

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 Roleplay thread w/ @ShadowChaser
[b]!!No longer being used, roleplay has been moved!![/b] If you want me to change the name of the thread let me know! Shapeshifting, modern x magic I think? lol my memory is total bunk dude [emoji=clownfish size=1]
!!No longer being used, roleplay has been moved!!

If you want me to change the name of the thread let me know!

Shapeshifting, modern x magic I think? lol my memory is total bunk dude


The warm sun shone down on Mia as she made her way towards work. Even in the early morning, the day was proving to be one of the hottest of the season. Mia was glad she'd be inside for most of the day, instead of the sweltering heat in the dead of summer. Mia shielded her eyes as she glanced up at the sun steadily rising in the gradient sky. Mia looked back down as she heard hurried footsteps quickly coming her way, though she was a tad late and whoever was running crashed into her, causing Mia to fall back with widening eyes.

She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the feeling of concrete on her back, but the feeling wasn't going to hit her. She felt the wind rush beneath her face as she turned to try and get a look through her long hair. Mia only got a long enough glance to see she was headed towards water before the sound of her back hitting the water sounded out across the lake as she landed right smack dab in the middle of the large body of water. Luckily, she was able to take a somewhat deep breath in before she hit the water, though the sudden shock of the cold water made her exhale it immediately. Panic started to set in as she started flailing in a frantic attempt to reach the surface and take another breath.

Breaking the surface, Mia gasped, greedily filling her lungs with the oxygen they craved. She tried to slow her panting as she moved the hair covering her eyes to see if there was any land close enough to swim to. Mia would've started to wonder where she was, and why she was suddenly there and not knocked on her backside on the sidewalk, but the sudden panic and adrenaline washing over her had her focusing on getting out of the water first. Once she spotted the shore Mia began to make her way towards it. She could feel her waterlogged sweater trying to slow and drag her down, making her tire out quicker than she liked. Even as her movements slowed, she persisted, not wanting to dip back under the surface with whatever creatures may or may not be down there, waiting for the right moment to strike.

"H..Help..!, p..please!" Mia panted as she swam at a snails pace, now that the adrenaline was starting to subside and leave just the panic left. Her limbs starting to grow tired as she swam desperately towards the still out of reach shore. Though she couldn't see a single living soul on the shore, she called out anyway, in hopes that somewhere someone, anyone, would hear her and come to help.

The warm sun shone down on Mia as she made her way towards work. Even in the early morning, the day was proving to be one of the hottest of the season. Mia was glad she'd be inside for most of the day, instead of the sweltering heat in the dead of summer. Mia shielded her eyes as she glanced up at the sun steadily rising in the gradient sky. Mia looked back down as she heard hurried footsteps quickly coming her way, though she was a tad late and whoever was running crashed into her, causing Mia to fall back with widening eyes.

She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the feeling of concrete on her back, but the feeling wasn't going to hit her. She felt the wind rush beneath her face as she turned to try and get a look through her long hair. Mia only got a long enough glance to see she was headed towards water before the sound of her back hitting the water sounded out across the lake as she landed right smack dab in the middle of the large body of water. Luckily, she was able to take a somewhat deep breath in before she hit the water, though the sudden shock of the cold water made her exhale it immediately. Panic started to set in as she started flailing in a frantic attempt to reach the surface and take another breath.

Breaking the surface, Mia gasped, greedily filling her lungs with the oxygen they craved. She tried to slow her panting as she moved the hair covering her eyes to see if there was any land close enough to swim to. Mia would've started to wonder where she was, and why she was suddenly there and not knocked on her backside on the sidewalk, but the sudden panic and adrenaline washing over her had her focusing on getting out of the water first. Once she spotted the shore Mia began to make her way towards it. She could feel her waterlogged sweater trying to slow and drag her down, making her tire out quicker than she liked. Even as her movements slowed, she persisted, not wanting to dip back under the surface with whatever creatures may or may not be down there, waiting for the right moment to strike.

