making a ruckus begging its parents to beak-feed it (which they did, kudos to them).

#34 - Dragon - 10 points

#35 - Plane - 10 points
(Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.)
See #32; fast plane goes so fast...

Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots.

#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each
Two different types of trees.
Idk about trees as much as bugs but these were some cool trees

#38 - Roots - 10 points

As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help?

#39 - Chocolate - 10 points


#40 - Flowers - 10 points

#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points
Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter.
Oops on the printable checklist it just says 'hearts' as an option, please let me know if this is ok or not!

#42 - Art - 10 points
Doubled up for #44, thank you presumably kid artists

#43 - A picnic - 10 points
Food + Outdoors

#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points
A park bench or outdoor seat

See #42.

#45 - Dinner - 10 points
A menu (Don't show the location!)

#46 - Movie - 10 points
DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show.
Watching Natsume Yuujinchou with @mynnthia!

#47 - Music - 10 points
CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music.
For #52 as well!

Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise!

#48 - Radio - 10 points

#49 - Wind chime - 10 points

#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points

#51 - String instrument - 10 points

#52 - Keyboard - 10 points
See #47

#53 - Bell - 10 points

#54 - Power tool - 10 points
From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods.

Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind.

#55 - Recipe - 15 points
Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.)
I don’t draw much these days so might as well

In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points.
(Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.)
#56 - Cicada - 10 points each
Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada!

#57 - Type - 10 points
Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)
A dog-day cicada! It’s too bad my area doesn’t have cicadas because these are so sick
[b]Reminders:[/b] Please do not delete your [u]whole[/u] post. (Deleting contents is fine.) Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk! Having trouble with an item? Get creative! [b]DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FR![/b] Total Points: 320 INTRODUCTIONS! #1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points Hihi! My name is Poise, and I got recruited into the Light Flight (and FR itself) some months ago by one @/Jeevas c: #2 - Create your ID - 5 points It should include your user name, user ID, the event, and date. But, feel free to include any other personalization you like. Show it off! If you lose it just make a replacement and add it here. (Yes, if you manage to write a recognizable name or symbol and GG24 on your hand/finger/nail, I suppose that can count.) [img][/img] #3 - Take a friend! - 5 points I gotta tag @Jeevas since they're the one who got me to take part in this scav hunt~ #4 - Clan Representative - 5 points This is Neith c: She's the head of my clan and a silly little hoarder~ [url=][img][/img][/url] #5 - Be prepared - 5 points (no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica. #6 - World map or globe - 10 points [img][/img] #7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points [img][/img] #8 - The ground - 10 points [img][/img] #9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points #10 - A planter or pot - 10 points [img][/img] #11 - Stairs - 10 points [img][/img] #12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points (See post above) #13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points WHAT THEY ARE NOT #14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each! Be careful if it's a real one! [img][/img][img][/img] #15 - Lady bug - 10 points [img][/img] (It's a babby! c:) #16 - Spider - 10 points [img][/img] #17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points [img][/img] #18 - Beetle - 10 points #19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points [img][/img] #20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points [img][/img] #21 - Dragonfly - 10 points [img][/img] #22 - Ant - 10 points [img][/img] #23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points [img][/img] A CLOSER LOOK Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground. #24 - Egg - 10 points Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs. #25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge. [img][/img] (Squirrel hole~) #26 - Shell - 10 points When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind. #27 - Leg - 10 points Like other insects, cicadas have six. #28 - Wing - 10 points Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long. [img][/img] #29 - Eye - 10 points Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness. [img][/img] THINGS THAT FLY (BETTER) Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better. #30 - Flag - 10 points [img][/img] #31 - Kite - 10 points [img][/img] #32 - Clouds - 10 points #33 - Bird(s) - 10 points [img][/img] #34 - Dragon - 10 points [img][/img] #35 - Plane - 10 points (Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.) FEEDING TIME Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots. #36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each Two different types of trees. #38 - Roots - 10 points [s]MATING[/s] DATING HELPERS As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help? #39 - Chocolate - 10 points #40 - Flowers - 10 points [img][/img] #41 - A "love" letter - 10 points Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter. #42 - Art - 10 points [img][/img] #43 - A picnic - 10 points Food + Outdoors #44 - Walk in the park - 10 points A park bench or outdoor seat #45 - Dinner - 10 points A menu (Don't show the location!) #46 - Movie - 10 points DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show. #47 - Music - 10 points CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music. [img][/img] NOISE Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise! #48 - Radio - 10 points #49 - Wind chime - 10 points [img][/img] #50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points [img][/img] #51 - String instrument - 10 points [img][/img] #52 - Keyboard - 10 points #53 - Bell - 10 points [img][/img] #54 - Power tool - 10 points From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods. CREATIVE USES Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind. #55 - Recipe - 15 points Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.) BONUS In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points. (Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.) #56 - Cicada - 10 points each Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada! #57 - Type - 10 points Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)
Please do not delete your whole post. (Deleting contents is fine.)
Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk!
Having trouble with an item? Get creative!

DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FR!

Total Points: 320

#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points
Hihi! My name is Poise, and I got recruited into the Light Flight (and FR itself) some months ago by one @/Jeevas c:

#2 - Create your ID - 5 points
It should include your user name, user ID, the event, and date. But, feel free to include any other personalization you like. Show it off! If you lose it just make a replacement and add it here.
(Yes, if you manage to write a recognizable name or symbol and GG24 on your hand/finger/nail, I suppose that can count.)
#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points
I gotta tag @Jeevas since they're the one who got me to take part in this scav hunt~

#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points
This is Neith c:
She's the head of my clan and a silly little hoarder~

#5 - Be prepared - 5 points
(no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here.

Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica.

#6 - World map or globe - 10 points
#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points
#8 - The ground - 10 points
#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points

#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points
#11 - Stairs - 10 points
#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points
(See post above)
#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points

#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each!
Be careful if it's a real one!
#15 - Lady bug - 10 points
(It's a babby! c:)
#16 - Spider - 10 points
#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points
#18 - Beetle - 10 points

#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points
#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points
#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points
#22 - Ant - 10 points
#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points

Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground.

#24 - Egg - 10 points
Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs.

#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points
When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge.
(Squirrel hole~)
#26 - Shell - 10 points
When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind.

#27 - Leg - 10 points
Like other insects, cicadas have six.

#28 - Wing - 10 points
Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long.
#29 - Eye - 10 points
Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness.

Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better.

#30 - Flag - 10 points
#31 - Kite - 10 points
#32 - Clouds - 10 points

#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points
#34 - Dragon - 10 points
#35 - Plane - 10 points
(Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.)

Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots.

#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each
Two different types of trees.

#38 - Roots - 10 points

As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help?

#39 - Chocolate - 10 points

#40 - Flowers - 10 points
#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points
Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter.

#42 - Art - 10 points
#43 - A picnic - 10 points
Food + Outdoors

#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points
A park bench or outdoor seat

#45 - Dinner - 10 points
A menu (Don't show the location!)

#46 - Movie - 10 points
DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show.

#47 - Music - 10 points
CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music.

Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise!

#48 - Radio - 10 points

#49 - Wind chime - 10 points
#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points
#51 - String instrument - 10 points
#52 - Keyboard - 10 points

#53 - Bell - 10 points
#54 - Power tool - 10 points
From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods.

Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind.

#55 - Recipe - 15 points
Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.)

In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points.
(Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.)

#56 - Cicada - 10 points each
Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada!

#57 - Type - 10 points
Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)
[b]Reminders:[/b] Please do not delete your [u]whole[/u] post. (Deleting contents is fine.) Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk! Having trouble with an item? Get creative! [b]DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FR![/b] INTRODUCTIONS! #1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points (no photo needed) Tell us about yourself! How long have you been here? What flight are you in? What do you like most about the site? Anything you like! #2 - Create your ID - 5 points It should include your user name, user ID, the event, and date. But, feel free to include any other personalization you like. Show it off! If you lose it just make a replacement and add it here. (Yes, if you manage to write a recognizable name or symbol and GG24 on your hand/finger/nail, I suppose that can count.) #3 - Take a friend! - 5 points (no photo needed) Ping a friend or two that might like to join your adventure. (You are welcome to ping yourself to find your way back or ping me if you don't want to ping anyone else!) #4 - Clan Representative - 5 points (no photo needed) Who will be representing your lair? Show off your lair entomologist or the dragon just fascinated by bugs. [url=][img][/img][/url] Goodfellow will be coming along with me! It's been a while since he's gone on an adventure, so he got dressed up in some comfy clothes for going outside and is ready to explore! #5 - Be prepared - 5 points (no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica. #6 - World map or globe - 10 points #7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points #8 - The ground - 10 points #9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points #10 - A planter or pot - 10 points #11 - Stairs - 10 points #12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points #13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points WHAT THEY ARE NOT #14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each! Be careful if it's a real one! #15 - Lady bug - 10 points #16 - Spider - 10 points #17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points #18 - Beetle - 10 points #19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points #20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points #21 - Dragonfly - 10 points #22 - Ant - 10 points #23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points A CLOSER LOOK Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground. #24 - Egg - 10 points Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs. #25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge. #26 - Shell - 10 points When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind. #27 - Leg - 10 points Like other insects, cicadas have six. #28 - Wing - 10 points Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long. #29 - Eye - 10 points Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness. THINGS THAT FLY (BETTER) Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better. #30 - Flag - 10 points #31 - Kite - 10 points #32 - Clouds - 10 points #33 - Bird(s) - 10 points #34 - Dragon - 10 points #35 - Plane - 10 points (Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.) FEEDING TIME Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots. #36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each Two different types of trees. #38 - Roots - 10 points [s]MATING[/s] DATING HELPERS As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help? #39 - Chocolate - 10 points #40 - Flowers - 10 points #41 - A "love" letter - 10 points Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter. #42 - Art - 10 points #43 - A picnic - 10 points Food + Outdoors #44 - Walk in the park - 10 points A park bench or outdoor seat #45 - Dinner - 10 points A menu (Don't show the location!) #46 - Movie - 10 points DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show. #47 - Music - 10 points CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music. NOISE Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise! #48 - Radio - 10 points #49 - Wind chime - 10 points #50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points #51 - String instrument - 10 points #52 - Keyboard - 10 points #53 - Bell - 10 points #54 - Power tool - 10 points From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods. CREATIVE USES Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind. #55 - Recipe - 15 points Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.) BONUS In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points. (Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.) #56 - Cicada - 10 points each Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada! #57 - Type - 10 points Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)
Please do not delete your whole post. (Deleting contents is fine.)
Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk!
Having trouble with an item? Get creative!

DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FR!

#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points
(no photo needed) Tell us about yourself! How long have you been here? What flight are you in? What do you like most about the site? Anything you like!

#2 - Create your ID - 5 points
It should include your user name, user ID, the event, and date. But, feel free to include any other personalization you like. Show it off! If you lose it just make a replacement and add it here.
(Yes, if you manage to write a recognizable name or symbol and GG24 on your hand/finger/nail, I suppose that can count.)

#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points
(no photo needed) Ping a friend or two that might like to join your adventure. (You are welcome to ping yourself to find your way back or ping me if you don't want to ping anyone else!)

#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points
(no photo needed) Who will be representing your lair? Show off your lair entomologist or the dragon just fascinated by bugs.
Goodfellow will be coming along with me! It's been a while since he's gone on an adventure, so he got dressed up in some comfy clothes for going outside and is ready to explore!

#5 - Be prepared - 5 points
(no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here.

Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica.

#6 - World map or globe - 10 points

#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points

#8 - The ground - 10 points

#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points

#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points

#11 - Stairs - 10 points

#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points

#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points

#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each!
Be careful if it's a real one!

#15 - Lady bug - 10 points

#16 - Spider - 10 points

#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points

#18 - Beetle - 10 points

#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points

#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points

#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points

#22 - Ant - 10 points

#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points

Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground.

#24 - Egg - 10 points
Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs.

#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points
When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge.

#26 - Shell - 10 points
When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind.

#27 - Leg - 10 points
Like other insects, cicadas have six.

#28 - Wing - 10 points
Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long.

#29 - Eye - 10 points
Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness.

Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better.

#30 - Flag - 10 points

#31 - Kite - 10 points

#32 - Clouds - 10 points

#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points

#34 - Dragon - 10 points

#35 - Plane - 10 points
(Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.)

Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots.

#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each
Two different types of trees.

#38 - Roots - 10 points

As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help?

#39 - Chocolate - 10 points

#40 - Flowers - 10 points

#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points
Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter.

#42 - Art - 10 points

#43 - A picnic - 10 points
Food + Outdoors

#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points
A park bench or outdoor seat

#45 - Dinner - 10 points
A menu (Don't show the location!)

#46 - Movie - 10 points
DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show.

#47 - Music - 10 points
CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music.

Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise!

#48 - Radio - 10 points

#49 - Wind chime - 10 points

#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points

#51 - String instrument - 10 points

#52 - Keyboard - 10 points

#53 - Bell - 10 points

#54 - Power tool - 10 points
From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods.

Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind.

#55 - Recipe - 15 points
Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.)

In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points.
(Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.)

#56 - Cicada - 10 points each
Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada!

#57 - Type - 10 points
Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)
this is so scuffed
[b]Reminders:[/b] Please do not delete your [u]whole[/u] post. (Deleting contents is fine.) Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk! Having trouble with an item? Get creative! [b]DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FR![/b] INTRODUCTIONS! #1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points Hello! I'm fae and I've been here on and off since 2015! I'm relatively new to nature, but I love nature and spend all my time possible outside so i'm so excited about this! ^-^ #2 - Create your ID - 5 points It should include your user name, user ID, the event, and date. But, feel free to include any other personalization you like. Show it off! If you lose it just make a replacement and add it here. (Yes, if you manage to write a recognizable name or symbol and GG24 on your hand/finger/nail, I suppose that can count.) #3 - Take a friend! - 5 points (no photo needed) Ping a friend or two that might like to join your adventure. (You are welcome to ping yourself to find your way back or ping me if you don't want to ping anyone else!) #4 - Clan Representative - 5 points [url=][img][/img][/url] This is AcidBath, she's a lazy alchemist and she finds bugs fascinating, mostly because she likes to watch them crawl around while chilling in the garden. She's not super interested in researching more, she just likes to peer really close to the tiny things. #5 - Be prepared - 5 points [outfit=2581964] THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica. #6 - World map or globe - 10 points #7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points #8 - The ground - 10 points #9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points #10 - A planter or pot - 10 points #11 - Stairs - 10 points #12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points #13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points WHAT THEY ARE NOT #14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each! Be careful if it's a real one! #15 - Lady bug - 10 points #16 - Spider - 10 points #17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points #18 - Beetle - 10 points #19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points #20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points #21 - Dragonfly - 10 points #22 - Ant - 10 points #23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points A CLOSER LOOK Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground. #24 - Egg - 10 points Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs. #25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge. #26 - Shell - 10 points When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind. #27 - Leg - 10 points Like other insects, cicadas have six. #28 - Wing - 10 points Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long. #29 - Eye - 10 points Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness. THINGS THAT FLY (BETTER) Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better. #30 - Flag - 10 points #31 - Kite - 10 points #32 - Clouds - 10 points #33 - Bird(s) - 10 points #34 - Dragon - 10 points #35 - Plane - 10 points (Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.) FEEDING TIME Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots. #36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each Two different types of trees. #38 - Roots - 10 points [s]MATING[/s] DATING HELPERS As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help? #39 - Chocolate - 10 points #40 - Flowers - 10 points #41 - A "love" letter - 10 points Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter. #42 - Art - 10 points #43 - A picnic - 10 points Food + Outdoors #44 - Walk in the park - 10 points A park bench or outdoor seat #45 - Dinner - 10 points A menu (Don't show the location!) #46 - Movie - 10 points DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show. #47 - Music - 10 points CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music. NOISE Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise! #48 - Radio - 10 points #49 - Wind chime - 10 points #50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points #51 - String instrument - 10 points #52 - Keyboard - 10 points #53 - Bell - 10 points #54 - Power tool - 10 points From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods. CREATIVE USES Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind. #55 - Recipe - 15 points Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.) BONUS In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points. (Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.) #56 - Cicada - 10 points each Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada! #57 - Type - 10 points Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)
Please do not delete your whole post. (Deleting contents is fine.)
Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk!
Having trouble with an item? Get creative!

DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FR!

#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points
Hello! I'm fae and I've been here on and off since 2015! I'm relatively new to nature, but I love nature and spend all my time possible outside so i'm so excited about this! ^-^

#2 - Create your ID - 5 points
It should include your user name, user ID, the event, and date. But, feel free to include any other personalization you like. Show it off! If you lose it just make a replacement and add it here.
(Yes, if you manage to write a recognizable name or symbol and GG24 on your hand/finger/nail, I suppose that can count.)

#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points
(no photo needed) Ping a friend or two that might like to join your adventure. (You are welcome to ping yourself to find your way back or ping me if you don't want to ping anyone else!)

#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points

This is AcidBath, she's a lazy alchemist and she finds bugs fascinating, mostly because she likes to watch them crawl around while chilling in the garden. She's not super interested in researching more, she just likes to peer really close to the tiny things.

#5 - Be prepared - 5 points
garden chillin

Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica.

#6 - World map or globe - 10 points

#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points

#8 - The ground - 10 points

#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points

#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points

#11 - Stairs - 10 points

#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points

#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points

#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each!
Be careful if it's a real one!

#15 - Lady bug - 10 points

#16 - Spider - 10 points

#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points

#18 - Beetle - 10 points

#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points

#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points

#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points

#22 - Ant - 10 points

#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points

Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground.

#24 - Egg - 10 points
Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs.

#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points
When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge.

#26 - Shell - 10 points
When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind.

#27 - Leg - 10 points
Like other insects, cicadas have six.

#28 - Wing - 10 points
Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long.

#29 - Eye - 10 points
Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness.

Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better.

#30 - Flag - 10 points

#31 - Kite - 10 points

#32 - Clouds - 10 points

#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points

#34 - Dragon - 10 points

#35 - Plane - 10 points
(Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.)

Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots.

#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each
Two different types of trees.

#38 - Roots - 10 points

As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help?

#39 - Chocolate - 10 points

#40 - Flowers - 10 points

#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points
Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter.

#42 - Art - 10 points

#43 - A picnic - 10 points
Food + Outdoors

#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points
A park bench or outdoor seat

#45 - Dinner - 10 points
A menu (Don't show the location!)

