
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | [s] (350kT/g) Art dragons
Oh I didn't even notice RainbowVomit (formerly Radon) had a broken image. Thank gosh I saved them! Wouldn't even have noticed if you didn't mention this.
Oh I didn't even notice RainbowVomit (formerly Radon) had a broken image. Thank gosh I saved them! Wouldn't even have noticed if you didn't mention this.
Would you happen to have Aluino's art visible somewhere? I can't seem to find it on the Imgur link
Would you happen to have Aluino's art visible somewhere? I can't seem to find it on the Imgur link
@MotherBear hello! I won't lie, I've forgotten which piece I did for Aluino, which is why I haven't replaced the link for her art yet ;w; I [i]believe[/i] it is this one, but I'm not 100% sure [img][/img]
@MotherBear hello! I won't lie, I've forgotten which piece I did for Aluino, which is why I haven't replaced the link for her art yet ;w; I believe it is this one, but I'm not 100% sure
Psst. Hey. Wanna buy some accents?
Thanks! The colours do seem to match, so I'd say your guess is right ^^
Thanks! The colours do seem to match, so I'd say your guess is right ^^
Hello friends! It's been a hot minute (again) but here are some children I'm releasing from my hoard because I've far too many characters to be keeping them xD It's worth noting that the art is up on Imgur which means some of my PNGs are getting crunched to JPGs right now. >_>'' Anyhow, I'm always open to haggling as homing the dragons/character is more important to me :3 [quote = "Ryze - 400kT on AH"] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [/quote] [quote = "Shirai -- in Hibden"] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [/quote] [quote = "Calendula -- in Hibden-- ON HOLD"] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [/quote] There's a couple others, but I'm still waffling on them <_< feel free to DM me about anyone in [url=]that Hibden tab[/url] that has art, though! @pinglist-9863
Hello friends! It's been a hot minute (again) but here are some children I'm releasing from my hoard because I've far too many characters to be keeping them xD It's worth noting that the art is up on Imgur which means some of my PNGs are getting crunched to JPGs right now. >_>''

Anyhow, I'm always open to haggling as homing the dragons/character is more important to me :3
Ryze - 400kT on AH wrote:
Shirai -- in Hibden wrote:
Calendula -- in Hibden-- ON HOLD wrote:

There's a couple others, but I'm still waffling on them <_< feel free to DM me about anyone in that Hibden tab that has art, though!

@Art dragons
Psst. Hey. Wanna buy some accents?
Would you be willing to put Calendula on hold for a day or two? I have 330 gems rn and just need a little time to get the rest. ^^'
Would you be willing to put Calendula on hold for a day or two? I have 330 gems rn and just need a little time to get the rest. ^^'
they/them - artist - perpetually tired - mmm art (someday i swear i'll do something nice with this spaccceeeee)
@ShadowsKeep certainly! Take your time :3
@ShadowsKeep certainly! Take your time :3
Psst. Hey. Wanna buy some accents?

May I buy Ryze if she is still available?

Thank you.

Edit: May I also buy Silverlake and Atrasia in your HibDen?


May I buy Ryze if she is still available?

Thank you.

Edit: May I also buy Silverlake and Atrasia in your HibDen?


I have the gems now! ^-^

I have the gems now! ^-^
they/them - artist - perpetually tired - mmm art (someday i swear i'll do something nice with this spaccceeeee)