

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Prisoners Tales
(Oooo, hello! And welcome back)

(Oo spooky)
(Oooo, hello! And welcome back)

(Oo spooky)
When worry's never helping, tell me, why, why, worry at all?
Continuum rift RP
(Shi isn't trying to kill God. She merely blatantly refuses to worship the eleven, kills pearlcatchers for Lan, and then her wolf takes over sometimes to massacre other dragons, except it often doesn't work because, being a spirit, it can't think very far ahead. Shi has been merged with this spirit since the age of four, because the alternative would be letting it run loose slaughtering everything.

Yeah... She has a few morals. Like, maybe one or two? That's definitely enough.)
(Shi isn't trying to kill God. She merely blatantly refuses to worship the eleven, kills pearlcatchers for Lan, and then her wolf takes over sometimes to massacre other dragons, except it often doesn't work because, being a spirit, it can't think very far ahead. Shi has been merged with this spirit since the age of four, because the alternative would be letting it run loose slaughtering everything.

Yeah... She has a few morals. Like, maybe one or two? That's definitely enough.)
(but you didn't deny trying to indoctrinate Stormwynd... there's hope for me yet! [assuming he ever comes back, that is])
(but you didn't deny trying to indoctrinate Stormwynd... there's hope for me yet! [assuming he ever comes back, that is])
many places I have been, many sorrows I have seen, but I don't regret, nor will I forget, those who took that road with me
(Skade's just a grumpy, stubborn lump. I had a look back through to when Blight was around and it was kind of funny reading him just not having it from EVERYONE)
(Skade's just a grumpy, stubborn lump. I had a look back through to when Blight was around and it was kind of funny reading him just not having it from EVERYONE)
When worry's never helping, tell me, why, why, worry at all?
Continuum rift RP
(what page was that? I wanna get some bakground)
(what page was that? I wanna get some bakground)
many places I have been, many sorrows I have seen, but I don't regret, nor will I forget, those who took that road with me
(No idea)
(No idea)
When worry's never helping, tell me, why, why, worry at all?
Continuum rift RP
(Is it my turn?)
(Is it my turn?)
(either you or Fish, yeah. I have Cypher in with Shi and Skel, and Moon is dealing with the new Auraboa along with Echo and the shape shifter whose name I can't spell. One or the other might head over to where Skade is at some point tho because none of my characters have interacted with him yet)
(either you or Fish, yeah. I have Cypher in with Shi and Skel, and Moon is dealing with the new Auraboa along with Echo and the shape shifter whose name I can't spell. One or the other might head over to where Skade is at some point tho because none of my characters have interacted with him yet)
many places I have been, many sorrows I have seen, but I don't regret, nor will I forget, those who took that road with me
The large dragons jaws separated slightly into a very slight smile. Fangs longer than two average foreclaws end to end glinted in the dim light. A noise escaped the dragon who bore them. Breathy and quiet, she was laughing.

She was reacting to the questions asked of her. They were odd, especially the second one. She was also amused simply by the fact that the three dragons had chosen to speak to her. most who wandered this corridor offered no more than sidelong glances and tangled thoughts.

"I am here to wait, just the same as the rest." She answered in a strange accent. It was labored and animalistic. It was as if she was not built to talk but to howl and hiss. Her long body coiled tighter and her thinner feathered tail brushed against the metal bars of her cell. Tink, tink, went each quill as it passed the corroded iron.

"I am nameless. I am one of many." She hummed. Her pupilless eyes studied the movements of the two dragons and her forked tongue flicked as their thoughts danced with her own.

The one who spoke to her first was a huntress in spirit. Her eyes found flaws in her dull scales and feathers and sent instructions to teeth and claws. A wary predator carefully watching new prey. It was clear how someone like that could end up in a place like this. The serpent angled her head up to display the softer scales of her neck, just for a moment. A show of good will, a challenge, or something else.

The other two approached quickly. It was jarring to feel the two of them bound together as they were. Mingling mind, body, and soul. She was very intrigued by how that came to be. It was endearing how one behaved akin to a dragonet while the other its guardian.

"Why have you strayed from home?" She asked suddenly, to whom exactly it wasn't clear. There was too much to know but words were not enough to view their souls.

(Can someone remind me where and who Peony and Prominence are/are talking to? If anyone knows it off the top of they domes, if not I'll go look. kind of forgot everything oops If anyone wants to talk to either of them also let me know)
The large dragons jaws separated slightly into a very slight smile. Fangs longer than two average foreclaws end to end glinted in the dim light. A noise escaped the dragon who bore them. Breathy and quiet, she was laughing.

