
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [GG24] Sornieth Summer Games: CLOSED
Sornieth Summer Games

The Greenskeeper festivities have only just begun, but the cicadas are out in droves, buzzing from every corner of the Labyrinth. The humming is so loud, it nearly drowns out the sounds of cheering and applause that squeezes through the dense trees. Deep within the Worldedge Wetlands, you see... an arena?! How did they even fit that in here?! No time to ponder that, as a radiant wildclaw's voice booms overhead,

"Ugh! Nasty bugs— Er, I mean— Welcome to the second annual Sornieth Summer Games! I'm your host, Freesia, bringing all the action and excitement from the Behemoth to you!"

You can't help but admire the great swaths of dragons, coming from all corners of the continent to compete for the gold. Maybe you'll find yourself on the podium?

Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Behemoth Cicada.
Sornieth Summer Games

The Greenskeeper festivities have only just begun, but the cicadas are out in droves, buzzing from every corner of the Labyrinth. The humming is so loud, it nearly drowns out the sounds of cheering and applause that squeezes through the dense trees. Deep within the Worldedge Wetlands, you see... an arena?! How did they even fit that in here?! No time to ponder that, as a radiant wildclaw's voice booms overhead,

"Ugh! Nasty bugs— Er, I mean— Welcome to the second annual Sornieth Summer Games! I'm your host, Freesia, bringing all the action and excitement from the Behemoth to you!"

You can't help but admire the great swaths of dragons, coming from all corners of the continent to compete for the gold. Maybe you'll find yourself on the podium?

Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Behemoth Cicada.
Zeph / 22 / Redwood

[center][font=arial][size=4][b][url=][color=darkgreen]RULES[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]EVENTS[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]SPREADSHEET[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]PRIZES[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]CREDITS[/url][/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][img alt="Rules"][/img][/center] [columns] [nextcol][img alt="Vertical divider - an orange cat stretches up trying to catch a flying Northern Glass cicada."][/img] [nextcol] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol]‏‏‎[img][/img] [nextcol][font=arial][size=5] [color=black]Event opens on [b]Sunday, May 26th[/b] to both in-flight and out of flight players.[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol]‏‏‎[img][/img] ‎[nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=black]In order to enter, you must create a [b]roleplay [/b]post below. You must choose a dragon to enter an event, and write a post roleplaying their time in the event. See F.A.Q. for roleplaying questions.[/columns] [columns][img alt=""][/img] [nextcol]‏‏[img][/img] ‎[nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=black]The games will run until [b]Saturday, June 1st, at 23:59 FR Time[/b], in which no more entries will be accepted afterwards.[/columns] [columns][img alt=""][/img] [nextcol]‏‏‎[img][/img] [nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=black]In order to participate for prizes you must fill out the [b][url=]Event Form[/url][/b] for [b]each and every[/b] event post you make. [u]If you cannot access the form, please pm or ping me, and I will send a link directly to you.[/u][/columns] [columns][img alt=""][/img] [nextcol][img][/img] ‎[nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=black]Participating in any event will automatically make you eligible for its respective prize pack. In order to be eligible for the large, finalist prize packs, you must compete in at least [b]five out of the eight events[/b].[/columns] [nextcol][/columns] [columns][indent] [font=arial][size=5][color=darkgreen]Roleplay tips and examples can be found [url=]HERE[/url]. Please do not have your dragon win or lose an event. Cheating, either physically or magically, is strictly prohibited. Good luck in the competition! [nextcol][indent][/columns]
Vertical divider - an orange cat stretches up trying to catch a flying Northern Glass cicada.
e1UgWPl.png ‏‏‎UfHl5Xb.png
Event opens on Sunday, May 26th to both in-flight and out of flight players.
In order to enter, you must create a roleplay post below. You must choose a dragon to enter an event, and write a post roleplaying their time in the event. See F.A.Q. for roleplaying questions.
The games will run until Saturday, June 1st, at 23:59 FR Time, in which no more entries will be accepted afterwards.

