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TOPIC | Dog fancy / Silken Windhounds
Hi! I'm just curious to see if anybody else on FR is in to any of the following...

Dog shows
Dog sports
Service dog training
dog training in general

I do all of the above and really enjoy it. I show in UKC and my breed is Silken Windhounds. I own two, one being my service dog, and the other in training to be my next service dog.
I also show both of them, and do sports with the younger one. She's a BIG fan of lure coursing, hoping to start titling her soon since she's old enough now (finally).

I'm heavily involved in my breed so if there are any other Silken people here I'd be thrilled to chat!
Hi! I'm just curious to see if anybody else on FR is in to any of the following...

Dog shows
Dog sports
Service dog training
dog training in general

I do all of the above and really enjoy it. I show in UKC and my breed is Silken Windhounds. I own two, one being my service dog, and the other in training to be my next service dog.
I also show both of them, and do sports with the younger one. She's a BIG fan of lure coursing, hoping to start titling her soon since she's old enough now (finally).

I'm heavily involved in my breed so if there are any other Silken people here I'd be thrilled to chat!
What do you imagine the effects of a conscious observer might be?
Windhounds are gorgeous!! I love sighthounds, they are so ethereal! (psst psst do you have pictures :>)

I have a 1 yr old toy poodle with limited registration, I honestly would like to get her into agility and/or obedience because she's very smart and very energetic, but I honestly don't even know where or how to begin with all of that!
Windhounds are gorgeous!! I love sighthounds, they are so ethereal! (psst psst do you have pictures :>)

I have a 1 yr old toy poodle with limited registration, I honestly would like to get her into agility and/or obedience because she's very smart and very energetic, but I honestly don't even know where or how to begin with all of that!
She/her - 23 - Artist

Trigun Stampede - Dr. Stone
Fleet Foxes - Delicious in Dungeon

@Spottedleaf125 It's so fun, I highly recommend it! I'd start by checking to see if there are any facebook groups for dog fancy / sports in your area then see if you can connect with anyone! Here are my kiddos ! [img][/img] [img][/img]

It's so fun, I highly recommend it! I'd start by checking to see if there are any facebook groups for dog fancy / sports in your area then see if you can connect with anyone!
Here are my kiddos !
What do you imagine the effects of a conscious observer might be?
I went to dog shows a couple of times when I was a little kid. My dad liked doing the competitions where they make the dogs walk in a big circle and judge them on stuff. We had golden retrievers.

One of my uncles used to work at a dog rescue organization as a trainer but nobody's heard from him in years.
I went to dog shows a couple of times when I was a little kid. My dad liked doing the competitions where they make the dogs walk in a big circle and judge them on stuff. We had golden retrievers.

One of my uncles used to work at a dog rescue organization as a trainer but nobody's heard from him in years.
@laikovich That's really cool! Goldens are always such a fun breed.
@laikovich That's really cool! Goldens are always such a fun breed.
What do you imagine the effects of a conscious observer might be?

Thank you for the tips!! I will keep an eye out. :) LOOK AT THEM!! They are both so beautiful I could cry ;u; Thank you for sharing!!

Thank you for the tips!! I will keep an eye out. :) LOOK AT THEM!! They are both so beautiful I could cry ;u; Thank you for sharing!!
She/her - 23 - Artist

Trigun Stampede - Dr. Stone
Fleet Foxes - Delicious in Dungeon

@Spottedleaf125 Good luck! If you want further direction I'd be happy to help! We need more people in dog fancy!!!
And thank you so much! I actually just got news yesterday that I may be getting a third, too!
@Spottedleaf125 Good luck! If you want further direction I'd be happy to help! We need more people in dog fancy!!!
And thank you so much! I actually just got news yesterday that I may be getting a third, too!
What do you imagine the effects of a conscious observer might be?
Hello!!! Dog nerd here :)

I don't do Confo yet but I do hope to get into it with Great Pyrs someday ^^

I have (albeit BYB -I didn't know better at the time) a Great Pyr named Artie and she's my baby. She was supposed to be a flock guardian but she likes to chase birds. I wanna see how she does with Dock Diving but I haven't been able to get it set up for a couple of reasons.

I, in general, love LGD breeds and other Guardian breeds. Terriers come in second as my favorite. But I have a soft spot for Pugs too ^^
Hello!!! Dog nerd here :)

I don't do Confo yet but I do hope to get into it with Great Pyrs someday ^^

I have (albeit BYB -I didn't know better at the time) a Great Pyr named Artie and she's my baby. She was supposed to be a flock guardian but she likes to chase birds. I wanna see how she does with Dock Diving but I haven't been able to get it set up for a couple of reasons.

I, in general, love LGD breeds and other Guardian breeds. Terriers come in second as my favorite. But I have a soft spot for Pugs too ^^
@BeeFuzz Ohhh thats so cool! I saw a couple of BEAUTIFUL pyrs at the last show I was at last weekend :-) They are so fun!

Dock diving seems fun! I want to try it with one of mine, but we won't have a local pool to practice in for at least another year.
Right now we mostly do lure coursing and confo :-)

Ohhh I love LGDs, theyre so fun! I have a friend who showed their Anatolians in westminster last year!
@BeeFuzz Ohhh thats so cool! I saw a couple of BEAUTIFUL pyrs at the last show I was at last weekend :-) They are so fun!

Dock diving seems fun! I want to try it with one of mine, but we won't have a local pool to practice in for at least another year.
Right now we mostly do lure coursing and confo :-)

Ohhh I love LGDs, theyre so fun! I have a friend who showed their Anatolians in westminster last year!
What do you imagine the effects of a conscious observer might be?
My spouse and I got pretty into dog shows and sports when we started shopping around for our pup!

I've got a Kooikerhondje that I'd love to do some sport with. I think he'd love FastCAT and maybe agility.
My spouse and I got pretty into dog shows and sports when we started shopping around for our pup!

I've got a Kooikerhondje that I'd love to do some sport with. I think he'd love FastCAT and maybe agility.