"H..Help..!, p..please!" Mia panted as she swam at a snails pace, now that the adrenaline was starting to subside and leave just the panic left. Her limbs starting to grow tired as she swam desperately towards the still out of reach shore. Though she couldn't see a single living soul on the shore, she called out anyway, in hopes that somewhere someone, anyone, would hear her and come to help.
((@Staruniverse I am subbed! I hope you are as well ^^))

Submerged beneath the calm waters of his lake, the young-looking monk’s facial expression mirrored the serenity of his surroundings. It was still. He listened for the gentle ebb and flow of the springwaters and icy cold runoff, he felt the tug of the wind across the lake’s surface sending ripples traveling from one end to the other. In this meditative state he sat cross legged to finely hone his energies, gathering and condensing power in accordance to his affinities. This was simply one of the many steps he took to ensure that his human form didn’t fall behind. The passage of time hardly mattered to a spirit and the earthly definitions of hours and days melted away when he was surrounded by his element.

What broke his concentration was a rift to the ethereal plane - now disturbances were common, faint as they were, the ripples fading out into nothingness. The births and deaths of spirits, for example, were hardly worth batting an eye about. This, however, was as if someone took a rusty saw and slashed through that neverending surface, breaching it so violently it nearly made him ill. Whatever happened, it happened close.

And seemingly on cue, something fell into his lake. It appeared that he would not need to venture far to investigate. In the blink of an eye his body lengthened, clothes and hair morphing into scales and sinew as the dragon blitzed up towards the surface. His streamlined form faced little resistance from water, plus he could give himself a mighty boost whenever he was in his element. The spirit approached the faint blob splashing on the water’s surface and found himself surprised by the presence of a human treading water and desperately clawing towards shore.

Nearing the stricken woman his pace slowed. There was something that felt off about this individual. He couldn’t place a finger on it, but clearly she was not a local. No, this was something else entirely. Something he’d never seen before.

He commanded the water around the wayward human to support her, keep her head above water, then gently pushed her towards shore. The longer he spent trying to make heads or tails of the situation the less it all made sense. Regardless, it was important that he ensured the woman made it to shore safely. It seemed she was tiring quickly and losing strength - he would need to intervene. His mind made up, he shifted back to his human form and popped his head up within arm’s reach of the panicked human.

”Take my hand,” he commanded, voice firm but gentle, and quickly took her hand. He elected not to explain his presence yet. Best to get everyone on solid ground before the questions came. He assumed the rescue pose to ensure her head remained above water and brought them to shore at an inhuman pace. Once arrived, he let the woman sit down at the edge of the water.

”I saw you fall into my lake,” he said lamely, unsure of how to approach the subject. ”You aren’t hurt, I hope?”
((@Staruniverse I am subbed! I hope you are as well ^^))

Submerged beneath the calm waters of his lake, the young-looking monk’s facial expression mirrored the serenity of his surroundings. It was still. He listened for the gentle ebb and flow of the springwaters and icy cold runoff, he felt the tug of the wind across the lake’s surface sending ripples traveling from one end to the other. In this meditative state he sat cross legged to finely hone his energies, gathering and condensing power in accordance to his affinities. This was simply one of the many steps he took to ensure that his human form didn’t fall behind. The passage of time hardly mattered to a spirit and the earthly definitions of hours and days melted away when he was surrounded by his element.

What broke his concentration was a rift to the ethereal plane - now disturbances were common, faint as they were, the ripples fading out into nothingness. The births and deaths of spirits, for example, were hardly worth batting an eye about. This, however, was as if someone took a rusty saw and slashed through that neverending surface, breaching it so violently it nearly made him ill. Whatever happened, it happened close.

And seemingly on cue, something fell into his lake. It appeared that he would not need to venture far to investigate. In the blink of an eye his body lengthened, clothes and hair morphing into scales and sinew as the dragon blitzed up towards the surface. His streamlined form faced little resistance from water, plus he could give himself a mighty boost whenever he was in his element. The spirit approached the faint blob splashing on the water’s surface and found himself surprised by the presence of a human treading water and desperately clawing towards shore.

Nearing the stricken woman his pace slowed. There was something that felt off about this individual. He couldn’t place a finger on it, but clearly she was not a local. No, this was something else entirely. Something he’d never seen before.