‏‏‎UfHl5Xb.png In order to participate for prizes you must fill out the Event Form for each and every event post you make. If you cannot access the form, please pm or ping me, and I will send a link directly to you.
Participating in any event will automatically make you eligible for its respective prize pack. In order to be eligible for the large, finalist prize packs, you must compete in at least five out of the eight events.

Roleplay tips and examples can be found HERE. Please do not have your dragon win or lose an event. Cheating, either physically or magically, is strictly prohibited. Good luck in the competition!
Zeph / 22 / Redwood


The Sornieth Summer Games Committee are proud to host eight wonderful events this week that will suit any dragon looking to take home the gold. We're also happy to announce a new event this year: Sailing! Click each event to learn more!

Two oak branches leaking tree sap.

What if I don't have a team for the team based events?
Don't worry! Our clan will supply you with fit teammates if you don't want to include multiple dragons in your post.

Is the google form required?
Yes, in order to win prizes, you must also submit a google form alongside your post.

How long can my posts be?
Event posts must be a minimum of 3 sentences long. There is no maximum.

When will the daily word winners be drawn?
Daily word winners will be announced at the beginning of each day. You can sign up for it with the daily ping.

Do I need to ping you in my roleplay post?
There is no need! Please only ping or pm me if you are having issues with any forms or spreadsheets, or have a question that cannot be answered by the thread.

Can I submit multiple entries on the same day? Will this get me extra daily word entries?
You can submit as many entries as you want, and you can submit multiple a day. However, the daily word will only be counted for one entry, even if the word is used in multiple same-day posts.

Can I use variations of the daily word and still have it count?
Yes! That is perfectly fine. For instance you could use "honoring" instead of "honor" for day six.

How many events must I participate in to be eligible for the large prizes?
You must participate in five different events in order to be eligible to win the finalist prize packs.

How will the winners be drawn?
We use, the best RNG available, to draw all winners.

A green caterpillar.XXXXXXXXA brown caterpillar.XXXXXXXXA green caterpillar with a red stripe and yellow spikes.

The Sornieth Summer Games Committee are proud to host eight wonderful events this week that will suit any dragon looking to take home the gold. We're also happy to announce a new event this year: Sailing! Click each event to learn more!

Two oak branches leaking tree sap.

What if I don't have a team for the team based events?
Don't worry! Our clan will supply you with fit teammates if you don't want to include multiple dragons in your post.

Is the google form required?
Yes, in order to win prizes, you must also submit a google form alongside your post.

How long can my posts be?
Event posts must be a minimum of 3 sentences long. There is no maximum.

When will the daily word winners be drawn?
Daily word winners will be announced at the beginning of each day. You can sign up for it with the daily ping.

Do I need to ping you in my roleplay post?
There is no need! Please only ping or pm me if you are having issues with any forms or spreadsheets, or have a question that cannot be answered by the thread.

Can I submit multiple entries on the same day? Will this get me extra daily word entries?
You can submit as many entries as you want, and you can submit multiple a day. However, the daily word will only be counted for one entry, even if the word is used in multiple same-day posts.

Can I use variations of the daily word and still have it count?
Yes! That is perfectly fine. For instance you could use "honoring" instead of "honor" for day six.

How many events must I participate in to be eligible for the large prizes?
You must participate in five different events in order to be eligible to win the finalist prize packs.

How will the winners be drawn?
We use, the best RNG available, to draw all winners.

A green caterpillar.XXXXXXXXA brown caterpillar.XXXXXXXXA green caterpillar with a red stripe and yellow spikes.
Zeph / 22 / Redwood