#46 - Movie - 10 points
DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show.

#47 - Music - 10 points
CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music.

Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise!

#48 - Radio - 10 points

#49 - Wind chime - 10 points

#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points

#51 - String instrument - 10 points

#52 - Keyboard - 10 points

#53 - Bell - 10 points

#54 - Power tool - 10 points
From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods.

Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind.

#55 - Recipe - 15 points
Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.)

In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points.
(Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.)

#56 - Cicada - 10 points each
Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada!

#57 - Type - 10 points
Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)
60eldD0.gif 28 | Open DMs

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[img alt="Nature Divider"][/img] [center][size=5][color=green][b]Total Points (so far): 335[/b][/color][/size][/center] [img alt="Nature Divider"][/img] [center][size=5][color=green][b]INTRODUCTIONS![/b][/color][/size][size=4] [color=green](100%, 25/25)[/color][/size][/center] [b]#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points[/b] Hiya! I'm Aesthera (she/her). I've been a member of FR and Nature flight since 2021 and just had my 3 year anniversary a few days ago. I joined during Nature's flight push and was enamored with the community. I completed the LOST program and got all the badges haha. I have participated in every GG scavenger hunt since and I'm excited to do so again!! [b]#2 - Create your ID - 5 points[/b] [img][/img] Whoops! Accidentally went out without my ID! [img][/img] [b]#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points[/b] @SelfOrgCrits [b]#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points[/b] Zenith! [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]#5 - Be prepared - 5 points[/b] [outfit=2582000] [img alt="Nature Divider"][/img] [center][size=5][color=green][b]THEY'RE EVERYWHERE![/b][/color][/size] [size=4][color=green](100%, 80/80)[/color][/size][/center] Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica. [b]#6 - World map or globe - 10 points[/b] Map of Thedas from Dragon Age [img][/img] [b]#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#8 - The ground - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#11 - Stairs - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [img alt="Nature Divider"][/img] [center][size=5][color=green][b]WHAT THEY ARE NOT[/b][/color][/size] [size=4][color=green](60%, 60/100)[/color][/size] (if I come across real ones, I'll change these out)[/center] [b]#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#15 - Lady bug - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] #16 - Spider - 10 points [b]#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#18 - Beetle - 10 points[/b] #19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points [b]#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points[/b] Sticker [img][/img] #21 - Dragonfly - 10 points [b]#22 - Ant - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#23 - Firefly - 10 points[/b] I might be a little too cheeky with this one, lemme know! [img][/img] [img alt="Nature Divider"][/img] [center][size=5][color=green][b]A CLOSER LOOK[/b][/color][/size] [size=4][color=green](66%, 40/60)[/color][/size][/center] Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground. [b]#24 - Egg - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] #25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points #26 - Shell - 10 points [b]#27 - Leg - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#28 - Wing - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#29 - Eye - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [img alt="Nature Divider"][/img] [center][size=5][color=green][b]THINGS THAT FLY (BETTER)[/b][/color][/size] [size=4][color=green](33%, 20/60)[/color][/size][/center] Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better. #30 - Flag - 10 points #31 - Kite - 10 points [b]#32 - Clouds - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] #33 - Bird(s) - 10 points [b]#34 - Dragon - 10 points [/b]My first ever crochet project<3 [img][/img] #35 - Plane - 10 points [img alt="Nature Divider"][/img] [center][size=5][color=green][b]FEEDING TIME[/b][/color][/size] [size=4][color=green](66%, 20/30)[/color][/size][/center] Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots. [b]#36- Tree - 10 points[/b] I know it's awful little but this is my sapling bonsai! It's a jacaranda that I'm growing from seed (since June 11, 2023); my husband gave me the seeds for our anniversary last year<3 [img][/img] #37 - Tree - 10 points [b]#38 - Roots - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [img alt="Nature Divider"][/img] [center][size=5][color=green][b][s]MATING[/s] DATING HELPERS[/b][/color][/size] [size=4][color=green](55%, 50/90)[/color][/size][/center] As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help? #39 - Chocolate - 10 points #40 - Flowers - 10 points [b]#41 - A love letter - 10 points[/b] I decided to take this as an opportunity to write a letter to my husband<3 [img][/img] [b]#42 - Art - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] #43 - A picnic - 10 points Food + Outdoors #44 - Walk in the park - 10 points A park bench or outdoor seat [b]#45 - Dinner - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#46 - Movie - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#47 - Music - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [img alt="Nature Divider"][/img] [center][size=5][color=green][b]NOISE[/b][/color][/size] [size=4][color=green](57%, 40/70)[/color][/size][/center] Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise! #48 - Radio - 10 points [b]#49 - Wind chime - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] #50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points #51 - String instrument - 10 points [b]#52 - Keyboard - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#53 - Bell - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#54 - Power tool - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [img alt="Nature Divider"][/img] [center][size=5][color=green][b]CREATIVE USES[/b][/color][/size] [size=4][color=green](0%, 0/15)[/color][/size][/center] Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind. #55 - Recipe - 15 points Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.) [img alt="Nature Divider"][/img] [center][size=5][color=green][b]BONUS[/b][/color][/size] [size=4][color=green](0%, 0/20)[/color][/size][/center] In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points. (Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.) #56 - Cicada - 10 points each Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada! #57 - Type - 10 points Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.) [img alt="Nature Divider"][/img]
Nature Divider
Total Points (so far): 335
Nature Divider
(100%, 25/25)

#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points
Hiya! I'm Aesthera (she/her). I've been a member of FR and Nature flight since 2021 and just had my 3 year anniversary a few days ago. I joined during Nature's flight push and was enamored with the community. I completed the LOST program and got all the badges haha. I have participated in every GG scavenger hunt since and I'm excited to do so again!!

#2 - Create your ID - 5 points

Whoops! Accidentally went out without my ID!

#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points

#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points

#5 - Be prepared - 5 points

Nature Divider
(100%, 80/80)

Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica.

#6 - World map or globe - 10 points
Map of Thedas from Dragon Age

#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points

#8 - The ground - 10 points

#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points

#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points

#11 - Stairs - 10 points

#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points

#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points

Nature Divider
(60%, 60/100)
(if I come across real ones, I'll change these out)

#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points

#15 - Lady bug - 10 points

#16 - Spider - 10 points

#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points

#18 - Beetle - 10 points

#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points

#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points

#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points

#22 - Ant - 10 points

#23 - Firefly - 10 points
I might be a little too cheeky with this one, lemme know!

Nature Divider
(66%, 40/60)

Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground.

#24 - Egg - 10 points

#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points

#26 - Shell - 10 points

#27 - Leg - 10 points

#28 - Wing - 10 points

#29 - Eye - 10 points

Nature Divider
(33%, 20/60)

Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better.

#30 - Flag - 10 points

#31 - Kite - 10 points

#32 - Clouds - 10 points

#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points

#34 - Dragon - 10 points
My first ever crochet project<3

#35 - Plane - 10 points

Nature Divider
(66%, 20/30)

Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots.

#36- Tree - 10 points
I know it's awful little but this is my sapling bonsai! It's a jacaranda that I'm growing from seed (since June 11, 2023); my husband gave me the seeds for our anniversary last year<3

#37 - Tree - 10 points

#38 - Roots - 10 points

Nature Divider
(55%, 50/90)

As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help?

#39 - Chocolate - 10 points

#40 - Flowers - 10 points

#41 - A love letter - 10 points
I decided to take this as an opportunity to write a letter to my husband<3

#42 - Art - 10 points

#43 - A picnic - 10 points
Food + Outdoors

#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points
A park bench or outdoor seat

#45 - Dinner - 10 points

#46 - Movie - 10 points

#47 - Music - 10 points

Nature Divider
(57%, 40/70)

Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise!

#48 - Radio - 10 points

#49 - Wind chime - 10 points

#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points

#51 - String instrument - 10 points

#52 - Keyboard - 10 points

#53 - Bell - 10 points

#54 - Power tool - 10 points

Nature Divider
(0%, 0/15)

Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind.

#55 - Recipe - 15 points
Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.)

Nature Divider
(0%, 0/20)

In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points.
(Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.)

#56 - Cicada - 10 points each
Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada!

