
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | RENEM_ART SHOP [Gems/Treasure, Items, $]

Ahhhh so pretty....

Are these still open? I'd love a complex full body piece for gems.

Of my idiot OC Brad. Or, his evil version, which is the last two pics in the album, whichever of the two you feel like:

For the evil version, he tends to have a blank face--OR one that's a menacing grin when he's having too much fun burning something. He's sort of under control.

For the default, well.. He can also have too much fun burning something and unknowingly have a menacing grin, if you want to go that route. Otherwise, he's got a wide range. Being silly, trying to act cool and totally awesome, maybe showing off his fire manipulation or even getting flustered and accidentally showing his fire hair lol. I can toss out more ideas or you can do something different.

Ahhhh so pretty....

Are these still open? I'd love a complex full body piece for gems.

Of my idiot OC Brad. Or, his evil version, which is the last two pics in the album, whichever of the two you feel like:

For the evil version, he tends to have a blank face--OR one that's a menacing grin when he's having too much fun burning something. He's sort of under control.

For the default, well.. He can also have too much fun burning something and unknowingly have a menacing grin, if you want to go that route. Otherwise, he's got a wide range. Being silly, trying to act cool and totally awesome, maybe showing off his fire manipulation or even getting flustered and accidentally showing his fire hair lol. I can toss out more ideas or you can do something different.
13ulbasaur.gif vRisyDR.png
@crowbartender it works! Complex fullbody for your character will cost 5500 gems ^^ If you fine with that, just send me a trade and let me know what exactly you have in mind for this artwork. Any specyfic pose/ expression etc?
@crowbartender it works! Complex fullbody for your character will cost 5500 gems ^^ If you fine with that, just send me a trade and let me know what exactly you have in mind for this artwork. Any specyfic pose/ expression etc?
@steampunklayhr Thank you so much!! <3

If you have some more of the rare items I will gladly take a look!
And I just accepted one comission so you would have to wait a little bit if it's ok ^^

@steampunklayhr Thank you so much!! <3

If you have some more of the rare items I will gladly take a look!
And I just accepted one comission so you would have to wait a little bit if it's ok ^^

@Twiggies I have already two comissions to make so you would have to wait a little bit ^^ If it's ok with you, I'll ping you when i finish them!
@Twiggies I have already two comissions to make so you would have to wait a little bit ^^ If it's ok with you, I'll ping you when i finish them!
@GoldenRust Sure thing! I'll send you a PM with them! (Also are you more interested in old familiars, old apparel, or old skins? I can send them all, but have to run to take care of some things off FR first, so may wind up being later today if that's alright!)

And I don't mind waiting at all! :D
@GoldenRust Sure thing! I'll send you a PM with them! (Also are you more interested in old familiars, old apparel, or old skins? I can send them all, but have to run to take care of some things off FR first, so may wind up being later today if that's alright!)

And I don't mind waiting at all! :D
Zeon! (she/they)
@steampunklayhr sure think! You can DM me or send them right here! And I don't mind waiting ^^
I preffer old apparel and skins but familiars are also fine (especially light related ones). Anything that is hard to find/ expensive on AH :D
@steampunklayhr sure think! You can DM me or send them right here! And I don't mind waiting ^^
I preffer old apparel and skins but familiars are also fine (especially light related ones). Anything that is hard to find/ expensive on AH :D

Totally fine with waiting, thank you :)

Totally fine with waiting, thank you :)
13ulbasaur.gif vRisyDR.png
@GoldenRust Hi, is your shop still open? If so, could I please get a slot?
@GoldenRust Hi, is your shop still open? If so, could I please get a slot?
@Concilliabule Hi! For now it's closed, sorry! You can subscribe my ping list if you want a slot in the near future ^^
@Concilliabule Hi! For now it's closed, sorry! You can subscribe my ping list if you want a slot in the near future ^^
Please click here to be pinged in the future when my shop is open again ^^
Please click here to be pinged in the future when my shop is open again ^^