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TOPIC | Guess the fear of the user above

You're very much correct!
Also the word you might be looking for is Thalassophobia, the fear of deep bodies of water (such as oceans)

You're very much correct!
Also the word you might be looking for is Thalassophobia, the fear of deep bodies of water (such as oceans)
Minty --- Unknown --- Smokeberry --- Tide --- Fortune
Fastest decision to play a forum game in my life

@Siamesetiger Megalophobia? if I were to try to make it more specific, that like. subset of specifically the fear really huge things in bodies of water. I cannot think of the word I'm looking for
Fastest decision to play a forum game in my life

@Siamesetiger Megalophobia? if I were to try to make it more specific, that like. subset of specifically the fear really huge things in bodies of water. I cannot think of the word I'm looking for
"What- you, the father of all skepticism, worried?"


"Just because I don't think it happened doesn't mean I can't be worried."

An interesting one I learned in psych class for you: Anticipatory Anxiety! [Edit: basically, fearing the future.]

Mine is a little weird, but Apeirophobia. I fear eternity in many forms.

An interesting one I learned in psych class for you: Anticipatory Anxiety! [Edit: basically, fearing the future.]

Mine is a little weird, but Apeirophobia. I fear eternity in many forms.
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I'm going to pick the common fear which is thalassophobia mainly the fear of deep ocean, or lake


Oooo you've actually guessed it right :D

I'm going to pick the common fear which is thalassophobia mainly the fear of deep ocean, or lake


Oooo you've actually guessed it right :D


I'll choose claustrophobia?

You're right!

I'll choose claustrophobia?

You're right!

I'm going to guess Xenophobia, which is the fear of the unknown.

I'm going to guess Xenophobia, which is the fear of the unknown.
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{100 Generations Challenge}
Avatar Dragon | Random Dragon
fear of heights?
fear of heights?
Volt Wiring

Fear of thunder?

Fear of thunder?
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@MilkshakeTrex (hello fellow liminal and Jack Stauber fan :p)

I'd have to guess agoraphobia, defined "fear of being trapped in situations or places without a way to escape easily and without help" based off of those?

Edit: @AnomalyBeans yeah that sounds like me haha
@MilkshakeTrex (hello fellow liminal and Jack Stauber fan :p)

I'd have to guess agoraphobia, defined "fear of being trapped in situations or places without a way to escape easily and without help" based off of those?

Edit: @AnomalyBeans yeah that sounds like me haha
@DeiRuna gonna guess... Mazeophobia, the fear of being lost in an unfamiliar place

Edit: @spiderguts not really, actually! The deep sea more fascinates me than anything!
@DeiRuna gonna guess... Mazeophobia, the fear of being lost in an unfamiliar place

Edit: @spiderguts not really, actually! The deep sea more fascinates me than anything!