#57 - Type - 10 points
Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)

Nature Divider
WEEEEEEE i'm so excited!!!! i was still getting the hang of forum posts and uploading images when the mistjam scavenger hunt happened, so i'm very excited to get to do this one! [b]Reminders:[/b] Please do not delete your [u]whole[/u] post. (Deleting contents is fine.) Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk! Having trouble with an item? Get creative! [b]DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FR![/b] [url=][img alt=”Nature Divider”][/img][/url] [center][size=6][b]INTRODUCTIONS![/b][/size][/center] [b]#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points[/b] [size=2][i](no photo needed) Tell us about yourself! How long have you been here? What flight are you in? What do you like most about the site? Anything you like![/size][/i] [indent]my name is doodler and i am a droplet who joined flight rising at the end of february this year! i've spent the last year or so being shown cool dragons by my friends and partner, and i wanted to try my hand at keeping pretty dragons! i love the water flight, it's so lovely there :>[/indent] [b]#2 - Create your ID - 5 points[/b] [size=2][i]It should include your user name, user ID, the event, and date. But, feel free to include any other personalization you like. Show it off! If you lose it just make a replacement and add it here. (Yes, if you manage to write a recognizable name or symbol and GG24 on your hand/finger/nail, I suppose that can count.)[/size][/i] [img alt="ID Card"][/img] [b]#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points[/b] [size=2][i](no photo needed) Ping a friend or two that might like to join your adventure. (You are welcome to ping yourself to find your way back or ping me if you don't want to ping anyone else!)[/i][/size] @Zalcanor :D [b]#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points[/b] [size=2][i](no photo needed) Who will be representing your lair? Show off your lair entomologist or the dragon just fascinated by bugs.[/i][/size] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [indent]Irelia is excited to find some critters and pictures!!![/indent][/center] [b]#5 - Be prepared - 5 points[/b] [size=2][i](no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here.[/i][/size] [center][outfit=2582285][/center] [center][indent]genuinely wanna find a dragon to make this outfit for now, i love it so much[/indent][/center] [center][indent]UPDATE!! this motivated me so much that i searched and found a dragon for this outfit! her name is [url=]Saria[/url] and she's going to be my nature rep :D[/indent][/center] [url=][img alt=”Nature Divider”][/img][/url] [center][size=6][b]THEY'RE EVERYWHERE![/size][/b][/center] Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica. [b]#6 - World map or globe - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Map of Pantala from Wings of Fire"][/img] had to get creative with this one hehe [b]#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Walkway"][/img] [b]#8 - The ground - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Ground"][/img] [b]#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Window Ledge"][/img] [b]#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Planter: Jerry and Company"][/img] [b]#11 - Stairs - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Stairs"][/img] [b]#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Railing"][/img] [b]#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Car"][/img] [url=][img alt=”Nature Divider”][/img][/url] [center][size=6][b]WHAT THEY ARE NOT[/size][/b][/center] [b]#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each![/b] [size=2][i]Be careful if it's a real one![/i][/size] [img alt="Bee"][/img] I hope this counts! The little critter flew away as I took the picture, but it bumped into my card along the way! (I have other pics if need be) [b]#15 - Ladybug - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Ladybug"][/img] [b]#16 - Spider - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [size=1]worst moment ever[/size] [b]#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Butterfly Garden Stake"][/img] [b]#18 - Beetle - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Beetle"][/img] [b]#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Cricket the Dragon on a Wings of Fire Book and a Cricket Drawing"][/img] two crickets >>:3 [b]#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Fly chilling on a stone wall"][/img] [b]#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Dragonfly Earring"][/img] [b]#22 - Ant - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Ant"][/img] [b]#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [size=2]i learned recently that fireflies don't live in every region but despite living in a region where fireflies also live, i wasn't able to find one outside D: [/size] [url=][img alt=”Nature Divider”][/img][/url] [center][size=6][b]A CLOSER LOOK[/size][/b][/center] Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground. [b]#24 - Egg - 10 points[/b] [size=2][i]Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs.[/size][/i] [img alt="Egg Container"][/img] [b]#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points[/b] [size=2][i]When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge.[/i][/size] [img alt="Chipmunk Hole"][/img] [b]#26 - Shell - 10 points[/b] [size=2][i]When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind.[/i][/size] [img alt="Assorted Shells"][/img] [b]#27 - Leg - 10 points[/b] [size=2][i]Like other insects, cicadas have six.[/i][/size] [img alt="Leggy Model"][/img] [b]#28 - Wing - 10 points[/b] [size=2][i]Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long.[/i][/size] [img alt="Fairy Wing"][/img] [b]#29 - Eye - 10 points[/b] [size=2][i]Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness.[/size][/i] [img alt="Eyeball Model"][/img] [url=][img alt=”Nature Divider”][/img][/url] [center][size=6][b]THINGS THAT FLY (BETTER)[/b][/size][/center] Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better. [b]#30 - Flag - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Nonbinary and Transgender Pride Flags"][/img] [b]#31 - Kite - 10 points[/b] [img alt="A Fish Flying a Kite"][/img] I CAN'T BELIEVE I FOUND THIS!! This was the last picture I had to get and I was resigned to not finding a kite, but on a whim I happened to check my copy of "Not Quite Narwhal" by Jessie Sima AND BOOM!! I'M SUPER HAPPY [b]#32 - Clouds - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Clouds"][/img] [b]#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Birds"][/img] [b]#34 - Dragon - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Starlight the Reversible Dragon/Unicorn"][/img] [b]#35 - Plane - 10 points[/b] [size=1](Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.)[/size] [img alt="Very Loved Airplane Cap"][/img] [url=][img alt=”Nature Divider”][/img][/url] [center][size=6][b]FEEDING TIME[/b][/size][/center] Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots. [b]#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each[/b] [size=2][i]Two different types of trees.[/i][/size] [img alt="Conifer Tree"][/img] [img alt="Japanese Red Maple"][/img] [b]#38 - Roots - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Roots"][/img] [url=][img alt=”Nature Divider”][/img][/url] [center][size=6][b][s]MATING[/s] DATING HELPERS[/b][/size][/center] As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help? [b]#39 - Chocolate - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Bowl of Leftover Holiday Chocolates"][/img] [b]#40 - Flowers - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Flowers"][/img] [b]#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points[/b] [size=2][i]Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter.[/size][/i] [img alt="A card and some washi tape"][/img] [b]#42 - Art - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Page from my Sketchbook"][/img] Rey and Storm, some of me and LuckyStarline's splatoon ocs (plus a little mini doodle of my Agent Eight, Painter, at the bottom corner) [size=2]I have been reassured by my flight rising veteran partner that eye scars are okay, but if there is any issue, let me know I have other drawings in my sketchbook![/size] [b]#43 - A picnic - 10 points[/b] [size=2][i]Food + Outdoors[/i][/size] [img alt="Picnic"][/img] [b]#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points[/b] [size=2][i]A park bench or outdoor seat[/i][/size] [img alt="Outdoor Seat or Bench"][/img] [b]#45 - Dinner - 10 points[/b] [size=2][i]A menu (Don't show the location!)[/i][/size] [img alt="Dinner Menu"][/img] [b]#46 - Movie - 10 points[/b] [size=2][i]DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show.[/i][/size] [img alt="Elemental Blu-Ray and DVD"][/img] [b]#47 - Music - 10 points[/b] [size=2][i]CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music.[/i][/size] [img alt="Arcadian Wild CD"][/img] [url=][img alt=”Nature Divider”][/img][/url] [center][size=6][b]NOISE[/b][/size][/center] Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise! [b]#48 - Radio - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Car Radio"][/img] [b]#49 - Wind chime - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Wind Chimes"][/img] [b]#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Kids' Drum and Percussion Set"][/img] shoutout to [store name redacted] for having the EXACT kind of drum I was picturing [b]#51 - String instrument - 10 points[/b] [img alt="String Instrument: Banjo"][/img] [b]#52 - Keyboard - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Keyboard"][/img] [b]#53 - Bell - 10 points[/b] [img alt="Bell"][/img] [b]#54 - Power tool - 10 points[/b] [size=2][i]From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods.[/i][/size] [img alt="Buzz Saw"][/img] [url=][img alt=”Nature Divider”][/img][/url] [center][size=6][b]CREATIVE USES[/b][/size][/center] Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind. [b]#55 - Recipe - 15 points[/b] [size=2][i]Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.)[/i][/size] [center][size=5]My Favorite Mac and Cheese[/size][/center] There's a local brand that I absolutely adore of this, and it's my go-to comfort food after a long day of work Ingredients: [LIST] [*] One Box of a White Cheddar Mac and Cheese Shells [*] Pot with water and Lid [*] Half & Half [*] Spoon and Tablespoon [/LIST] Instructions [LIST=1] [*] Fill up a pot 3/4 of the way with hot water and put on the stove on high heat with the lid on [*] Once the water has come into a boil, open the box of shells, take out the packet of cheese, and pour the shells in [*] Stir the pot a few times and put a timer on for 10 minutes and leave the shells to cook [*] Once the timer is up, pour the shells into a strainer, and leave them in there [*] Back in the empty pot on the stove, pour 3 tablespoons of Half & Half in there (the box will likely say to use milk, but I have found Half & Half to make it creamier) [*] Pour the packet of cheese in the pot with the Half & Half and stir until combined [*] Once the cheese sauce has been stirred up, add the shells and mix them into the cheese sauce [*] Scoop into a bowl, grab a spoon and a good show, and enjoy! [/LIST] [url=][img alt=”Nature Divider”][/img][/url] [center][size=6][b]BONUS[/b][/size][/center] In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points. (Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.) [b]#56 - Cicada - 10 points each[/b] [size=2][i]Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada![/i][/size] [img][/img] [b]#57 - Type - 10 points[/b] [size=2][i]Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)[/i][/size] It's a Northern Dusk Singing Cicada!
WEEEEEEE i'm so excited!!!! i was still getting the hang of forum posts and uploading images when the mistjam scavenger hunt happened, so i'm very excited to get to do this one!

Please do not delete your whole post. (Deleting contents is fine.)
Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk!
Having trouble with an item? Get creative!

DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FR!