He commanded the water around the wayward human to support her, keep her head above water, then gently pushed her towards shore. The longer he spent trying to make heads or tails of the situation the less it all made sense. Regardless, it was important that he ensured the woman made it to shore safely. It seemed she was tiring quickly and losing strength - he would need to intervene. His mind made up, he shifted back to his human form and popped his head up within arm’s reach of the panicked human.

”Take my hand,” he commanded, voice firm but gentle, and quickly took her hand. He elected not to explain his presence yet. Best to get everyone on solid ground before the questions came. He assumed the rescue pose to ensure her head remained above water and brought them to shore at an inhuman pace. Once arrived, he let the woman sit down at the edge of the water.

”I saw you fall into my lake,” he said lamely, unsure of how to approach the subject. ”You aren’t hurt, I hope?”
bigger__bbb_button____flight_rising_by_myth_o_logical-daes7nv.png Barracuda
OL: 04:00~19:00
Clicky Clicky?
No Eggs ^w^
Come Outfit
Your Dragons!

The second she felt support, Mia relaxed a bit and started to take deeper breaths, not yet questioning the sudden and unexpected help. Though, it all went out the window once the head of seemingly another person popped up out of nowhere. When he spoke, she was just about at the point of simply letting things happen, not saying a thing, only trying to catch her breath. Her eyes screwed back shut the second they started moving, her brain started to convince herself that it was some sort of trap or illusion to catch her and bring her down.

Her eyes snapped back open once she was sat on the blessing, that was dry land. When she heard the person start talking to her again, she looked up at him.

"Uh.. wh-..Where..? I- no.." Mia stuttered out, a blank look in her eyes. Her brain was finally short circuiting after trying to catch up and process everything that had happened in such a small amount of time. After a good minute of quiet gibberish, one word popped into her head: 'Home.'. She blinked, seemingly back to some degree.

"Where am I? How do I get home? I-I need to get home, now." She spoke quickly as she started to try and get up and stand on shaky legs. "Could you uh.. tell me how to get home from here, please?"

She couldn't fully stand up, the most she could do was sort of crouch with her hands on her knees for support. Something then clicked in her mind, causing her to reach into her back pocket and pulling out her phone. She attempted to turn it on, but it was completely soaked, inside and out, completely dead. Mia frowned and looked back up at the man.

"Hey, actually, would you mind if I used your phone to make a call? Mine was obviously killed by the lake." She attempted a small, albeit shaky, smile. She put her phone back into her pocket before deciding to finally give up on trying to stand and sitting back down with a tired huff. Mia ran a hand through her wet and tangled hair, pulling a face when her hand hit a particularly knotted section of hair.

The second she felt support, Mia relaxed a bit and started to take deeper breaths, not yet questioning the sudden and unexpected help. Though, it all went out the window once the head of seemingly another person popped up out of nowhere. When he spoke, she was just about at the point of simply letting things happen, not saying a thing, only trying to catch her breath. Her eyes screwed back shut the second they started moving, her brain started to convince herself that it was some sort of trap or illusion to catch her and bring her down.

Her eyes snapped back open once she was sat on the blessing, that was dry land. When she heard the person start talking to her again, she looked up at him.

"Uh.. wh-..Where..? I- no.." Mia stuttered out, a blank look in her eyes. Her brain was finally short circuiting after trying to catch up and process everything that had happened in such a small amount of time. After a good minute of quiet gibberish, one word popped into her head: 'Home.'. She blinked, seemingly back to some degree.

"Where am I? How do I get home? I-I need to get home, now." She spoke quickly as she started to try and get up and stand on shaky legs. "Could you uh.. tell me how to get home from here, please?"

She couldn't fully stand up, the most she could do was sort of crouch with her hands on her knees for support. Something then clicked in her mind, causing her to reach into her back pocket and pulling out her phone. She attempted to turn it on, but it was completely soaked, inside and out, completely dead. Mia frowned and looked back up at the man.

