
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | MJ24 Story & Poetry Contest -WINNERS!-
@sockmonkeygerald @paintminion @Sinjin @eyayah Name: collude ID: 268005 Entry Prompt: Windy Words - Story (if Windy Words) Words used: buzz, high, stretch, round, kerfuffle Entry Title: home Dragon Author: [url=][img][/img][/url] He supposes he should take a rest. After all, the buzz of the cicadas is getting to him, and when he stretches his wings, they groan with tender effort. But there's something about these quiet nights, when the sky is dark and soft, and when the kerfuffle of the city has bustled down. Something about this time of night, when his eyes get less tired, obsessed with looking at the sky one last time. The quiet is all he's known for a long time, and he supposes he finds peace in it. Broker shakes it off. He supposes the loft he lives in is quiet now; his familiar Tonic curled up by the hearth, his morning-glories bowed in rest. Maybe, if he's thinking so fondly and highly of his home, it really is time for him to set off. Pushing himself back from his desk, he starts his routine for leaving, locking cabinets, turning off lamps, closing files. It's only work, and it's rather embarrassing getting caught on cameras leaving so late. He leaves the business sector, unhurried, enjoying the warm night. He meanders. Thinks of his mother's house-warming gift of morning-glories, thinks of the daisies and basil and numerous other plants that surround his once lonely morning-glories, courtesy of Alex. He thinks that maybe the night reminds him of Alex's fur, wonders if they're awake now too. It's a short walk, the distance home, and when he reaches his entryway, he pauses to unlock the door and drop off some papers at the kitchen table. His eye catches on the glint of glass containers. Bowls of delicate food, labelled carefully with small, round print, "for the late night loser". It seems Alex made his favourites. The house feels warmer, sweeter. He makes a note to come home earlier tomorrow. The warmth of this is much sweeter than the warmth of the soft night.
@sockmonkeygerald @paintminion @Sinjin @eyayah

Name: collude
ID: 268005
Entry Prompt: Windy Words - Story
(if Windy Words) Words used: buzz, high, stretch, round, kerfuffle
Entry Title: home

Dragon Author:

He supposes he should take a rest. After all, the buzz of the cicadas is getting to him, and when he stretches his wings, they groan with tender effort. But there's something about these quiet nights, when the sky is dark and soft, and when the kerfuffle of the city has bustled down. Something about this time of night, when his eyes get less tired, obsessed with looking at the sky one last time. The quiet is all he's known for a long time, and he supposes he finds peace in it.
Broker shakes it off. He supposes the loft he lives in is quiet now; his familiar Tonic curled up by the hearth, his morning-glories bowed in rest. Maybe, if he's thinking so fondly and highly of his home, it really is time for him to set off.
Pushing himself back from his desk, he starts his routine for leaving, locking cabinets, turning off lamps, closing files. It's only work, and it's rather embarrassing getting caught on cameras leaving so late. He leaves the business sector, unhurried, enjoying the warm night. He meanders. Thinks of his mother's house-warming gift of morning-glories, thinks of the daisies and basil and numerous other plants that surround his once lonely morning-glories, courtesy of Alex. He thinks that maybe the night reminds him of Alex's fur, wonders if they're awake now too. It's a short walk, the distance home, and when he reaches his entryway, he pauses to unlock the door and drop off some papers at the kitchen table. His eye catches on the glint of glass containers. Bowls of delicate food, labelled carefully with small, round print, "for the late night loser".

It seems Alex made his favourites. The house feels warmer, sweeter. He makes a note to come home earlier tomorrow. The warmth of this is much sweeter than the warmth of the soft night.

pings r always ok :)
forum games; main dragons are first two tabs or either lair or hibden
Code: @sockmonkeygerald @paintminion @Sinjin @eyayah [b]Name:[/b] Toranne [b]ID:[/b] 77721 [b]Entry Prompt:[/b] Windy Words - Poem [i](if Windy Words) Words used:[/i] low, sky, stretch, reach, drift, free [b]Entry Title:[/b] Time [b]Dragon Author:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] The land stretched before her, taut, stifled by stillness. Some equated expanse with freedom, space with eternity— One might reach for the horizon and grasp the sun low in the sky— Feel the buzz of immortality. And yet, with a breath, a breeze, grasses shifting like tumultuous seas and clouds drifting across the sky and scattering the light and shattering immutability— she was truly free.
@sockmonkeygerald @paintminion @Sinjin @eyayah

