

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Prisoners Tales
Cypher darted back around the corner just as the Wildclaw's head whirled around to the spot he'd been standing in only seconds earlier. If he still had organic lungs, he'd have been breathing hard, but that was a small price to pay for all of the benefits of carefully regulated cybernetic ones. He could hear the wildclaw sniffing the air [a pitifully primitive method of detection, if you asked him], and although he knew that her nose alone wouldn't reveal his mechanically concealed presence, he began to feel a trickle of fear, his first in decades. If this strange dragon came searching, he had a feeling that no amount of technological cloaking could hide him from her soul-peircing gaze.

Moon noted the strange dragon's odd manner of speaking, along with the way they showed their neck, as though in challenge. Probably some ancient or feral dragon. Clearly hasn't seen much of modern civilization, if you could call those ******** in the outside world civilized. Wait... Finally, she felt the intrusion in her mind, and she reacted accordingly, slamming a defensive wall around her thoughts. At the same time, she rushed the newcomer, both knives out, instinctively running through what she knew about fighting mind readers. Act only on instinct, never plan more than a split second ahead. If they know what you're doing, you don't stand a chance.
If her thoughts had still been readable, an observer might have noted an image of a strangely altered fae dragon that went along with these thoughts, but it was quickly buried in calculations and well rehearsed techniques.
It was time to dance.
Cypher darted back around the corner just as the Wildclaw's head whirled around to the spot he'd been standing in only seconds earlier. If he still had organic lungs, he'd have been breathing hard, but that was a small price to pay for all of the benefits of carefully regulated cybernetic ones. He could hear the wildclaw sniffing the air [a pitifully primitive method of detection, if you asked him], and although he knew that her nose alone wouldn't reveal his mechanically concealed presence, he began to feel a trickle of fear, his first in decades. If this strange dragon came searching, he had a feeling that no amount of technological cloaking could hide him from her soul-peircing gaze.

Moon noted the strange dragon's odd manner of speaking, along with the way they showed their neck, as though in challenge. Probably some ancient or feral dragon. Clearly hasn't seen much of modern civilization, if you could call those ******** in the outside world civilized. Wait... Finally, she felt the intrusion in her mind, and she reacted accordingly, slamming a defensive wall around her thoughts. At the same time, she rushed the newcomer, both knives out, instinctively running through what she knew about fighting mind readers. Act only on instinct, never plan more than a split second ahead. If they know what you're doing, you don't stand a chance.
If her thoughts had still been readable, an observer might have noted an image of a strangely altered fae dragon that went along with these thoughts, but it was quickly buried in calculations and well rehearsed techniques.
It was time to dance.
many places I have been, many sorrows I have seen, but I don't regret, nor will I forget, those who took that road with me
Perditus spluttered something inaudible in response to Sootleap. Irrus prowled a little closer to the pearlcatcher "Useful, to have a wide reach" He grinned, almost purring "Paaaainful? What a sssshame" Perditus abruptly lunged at him, jaws snapping shut a whisper away from Irrus' face. Falling awkwardly, the pearlcatcher bashed his chin on the ground and crushed one of his front legs, then shuddered as white flooded his scales.
"You sound rather pleased about that" Vagor calmly gazed at Irrus, then turned his cold eyes on Sootleap "Glad to observe that my struggle is useful for once" He spoke precisely as he sat back up, then almost robotically dusted off his coat.

Ukryty trilled, deep in her throat while bobbing her head up and down, commenting to herself "Nameless, nameless, Patient one, waiting one" She shook her head with a snort, eyes fixed on the feathered serpent.
"To who do you speak?" Echo spoke clearly, her gaze peering through. Ukryty chuckled at Moon.
"To us? To miss stabby?" She grinned at the Skydancer "Knives in your hands, knives in your head. Not everything is sharp"

Skade just stared at Eagle, thoroughly unimpressed "No, and I don't care" He sheathed his shadow strike "Good fer 'er. A brush never suited m'e, too fine."

Skel shrugged with her wings "Everywhere needs a healer and I just ended up here"
She stared down at her stuff "Yeah, I could be somewhere better... but... I don't want to leave some of the dragons here. They can't leave" The mirror frowned at Shijie again, the turned to face where she was looking. Carefully, the mirror crept over to the door, quietly snuffling around, then peered out, although neither set of eyes picked up anything odd. With a grumbly growl, she retreated back to where she had been sitting "Hmmm..."