[center][font=arial][size=4][b][url=][color=darkgreen]RULES[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]EVENTS[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]SPREADSHEET[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]PRIZES[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]CREDITS[/url][/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][img alt="Prizes"][/img] [/center] [columns] [indent] [nextcol] [font=Verdana][size=5][color=black] The dragons of the Nature Flight have provided splendors of the wood as rewards. Three top winners will be drawn from those who participated in [b]5 out of the 8[/b] events to win the gold, silver, and bronze prizes. The rest of the events will draw three winners each for their respective, smaller prize packs. Winners will be drawn and announced on Tuesday, June 4th, during the closing ceremony.[/columns] [img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img] [center] [quote] [u][b]Final Gold Medalist[/b][/u] [item=marigold flower crown][item=gold amulet of alchemy][item=gilded decorative chest][item=golden hoard] [item=Scene: gladekeeper's domain] [item=Gladekeeper Topiary Cutting] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]darciandhermoths[/u] [/quote] [quote] [u][b]Final Silver Medalist[/b][/u] [item=silver flower crown][item=silver amulet of science][item=iron treasure chest][item=silver hoard] [item=vista: gladekeeper] [item= Gladekeeper Topiary Cutting] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]AppleSentry[/u] [/quote] [quote] [u][b]Final Bronze Medalist[/b][/u] [item=daisy flower crown][item=copper amulet of transmutation][item=rusted treasure chest][item=beekeeper's swarm][item=Scene: springswarm][item=Gladekeeper Topiary Cutting] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]Doozie[/u] [/quote] [quote] [b][u]Event 1 - Archery [/u][/b] [b]1st Place[/b] [item=ornate gold necklace][item=violet lei][item=bouquet of flowers] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]kilorechoy[/u] [b]2nd Place[/b] [item=ornate iron necklace] [item=ham-ham][item=iron treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i]@ [u]Canisa[/u] [b]3rd Place[/b] [item=ornate copper necklace] [item=cicada]x20 [item=rusted treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i]@ [u]tigressRising[/u] [/quote] [quote] [b][u]Event 2 - Athletics[/u][/b] [b]1st Place[/b] [item=ornate gold necklace][item=marigold lei][item=bouquet of flowers] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]Deladria[/u] [b]2nd Place[/b] [item=ornate iron necklace] [item=friend anole] [item=iron treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]treesapperson[/u] [b]3rd Place[/b] [item=ornate copper necklace] [item=cicada]x20 [item=rusted treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]OnceWorried[/u] [/quote] [quote] [b][u]Event 3 - Diving[/u][/b] [b]1st Place[/b] [item=ornate gold necklace][item=larkspur lei][item=bouquet of flowers] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]tigressRising[/u] [b]2nd Place[/b] [item=ornate iron necklace] [item=friend gecko] [item=iron treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]NijiMarii[/u] [b]3rd Place[/b] [item=ornate copper necklace] [item=cicada]x20 [item=rusted treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]SakraKaine[/u] [/quote] [quote] [b][u]Event 4 - Fencing[/u][/b] [b]1st Place[/b] [item=ornate gold necklace][item=silver lei][item=bouquet of flowers] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]AppleSentry[/u] [b]2nd Place[/b] [item=ornate iron necklace] [item=Red-eyed tree frog companion] [item=iron treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]Doozie[/u] [b]3rd Place[/b] [item=ornate copper necklace] [item=cicada]x20 [item=rusted treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]treesapperson[/u] [/quote] [quote] [b][u]Event 5 - Gymnastics[/u][/b] [b]1st Place[/b] [item=ornate gold necklace][item=red rose lei][item=bouquet of flowers] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]sketchy[/u] [b]2nd Place[/b] [item=ornate iron necklace] [item=friend gecko] [item=iron treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]Lightehouse[/u] [b]3rd Place[/b] [item=ornate copper necklace] [item=cicada]x20 [item=rusted treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]Doozie[/u] [/quote] [quote] [b][u]Event 6 - Sailing[/u][/b] [b]1st Place[/b] [item=ornate gold necklace][item=seapetal lei][item=bouquet of flowers] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]Canisa[/u] [b]2nd Place[/b] [item=ornate iron necklace] [item=Toad companion] [item=iron treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]treesapperson[/u] [b]3rd Place[/b] [item=ornate copper necklace] [item=cicada]x20 [item=rusted treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]sketchy[/u] [/quote] [quote] [b][u]Event 7- Volleyball[/u] [/b] [b]1st Place[/b] [item=ornate gold necklace][item=daisy lei][item=bouquet of flowers] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]Undermom[/u] [b]2nd Place[/b] [item=ornate iron necklace] [item=guinea pig] [item=iron treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]Pinopsida [/u] [b]3rd Place[/b] [item=ornate copper necklace] [item=cicada]x20 [item=rusted treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]OnceWorried[/u] [/quote] [quote] [b][u]Event 8 - Wrestling[/u][/b] [b]1st Place[/b] [item=ornate gold necklace][item=black tulip lei][item=bouquet of flowers] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]treesapperson[/u] [b]2nd Place[/b] [item=ornate iron necklace] [item=rattle snake] [item=iron treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]SakraKaine[/u] [b]3rd Place[/b] [item=ornate copper necklace] [item=cicada]x20 [item=rusted treasure chest] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]Disillusionist[/u] [/quote] [img alt="Badges"][/img] [quote] [b]Participation[/b] These are availble for anyone to use, as you participated at least once. [img alt="A wooden ring wrapped in vines behind a green ribbon with the year 2024 on it. The Nature flight symbol is in the center of the ring."][/img] [/quote] [quote] [b]Medalist Winners[/b] These are for individuals who placed in the top three, which will be announced during the closing ceremony on Tuesday, June 4th [img alt="A wooden ring wrapped in vines behind a bronze colored ribbon with the year 2024 on it. The Nature flight symbol is in the center of the ring, with a bronze crown above it."][/img] [img alt="A wooden ring wrapped in vines behind a silver covered ribbon with the year 2024 on it. The Nature flight symbol is in the center of the ring, with a silver crown above it."][/img][img alt="A wooden ring wrapped in vines behind a gold covered ribbon with the year 2024 on it. The Nature flight symbol is in the center of the ring with a gold crown above it."][/img] [/quote][/center]