"Hey, actually, would you mind if I used your phone to make a call? Mine was obviously killed by the lake." She attempted a small, albeit shaky, smile. She put her phone back into her pocket before deciding to finally give up on trying to stand and sitting back down with a tired huff. Mia ran a hand through her wet and tangled hair, pulling a face when her hand hit a particularly knotted section of hair.
((It has occurred to me that we didn’t discuss the technology of this world… I hope you are okay with it being pre-digital. If we want some modern technology akin to what Mia is used to that would be an easy change though! Ku’rahn still wouldn’t have immediate access to anything like a phone though :P))

Ku’rahn looked at the other with furrowed brows and an expression of concern as she stumbled over her words. At least there was no coughing, nor could he feel any trapped water in her lungs. It seemed she was stuck in a flurry of her own thoughts. Not that he could blame her - it seemed she’d been displaced a great distance from where she called home.

”This is Lake Nali,” he said calmly, putting his hands on her shoulders when she attempted to stand. He wondered if anyone knew where that was, given how small and insignificant the lake was in the greater area. He was going to try and reference the town downstream, and if that failed, the city by the bay, but she seemed far too distraught and was trying to use… some kind of glass and metallic slate she’d conjured up from one of her pockets.

”I, uh. What is that?” He asked blankly, unsure of what this phone she spoke of was. ”First things first, let’s get you dried off. You’ll fall ill with those soaked clothes.” He lifted a hand and mimicked the motion of shutting a drawstring bag. In that instant the water wicked into her sodden clothing and hair was drawn out into a bubble that hovered briefly beside her before being flung into the lake. For good measure, he did the same to that odd device she held, though nothing seemed to happen.

”Better? I’m afraid you’re far from home… wherever that may be, but I know it is not here. It’ll be dark soon and it may be best if we took this conversation indoors. Then we can figure out how to get you home.” He pointed at the small cottage on the lakeside, ”you look like you could do with some proper rest.”
((It has occurred to me that we didn’t discuss the technology of this world… I hope you are okay with it being pre-digital. If we want some modern technology akin to what Mia is used to that would be an easy change though! Ku’rahn still wouldn’t have immediate access to anything like a phone though :P))

Ku’rahn looked at the other with furrowed brows and an expression of concern as she stumbled over her words. At least there was no coughing, nor could he feel any trapped water in her lungs. It seemed she was stuck in a flurry of her own thoughts. Not that he could blame her - it seemed she’d been displaced a great distance from where she called home.

”This is Lake Nali,” he said calmly, putting his hands on her shoulders when she attempted to stand. He wondered if anyone knew where that was, given how small and insignificant the lake was in the greater area. He was going to try and reference the town downstream, and if that failed, the city by the bay, but she seemed far too distraught and was trying to use… some kind of glass and metallic slate she’d conjured up from one of her pockets.

”I, uh. What is that?” He asked blankly, unsure of what this phone she spoke of was. ”First things first, let’s get you dried off. You’ll fall ill with those soaked clothes.” He lifted a hand and mimicked the motion of shutting a drawstring bag. In that instant the water wicked into her sodden clothing and hair was drawn out into a bubble that hovered briefly beside her before being flung into the lake. For good measure, he did the same to that odd device she held, though nothing seemed to happen.

”Better? I’m afraid you’re far from home… wherever that may be, but I know it is not here. It’ll be dark soon and it may be best if we took this conversation indoors. Then we can figure out how to get you home.” He pointed at the small cottage on the lakeside, ”you look like you could do with some proper rest.”
bigger__bbb_button____flight_rising_by_myth_o_logical-daes7nv.png Barracuda
OL: 04:00~19:00
Clicky Clicky?
No Eggs ^w^
Come Outfit
Your Dragons!
//I'm fine with it being pre-digital! When I realized, I just assumed that they probably wouldn't have something like a modern phone. Also sorry for the shorter reply!//

Mia had never heard of a lake of that name before, so she tilted her head slightly in confusion, though she wasn't too good in the subject of geography anyway. Her confusion doubled when he wasn't able to recognize the phone she had pulled out. Mia would've asked or tried to explain a bit on the subject but was quickly quieted when she saw the man make the gesture.