(Peony is in a room with Skade, Eagle & (maybe)Silverglow. Prominence is somewhere near Skel & Shijie, completely asleep)
Perditus spluttered something inaudible in response to Sootleap. Irrus prowled a little closer to the pearlcatcher "Useful, to have a wide reach" He grinned, almost purring "Paaaainful? What a sssshame" Perditus abruptly lunged at him, jaws snapping shut a whisper away from Irrus' face. Falling awkwardly, the pearlcatcher bashed his chin on the ground and crushed one of his front legs, then shuddered as white flooded his scales.
"You sound rather pleased about that" Vagor calmly gazed at Irrus, then turned his cold eyes on Sootleap "Glad to observe that my struggle is useful for once" He spoke precisely as he sat back up, then almost robotically dusted off his coat.

Ukryty trilled, deep in her throat while bobbing her head up and down, commenting to herself "Nameless, nameless, Patient one, waiting one" She shook her head with a snort, eyes fixed on the feathered serpent.
"To who do you speak?" Echo spoke clearly, her gaze peering through. Ukryty chuckled at Moon.
"To us? To miss stabby?" She grinned at the Skydancer "Knives in your hands, knives in your head. Not everything is sharp"

Skade just stared at Eagle, thoroughly unimpressed "No, and I don't care" He sheathed his shadow strike "Good fer 'er. A brush never suited m'e, too fine."

Skel shrugged with her wings "Everywhere needs a healer and I just ended up here"
She stared down at her stuff "Yeah, I could be somewhere better... but... I don't want to leave some of the dragons here. They can't leave" The mirror frowned at Shijie again, the turned to face where she was looking. Carefully, the mirror crept over to the door, quietly snuffling around, then peered out, although neither set of eyes picked up anything odd. With a grumbly growl, she retreated back to where she had been sitting "Hmmm..."

(Peony is in a room with Skade, Eagle & (maybe)Silverglow. Prominence is somewhere near Skel & Shijie, completely asleep)
When worry's never helping, tell me, why, why, worry at all?
Continuum rift RP
There was a change in the way the skydancer’s energy mingled with the stale air. Snaking tendrils became blunt and refused to stray far from their host. If the dragon had kept her distance and outward composure it may have made reading her much more difficult. There are many more ways to read others than just their minds. Appearance and action can often say much more than conscious thought. Even so there was little anyone could do to protect against the serpents capabilities. Her abilities were not grounded in magic like other mind readers. Instead she was innately able to read to the energies outputted by all living things. A skill ingrained into her flesh and the flesh of all who share her breed.

The serpent noted the calm curiosity from half of the conjoined dragons. She was about to clarify her question; the three before her were obviously not guards so why and how have they wandered here? Additional in a place like this it was a must to ask how one was incarcerated. Before she could attempt to voice her thoughts the huntress sprang forth with sudden vigor.

Quickly she pressed her body against the rear wall of the cell. The sudden movement caused her scales to scrape against each other, releasing a cacophonous rattle into the air. Her large size made it impossible to truly get out of reach even with the bars in place. If the huntress tried hard enough she could get her blades through and into her pristine body.
The feathers of her wings and crest flared instinctively, and her eyes shone with much harsher golden light. Without thinking her jaw opened with a loud hiss, hollow fangs displayed in all their terrible glory. She was posed like a frightened animal.

“Why have a mind if you think with your fangs?” The serpent asked in an annoyed tone, her words meant to hurt. She did not meant to spark such a reaction from the huntress but she wasn’t entirely opposed to a fight. She had spent so long alone in the dark that any enrichment was welcome.

(Very nice thank you :D ) —-

Peony’s frills adjusted as he listened to the quiet conversation in the room. The one good thing to come out of this whole predicament was the placement of his cell. The hall was devoid of anything that would absorb much sound save for the shag carpet of a dragon some distance away. The echo off of the walls made eavesdropping a breeze.

As he listened quietly he mindlessly adjusted his clothing. This was a very typical action for him when nothing else needed doing. He grumbled quietly to himself as his talons traced folds and pockets that should have hidden tools and weapons safe within. His demeanor would not make it apparent but he felt very vulnerable and naked without his usual means of defense.

A dried petal fell from the ensemble. What a pain!


The imperial eeped. :)
There was a change in the way the skydancer’s energy mingled with the stale air. Snaking tendrils became blunt and refused to stray far from their host. If the dragon had kept her distance and outward composure it may have made reading her much more difficult. There are many more ways to read others than just their minds. Appearance and action can often say much more than conscious thought. Even so there was little anyone could do to protect against the serpents capabilities. Her abilities were not grounded in magic like other mind readers. Instead she was innately able to read to the energies outputted by all living things. A skill ingrained into her flesh and the flesh of all who share her breed.