#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points
(no photo needed) Tell us about yourself! How long have you been here? What flight are you in? What do you like most about the site? Anything you like!
my name is doodler and i am a droplet who joined flight rising at the end of february this year! i've spent the last year or so being shown cool dragons by my friends and partner, and i wanted to try my hand at keeping pretty dragons! i love the water flight, it's so lovely there :>

#2 - Create your ID - 5 points
It should include your user name, user ID, the event, and date. But, feel free to include any other personalization you like. Show it off! If you lose it just make a replacement and add it here.
(Yes, if you manage to write a recognizable name or symbol and GG24 on your hand/finger/nail, I suppose that can count.)

ID Card

#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points
(no photo needed) Ping a friend or two that might like to join your adventure. (You are welcome to ping yourself to find your way back or ping me if you don't want to ping anyone else!)
@Zalcanor :D

#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points
(no photo needed) Who will be representing your lair? Show off your lair entomologist or the dragon just fascinated by bugs.
Irelia is excited to find some critters and pictures!!!

#5 - Be prepared - 5 points
(no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here.
Bug Huntin!!
genuinely wanna find a dragon to make this outfit for now, i love it so much
UPDATE!! this motivated me so much that i searched and found a dragon for this outfit! her name is Saria and she's going to be my nature rep :D

Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica.

#6 - World map or globe - 10 points
Map of Pantala from Wings of Fire
had to get creative with this one hehe

#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points

#8 - The ground - 10 points

#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points
Window Ledge

#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points
Planter: Jerry and Company

#11 - Stairs - 10 points

#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points

#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points


#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each!
Be careful if it's a real one!
I hope this counts! The little critter flew away as I took the picture, but it bumped into my card along the way! (I have other pics if need be)

#15 - Ladybug - 10 points

#16 - Spider - 10 points
worst moment ever

#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points
Butterfly Garden Stake

#18 - Beetle - 10 points

#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points
Cricket the Dragon on a Wings of Fire Book and a Cricket Drawing
two crickets >>:3

#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points
Fly chilling on a stone wall

#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points
Dragonfly Earring

#22 - Ant - 10 points

#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points
i learned recently that fireflies don't live in every region but despite living in a region where fireflies also live, i wasn't able to find one outside D:

Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground.

#24 - Egg - 10 points
Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs.
Egg Container

#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points
When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge.
Chipmunk Hole

#26 - Shell - 10 points
When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind.
Assorted Shells

#27 - Leg - 10 points
Like other insects, cicadas have six.
Leggy Model

#28 - Wing - 10 points
Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long.
Fairy Wing

#29 - Eye - 10 points
Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness.
Eyeball Model

Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better.

#30 - Flag - 10 points
Nonbinary and Transgender Pride Flags

#31 - Kite - 10 points
A Fish Flying a Kite
I CAN'T BELIEVE I FOUND THIS!! This was the last picture I had to get and I was resigned to not finding a kite, but on a whim I happened to check my copy of "Not Quite Narwhal" by Jessie Sima AND BOOM!! I'M SUPER HAPPY

#32 - Clouds - 10 points

#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points

#34 - Dragon - 10 points
Starlight the Reversible Dragon/Unicorn

#35 - Plane - 10 points
(Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.)
Very Loved Airplane Cap

Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots.

#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each
Two different types of trees.
Conifer Tree
Japanese Red Maple

#38 - Roots - 10 points

As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help?

#39 - Chocolate - 10 points
Bowl of Leftover Holiday Chocolates

#40 - Flowers - 10 points

#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points
Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter.
A card and some washi tape

#42 - Art - 10 points
Page from my Sketchbook
Rey and Storm, some of me and LuckyStarline's splatoon ocs (plus a little mini doodle of my Agent Eight, Painter, at the bottom corner)
I have been reassured by my flight rising veteran partner that eye scars are okay, but if there is any issue, let me know I have other drawings in my sketchbook!

#43 - A picnic - 10 points
Food + Outdoors

#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points
A park bench or outdoor seat
Outdoor Seat or Bench

#45 - Dinner - 10 points
A menu (Don't show the location!)
Dinner Menu

#46 - Movie - 10 points
DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show.
Elemental Blu-Ray and DVD

#47 - Music - 10 points
CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music.
Arcadian Wild CD

Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise!

#48 - Radio - 10 points
Car Radio

#49 - Wind chime - 10 points
Wind Chimes

#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points
Kids' Drum and Percussion Set
shoutout to [store name redacted] for having the EXACT kind of drum I was picturing

#51 - String instrument - 10 points
String Instrument: Banjo

#52 - Keyboard - 10 points

#53 - Bell - 10 points

#54 - Power tool - 10 points
From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods.
Buzz Saw

Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind.

#55 - Recipe - 15 points
Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.)
My Favorite Mac and Cheese
There's a local brand that I absolutely adore of this, and it's my go-to comfort food after a long day of work

  • One Box of a White Cheddar Mac and Cheese Shells
  • Pot with water and Lid
  • Half & Half
  • Spoon and Tablespoon

  1. Fill up a pot 3/4 of the way with hot water and put on the stove on high heat with the lid on
  2. Once the water has come into a boil, open the box of shells, take out the packet of cheese, and pour the shells in
  3. Stir the pot a few times and put a timer on for 10 minutes and leave the shells to cook
  4. Once the timer is up, pour the shells into a strainer, and leave them in there
  5. Back in the empty pot on the stove, pour 3 tablespoons of Half & Half in there (the box will likely say to use milk, but I have found Half & Half to make it creamier)
  6. Pour the packet of cheese in the pot with the Half & Half and stir until combined
  7. Once the cheese sauce has been stirred up, add the shells and mix them into the cheese sauce
  8. Scoop into a bowl, grab a spoon and a good show, and enjoy!

In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points.
(Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.)

#56 - Cicada - 10 points each
Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada!

#57 - Type - 10 points
Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)
It's a Northern Dusk Singing Cicada!
"Perseid They/Them (Nonbinary flag)Fae/Faer (Nonbinary flag)
Trans (Trans flag)Avatar Dragon
TakenWater Flight
FR Time +3Wishlist
[center][img][/img][/center] [b]Reminders:[/b] Please do not delete your [u]whole[/u] post. (Deleting contents is fine.) Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk! Having trouble with an item? Get creative! [b]DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FRT![/b] [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [columns] [color=transparent]_________[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [font=Candara][color=darkgreen][b][size=7]INTRODUCTIONS![/size][/b][/color][/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points[/b] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i](no photo needed) Tell us about yourself! How long have you been here? What flight are you in? What do you like most about the site? Anything you like![/i][/size][/color][/font] Yo! I'm Jeevas (any pronoun) and I've been here since 2014 but only really came back and understood what to do here in 2016 and I've been here ever since! Moved from Arcane to Light in 2021 and am enjoying my stay. I'm missing out on the cicada mania in the middle of the country but hope I can enjoy it from the sidelines! [b]#2 - Create your ID - 5 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points[/b] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i](no photo needed) Ping a friend or two that might like to join your adventure. (You are welcome to ping yourself to find your way back or ping me if you don't want to ping anyone else!)[/i][/size][/color][/font] @Equipoise has already pinged me but I'm the one who told him to join so here I am pinging him back. [b]#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points[/b] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i](no photo needed) Who will be representing your lair? Show off your lair entomologist or the dragon just fascinated by bugs.[/i][/size][/color][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] The Gilded Trident's "entomologist" is CandyPopBud! And by "entomologist" she means "bug fancier and sampler." She will be one of the many creatures gobbling up all the cicadas... [b]#5 - Be prepared - 5 points[/b] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i](no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here.[/i][/size][/color][/font] [img],957,6267,44525,52528,26630,44548,26536&xt=dressing.png[/img] [outfit=2582772] This is her in "serious mode." (No, she does not know how to play the lute. So she hopes cicadas just like the sound of random strings being plucked and strummed) [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [columns] [color=transparent]____[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [font=Candara][color=darkgreen][b][size=7]THEY'RE EVERYWHERE![/size][/b][/color][/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica.[/i][/size][/color][/font][/center] [b]#6 - World map or globe - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#8 - The ground - 10 points[/b] See #7 (and #25) [b]#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] A pot my mom hand-painted! [b]#11 - Stairs - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points[/b] (see #11) [b]#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [columns] [color=transparent]_____[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [font=Candara][color=darkgreen][b][size=7]WHAT THEY ARE NOT[/size][/b][/color][/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each![/b] Be careful if it's a real one! [img][/img] Bee ^ [img][/img] Wasp ^ (or hornet? I just know it's not a bee) [b]#15 - Lady bug - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] bonus: found a larva! [img][/img] [b]#16 - Spider - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] (Do not try at home) [b]#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#18 - Beetle - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] (cue our trip to Michaels) [b]#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] (cue our trip to PetSmart lol) [b]#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] (it's just sleeping shhh) [b]#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#22 - Ant - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [columns] [color=transparent]_________[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [font=Candara][color=darkgreen][b][size=7]A CLOSER LOOK[/size][/b][/color][/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground.[/i][/size][/color][/font][/center] [b]#24 - Egg - 10 points[/b] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs.[/i][/size][/color][/font] [img][/img] [b]#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points[/b] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge.[/i][/size][/color][/font] [img][/img] Evidence of Squirrel #1 [b]#26 - Shell - 10 points[/b] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind.[/i][/size][/color][/font] [img][/img] Evidence of Squirrel #2 [b]#27 - Leg - 10 points[/b] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]Like other insects, cicadas have six.[/i][/size][/color][/font] [img][/img] [i]Behold the socks[/i] [b]#28 - Wing - 10 points[/b] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long.[/i][/size][/color][/font] [img][/img] [b]#29 - Eye - 10 points[/b] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness.[/i][/size][/color][/font] [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [columns] [color=transparent][/color] [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [font=Candara][color=darkgreen][b][size=7]THINGS THAT FLY (BETTER)[/size][/b][/color][/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]#30 - Flag - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#31 - Kite - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] Big boi kite [b]#32 - Clouds - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#34 - Dragon - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#35 - Plane - 10 points[/b] [s](Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.)[/s] [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [columns] [color=transparent]_________[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [font=Candara][color=darkgreen][b][size=7]FEEDING TIME[/size][/b][/color][/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots.[/i][/size][/color][/font][/center] [b]#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each[/b] Two different types of trees. [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]#38 - Roots - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [columns] [color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [font=Candara][color=darkgreen][b][size=7][s]MATING[/s] DATING HELPERS[/size][/b][/color][/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help?[/i][/size][/color][/font][/center] [b]#39 - Chocolate - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#40 - Flowers - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points[/b] Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter. [img][/img] (a valentine's day card given to me earlier this year!) [b]#42 - Art - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] Painted by my mom! [b]#43 - A picnic - 10 points[/b] Food + Outdoors [img][/img] [s]Not Sponsored[/s] [b]#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points[/b] A park bench or outdoor seat [img][/img] [b]#45 - Dinner - 10 points[/b] A menu (Don't show the location!) [img][/img] Nothing more romantic than sushi [b]#46 - Movie - 10 points[/b] DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show. [img][/img] [b]#47 - Music - 10 points[/b] CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music. [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [columns] [color=transparent]________________[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [font=Candara][color=darkgreen][b][size=7]NOISE[/size][/b][/color][/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise![/i][/size][/color][/font][/center] [b]#48 - Radio - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#49 - Wind chime - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] It's a ~wind~ percussion instrument! [b]#51 - String instrument - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#52 - Keyboard - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#53 - Bell - 10 points[/b] [img][/img] [b]#54 - Power tool - 10 points[/b] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods.[/i][/size][/color][/font] [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [columns] [color=transparent]_________[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [font=Candara][color=darkgreen][b][size=7]CREATIVE USES[/size][/b][/color][/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind.[/i][/size][/color][/font][/center] [b]#55 - Recipe - 15 points[/b] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.)[/i][/size][/color][/font] Step 1: Gather shells Step 2: Gather Wonka[size=1](TM)[/size] Nerds Step 3: Fill shells with Nerds Step 4: Tape shells closed Step 5: Shake Step 6: Profit [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [columns] [color=transparent]________________[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____[/color] [font=Candara][color=darkgreen][b][size=7]Bonus![/size][/b][/color][/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns][/center] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points. (Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.)[/i][/size][/color][/font] [b]#56 - Cicada - 10 points each[/b] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada![/i][/size][/color][/font] [img][/img] Wasn't sure if you needed the scav hunt card in the picture, but here's the prototype of the sketch I made for the card! It's not a specific species, cause I honestly think most cicadas look the same and are hard to differentiate with my artistic skills. [i]However...[/i] [url=]Here's a link to a video[/url] I took of a cicada some years ago on our balcony! He was sooo loud he drowned out the lawnmower our neighbors had going! [b]#57 - Type - 10 points[/b] [font=Constantia][color=828335][size=3][i]Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)[/i][/size][/color][/font] He's an [url=]Eastern Scissor Grinder Cicada![/url] [right][size=1]Dividers by [url=]Poisonedpaper[/url] Cicadas by [url=]BrassicaOracle[/url] and [url=]Pinopsida[/url][/size][/right]