Name: Toranne
ID: 77721
Entry Prompt: Windy Words - Poem
(if Windy Words) Words used: low, sky, stretch, reach, drift, free
Entry Title: Time

Dragon Author: 39821659_350.png

The land stretched before her, taut, stifled by stillness.
Some equated expanse with freedom, space with eternity—
One might reach for the horizon and grasp the sun low in the sky—
Feel the buzz of immortality.
And yet, with a breath, a breeze,
grasses shifting like tumultuous seas and
clouds drifting across the sky and scattering the light and
shattering immutability—
she was truly free.
Code: @sockmonkeygerald @paintminion @Sinjin @eyayah [b]Name:[/b] Toranne [b]ID:[/b] 77721 [b]Entry Prompt:[/b] Wee Wordy Things - Poem [b]Entry Title:[/b] Enigma [b]Dragon Author:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] A balm, and tempest. Turbulent, timid, restless— Wind, an enigma.
@sockmonkeygerald @paintminion @Sinjin @eyayah

Name: Toranne
ID: 77721
Entry Prompt: Wee Wordy Things - Poem
Entry Title: Enigma

Dragon Author: 39821659_350.png

A balm, and tempest.
Turbulent, timid, restless—
Wind, an enigma.
Name: Solryx ID: 258658 Dragon Author: Tanvir [img][/img] A young sandsurge silently snatches a fluttering book, before swiftly copying down something he had scribbled on a small piece of parchment. He then deposits the entry book at the judges table while giving them all a deep bow, before casting a weary glance at a nearby clock. Entry Prompt: Wee Wordy Things - Poem Entry Title: Wistful Warbler [i]Warbler without wings Wind a cruel reminder that They can never be[/i]
Name: Solryx
ID: 258658
Dragon Author: Tanvir

A young sandsurge silently snatches a fluttering book, before swiftly copying down something he had scribbled on a small piece of parchment. He then deposits the entry book at the judges table while giving them all a deep bow, before casting a weary glance at a nearby clock.

Entry Prompt: Wee Wordy Things - Poem
Entry Title: Wistful Warbler

Warbler without wings
Wind a cruel reminder that
They can never be

(I forgot to ping in my submission post, which was submitted before the deadline, unlike these pings. Sorry about that!)

@sockmonkeygerald @paintminion @Sinjin @eyayah
(I forgot to ping in my submission post, which was submitted before the deadline, unlike these pings. Sorry about that!)

@sockmonkeygerald @paintminion @Sinjin @eyayah
Kilkenny jolted up from a [i]brief[/i] bout of resting her eyelids and stared at the flurry of entries heaped on the judges' table. "Googally moogally, how long was I out." [columns] @TETRAHEDR0N @collude @IndigoStarshine @Islet @TroubleinSevens @Toranne @Solryx "Got you all down, and everything looks to be in order! Thank you for entering, where'd I leave the box of hats..." [nextcol] [color=transparent][url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns]
Kilkenny jolted up from a brief bout of resting her eyelids and stared at the flurry of entries heaped on the judges' table. "Googally moogally, how long was I out."