The serpent noted the calm curiosity from half of the conjoined dragons. She was about to clarify her question; the three before her were obviously not guards so why and how have they wandered here? Additional in a place like this it was a must to ask how one was incarcerated. Before she could attempt to voice her thoughts the huntress sprang forth with sudden vigor.

Quickly she pressed her body against the rear wall of the cell. The sudden movement caused her scales to scrape against each other, releasing a cacophonous rattle into the air. Her large size made it impossible to truly get out of reach even with the bars in place. If the huntress tried hard enough she could get her blades through and into her pristine body.
The feathers of her wings and crest flared instinctively, and her eyes shone with much harsher golden light. Without thinking her jaw opened with a loud hiss, hollow fangs displayed in all their terrible glory. She was posed like a frightened animal.

“Why have a mind if you think with your fangs?” The serpent asked in an annoyed tone, her words meant to hurt. She did not meant to spark such a reaction from the huntress but she wasn’t entirely opposed to a fight. She had spent so long alone in the dark that any enrichment was welcome.

(Very nice thank you :D ) —-

Peony’s frills adjusted as he listened to the quiet conversation in the room. The one good thing to come out of this whole predicament was the placement of his cell. The hall was devoid of anything that would absorb much sound save for the shag carpet of a dragon some distance away. The echo off of the walls made eavesdropping a breeze.

As he listened quietly he mindlessly adjusted his clothing. This was a very typical action for him when nothing else needed doing. He grumbled quietly to himself as his talons traced folds and pockets that should have hidden tools and weapons safe within. His demeanor would not make it apparent but he felt very vulnerable and naked without his usual means of defense.

A dried petal fell from the ensemble. What a pain!


The imperial eeped. :)
Moon slammed against the bars, but went no further with her weapons. Instead, she spoke to the serpentine dragon.
"Get. Out. Of. My. HEAD!"
Then she turned, showing the first signs of real fear in her eyes, and dashed away down the corridor. Her thoughts sparked clearly with If they learn what I've done... Who I've killed... will he take me back?
Then, Moon turned the corner and disappeared into the mazelike hallways of the prison.
(sorry I didn't give you a fight, but I figure it's a great time for a lore dump, so it's flashback time!)
15 years ago...
A young skydancer flew through the rain-soaked night.
Cold, wet, hungry, and alone, Moon looked up at the moons she was named for, wishing she could hide there, away from her terrible curse. Wishing that the rain could wash the blood off of her claws. She knew that no one would take her in, that no one would accept her after what she'd done.
She had killed a god.
The previous day, she had witnessed a deity born. A new deity, a new flight, maybe a new chance for peace. He had been weak, hungry, and alone, just as she was now. He had needed a friend. He said his name was Star, and that had a gift for her.
He had turned her eyes silver, filled her with the power of the stars that were his namesake, and told her that she could be the beginning of something incredible. Of a new elemental flight, one dedicated to the stars, the cosmic ballance between light and dark.
But she'd been afraid of him. Afraid of his mysterious power.
And so she'd taken up a weapon for the first time. The first of many.
And she had stabbed him through the heart.
Moon looked up again, looked up at the stars above her, and made a silent vow that their light would never again shed light upon her cursed form.
Then, and only then, did she allow herself to weep.

Moon slammed against the bars, but went no further with her weapons. Instead, she spoke to the serpentine dragon.
"Get. Out. Of. My. HEAD!"
Then she turned, showing the first signs of real fear in her eyes, and dashed away down the corridor. Her thoughts sparked clearly with If they learn what I've done... Who I've killed... will he take me back?
Then, Moon turned the corner and disappeared into the mazelike hallways of the prison.
(sorry I didn't give you a fight, but I figure it's a great time for a lore dump, so it's flashback time!)
15 years ago...
A young skydancer flew through the rain-soaked night.
Cold, wet, hungry, and alone, Moon looked up at the moons she was named for, wishing she could hide there, away from her terrible curse. Wishing that the rain could wash the blood off of her claws. She knew that no one would take her in, that no one would accept her after what she'd done.
She had killed a god.
The previous day, she had witnessed a deity born. A new deity, a new flight, maybe a new chance for peace. He had been weak, hungry, and alone, just as she was now. He had needed a friend. He said his name was Star, and that had a gift for her.
He had turned her eyes silver, filled her with the power of the stars that were his namesake, and told her that she could be the beginning of something incredible. Of a new elemental flight, one dedicated to the stars, the cosmic ballance between light and dark.
But she'd been afraid of him. Afraid of his mysterious power.
And so she'd taken up a weapon for the first time. The first of many.
And she had stabbed him through the heart.
Moon looked up again, looked up at the stars above her, and made a silent vow that their light would never again shed light upon her cursed form.
Then, and only then, did she allow herself to weep.

many places I have been, many sorrows I have seen, but I don't regret, nor will I forget, those who took that road with me
"I must say, I see such scenes very rarely. Many a De Lano have duffered at the paws of creatures like you," Sootleap glanced at Vagor before turning his head towards Irrus, "So they cannot make the prey suffer. Against their code, so says my mistress. A quick easy death, unless they really deserve it." He gazed at the scene the way one might enjoy their favorite play being shown.