The feeling of sudden dryness surprised Mia. She ran her hands along the length of her clothes and hair with wide eyes. She then watched as the small orb of water was sent back to the lake. Mia reached into her pocket and checked her phone again, only to be disappointed. The water long fried the inner circuits, so her phone was now only a lifeless rectangle. She put it back in her pocket once more, still opting to hold on for it for no real reason.

"Yeah, this is much better, thank you." She nodded as she tried, and this time succeeded in standing upright. Hearing that she's far from home made a small frown form on her face, though it didn't last knowing that the man would help her figure out how to get back home.

"That would be nice, though are you sure? It's a very nice offer, and I do appreciate you helping me, thank you for that but,," she paused, now starting to reach for a small necklace hidden in her sweater to fidget with it, 'well,, we are still practically strangers."

A bit of unease and apprehension started to make themselves known at the pit of her stomach. It was true, she didn't even know this man's name, or apparently where she even was. The feelings grew slowly as the seconds ticked by, though she tried not to show what she was feeling.

//I'm fine with it being pre-digital! When I realized, I just assumed that they probably wouldn't have something like a modern phone. Also sorry for the shorter reply!//

Mia had never heard of a lake of that name before, so she tilted her head slightly in confusion, though she wasn't too good in the subject of geography anyway. Her confusion doubled when he wasn't able to recognize the phone she had pulled out. Mia would've asked or tried to explain a bit on the subject but was quickly quieted when she saw the man make the gesture.

The feeling of sudden dryness surprised Mia. She ran her hands along the length of her clothes and hair with wide eyes. She then watched as the small orb of water was sent back to the lake. Mia reached into her pocket and checked her phone again, only to be disappointed. The water long fried the inner circuits, so her phone was now only a lifeless rectangle. She put it back in her pocket once more, still opting to hold on for it for no real reason.

"Yeah, this is much better, thank you." She nodded as she tried, and this time succeeded in standing upright. Hearing that she's far from home made a small frown form on her face, though it didn't last knowing that the man would help her figure out how to get back home.

"That would be nice, though are you sure? It's a very nice offer, and I do appreciate you helping me, thank you for that but,," she paused, now starting to reach for a small necklace hidden in her sweater to fidget with it, 'well,, we are still practically strangers."

A bit of unease and apprehension started to make themselves known at the pit of her stomach. It was true, she didn't even know this man's name, or apparently where she even was. The feelings grew slowly as the seconds ticked by, though she tried not to show what she was feeling.

((She’s shockingly calm for someone who just witnessed magic haha, poor girl does need a proper sit down and a cup of tea. Shorter replies are fine! They're engaged in conversation after all ^^))

The river spirit offered up a smile at the human’s thanks and took a step back as she stood. His eyes widened at her comment, though, and he let out a nervous sigh.

”Right, where are my manners? I am Ku’rahn, spirit of the River Rahn, guardian of its tributaries, protector of Lake Nali. These are my headwaters, and is where I call home.” He bowed with a small flourish, the breeze and life nearby having gone silent out of respect as he introduced himself. When he brought himself back up to full height everything returned to normal as if nothing had happened.

To an outsider, it may seem completely ludicrous that this twenty-something looking monk could be protector of anything, let alone an entire river system. Yet here he stood, talking about it like it was nothing at all.

”It would be rude to not offer. Plus, it seems that you might need some time to establish your bearings. You must be exhausted from treading water for so long. Why don’t we go and sit down inside. I’m sure you have many questions for me, even if I might not be able to answer all of them.”
((She’s shockingly calm for someone who just witnessed magic haha, poor girl does need a proper sit down and a cup of tea. Shorter replies are fine! They're engaged in conversation after all ^^))

The river spirit offered up a smile at the human’s thanks and took a step back as she stood. His eyes widened at her comment, though, and he let out a nervous sigh.

”Right, where are my manners? I am Ku’rahn, spirit of the River Rahn, guardian of its tributaries, protector of Lake Nali. These are my headwaters, and is where I call home.” He bowed with a small flourish, the breeze and life nearby having gone silent out of respect as he introduced himself. When he brought himself back up to full height everything returned to normal as if nothing had happened.

