
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | What do you level your fodder to?
5 to 7 most of the time. Sometimes higher if grinding for items, chests, etc.
5 to 7 most of the time. Sometimes higher if grinding for items, chests, etc.
7 typically, unless I'm on a winning streak and I decide to keep coasting it and get them scooted up to level 8 in the process. On days I'm super impatient, I'll only go to level 5
7 typically, unless I'm on a winning streak and I decide to keep coasting it and get them scooted up to level 8 in the process. On days I'm super impatient, I'll only go to level 5
10 if the dragon is offspring of dragons from my lair that I bred myself.

20 for special lore reasons of a dragon that is the offspring of dragons from my lair I bred myself. (It would be 25 but that takes too long to bother on dragons that are not permas).

7 for dragons I got off the AH.
10 if the dragon is offspring of dragons from my lair that I bred myself.

20 for special lore reasons of a dragon that is the offspring of dragons from my lair I bred myself. (It would be 25 but that takes too long to bother on dragons that are not permas).

7 for dragons I got off the AH.
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7. I used to do 8 but doing that in the Mire takes too long and doing it in the Kelp Beds with how often the enemies wiped my training party was turning me into the Joker.
7. I used to do 8 but doing that in the Mire takes too long and doing it in the Kelp Beds with how often the enemies wiped my training party was turning me into the Joker.
7 or 8 typically!
7 or 8 typically!
7. It gets it over the 10k price even without an exalt bonuses.
7. It gets it over the 10k price even without an exalt bonuses.
7 if i'm exalting them immediately, 10 if i'm storing them in my hibden for an upcoming push. i don't have a lot of den space since that's where i keep my permas
7 if i'm exalting them immediately, 10 if i'm storing them in my hibden for an upcoming push. i don't have a lot of den space since that's where i keep my permas
“If there's nothing wrong with me...
...maybe there's something wrong with the universe!”
-Beverly Crusher
Generally 5-6 for exalting, 8 for boarding/personal hibden hoarding. I just don't have the patience to grind fodder much higher past that wahaha
Generally 5-6 for exalting, 8 for boarding/personal hibden hoarding. I just don't have the patience to grind fodder much higher past that wahaha
[LvA 2023] Top 26 Ticket Earners / badge by Irithyll (#157246)_
(spoilers for taz: b)
_Contralto / pixel adopt by Hawkeyyee (#146802)Ace / pixel adopt by Hawkeyyee (#146802)
4-5 when I'm tired or the coli is being mean
6-7 when I'm in the zone and coli is being nice
4-5 when I'm tired or the coli is being mean
6-7 when I'm in the zone and coli is being nice
7 if I'm low energy, 8 if I want big stonks and I have energy. 10 for microholidays!

Sometimes I also train to level 25, and sell the dragon if it's particularly nice. Otherwise, it goes in the den so I can slingshot it during a big dominance battle or for foddart.

I have never tried leveling to 5/6 even if it might be optimal. Perhaps I should?
7 if I'm low energy, 8 if I want big stonks and I have energy. 10 for microholidays!

Sometimes I also train to level 25, and sell the dragon if it's particularly nice. Otherwise, it goes in the den so I can slingshot it during a big dominance battle or for foddart.

I have never tried leveling to 5/6 even if it might be optimal. Perhaps I should?