"A brush didn't suit her for long. I... I remember now," Eagle murmured. "She got sick. There was a wolf inside her, just like a De Lano's, and it ate away at her consciousness, bit by bit. After she called the Pathfinder for help, she got a little better, and then I went south with my father. I never saw her again." The gaoler blinked at Skade, as if trying to imagine him holding a brush, standing in front of a canvas.

(I think a beret would suit Skade.)

"Nobody here can leave, at least, not with ease," Shijie muttered. "Your... your heat vision. Hath it seen anything? A flicker of life... I thought I saw one." Shijie rasped, rubbing her eye. She squinted at the wall. "But so faint... A passing spirit, perhaps, passing in and out of the material realm? And yet that would require a host." She frowned, then held a hand over her eye. The removal of the hand was greeted by a slight change in her breathing, as if bazzled.

"Whoa. Been a while since I looked around without the spirit world. Everything is so... muted. How does everybody see like this?" She seemed to be talking more to herself than Skel, tone conversational. Her eye was almost blue again, although traces of grey flashed in every now and then.

(HMMM. Dragon, a god, you say? Of a different flight, you say? And he makes the eyes of his followers turn grey and gives them power, you say? HMM. *insert griffin wheezing in the background* HMMMMMMMMMM.)
"I must say, I see such scenes very rarely. Many a De Lano have duffered at the paws of creatures like you," Sootleap glanced at Vagor before turning his head towards Irrus, "So they cannot make the prey suffer. Against their code, so says my mistress. A quick easy death, unless they really deserve it." He gazed at the scene the way one might enjoy their favorite play being shown.

"A brush didn't suit her for long. I... I remember now," Eagle murmured. "She got sick. There was a wolf inside her, just like a De Lano's, and it ate away at her consciousness, bit by bit. After she called the Pathfinder for help, she got a little better, and then I went south with my father. I never saw her again." The gaoler blinked at Skade, as if trying to imagine him holding a brush, standing in front of a canvas.

(I think a beret would suit Skade.)

"Nobody here can leave, at least, not with ease," Shijie muttered. "Your... your heat vision. Hath it seen anything? A flicker of life... I thought I saw one." Shijie rasped, rubbing her eye. She squinted at the wall. "But so faint... A passing spirit, perhaps, passing in and out of the material realm? And yet that would require a host." She frowned, then held a hand over her eye. The removal of the hand was greeted by a slight change in her breathing, as if bazzled.

"Whoa. Been a while since I looked around without the spirit world. Everything is so... muted. How does everybody see like this?" She seemed to be talking more to herself than Skel, tone conversational. Her eye was almost blue again, although traces of grey flashed in every now and then.

(HMMM. Dragon, a god, you say? Of a different flight, you say? And he makes the eyes of his followers turn grey and gives them power, you say? HMM. *insert griffin wheezing in the background* HMMMMMMMMMM.)
(Did I **** up and accidentally make Lan again? Don't worry, its not your god. Completely different god. Don't worry about it. Totally. Yep.)
(also, if you're looking in the spirit world you can definitely see Cypher, but he doesn't know that...)
(Did I **** up and accidentally make Lan again? Don't worry, its not your god. Completely different god. Don't worry about it. Totally. Yep.)
(also, if you're looking in the spirit world you can definitely see Cypher, but he doesn't know that...)
many places I have been, many sorrows I have seen, but I don't regret, nor will I forget, those who took that road with me
Irrus swept his tail back and forth "No suffering?" He stifled a chuckle, then gave up and cackled "How boring" The Spiral gripped the bars tight, pupils dilated to the point that they were totally round "Codes? Boring! Chuck 'em out the doooor, who needsss 'em? Heh heh heh"
Vagor coolly regarded Sootleap "And a creature like you is certainly fascinating, however it would be improper to conduct any research without going through all the correct forms-"
"Agh, shut it, yer chat is borin' too"
Vagor smoothly swung his gaze back to Irrus "The blame for that is on you." He swept a claw across his scales "I had managed to get myself stabilised."

