TOPIC | Theme Week: Dusthide Dragons!

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[center]I only have 3, all Gen1s:
this is lucy, she was one of my free egg hatches
and quincy, i JUST got done adding genes to them yesterday
and finally aria, who came with her genes from the auctionhouse

this is lucy, she was one of my free egg hatches

and quincy, i JUST got done adding genes to them yesterday

and finally aria, who came with her genes from the auctionhouse
Here is Mama and Dusty Rhodes!
My egg hatches came out with great colors!
This one is my boy Kami! He's a lovely lad who adores the mud bath at the Bathhouse, helping the Undertide family run the place. He and his mate Hebi are known for their clay masks and pumice stone scale polish spa treatment!
And this girl is Hebi! She's the sand girlie, happy to crush things to sand and use them in her massages. You wouldn't think her claws are suited for that, but she's very good at it! She's very quiet, but sweet.
My egg hatches came out with great colors!
This one is my boy Kami! He's a lovely lad who adores the mud bath at the Bathhouse, helping the Undertide family run the place. He and his mate Hebi are known for their clay masks and pumice stone scale polish spa treatment!

And this girl is Hebi! She's the sand girlie, happy to crush things to sand and use them in her massages. You wouldn't think her claws are suited for that, but she's very good at it! She's very quiet, but sweet.
This one is my boy Kami! He's a lovely lad who adores the mud bath at the Bathhouse, helping the Undertide family run the place. He and his mate Hebi are known for their clay masks and pumice stone scale polish spa treatment!

And this girl is Hebi! She's the sand girlie, happy to crush things to sand and use them in her massages. You wouldn't think her claws are suited for that, but she's very good at it! She's very quiet, but sweet.

[b][size=5]Nudii[/size][/b] - I named her after the nudibranch because she resembles them
[b][size=5]Cupid[/size][/b] - with his blush color, the display gene makes him look like a valentine themed dragon hence the name
[b][size=5]Lithos[/size][/b] - one of my fave Dusthide that I have
Vase, one part of my boulder beetle pairing! I scooped him up on day one of the big dusthide hatch and I LOOOOVE him.
Then I have my other couple, Gek, and Kou... They're stag geckos :3
I really love the coil gene on Gek because it highlights his wing's beans. And Kou's colors really are darling!
LucianAndLucifer...he's definitely a sinister figure!
I wish my gene projects were done, I'd have much more to show! [emoji=nocturne sad size=1]
[center]This is Copperclaws!
verien, my 8th anniversary hatch who i decided, looks really awesome as a dusthide, i like the mandibles are slightly pink like his eyes ^_^
and slug, my xxy g1 who i NEEDED to change into a dusthide bcos antlers looked so awesome on him
and cora, one of the babies i hatched from the gift eggs!

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