The dragons of the Nature Flight have provided splendors of the wood as rewards. Three top winners will be drawn from those who participated in 5 out of the 8 events to win the gold, silver, and bronze prizes. The rest of the events will draw three winners each for their respective, smaller prize packs. Winners will be drawn and announced on Tuesday, June 4th, during the closing ceremony.

A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.
Final Gold Medalist

Marigold Flower Crown Gold Amulet of Alchemy Gilded Decorative Chest Golden Hoard Scene: Gladekeeper's Domain Gladekeeper Topiary Cutting
Winner: @ darciandhermoths
Final Silver Medalist

Silver Flower Crown Silver Amulet of Science Iron Treasure Chest Silver Hoard Vista: Gladekeeper Gladekeeper Topiary Cutting
Winner: @ AppleSentry
Final Bronze Medalist

Daisy Flower Crown Copper Amulet of Transmutation Rusted Treasure Chest Beekeeper's Swarm Scene: Springswarm Gladekeeper Topiary Cutting
Winner: @ Doozie
Event 1 - Archery

1st Place
Ornate Gold Necklace Violet Lei Bouquet of Flowers
Winner: @ kilorechoy

2nd Place
Ornate Iron Necklace Ham-ham Iron Treasure Chest
Winner:@ Canisa

3rd Place
Ornate Copper Necklace Cicada x20 Rusted Treasure Chest
Winner:@ tigressRising
Event 2 - Athletics

1st Place
Ornate Gold Necklace Marigold Lei Bouquet of Flowers
Winner: @ Deladria

2nd Place
Ornate Iron Necklace Friend Anole Iron Treasure Chest
Winner: @ treesapperson

3rd Place
Ornate Copper Necklace Cicada x20 Rusted Treasure Chest
Winner: @ OnceWorried
Event 3 - Diving

1st Place
Ornate Gold Necklace Larkspur Lei Bouquet of Flowers
Winner: @ tigressRising

2nd Place
Ornate Iron Necklace Friend Gecko Iron Treasure Chest
Winner: @ NijiMarii

3rd Place
Ornate Copper Necklace Cicada x20 Rusted Treasure Chest
Winner: @ SakraKaine
Event 4 - Fencing

