

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
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Hello again!
Sure thing, I transferred all 3 over to you~

Hello again!
Sure thing, I transferred all 3 over to you~
Thank you :3
Thank you :3
9fbec014932d0afc30da6fd2c36bc2ad26496952.png LEpJMnn.png
Oh nooo I'm so sorry D: I could've swear I replied.
I only recently got TH, so please let me know if there's anything I need to do on my end! It's SealedSalt, same as here. If you're still willing to give the character away I'd still absolutely love em ^^

Thank you for linking that visual guide as well! Their tails are SO cool!!! Wow. I love how they're very reminiscent of medieval-esque banners, especially with them all being unique.
I'm sorry to hear their universe/story was recently dropped, that's such a shame, though I do hope it allows yourself more time now to work on those other projects you're more passionate for now
Oh nooo I'm so sorry D: I could've swear I replied.
I only recently got TH, so please let me know if there's anything I need to do on my end! It's SealedSalt, same as here. If you're still willing to give the character away I'd still absolutely love em ^^

Thank you for linking that visual guide as well! Their tails are SO cool!!! Wow. I love how they're very reminiscent of medieval-esque banners, especially with them all being unique.
I'm sorry to hear their universe/story was recently dropped, that's such a shame, though I do hope it allows yourself more time now to work on those other projects you're more passionate for now

No problem!
And nothing to be sorry over, it's not like I voided it against my will haha

I transferred the character over to you, you should receive a notification
All you gotta do then is click on accept for the transfer to be finalized~

No problem!
And nothing to be sorry over, it's not like I voided it against my will haha

I transferred the character over to you, you should receive a notification
All you gotta do then is click on accept for the transfer to be finalized~
@Tei I'd love to adopt these three, if I could! Bartke is just the best, omg XD
@Tei I'd love to adopt these three, if I could! Bartke is just the best, omg XD
De leur meilleur côté tâchons de voir les choses:
Vous vous plaignez de voir les rosiers épineux;
Moi, je me réjouis et rends grâces aux dieux
Que les épines aient des roses.

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Sure thing!
Do you have a TH account I can transfer them to?

Sure thing!
Do you have a TH account I can transfer them to?
@Tei I do - haven't used it in a few years but just checked and I still know the password for it XD

The username is Henfeathers!
@Tei I do - haven't used it in a few years but just checked and I still know the password for it XD

The username is Henfeathers!
De leur meilleur côté tâchons de voir les choses:
Vous vous plaignez de voir les rosiers épineux;
Moi, je me réjouis et rends grâces aux dieux
Que les épines aient des roses.

667144326.png 667144326.png 667144326.png
I transferred the characters over to you~
I transferred the characters over to you~
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