She was reacting to the questions asked of her. They were odd, especially the second one. She was also amused simply by the fact that the three dragons had chosen to speak to her. most who wandered this corridor offered no more than sidelong glances and tangled thoughts.

"I am here to wait, just the same as the rest." She answered in a strange accent. It was labored and animalistic. It was as if she was not built to talk but to howl and hiss. Her long body coiled tighter and her thinner feathered tail brushed against the metal bars of her cell. Tink, tink, went each quill as it passed the corroded iron.

"I am nameless. I am one of many." She hummed. Her pupilless eyes studied the movements of the two dragons and her forked tongue flicked as their thoughts danced with her own.

The one who spoke to her first was a huntress in spirit. Her eyes found flaws in her dull scales and feathers and sent instructions to teeth and claws. A wary predator carefully watching new prey. It was clear how someone like that could end up in a place like this. The serpent angled her head up to display the softer scales of her neck, just for a moment. A show of good will, a challenge, or something else.

The other two approached quickly. It was jarring to feel the two of them bound together as they were. Mingling mind, body, and soul. She was very intrigued by how that came to be. It was endearing how one behaved akin to a dragonet while the other its guardian.

"Why have you strayed from home?" She asked suddenly, to whom exactly it wasn't clear. There was too much to know but words were not enough to view their souls.

(Can someone remind me where and who Peony and Prominence are/are talking to? If anyone knows it off the top of they domes, if not I'll go look. kind of forgot everything oops If anyone wants to talk to either of them also let me know)
"Why I returned? Well, obvously, for one thing, my host is no longer being controlled by that... other spirit, my roommate if you must. Second, this is very entertaining. All my mistress does when she's home is train, teach a certain young 'claw the ways of the world, accompany Karanteg to meetings as if someone's plotting his death, and cover every single surface in the basement with chalk drawings. It gets very dull after a while. And of course," the cat flicked his tail, "We, the spirits she and the wolf host, do have to pay rent. We are her eyes and ears around her, when she cannot investigate something closeby herself. A pity we are unable to reach far from her. The distance gets rather painful." Sootleap slowly blinked, amber eyes boring into Perditus'/Vagor's.

"Oh, yeah." Eagle shook his head. "How foolish of me. Have I-" he stared dreamily at Skade for a moment, "Have I ever spoken of my mother? She was a healer at a prison. 'Got fired later on, took up art instead."

"I suppose there is sense to that. Only a healer? How did you end up here, then? Many a better place for one, no?" Shijie reasoned, picking at some old scar or other. Suddenly, her head immediately twirled around, eye scanning the corridor for signs of threat. Her face twisted into a frown, and she sniffed the air. Something was off, and it wasn't the doing of her spirits. Well, if there was one thing she'd learned from the gaolers (apart from the fact that talking back to one got you burns on your hands and a missing eye), it was that one's nose could not tell them everything. Or, at least, definitely not many mortal's.

(I dunno if Cypher is in thrir line of sight, so Shi's just having a feeling right now. Will correct if needed!)
"Why I returned? Well, obvously, for one thing, my host is no longer being controlled by that... other spirit, my roommate if you must. Second, this is very entertaining. All my mistress does when she's home is train, teach a certain young 'claw the ways of the world, accompany Karanteg to meetings as if someone's plotting his death, and cover every single surface in the basement with chalk drawings. It gets very dull after a while. And of course," the cat flicked his tail, "We, the spirits she and the wolf host, do have to pay rent. We are her eyes and ears around her, when she cannot investigate something closeby herself. A pity we are unable to reach far from her. The distance gets rather painful." Sootleap slowly blinked, amber eyes boring into Perditus'/Vagor's.

"Oh, yeah." Eagle shook his head. "How foolish of me. Have I-" he stared dreamily at Skade for a moment, "Have I ever spoken of my mother? She was a healer at a prison. 'Got fired later on, took up art instead."

"I suppose there is sense to that. Only a healer? How did you end up here, then? Many a better place for one, no?" Shijie reasoned, picking at some old scar or other. Suddenly, her head immediately twirled around, eye scanning the corridor for signs of threat. Her face twisted into a frown, and she sniffed the air. Something was off, and it wasn't the doing of her spirits. Well, if there was one thing she'd learned from the gaolers (apart from the fact that talking back to one got you burns on your hands and a missing eye), it was that one's nose could not tell them everything. Or, at least, definitely not many mortal's.

(I dunno if Cypher is in thrir line of sight, so Shi's just having a feeling right now. Will correct if needed!)