Please do not delete your whole post. (Deleting contents is fine.)
Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk!
Having trouble with an item? Get creative!

DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FRT!
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_ txrbxO1.png

#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points
(no photo needed)
Tell us about yourself! How long have you been here? What flight are you in? What do you like most about the site? Anything you like!

Yo! I'm Jeevas (any pronoun) and I've been here since 2014 but only really came back and understood what to do here in 2016 and I've been here ever since! Moved from Arcane to Light in 2021 and am enjoying my stay. I'm missing out on the cicada mania in the middle of the country but hope I can enjoy it from the sidelines!

#2 - Create your ID - 5 points


#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points
(no photo needed)
Ping a friend or two that might like to join your adventure. (You are welcome to ping yourself to find your way back or ping me if you don't want to ping anyone else!)

@Equipoise has already pinged me but I'm the one who told him to join so here I am pinging him back.

#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points
(no photo needed)
Who will be representing your lair? Show off your lair entomologist or the dragon just fascinated by bugs.


The Gilded Trident's "entomologist" is CandyPopBud! And by "entomologist" she means "bug fancier and sampler." She will be one of the many creatures gobbling up all the cicadas...

#5 - Be prepared - 5 points
(no photo needed)
Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here.

Cicada Hunting

This is her in "serious mode." (No, she does not know how to play the lute. So she hopes cicadas just like the sound of random strings being plucked and strummed)
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_ txrbxO1.png
Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica.
#6 - World map or globe - 10 points


#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points


#8 - The ground - 10 points

See #7 (and #25)

#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points


#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points


A pot my mom hand-painted!

#11 - Stairs - 10 points


#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points

(see #11)

#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points

_____ txrbxO1.png _ _____
_ txrbxO1.png

#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each!
Be careful if it's a real one!


Bee ^


Wasp ^ (or hornet? I just know it's not a bee)

#15 - Lady bug - 10 points


bonus: found a larva!


#16 - Spider - 10 points


(Do not try at home)

#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points


#18 - Beetle - 10 points


(cue our trip to Michaels)

#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points


(cue our trip to PetSmart lol)

#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points


(it's just sleeping shhh)

#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points


#22 - Ant - 10 points


#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points

_________ txrbxO1.png _ _____
_ txrbxO1.png
Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground.
#24 - Egg - 10 points
Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs.


#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points
When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge.


Evidence of Squirrel #1

#26 - Shell - 10 points
When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind.


Evidence of Squirrel #2

#27 - Leg - 10 points
Like other insects, cicadas have six.


Behold the socks

#28 - Wing - 10 points
Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long.


#29 - Eye - 10 points
Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness.


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_ txrbxO1.png

#30 - Flag - 10 points


#31 - Kite - 10 points


Big boi kite

#32 - Clouds - 10 points


#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points


#34 - Dragon - 10 points


#35 - Plane - 10 points
(Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.)

_________ txrbxO1.png _ _____
_ txrbxO1.png
Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots.
#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each
Two different types of trees.



#38 - Roots - 10 points

__ txrbxO1.png _ _____
_ txrbxO1.png
As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help?
#39 - Chocolate - 10 points


#40 - Flowers - 10 points


#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points
Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter.


(a valentine's day card given to me earlier this year!)

#42 - Art - 10 points


Painted by my mom!

#43 - A picnic - 10 points
Food + Outdoors


Not Sponsored

#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points
A park bench or outdoor seat


#45 - Dinner - 10 points
A menu (Don't show the location!)


Nothing more romantic than sushi

#46 - Movie - 10 points
DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show.


#47 - Music - 10 points
CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music.

________________ txrbxO1.png _ _____
_ txrbxO1.png
Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise!
#48 - Radio - 10 points


#49 - Wind chime - 10 points


#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points


It's a ~wind~ percussion instrument!

#51 - String instrument - 10 points


#52 - Keyboard - 10 points


#53 - Bell - 10 points


#54 - Power tool - 10 points
From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods.


_________ txrbxO1.png _ _____
_ txrbxO1.png
Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind.
#55 - Recipe - 15 points
Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.)

Step 1: Gather shells
Step 2: Gather Wonka(TM) Nerds
Step 3: Fill shells with Nerds
Step 4: Tape shells closed
Step 5: Shake
Step 6: Profit
________________ txrbxO1.png _ _____
_ txrbxO1.png
In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points.
(Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.)

#56 - Cicada - 10 points each
Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada!


Wasn't sure if you needed the scav hunt card in the picture, but here's the prototype of the sketch I made for the card! It's not a specific species, cause I honestly think most cicadas look the same and are hard to differentiate with my artistic skills. However...

Here's a link to a video I took of a cicada some years ago on our balcony! He was sooo loud he drowned out the lawnmower our neighbors had going!