1st Place
Ornate Gold Necklace Silver Lei Bouquet of Flowers
Winner: @ AppleSentry

2nd Place
Ornate Iron Necklace Red-eyed Tree Frog Companion Iron Treasure Chest
Winner: @ Doozie

3rd Place
Ornate Copper Necklace Cicada x20 Rusted Treasure Chest
Winner: @ treesapperson
Event 5 - Gymnastics

1st Place
Ornate Gold Necklace Red Rose Lei Bouquet of Flowers
Winner: @ sketchy

2nd Place
Ornate Iron Necklace Friend Gecko Iron Treasure Chest
Winner: @ Lightehouse

3rd Place
Ornate Copper Necklace Cicada x20 Rusted Treasure Chest
Winner: @ Doozie
Event 6 - Sailing

1st Place
Ornate Gold Necklace Seapetal Lei Bouquet of Flowers
Winner: @ Canisa

2nd Place
Ornate Iron Necklace Toad Companion Iron Treasure Chest
Winner: @ treesapperson

3rd Place
Ornate Copper Necklace Cicada x20 Rusted Treasure Chest
Winner: @ sketchy
Event 7- Volleyball

1st Place
Ornate Gold Necklace Daisy Lei Bouquet of Flowers
Winner: @ Undermom

2nd Place
Ornate Iron Necklace Guinea Pig Iron Treasure Chest
Winner: @ Pinopsida

3rd Place
Ornate Copper Necklace Cicada x20 Rusted Treasure Chest
Winner: @ OnceWorried
Event 8 - Wrestling

1st Place
Ornate Gold Necklace Black Tulip Lei Bouquet of Flowers
Winner: @ treesapperson

2nd Place
Ornate Iron Necklace Rattle Snake Iron Treasure Chest
Winner: @ SakraKaine

3rd Place
Ornate Copper Necklace Cicada x20 Rusted Treasure Chest
Winner: @ Disillusionist

These are availble for anyone to use, as you participated at least once.
A wooden ring wrapped in vines behind a green ribbon with the year 2024 on it. The Nature flight symbol is in the center of the ring.
Medalist Winners
These are for individuals who placed in the top three, which will be announced during the closing ceremony on Tuesday, June 4th
A wooden ring wrapped in vines behind a bronze colored ribbon with the year 2024 on it. The Nature flight symbol is in the center of the ring, with a bronze crown above it. A wooden ring wrapped in vines behind a silver covered ribbon with the year 2024 on it. The Nature flight symbol is in the center of the ring, with a silver crown above it.A wooden ring wrapped in vines behind a gold covered ribbon with the year 2024 on it. The Nature flight symbol is in the center of the ring with a gold crown above it.
Zeph / 22 / Redwood

[center][font=arial][size=4][b][url=][color=darkgreen]RULES[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]EVENTS[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]SPREADSHEET[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]PRIZES[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]CREDITS[/url][/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][img alt="Daily Themes"][/img] [/center] [columns] [indent] [nextcol] [font=Verdana][size=5][color=black] There will also be a chance for you to win a small, daily prize! All you must do is include the daily word somewhere in your roleplay post. Please make sure to [b]bold [/b]your daily word so it's easy to spot. [/font][/size][/color] [center] [img alt="Sunday"][/img] [quote]Day 1 - [b]Emerge[/b] Prize: [item=bun-bun] [i]Winner:[/i] @[u] Deladria[/u] [/quote] [img alt="Monday"][/img] [quote]Day 2 - [b]Game[/b] Prize: [item=purple butterfly necklace] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]Canisa[/u][/quote] [img alt="Tuesday"][/img] [quote]Day 3 - [b]Swarm[/b] Prize: [item= beekeeper's swarm] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]tigressRising[/u][/quote] [img alt="Wednesday"][/img] [quote]Day 4 - [b]Race[/b] Prize: [item= glowing purple clawtips] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]SaintNixolas[/u][/quote] [img alt="Thursday"][/img] [quote]Day 5 - [b]Brood[/b] Prize: [item= root dweller] [i]Winner:[/i]@ [u]lightehouse[/u][/quote] [img alt="Friday"][/img] [quote]Day 6 - [b]Scream[/b] Prize: [item=Plum Wooly Antennae] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u]Darciandhermoths[/u][/quote] [img alt="Saturday"][/img] [quote]Day 7 - [b]Celebration[/b] Prize: [item= pearly amulet of chemistry] [i]Winner:[/i] @ [u][/u][/quote] [/center] [/columns]
Daily Themes