To an outsider, it may seem completely ludicrous that this twenty-something looking monk could be protector of anything, let alone an entire river system. Yet here he stood, talking about it like it was nothing at all.

”It would be rude to not offer. Plus, it seems that you might need some time to establish your bearings. You must be exhausted from treading water for so long. Why don’t we go and sit down inside. I’m sure you have many questions for me, even if I might not be able to answer all of them.”
bigger__bbb_button____flight_rising_by_myth_o_logical-daes7nv.png Barracuda
OL: 04:00~19:00
Clicky Clicky?
No Eggs ^w^
Come Outfit
Your Dragons!
//That hasn't processed quite yet lol, she's definitely still somewhat in denial. Her brain has to catch up for a second before it everything really hits her//

Mia found it unsettling when their surroundings went completely silent as Ku'rahn introduced himself. The lack of sound did nothing but boost the unease she was feeling. Even so, she tried smiling at him, to be polite, as she introduced herself.

"Well, it's nice to properly make your acquaintance, Ku'ranh. I'm Amelia, but you can just call me Mia, everyone does." Mia held out a shaky hand for him to shake. She seemed to start thinking over his reasonings and finally caved after realizing he was right about her being exhausted. Even if she were to try and run or defend herself against anything, it most likely wouldn't work out, so she might as well just take the chance.

"It seems I don't have much of a choice." She chuckled weakly. "If you really don't mind it, and I'm not imposing in any way, I'll have to take you up on the offer."

Mia was still, understandably, apprehensive about the whole thing. All she could hope for in this moment was that this man wasn't a murderer or harboring any sort or ill intentions. Mia tried to always give somebody the benefit of the doubt, but with everything that has happened so far, with her phone dead, having no energy left and being most likely nowhere near home, she felt like she could cut herself some slack and be suspicious of a man who popped up out of a lake.
//That hasn't processed quite yet lol, she's definitely still somewhat in denial. Her brain has to catch up for a second before it everything really hits her//

Mia found it unsettling when their surroundings went completely silent as Ku'rahn introduced himself. The lack of sound did nothing but boost the unease she was feeling. Even so, she tried smiling at him, to be polite, as she introduced herself.

"Well, it's nice to properly make your acquaintance, Ku'ranh. I'm Amelia, but you can just call me Mia, everyone does." Mia held out a shaky hand for him to shake. She seemed to start thinking over his reasonings and finally caved after realizing he was right about her being exhausted. Even if she were to try and run or defend herself against anything, it most likely wouldn't work out, so she might as well just take the chance.

"It seems I don't have much of a choice." She chuckled weakly. "If you really don't mind it, and I'm not imposing in any way, I'll have to take you up on the offer."