#57 - Type - 10 points
Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)

He's an Eastern Scissor Grinder Cicada!
Dividers by Poisonedpaper
Cicadas by BrassicaOracle and Pinopsida
[b][u]INTRODUCTIONS![/u][/b] [b]#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points[/b] Heya, I'm Tabby (though I answer to xenonentity, xenon, xeno, or my old username Noivurn lol). I've been a player since 2014, and have been in the Nature flight since day 1! I'm a Master Naturalist irl, with a particular love for bugs, reptiles, bats, and ecology. [b]#2 - Create your ID - 5 points[/b] It should include your user name, user ID, the event, and date. But, feel free to include any other personalization you like. Show it off! If you lose it just make a replacement and add it here. [b]#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points[/b] @jazzpurr @leafical Scavenger hunt time! [b]#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points[/b] I plan on making a more generalist entomologist dragon in lore, but I haven't done it yet, so here's my beekeeper Xylocopa, and his butterfly mate Asclepia [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]#5 - Be prepared - 5 points[/b] (no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here. [u][b]THEY'RE EVERYWHERE![/b][/u] Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica. [b]#6 - World map or globe - 10 points[/b] [b]#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points[/b] [b]#8 - The ground - 10 points[/b] [b]#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points[/b] [b]#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points[/b] [b]#11 - Stairs - 10 points[/b] [b]#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points[/b] [b]#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points[/b] [u][b]WHAT THEY ARE NOT[/b][/u] [b]#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each![/b] [b]#15 - Lady bug - 10 points[/b] [b]#16 - Spider - 10 points[/b] [b]#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points[/b] [b]#18 - Beetle - 10 points[/b] [b]#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points[/b] [b]#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points[/b] [b]#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points[/b] [b]#22 - Ant - 10 points[/b] [b]#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points[/b] [u][b]A CLOSER LOOK[/b][/u] Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground. [b]#24 - Egg - 10 points[/b] Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs. [b]#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points[/b] When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge. [b]#26 - Shell - 10 points[/b] When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind. [b]#27 - Leg - 10 points[/b] Like other insects, cicadas have six. [b]#28 - Wing - 10 points[/b] Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long. [b]#29 - Eye - 10 points[/b] Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness. [u][b]THINGS THAT FLY (BETTER)[/b][/u] Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better. [b]#30 - Flag - 10 points[/b] [b]#31 - Kite - 10 points[/b] [b]#32 - Clouds - 10 points[/b] [b]#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points[/b] [b]#34 - Dragon - 10 points[/b] [b]#35 - Plane - 10 points[/b] [u][b]FEEDING TIME[/b][/u] Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots. [b]#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each[/b] Two different types of trees. [b]#38 - Roots - 10 points[/b] [u][b][s]MATING[/s] DATING HELPERS[/b][/u] As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help? [b]#39 - Chocolate - 10 points[/b] [b]#40 - Flowers - 10 points[/b] [b]#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points[/b] Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter. [b]#42 - Art - 10 points[/b] [b]#43 - A picnic - 10 points[/b] Food + Outdoors [b]#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points[/b] A park bench or outdoor seat [b]#45 - Dinner - 10 points[/b] A menu (Don't show the location!) [b]#46 - Movie - 10 points[/b] DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show. [b]#47 - Music - 10 points[/b] CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music. [u][b]NOISE[/b][/u] Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise! [b]#48 - Radio - 10 points[/b] [b]#49 - Wind chime - 10 points[/b] [b]#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points[/b] [b]#51 - String instrument - 10 points[/b] [b]#52 - Keyboard - 10 points[/b] [b]#53 - Bell - 10 points[/b] [b]#54 - Power tool - 10 points[/b] From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods. [u][b]CREATIVE USES[/b][/u] Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind. [b]#55 - Recipe - 15 points[/b] Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.) [u][b]BONUS[/b][/u] In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points. (Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.) [b]#56 - Cicada - 10 points each[/b] Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada! [b]#57 - Type - 10 points[/b] Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)

#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points

Heya, I'm Tabby (though I answer to xenonentity, xenon, xeno, or my old username Noivurn lol). I've been a player since 2014, and have been in the Nature flight since day 1! I'm a Master Naturalist irl, with a particular love for bugs, reptiles, bats, and ecology.

#2 - Create your ID - 5 points

It should include your user name, user ID, the event, and date. But, feel free to include any other personalization you like. Show it off! If you lose it just make a replacement and add it here.

#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points

@jazzpurr @leafical Scavenger hunt time!

#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points

I plan on making a more generalist entomologist dragon in lore, but I haven't done it yet, so here's my beekeeper Xylocopa, and his butterfly mate Asclepia


#5 - Be prepared - 5 points

(no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here.

Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica.

#6 - World map or globe - 10 points

#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points

#8 - The ground - 10 points

#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points

#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points

#11 - Stairs - 10 points

#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points

#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points


#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each!

#15 - Lady bug - 10 points

#16 - Spider - 10 points

#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points

#18 - Beetle - 10 points

#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points

#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points

#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points

#22 - Ant - 10 points

#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points

Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground.

#24 - Egg - 10 points
Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs.

#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points
When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge.

#26 - Shell - 10 points
When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind.

#27 - Leg - 10 points
Like other insects, cicadas have six.

#28 - Wing - 10 points
Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long.

#29 - Eye - 10 points
Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness.

Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better.

#30 - Flag - 10 points

#31 - Kite - 10 points

#32 - Clouds - 10 points

#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points

#34 - Dragon - 10 points

#35 - Plane - 10 points

Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots.

#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each
Two different types of trees.

#38 - Roots - 10 points

As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help?

#39 - Chocolate - 10 points

#40 - Flowers - 10 points

#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points
Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter.

#42 - Art - 10 points

#43 - A picnic - 10 points
Food + Outdoors

#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points
A park bench or outdoor seat

#45 - Dinner - 10 points
A menu (Don't show the location!)

#46 - Movie - 10 points
DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show.

#47 - Music - 10 points
CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music.

Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise!

#48 - Radio - 10 points

#49 - Wind chime - 10 points

#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points

#51 - String instrument - 10 points

#52 - Keyboard - 10 points

#53 - Bell - 10 points

#54 - Power tool - 10 points
From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods.

Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind.

#55 - Recipe - 15 points
Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.)

In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points.
(Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.)

#56 - Cicada - 10 points each
Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada!

#57 - Type - 10 points
Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)
Please do not delete your whole post. (Deleting contents is fine.)
Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk!
Having trouble with an item? Get creative!

DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FR!

#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points
(no photo needed) Tell us about yourself! How long have you been here? What flight are you in? What do you like most about the site? Anything you like!

#2 - Create your ID - 5 points
It should include your user name, user ID, the event, and date. But, feel free to include any other personalization you like. Show it off! If you lose it just make a replacement and add it here.
(Yes, if you manage to write a recognizable name or symbol and GG24 on your hand/finger/nail, I suppose that can count.)

#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points
(no photo needed) Ping a friend or two that might like to join your adventure. (You are welcome to ping yourself to find your way back or ping me if you don't want to ping anyone else!)

#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points
(no photo needed) Who will be representing your lair? Show off your lair entomologist or the dragon just fascinated by bugs.

#5 - Be prepared - 5 points
(no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here.

Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica.

#6 - World map or globe - 10 points

#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points

#8 - The ground - 10 points

#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points

#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points

#11 - Stairs - 10 points

#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points

#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points

#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each!
Be careful if it's a real one!

#15 - Lady bug - 10 points

#16 - Spider - 10 points

#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points

#18 - Beetle - 10 points

#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points

#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points

#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points

#22 - Ant - 10 points

#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points

Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground.

#24 - Egg - 10 points
Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs.

#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points
When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge.

#26 - Shell - 10 points
When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind.

#27 - Leg - 10 points
Like other insects, cicadas have six.

#28 - Wing - 10 points
Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long.

#29 - Eye - 10 points
Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness.

Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better.

#30 - Flag - 10 points

#31 - Kite - 10 points

#32 - Clouds - 10 points

#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points

#34 - Dragon - 10 points

#35 - Plane - 10 points
(Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.)

Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots.

#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each
Two different types of trees.

#38 - Roots - 10 points

As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help?

#39 - Chocolate - 10 points

#40 - Flowers - 10 points

#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points
Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter.

#42 - Art - 10 points

#43 - A picnic - 10 points
Food + Outdoors

#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points
A park bench or outdoor seat

#45 - Dinner - 10 points
A menu (Don't show the location!)

#46 - Movie - 10 points
DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show.

#47 - Music - 10 points
CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music.

Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise!

#48 - Radio - 10 points

#49 - Wind chime - 10 points

#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points

#51 - String instrument - 10 points

#52 - Keyboard - 10 points

#53 - Bell - 10 points

#54 - Power tool - 10 points
From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods.

Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind.

#55 - Recipe - 15 points
Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.)

In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points.
(Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.)

#56 - Cicada - 10 points each
Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada!

#57 - Type - 10 points
Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)
Please do not delete your whole post. (Deleting contents is fine.)
Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk!
Having trouble with an item? Get creative!

DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FR!

#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points
(no photo needed) Tell us about yourself! How long have you been here? What flight are you in? What do you like most about the site? Anything you like!

#2 - Create your ID - 5 points
It should include your user name, user ID, the event, and date. But, feel free to include any other personalization you like. Show it off! If you lose it just make a replacement and add it here.
(Yes, if you manage to write a recognizable name or symbol and GG24 on your hand/finger/nail, I suppose that can count.)

#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points
(no photo needed) Ping a friend or two that might like to join your adventure. (You are welcome to ping yourself to find your way back or ping me if you don't want to ping anyone else!)

#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points
(no photo needed) Who will be representing your lair? Show off your lair entomologist or the dragon just fascinated by bugs.

#5 - Be prepared - 5 points
(no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here.

Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica.

#6 - World map or globe - 10 points

#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points

#8 - The ground - 10 points

#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points

#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points

#11 - Stairs - 10 points

#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points

#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points

#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each!
Be careful if it's a real one!

#15 - Lady bug - 10 points

#16 - Spider - 10 points

#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points

#18 - Beetle - 10 points

#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points

#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points

#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points

#22 - Ant - 10 points

#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points

Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground.

#24 - Egg - 10 points
Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs.