There will also be a chance for you to win a small, daily prize! All you must do is include the daily word somewhere in your roleplay post. Please make sure to bold your daily word so it's easy to spot.

Day 1 - Emerge Prize: Bun-Bun Winner: @ Deladria

Day 2 - Game Prize: Purple Butterfly Necklace Winner: @ Canisa

Day 3 - Swarm Prize: Beekeeper's Swarm Winner: @ tigressRising

Day 4 - Race Prize: Glowing Purple Clawtips Winner: @ SaintNixolas

Day 5 - Brood Prize: Root Dweller Winner:@ lightehouse

Day 6 - Scream Prize: Plum Wooly Antennae Winner: @ Darciandhermoths

Day 7 - Celebration Prize: Pearly Amulet of Chemistry Winner: @
Zeph / 22 / Redwood



Zeph / 22 / Redwood

[center][font=arial][size=4][b][url=][color=darkgreen]RULES[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]EVENTS[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]SPREADSHEET[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]PRIZES[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]CREDITS[/url][/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][img alt="Examples"][/img] [/center] [columns] [indent] [nextcol] [font=Verdana][size=5][color=black] [quote] Example #1 [u]Athletics[/u] [url=][img][/img][/url] Freesia crouched at the beginning of the track. Having removed his drapes and fineries, he was ready to run undeterred. He watched his opponents, getting nearly [b]lost [/b]in thought. The whistle from the announcer cleared his head as he stared down the track. Nothing would stop him now! [/quote] [quote] Example #2 [u]Gymnastics[/u] [url=][img][/img][/url] Rosa stretched her limbs, sore from her rigorous routine. She had slipped during one of her jumps, and she prayed to the Gladekeeper it wouldn't harm her score too much. She had begun the sport for fun, but here she stood now, cooling off from her first real Olympic [b]competition[/b]. It was still worth the thrill, win or lose. [/quote][/columns] [center][img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img][/center]

Example #1


Freesia crouched at the beginning of the track. Having removed his drapes and fineries, he was ready to run undeterred. He watched his opponents, getting nearly lost in thought. The whistle from the announcer cleared his head as he stared down the track. Nothing would stop him now!
Example #2
Rosa stretched her limbs, sore from her rigorous routine. She had slipped during one of her jumps, and she prayed to the Gladekeeper it wouldn't harm her score too much. She had begun the sport for fun, but here she stood now, cooling off from her first real Olympic competition. It was still worth the thrill, win or lose.
A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.
Zeph / 22 / Redwood

[center][font=arial][size=4][b][url=][color=darkgreen]RULES[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]EVENTS[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]SPREADSHEET[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]PRIZES[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]CREDITS[/url][/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][img alt="Credits"][/img] [/center] [columns] [indent] [nextcol] [font=Verdana][size=5][color=black] These games would never be possible without all of the help from the Nature team! Massive shoutout to Alyblaith, for organizing my event issues last minute! HUGE thank you to Pinopsida (#709018), for this year's amazing badges!!!! They're beautiful [emoji=skydancer star size=1] [u]The Team[/u] [b]Preparation and Events[/b] Original Event template coding: Valyrie Coding for this event: alyblaith Event Coordination: alyblaith and kirathekat Typesetting: Myrtana, uruhead [b]General Art[/b] Main art (all banners, etc.): Antimoany #175170 Bullet points, cicadas, and decor: BrassicaOracle #42996 Bullet point, cicada decor, dividers: Pinopsida #709018 Shoutout to Jynxmoonstone! Who runs the annual Winter Olympic games down in the Icefield. MASSIVE SHOUTOUT AND THANKS to all of our prize donators!! Thank you, [u]acorncap, Alyblaith, aredshroom, Nerdmom, Neptunelycan, Ryulyn, Zabella, and Edenello[/u]! And finally, thank you, reader, for participating! Have a great Greenskeeper Gathering [emoji=skydancer happy size=1] [/columns] [center][url=][img alt="GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic"][/img][/url][/center] [img alt="Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Behemoth Cicada."][/img]