"Got you all down, and everything looks to be in order! Thank you for entering, where'd I leave the box of hats..."
cloudbear familiar adopt (links to free resource)why does align right not work fit fit fit fit fit okHobbes dragon plushie (links to breeding pairs)
The Writing Pavilion had stilled, full of the odd rustling that was satiated tomes digesting their new contents instead of the wild flurry of hungry pages seeking sustenance. The last few empty books clumped sullenly in a corner on their kite-string leashes, slated for delivery to a hatchlings' finger-painting class in the morning. [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url][color=transparent]__[/color] [nextcol][size=3] And somewhere in a corner, Kilkenny's voice could be heard muttering, "Where did that box of hats go, I know I left it right... [i]HELPERS. Why. do the hats. have WINGS?![/i]" There was the sort of long, loud kerfuffle that was extremely awkward to overhear for the last dragon standing at the judges' table. Eventually Kilkenny stomped outside, smoke curling faintly from her nostrils, but otherwise composed. "Thanks again for entering, and sorry about the wait. Here we go..." [/size][/columns] [center][size=6]Last Entry Award![/size][/center] For being the last to the line, @Solryx wins a (weighed down) tome and a (high flying) friend! [center][item=shackled book of mysteries] [item=friend red eared slider] [item=cloudy feathered wings][/center]
The Writing Pavilion had stilled, full of the odd rustling that was satiated tomes digesting their new contents instead of the wild flurry of hungry pages seeking sustenance. The last few empty books clumped sullenly in a corner on their kite-string leashes, slated for delivery to a hatchlings' finger-painting class in the morning.
And somewhere in a corner, Kilkenny's voice could be heard muttering, "Where did that box of hats go, I know I left it right... HELPERS. Why. do the hats. have WINGS?!"

There was the sort of long, loud kerfuffle that was extremely awkward to overhear for the last dragon standing at the judges' table. Eventually Kilkenny stomped outside, smoke curling faintly from her nostrils, but otherwise composed.

"Thanks again for entering, and sorry about the wait. Here we go..."

Last Entry Award!

For being the last to the line, @Solryx wins a (weighed down) tome and a (high flying) friend!
Shackled Book of Mysteries Friend Red Eared Slider Cloudy Feathered Wings
cloudbear familiar adopt (links to free resource)why does align right not work fit fit fit fit fit okHobbes dragon plushie (links to breeding pairs)
An open scroll reads The Contest is Closed

This year's Story & Poetry contest has officially ended! What an overwhelming success, we collected over sixty submissions!

Feel free to grab the participant badge if you haven't already. The entries list and bio widget are fully up to date and should be accurate, but if you spot any errors let me know so I can get that corrected. Judging has already begun and we'll have results back as quickly as we can.

As a last note, thank you to everyone who entered! It's been a pleasure reading everyone's writing and role playing with you all!
An open scroll reads The Contest is Closed

This year's Story & Poetry contest has officially ended! What an overwhelming success, we collected over sixty submissions!

Feel free to grab the participant badge if you haven't already. The entries list and bio widget are fully up to date and should be accurate, but if you spot any errors let me know so I can get that corrected. Judging has already begun and we'll have results back as quickly as we can.