Mia was still, understandably, apprehensive about the whole thing. All she could hope for in this moment was that this man wasn't a murderer or harboring any sort or ill intentions. Mia tried to always give somebody the benefit of the doubt, but with everything that has happened so far, with her phone dead, having no energy left and being most likely nowhere near home, she felt like she could cut herself some slack and be suspicious of a man who popped up out of a lake.
(Mind if I join? Got the perfect character to add! She’s a mischievous wind spirit called Nasima. She could also have a dragon form.)
(Mind if I join? Got the perfect character to add! She’s a mischievous wind spirit called Nasima. She could also have a dragon form.)
((@Allknowing11 To interrupt is generally considered bad form. We can take this to an OOC chat if Star is inclined as I’m not opposed provided that your writing is up to snuff.)) ((Mia’s having a rough day [emoji=guardian sad size=1] but I hope she’ll cheer up once she’s brought inside… This patented spirit tea is sure to help! Well, it’s regular tea, but Ku’rahn might have shenanigans and enchanted it [i]a wee bit[/i] to help get her calmer and rejuvenated :P)) Ku’rahn took her hand and shook it. It was a gesture that he was still getting used to around humans, though becoming more and more fluent. [b]”Wonderful, now if you don’t mind, Mia, please follow me to my humble abode.”[/b] The small thatched cottage was nothing out of the ordinary. Mud and brick inlaid with smaller stones for texture, wood framed windows and door, and a small chimney at one end. One long side faced the water, the other had the door that opened to a small gravel path that wandered off towards the horizon before being intercepted by trees. Ku’rahn led the way up the shallow bank and opened the door for Mia. At his command, the lanterns flickered to life, bathing the interior in a warm glow. It was a simple home - the side with the chimney was evidently the kitchen, containing an ice chest, stove, and sink. The middle section housed a worn, wooden table that comfortably sat four, possibly six, under a hanging lantern. The other end was walled off with two doors. Presumably one was the bedroom, the other a washroom. [b]”Sit, please, while I make you some tea.”[/b] He said softly, gesturing at the dining table. The spirit walked into the small kitchen and sparked the stove, stoking it until a fire crackled within its iron belly. He stepped away and waved a hand before walking back to the table. As he sat down, behind him, there was a flurry of activity in the kitchen. A jar magically popped its lid to allow a floating spoon to scoop out a generous quantity of glistening golden syrup. Water whisked its way from spout into teapot before the teapot plonked down firmly atop the stove to be brought to a boil. The thick syrup got deposited into two teacups that flew over to the table, one setting down before each individual as Ku’rahn took his seat. [b]”It’s not every day that someone falls into my lake out of nowhere. You’re a long way from home, that much is obvious,”[/b] he began, keeping the [i]you’re not from this world[/i] to himself. [b]”I’m sure you have many questions for me. Drink this first to soothe your nerves and regain some strength, then ask away.”[/b] On cue, the teapot whistled and flew off the stove, daintily pouring its contents into the two cups on the table. A pair of spoons stirred the fragrant liquid that smelled of fruit and honey before neatly settling on the platter.
((@Allknowing11 To interrupt is generally considered bad form. We can take this to an OOC chat if Star is inclined as I’m not opposed provided that your writing is up to snuff.))

((Mia’s having a rough day but I hope she’ll cheer up once she’s brought inside… This patented spirit tea is sure to help! Well, it’s regular tea, but Ku’rahn might have shenanigans and enchanted it a wee bit to help get her calmer and rejuvenated :P))

Ku’rahn took her hand and shook it. It was a gesture that he was still getting used to around humans, though becoming more and more fluent.

”Wonderful, now if you don’t mind, Mia, please follow me to my humble abode.” The small thatched cottage was nothing out of the ordinary. Mud and brick inlaid with smaller stones for texture, wood framed windows and door, and a small chimney at one end. One long side faced the water, the other had the door that opened to a small gravel path that wandered off towards the horizon before being intercepted by trees.

Ku’rahn led the way up the shallow bank and opened the door for Mia. At his command, the lanterns flickered to life, bathing the interior in a warm glow. It was a simple home - the side with the chimney was evidently the kitchen, containing an ice chest, stove, and sink. The middle section housed a worn, wooden table that comfortably sat four, possibly six, under a hanging lantern. The other end was walled off with two doors. Presumably one was the bedroom, the other a washroom.

”Sit, please, while I make you some tea.” He said softly, gesturing at the dining table. The spirit walked into the small kitchen and sparked the stove, stoking it until a fire crackled within its iron belly. He stepped away and waved a hand before walking back to the table. As he sat down, behind him, there was a flurry of activity in the kitchen. A jar magically popped its lid to allow a floating spoon to scoop out a generous quantity of glistening golden syrup. Water whisked its way from spout into teapot before the teapot plonked down firmly atop the stove to be brought to a boil. The thick syrup got deposited into two teacups that flew over to the table, one setting down before each individual as Ku’rahn took his seat.

”It’s not every day that someone falls into my lake out of nowhere. You’re a long way from home, that much is obvious,” he began, keeping the you’re not from this world to himself. ”I’m sure you have many questions for me. Drink this first to soothe your nerves and regain some strength, then ask away.”

On cue, the teapot whistled and flew off the stove, daintily pouring its contents into the two cups on the table. A pair of spoons stirred the fragrant liquid that smelled of fruit and honey before neatly settling on the platter.
bigger__bbb_button____flight_rising_by_myth_o_logical-daes7nv.png Barracuda
OL: 04:00~19:00
Clicky Clicky?
No Eggs ^w^
Come Outfit
Your Dragons!