These games would never be possible without all of the help from the Nature team!

Massive shoutout to Alyblaith, for organizing my event issues last minute!

HUGE thank you to Pinopsida (#709018), for this year's amazing badges!!!! They're beautiful

The Team

Preparation and Events
Original Event template coding: Valyrie
Coding for this event: alyblaith
Event Coordination: alyblaith and kirathekat
Typesetting: Myrtana, uruhead

General Art
Main art (all banners, etc.): Antimoany #175170
Bullet points, cicadas, and decor: BrassicaOracle #42996
Bullet point, cicada decor, dividers: Pinopsida #709018

Shoutout to Jynxmoonstone! Who runs the annual Winter Olympic games down in the Icefield.

MASSIVE SHOUTOUT AND THANKS to all of our prize donators!! Thank you, acorncap, Alyblaith, aredshroom, Nerdmom, Neptunelycan, Ryulyn, Zabella, and Edenello!

And finally, thank you, reader, for participating! Have a great Greenskeeper Gathering

GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic

Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Behemoth Cicada.
Zeph / 22 / Redwood

Two oak branches leaking tree sap.

Opening Ceremony
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Closing Ceremony

Summer Games 2023

A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.

Two oak branches leaking tree sap.

Opening Ceremony
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Closing Ceremony

Summer Games 2023

A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.