Ukryty flicked out her tongue, watching Moon run. A chase would be fun! Maybe they could play at the end. A hunt would be fun! Maybe they would tear flesh at the end! Echo did not approve of that. "Daggers in her hands, daggers in her head, but no daggers in you" Ukryty tilted her head at the Auraboa "Threads reach and turn, reading the loom. Do you like the tapestry you see?" She flicked her gaze around, apparently reading the shadows "Silverrrr, the metal disk of the sky. Silver on the ground, Silver on the scales. Bright metal in the night"

Skade just looked at Eagle skeptically, then sarcastically remarked "Woof, woof" He looked back at Peony, grumbled, then pressed two claws into the gap between the first and second set of eyes while he continued to speak to Eagle "M'aybe for the better then, eh fluffball? If she's still around now, there won't be 'much m'ind left"
(If you could get him to keep it on for longer than a second, maybe)

Skel clicked her teeth together "Couldn't see anything, with any eyes" She glanced over at the sleeping imperial "If there was something, it either was too fast to leave a heat-print, or is the same temperature as the surroundings"
Irrus swept his tail back and forth "No suffering?" He stifled a chuckle, then gave up and cackled "How boring" The Spiral gripped the bars tight, pupils dilated to the point that they were totally round "Codes? Boring! Chuck 'em out the doooor, who needsss 'em? Heh heh heh"
Vagor coolly regarded Sootleap "And a creature like you is certainly fascinating, however it would be improper to conduct any research without going through all the correct forms-"
"Agh, shut it, yer chat is borin' too"
Vagor smoothly swung his gaze back to Irrus "The blame for that is on you." He swept a claw across his scales "I had managed to get myself stabilised."

Ukryty flicked out her tongue, watching Moon run. A chase would be fun! Maybe they could play at the end. A hunt would be fun! Maybe they would tear flesh at the end! Echo did not approve of that. "Daggers in her hands, daggers in her head, but no daggers in you" Ukryty tilted her head at the Auraboa "Threads reach and turn, reading the loom. Do you like the tapestry you see?" She flicked her gaze around, apparently reading the shadows "Silverrrr, the metal disk of the sky. Silver on the ground, Silver on the scales. Bright metal in the night"

Skade just looked at Eagle skeptically, then sarcastically remarked "Woof, woof" He looked back at Peony, grumbled, then pressed two claws into the gap between the first and second set of eyes while he continued to speak to Eagle "M'aybe for the better then, eh fluffball? If she's still around now, there won't be 'much m'ind left"
(If you could get him to keep it on for longer than a second, maybe)

Skel clicked her teeth together "Couldn't see anything, with any eyes" She glanced over at the sleeping imperial "If there was something, it either was too fast to leave a heat-print, or is the same temperature as the surroundings"
When worry's never helping, tell me, why, why, worry at all?
Continuum rift RP
Cypher heard Skel's words with a sigh of relief. It looked like he'd remain undetected for now. However, going past the wildclaw on the floor would not be a good idea.
With another sigh, Cypher slipped silently back down the corridor and vanished into darkness.
His time was not yet here, but it would come.
(Hello, all. I just want to let you know that this is my last regular post for a while. School is about to let out, and I won't be able to be on over the summer since my school chromebook is the only way I can access this. If this site gets blocked, then this may be the last post I ever make. Hopefully, though, I'll see you all again when school starts back up.
I know that we don't know each other in person, and that I don't really know much about you, but I consider you all to be good friends of mine. Whatever happens, I'll be back someday.
I'll see you on the other side. Dragonryder out.)
Cypher heard Skel's words with a sigh of relief. It looked like he'd remain undetected for now. However, going past the wildclaw on the floor would not be a good idea.
With another sigh, Cypher slipped silently back down the corridor and vanished into darkness.
His time was not yet here, but it would come.
(Hello, all. I just want to let you know that this is my last regular post for a while. School is about to let out, and I won't be able to be on over the summer since my school chromebook is the only way I can access this. If this site gets blocked, then this may be the last post I ever make. Hopefully, though, I'll see you all again when school starts back up.
I know that we don't know each other in person, and that I don't really know much about you, but I consider you all to be good friends of mine. Whatever happens, I'll be back someday.
I'll see you on the other side. Dragonryder out.)
many places I have been, many sorrows I have seen, but I don't regret, nor will I forget, those who took that road with me
(Fish, you wanna go or should I?)
(Fish, you wanna go or should I?)
(I guess it's your turn Griffin)
(I guess it's your turn Griffin)
When worry's never helping, tell me, why, why, worry at all?
Continuum rift RP