#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points
When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge.

#26 - Shell - 10 points
When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind.

#27 - Leg - 10 points
Like other insects, cicadas have six.

#28 - Wing - 10 points
Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long.

#29 - Eye - 10 points
Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness.

Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better.

#30 - Flag - 10 points

#31 - Kite - 10 points

#32 - Clouds - 10 points

#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points

#34 - Dragon - 10 points

#35 - Plane - 10 points
(Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.)

Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots.

#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each
Two different types of trees.

#38 - Roots - 10 points

As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help?

#39 - Chocolate - 10 points

#40 - Flowers - 10 points

#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points
Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter.

#42 - Art - 10 points

#43 - A picnic - 10 points
Food + Outdoors

#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points
A park bench or outdoor seat

#45 - Dinner - 10 points
A menu (Don't show the location!)

#46 - Movie - 10 points
DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show.

#47 - Music - 10 points
CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music.

Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise!

#48 - Radio - 10 points

#49 - Wind chime - 10 points

#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points

#51 - String instrument - 10 points

#52 - Keyboard - 10 points

#53 - Bell - 10 points

#54 - Power tool - 10 points
From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods.

Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind.

#55 - Recipe - 15 points
Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.)

In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points.
(Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.)

#56 - Cicada - 10 points each
Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada!

#57 - Type - 10 points
Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)
Come check out Morning glory! (currently under repairs)

Hello again,
This time I'm starting much earlier than in previous years.

Thank you Juxta for the ping. :D

Please do not delete your whole post. (Deleting contents is fine.)
Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk!
Having trouble with an item? Get creative!

DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FR!

#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points
(no photo needed) Tell us about yourself! How long have you been here? What flight are you in? What do you like most about the site? Anything you like!

#2 - Create your ID - 5 points
It should include your user name, user ID, the event, and date. But, feel free to include any other personalization you like. Show it off! If you lose it just make a replacement and add it here.
(Yes, if you manage to write a recognizable name or symbol and GG24 on your hand/finger/nail, I suppose that can count.)

#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points
(no photo needed) Ping a friend or two that might like to join your adventure. (You are welcome to ping yourself to find your way back or ping me if you don't want to ping anyone else!)

#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points
(no photo needed) Who will be representing your lair? Show off your lair entomologist or the dragon just fascinated by bugs.

#5 - Be prepared - 5 points
(no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here.

Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica.

#6 - World map or globe - 10 points

#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points

#8 - The ground - 10 points

#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points

#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points

#11 - Stairs - 10 points

#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points

#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points

#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each!
Be careful if it's a real one!

#15 - Lady bug - 10 points

#16 - Spider - 10 points

#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points

#18 - Beetle - 10 points

#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points

#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points

#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points

#22 - Ant - 10 points

#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points

Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground.

#24 - Egg - 10 points
Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs.

#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points
When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge.

#26 - Shell - 10 points
When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind.

#27 - Leg - 10 points
Like other insects, cicadas have six.

#28 - Wing - 10 points
Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long.

#29 - Eye - 10 points
Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness.

Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better.

#30 - Flag - 10 points

#31 - Kite - 10 points

#32 - Clouds - 10 points

#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points

#34 - Dragon - 10 points

#35 - Plane - 10 points
(Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.)

Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots.

#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each
Two different types of trees.

#38 - Roots - 10 points

As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help?

#39 - Chocolate - 10 points

#40 - Flowers - 10 points

#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points
Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter.

#42 - Art - 10 points

#43 - A picnic - 10 points
Food + Outdoors

#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points
A park bench or outdoor seat

#45 - Dinner - 10 points
A menu (Don't show the location!)

#46 - Movie - 10 points
DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show.

#47 - Music - 10 points
CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music.

Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise!

#48 - Radio - 10 points

#49 - Wind chime - 10 points

#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points

#51 - String instrument - 10 points

#52 - Keyboard - 10 points

#53 - Bell - 10 points

#54 - Power tool - 10 points
From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods.

Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind.

#55 - Recipe - 15 points
Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.)

In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points.
(Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.)

#56 - Cicada - 10 points each
Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada!

#57 - Type - 10 points
Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)
Hello again,
This time I'm starting much earlier than in previous years.

Thank you Juxta for the ping. :D

Please do not delete your whole post. (Deleting contents is fine.)
Do not include any identifying images! Do not put yourself at risk!
Having trouble with an item? Get creative!

DO NOT edit your post after Saturday, June 1st 23:45 FR!

#1 - Introduce yourself! - 5 points
(no photo needed) Tell us about yourself! How long have you been here? What flight are you in? What do you like most about the site? Anything you like!

#2 - Create your ID - 5 points
It should include your user name, user ID, the event, and date. But, feel free to include any other personalization you like. Show it off! If you lose it just make a replacement and add it here.
(Yes, if you manage to write a recognizable name or symbol and GG24 on your hand/finger/nail, I suppose that can count.)

#3 - Take a friend! - 5 points
(no photo needed) Ping a friend or two that might like to join your adventure. (You are welcome to ping yourself to find your way back or ping me if you don't want to ping anyone else!)

#4 - Clan Representative - 5 points
(no photo needed) Who will be representing your lair? Show off your lair entomologist or the dragon just fascinated by bugs.

#5 - Be prepared - 5 points
(no photo needed) Use the dressing room to create the perfect outfit for exploring the great outdoors and share it here.

Cicadas are found almost everywhere - on all continents except Antarctica.

#6 - World map or globe - 10 points

#7 - Sidewalk or walkway - 10 points

#8 - The ground - 10 points

#9 - Window ledge or frame - 10 points

#10 - A planter or pot - 10 points

#11 - Stairs - 10 points

#12 - A railing or low wall - 10 points

#13 - Any part of a car, bicycle, or boat - 10 points

#14 - Bee or wasp - 10 points each!
Be careful if it's a real one!

#15 - Lady bug - 10 points

#16 - Spider - 10 points

#17 - Butterfly or Moth - 10 points

#18 - Beetle - 10 points

#19 - Cricket or Grasshopper - 10 points

#20 - Fly or fruit fly - 10 points

#21 - Dragonfly - 10 points

#22 - Ant - 10 points

#23 - Firefly (or small fairy/twinkle lights) - 10 points

Cicadas are one of the longest living insects. They spend most of that time underground.

#24 - Egg - 10 points
Cicadas can lay up to 600 eggs (typically 200-400) in trees and shrubs.

#25 - Hole in the ground - 10 points
When the nymphs hatch, they drop and burrow underground where they can remain for years until it is time to emerge.

#26 - Shell - 10 points
When a nymph becomes an adult, it leaves its shell behind.

#27 - Leg - 10 points
Like other insects, cicadas have six.

#28 - Wing - 10 points
Their wings range from 2.5 cm to 15 cm long.

#29 - Eye - 10 points
Cicadas have five: two large compound eyes and three ocelli between those - most likely used to detect light and darkness.

Periodical cicadas are notoriously bad flyers, and they often run into things! These might do a bit better.

#30 - Flag - 10 points

#31 - Kite - 10 points

#32 - Clouds - 10 points

#33 - Bird(s) - 10 points

#34 - Dragon - 10 points

#35 - Plane - 10 points
(Yes, Airplanefoxx and scylla, this one's for you.)

Modified mouthparts are designed to feed on liquids rather than solids. They extract nutrients from trees and their roots.

#36-#37 - Trees - 10 points each
Two different types of trees.

#38 - Roots - 10 points

As soon as they shed their shell, male cicadas begin trying to attract a mate. Maybe these would help?

#39 - Chocolate - 10 points

#40 - Flowers - 10 points

#41 - A "love" letter - 10 points
Stationary, heart stickers, or write a fake love letter.

#42 - Art - 10 points

#43 - A picnic - 10 points
Food + Outdoors

#44 - Walk in the park - 10 points
A park bench or outdoor seat

#45 - Dinner - 10 points
A menu (Don't show the location!)

#46 - Movie - 10 points
DVD, video, or a device you would use to watch a show.

#47 - Music - 10 points
CD, vinyl record, or a device you would use to play music.

Unfortunately, cicadas find a mate by screaming! Actually they rub their wings, and a special part of their exoskeleton called a "timbal" makes the identifiable clicking sound. Their love "song" can reach 120 dB (as loud as a chainsaw). So, let's make some noise!

#48 - Radio - 10 points

#49 - Wind chime - 10 points

#50 - Drum, shaker, or percussion instrument - 10 points

#51 - String instrument - 10 points

#52 - Keyboard - 10 points

#53 - Bell - 10 points

#54 - Power tool - 10 points
From what I've heard, it is the finest music to cicadas, and it's better not to plan home improvement projects during their active periods.

Cicadas have no defenses except their sheer number: They are slow, clumsy fliers that do not sting, bite, or hide. Because they are so abundant, many like to find ways to use them or the shells they leave behind.

#55 - Recipe - 15 points
Share a creative "recipe" (doesn't need to be food) that involves cicadas or shells. (No photo required - only the details.)

In case you were having trouble with a couple of the tasks, here is an alternative to make up the points.
(Only 530 are needed for the completion badge, but the maximum possible is 550 with the bonus.)

#56 - Cicada - 10 points each
Include a picture or a drawing of a cicada!

#57 - Type - 10 points
Tell us what type of cicada you showed in #56. (No photo required.)