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TOPIC | How did you decide your clan name?[lore]
I've been getting really into deciding lore for my little dergs lately but am struggling terribly to figure out a clan name, thus I'm procrastinating by asking questions about lore instead lol.

What's your clan (or other title) name? And what made you decide on that name?
I've been getting really into deciding lore for my little dergs lately but am struggling terribly to figure out a clan name, thus I'm procrastinating by asking questions about lore instead lol.

What's your clan (or other title) name? And what made you decide on that name?
my clan is called Dappled Earth- i started out in light but moved to the earth flight and figured naming it after the way light dapples the forest floor was a nice homage to both flights (and possibly for a future move to nature ???? shhhh).

my clan is a tad lacking in lore, and i don't know if it will ever truly have any! but i like having the reference to both flights in the clan name
my clan is called Dappled Earth- i started out in light but moved to the earth flight and figured naming it after the way light dapples the forest floor was a nice homage to both flights (and possibly for a future move to nature ???? shhhh).

my clan is a tad lacking in lore, and i don't know if it will ever truly have any! but i like having the reference to both flights in the clan name
proud cat dad :3
pixel credit
Mine's called The Database because lightning is science related, and my lore is based around a digital jail. I do feel like changing my lore, but I don't know what to. For right now, it's just a collection of random short stories.
Mine's called The Database because lightning is science related, and my lore is based around a digital jail. I do feel like changing my lore, but I don't know what to. For right now, it's just a collection of random short stories.
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I had the same problem; I just thought of something random and stuck with it :/
There's not really a good name I could come with that's related to the lore, so I just put together something that sounded nice to say.
I had the same problem; I just thought of something random and stuck with it :/
There's not really a good name I could come with that's related to the lore, so I just put together something that sounded nice to say.
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I've changed clan names a few times. When I started in Arcane, it was the Clan of the Spire Ward. My random progen was a Guardian and the clan was located in an area surrounded by magical spires that wound up becoming her Charge.

When I hopped the border, the clan primarily had academic types left over and became the Virulent Spire College. It was more of a research hub for combining different kinds of magic. Members were more neutral toward the outside world, and even kept the name during a brief stint in Light Flight.

The Golem Knights Company - the current iteration of the clan - draws inspiration from several plot relevant characters in Wild ARMs Alter Code F. One group, the Quarter Knights, are alien invaders who destroy planets in their path. The other group, the Golems, were machines made to combat these alien invaders. It isn't an obvious name for a Plague clan setting up shop in the remains of the Seedscar, either, as the Golem invokes an association with earth. And there's enough old dragons in leadership around to share stories seemingly out of this world.

Point being, the clan name changes with the circumstances. Figure out the circumstances behind the clan being together first. The name will follow.
I've changed clan names a few times. When I started in Arcane, it was the Clan of the Spire Ward. My random progen was a Guardian and the clan was located in an area surrounded by magical spires that wound up becoming her Charge.

When I hopped the border, the clan primarily had academic types left over and became the Virulent Spire College. It was more of a research hub for combining different kinds of magic. Members were more neutral toward the outside world, and even kept the name during a brief stint in Light Flight.

The Golem Knights Company - the current iteration of the clan - draws inspiration from several plot relevant characters in Wild ARMs Alter Code F. One group, the Quarter Knights, are alien invaders who destroy planets in their path. The other group, the Golems, were machines made to combat these alien invaders. It isn't an obvious name for a Plague clan setting up shop in the remains of the Seedscar, either, as the Golem invokes an association with earth. And there's enough old dragons in leadership around to share stories seemingly out of this world.

Point being, the clan name changes with the circumstances. Figure out the circumstances behind the clan being together first. The name will follow.
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Mines named after the Chorinea sylphina (Sylphina angel) butterfly! I chose it because the clan leaders are named Emperor and Angel, Emperor coming from the purple emperor butterfly, so I felt like I was a good combination of both of them :)

As for my other lore pieces (The Algernon, Scarbury Harbor, and Pale Jupiter) I just kinda pulled words that sounded cool. The Algernon is named after the short story 'Flowers for Algernon', Scarbury is just a word I made up, and Pale Jupiter came from a random word generator :)
Mines named after the Chorinea sylphina (Sylphina angel) butterfly! I chose it because the clan leaders are named Emperor and Angel, Emperor coming from the purple emperor butterfly, so I felt like I was a good combination of both of them :)

As for my other lore pieces (The Algernon, Scarbury Harbor, and Pale Jupiter) I just kinda pulled words that sounded cool. The Algernon is named after the short story 'Flowers for Algernon', Scarbury is just a word I made up, and Pale Jupiter came from a random word generator :)
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