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TOPIC | Eye types you don't like?
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I treat multigaze as a tattoo on some dragons so it feels less weird. I'm not a fan of a lot of primals or the new dark eyes.
I treat multigaze as a tattoo on some dragons so it feels less weird. I'm not a fan of a lot of primals or the new dark eyes.
i hate button eyes w a passion
i hate button eyes w a passion
Goat. Just goat so much. It kills me some times when I see an adorable permabab with huge goat eyes.

I also don't care for multigaze, but not as much as goat.
Goat. Just goat so much. It kills me some times when I see an adorable permabab with huge goat eyes.

I also don't care for multigaze, but not as much as goat.
Psst - I like pings!

I'm really easy to please, so I like all eye types, even the ones that look unreasonably weird like Multi-Gaze and Buttons. That said, the specific combo I can't [i]stand [/i]is Nature Unusual. Some scry examples to show what I mean. [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] ... My apologies to Nature Unusual enjoyers </3
I'm really easy to please, so I like all eye types, even the ones that look unreasonably weird like Multi-Gaze and Buttons.

That said, the specific combo I can't stand is Nature Unusual. Some scry examples to show what I mean.


... My apologies to Nature Unusual enjoyers </3
JV, it/its + no pronouns, 30, GMT (FR+8).
June 8th 2024 XYZ Bogsneak G1s for Sale/Offer.
G2+ Paired Dragons 4 Sale.
XXX Aether Hatchery - on hiatus for now.
Button eyes are just a big flop to me personally, I mean, they feel just too big
Button eyes are just a big flop to me personally, I mean, they feel just too big
Divider (Fishspine Reef region)
Multigaze, but only with non-matchy eyes, if the eyes match its fine
Multigaze, but only with non-matchy eyes, if the eyes match its fine
FR Time + 3
Wind flight
Semi hiatus
adoptions and starter packs here
I am so icked out by Multigaze I run and buy a vial of hypnotic sight to change that in any of my hatchlings.

Also in that vein, I am squicked out by Shadow & Plague Primals. DX
I am so icked out by Multigaze I run and buy a vial of hypnotic sight to change that in any of my hatchlings.

Also in that vein, I am squicked out by Shadow & Plague Primals. DX
I'm a fan of most eye types but I find button eyes pretty hard to work with. It's a cool concept but I feel like they look out of place on dragons without stitched and/or patchwork.
I'm a fan of most eye types but I find button eyes pretty hard to work with. It's a cool concept but I feel like they look out of place on dragons without stitched and/or patchwork.
Arcane eyes in general, they’re only pretty wen you’re intentionally going for a primal (though new dark&faded help with that a lot) </3

Multigaze really should’ve had matching pupils, I feel like it woulda look less out of place that way

Plague primal isn’t freaky enough!!! Really not a fan of those cartoonish colors either, just looks like a blob of plastic to me u-u
Arcane eyes in general, they’re only pretty wen you’re intentionally going for a primal (though new dark&faded help with that a lot) </3

Multigaze really should’ve had matching pupils, I feel like it woulda look less out of place that way

Plague primal isn’t freaky enough!!! Really not a fan of those cartoonish colors either, just looks like a blob of plastic to me u-u
button eyes specifically on abbies and multigaze specifically on ancients w/ certain terts (ex: aethers with the space tert and auras/undertides with the medusa tert)

button eyes on abbies because Why Is The Third Eye Still Normal, WHY DIDN'T IT CHANGE

multigaze on ancients because i hate how the eyes are on part of the linebreaking tert
button eyes specifically on abbies and multigaze specifically on ancients w/ certain terts (ex: aethers with the space tert and auras/undertides with the medusa tert)

button eyes on abbies because Why Is The Third Eye Still Normal, WHY DIDN'T IT CHANGE

multigaze on ancients because i hate how the eyes are on part of the linebreaking tert
Phantom ~ She/Her ~ Ace ~ Formerly ThePhantomWolf/Shiromori
+2 FR Time ~ Final Fantasy and Touhou are my life
Terra%20-%20Victory%20(Front).gifSabin%20-%20Walk%20(Front).gifEdgar%20-%20Finger.gif Terra%20-%20Esper%20-%20Blink%20(Front).gif Setzer%20-%20Finger.gifCeles%20-%20Wink.gifMaria%20-%20Sing.gifLocke%20-%20Laugh.gifRelm%20-%20Wave%20(Front).gif
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