Zeph / 22 / Redwood

[center][font=arial][size=4][b][url=][color=darkgreen]RULES[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]EVENTS[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]SPREADSHEET[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]PRIZES[/url] | [url=][color=darkgreen]CREDITS[/url][/b][/font][/size][/center] [center][img alt="Update"][/img] [/center] [columns] [indent] [nextcol] [center][img alt="A green caterpillar."][/img][color=transparent]XXXXXXXX[/color][img alt="A brown caterpillar."][/img][color=transparent]XXXXXXXX[/color][img alt="A green caterpillar with a red stripe and yellow spikes."][/img][/center] [center] [font=Verdana][size=4][color=black]The arena is made from hundreds of grown trees, woven together to create the foundation for the stadium. Garlands and flowers hang in every direction your eyes can see. Pollen hangs in the air, along with banners for each Flight. Even the denseness of the trees can't muffle the roar of cicadas, even louder than the crowd! You scream, I scream, we all scream, cicada theme![/font][/size][/color][/center] [center][img alt="A dark green Behemoth cidada with yellow accents sitting on a vine."][/img][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][font=Verdana][size=4][color=black]Welcome one and all to second annual Sornieth Summer Games! My name is Freesia, Spirit of Summer, and your game announcer! We have plenty of great events to kick off our week of celebration. Feel free to check out the Greenskeeper's Hub for more fun games! Starting now is the traditional lighting of the torch! The cicada confluence is upon us— Augh— I can't say I'm too happy about all these bugs though...[/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [font=Verdana][size=4][color=black] Speak for yourself, this confluence is like my own personal buffet! I'm Pygmy, the cue card writer and eater. If you turn your attention now, the ambassadors from each eleven flights are here to march with their banners and show off the participants. Look at all those dragons! The flame will be held at the peak of The Verdant Spire, where its light shall illuminate day and night, for the next seven days.[/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [font=Verdana][size=4][color=black] Don't eat on the job! Here now we can see the beautiful Earth entourage, just look at how those gems sparkle! Not far behind is the Fire Flight, who may outshine our torch with all those embers! Somebody get the Water Flight on standby, we don't want the Labyrinth in flames![/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [font=Verdana][size=4][color=black] Oh stop that. Nothing burned last year, so we'll be fine. As the Ice Flight makes their way in, please turn your eyes to the top of our arena, where our clan representative, [b]Tierra[/b], will now light the torch.[/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [font=Verdana][size=4][color=black] May this torch burn eternally and ever bright! May it light the way for those lost in the Labyrinth to reach the games safely. May it burn with the spirit of friendship, during this week of peace and celebration. With my talons I now light the torch of victory. Let the games begin![/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [font=Verdana][size=4][color=black] And with that, the Summer Games have officially begun! Feel free to now make your roleplay posts and don't forget to fill out the[b][url=] Google Form[/url][/b] with each submission you make or else it won't be counted![/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [font=Verdana][size=4][color=black] We're also happy to announce [b]today's word of the day[/b] which is [b]emerge[/b]. Please make sure to bold the word in your post! The winner of todays daily prize will be announced tomorrow by yours truly.[/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [font=Verdana][size=4][color=black] Don't forget we've added [b]sailing[/b] this year as a new event. It's a beautiful day here in the Labyrinth, why not get the festivities started? Please make your way to your event area now if you're participating. We'll get going with our first event of the day in just a moment— What's that? Pygmy no! Not again! Don't eat my cue card![/columns] [/columns] [img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap."][/img]
A green caterpillar.XXXXXXXXA brown caterpillar.XXXXXXXXA green caterpillar with a red stripe and yellow spikes.
The arena is made from hundreds of grown trees, woven together to create the foundation for the stadium. Garlands and flowers hang in every direction your eyes can see. Pollen hangs in the air, along with banners for each Flight. Even the denseness of the trees can't muffle the roar of cicadas, even louder than the crowd! You scream, I scream, we all scream, cicada theme!
A dark green Behemoth cidada with yellow accents sitting on a vine.
43753106.png Welcome one and all to second annual Sornieth Summer Games! My name is Freesia, Spirit of Summer, and your game announcer! We have plenty of great events to kick off our week of celebration. Feel free to check out the Greenskeeper's Hub for more fun games! Starting now is the traditional lighting of the torch! The cicada confluence is upon us— Augh— I can't say I'm too happy about all these bugs though...

84990602.png Speak for yourself, this confluence is like my own personal buffet! I'm Pygmy, the cue card writer and eater. If you turn your attention now, the ambassadors from each eleven flights are here to march with their banners and show off the participants. Look at all those dragons! The flame will be held at the peak of The Verdant Spire, where its light shall illuminate day and night, for the next seven days.
43753106.png Don't eat on the job! Here now we can see the beautiful Earth entourage, just look at how those gems sparkle! Not far behind is the Fire Flight, who may outshine our torch with all those embers! Somebody get the Water Flight on standby, we don't want the Labyrinth in flames!
84990602.png Oh stop that. Nothing burned last year, so we'll be fine. As the Ice Flight makes their way in, please turn your eyes to the top of our arena, where our clan representative, Tierra, will now light the torch.
41836499.png May this torch burn eternally and ever bright! May it light the way for those lost in the Labyrinth to reach the games safely. May it burn with the spirit of friendship, during this week of peace and celebration. With my talons I now light the torch of victory. Let the games begin!
43753106.png And with that, the Summer Games have officially begun! Feel free to now make your roleplay posts and don't forget to fill out the Google Form with each submission you make or else it won't be counted!
84990602.png We're also happy to announce today's word of the day which is emerge. Please make sure to bold the word in your post! The winner of todays daily prize will be announced tomorrow by yours truly.
43753106.png Don't forget we've added sailing this year as a new event. It's a beautiful day here in the Labyrinth, why not get the festivities started? Please make your way to your event area now if you're participating. We'll get going with our first event of the day in just a moment— What's that? Pygmy no! Not again! Don't eat my cue card!
A pair of periodical cicada wings displayed between two oak branches leaking tree sap.

Zeph / 22 / Redwood