As a last note, thank you to everyone who entered! It's been a pleasure reading everyone's writing and role playing with you all!
cloudbear familiar adopt (links to free resource)why does align right not work fit fit fit fit fit okHobbes dragon plushie (links to breeding pairs)
[center]@pinglist-21704 [img][/img][/center] The Writing Pavilion, ever since the smaller sign that read [i]Judging in Progress[/i] went up under the larger Story & Poetry Contest banner, had been intensely quiet - both inside and outside. The unruly books were glutted on delicious handcrafted fiction. The helper staff were thoroughly distracted from helping any more by attempting to wrangle the flock of six-winged chickens that absolutely no one could have predicted might be a bad idea. The judges were reading, stacking, ordering, and reordering as they read more. And the participants were waiting. With patience. [i]Passionate[/i] patience. The tent flap rustled. One by one the judges emerged, tired, satisfied, and just a little ink-stained. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] "Alright everyone, we're done," Kilkenny announced, and then grinned, showing sharp teeth. "Winner announcement [i]after[/i] closing remarks since that's all you'll listen to. Thank you all for making this a [i]really difficult[/i] decision, in every single category. Hope you had as much fun as we did, and that we'll see you next year! "Prizes will go out over the next few days. If you haven't received yours by Wednesday or think a mistake was made somewhere let me know. Now, without further ado: Our winners!" [center] [img alt="Big Wide Wingy Things"][/img] [font=serif][size=7][size=4][b]Story[/b][/size][/size][/font] [columns] [color=transparent]_________[/color][img alt="First place"][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]____________[/color][nextcol] [center] [img][/img] [url=]Ad Astra[/url] by @Amaranth41 [/center] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]_________[/color][img alt="Second place"][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]____________[/color][nextcol] [center] [img][/img] [url=]Leap of Faith[/url] by @Aceofmanynames [/center] [/columns] [font=serif][size=7][size=4][b]Poetry[/b][/size][/size][/font] [columns] [color=transparent]________[/color][img alt="First place"][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]____________[/color][nextcol] [center] [img][/img] [url=]Yonder[/url] by @Skydust [/center] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]________[/color][img alt="Second place"][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]____________[/color][nextcol] [center] [img][/img] [url=]Built My Wings[/url] by @IndigoStarshine [/center] [/columns] [img][/img] [img alt="Windy Words"][/img] [font=serif][size=7][size=4][b]Story[/b][/size][/size][/font] [columns] [color=transparent]_________[/color][img alt="First place"][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____________[/color][nextcol] [center] [img][/img] [url=]New Wings[/url] by @fistfulofdragons [/center] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]________[/color][img alt="Second place"][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]____________[/color][nextcol] [center] [img][/img] [url=]Big Universe, Small World[/url] by @TroubleinSevens [/center] [/columns] [font=serif][size=7][size=4][b]Poetry[/b][/size][/size][/font] [columns] [color=transparent]________[/color][img alt="First place"][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]____________[/color][nextcol] [center] [img][/img] [url=]The Ballad of the Paper Boat[/url] by @Fishes [/center] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]_________[/color][img alt="Second place"][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]_______________[/color][nextcol] [center] [img][/img] [url=]setting sail[/url] by @collude [/center] [/columns] [img][/img] [img alt="Wee Wordy Things"][/img] [font=serif][size=7][size=4][b]Story[/b][/size][/size][/font] [columns] [color=transparent]_________[/color][img alt="First place"][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____________[/color][nextcol] [center] [img][/img] [url=]The City of Memories[/url] by @DismasYves [/center] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]_________[/color][img alt="Second place"][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]_____________[/color][nextcol] [center] [img][/img] [url=]Dreaming awake[/url] by @LouckyKoneko [/center] [/columns] [font=serif][size=7][size=4][b]Poetry[/b][/size][/size][/font] [columns] [color=transparent]________[/color][img alt="First place"][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/color][nextcol] [center] [img][/img] [url=]A Comet's First And Last Decision[/url] by @Venusian [/center] [/columns] [columns] [color=transparent]_________[/color][img alt="Second place"][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]______________[/color][nextcol] [center] [img][/img] [url=]Anticipated flight[/url] by @TETRAHEDR0N [/center] [/columns] [/center]

The Writing Pavilion, ever since the smaller sign that read Judging in Progress went up under the larger Story & Poetry Contest banner, had been intensely quiet - both inside and outside.

The unruly books were glutted on delicious handcrafted fiction. The helper staff were thoroughly distracted from helping any more by attempting to wrangle the flock of six-winged chickens that absolutely no one could have predicted might be a bad idea. The judges were reading, stacking, ordering, and reordering as they read more. And the participants were waiting.

With patience. Passionate patience.

The tent flap rustled. One by one the judges emerged, tired, satisfied, and just a little ink-stained.


"Alright everyone, we're done," Kilkenny announced, and then grinned, showing sharp teeth. "Winner announcement after closing remarks since that's all you'll listen to. Thank you all for making this a really difficult decision, in every single category. Hope you had as much fun as we did, and that we'll see you next year!

"Prizes will go out over the next few days. If you haven't received yours by Wednesday or think a mistake was made somewhere let me know. Now, without further ado: Our winners!"

Big Wide Wingy Things

_________First place ____________
_________Second place ____________

________First place ____________
________Second place ____________


Windy Words

_________First place _____________
________Second place ____________

________First place ____________
_________Second place _______________


Wee Wordy Things

_________First place _____________
_________Second place _____________

________First place __________
_________Second place ______________
cloudbear familiar adopt (links to free resource)why does align right not work fit fit fit fit fit okHobbes dragon plushie (links to breeding pairs)
:O!! congrats everyone!!
:O!! congrats everyone!!