
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [Fodderlocke] The Starlight Casino
[center][size=6][b][u]Day 25[/u][/b][/size][/center] [size=4][i]This Week's Hand:A of Hearts, 4 of Clubs, 5 of Clubs, 8 of Diamonds, Jack of Spades[/i][/size] [center][size=5][b][emoji=d20 size=1]Phase One[emoji=d20 size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Passed Recruit:[/u] [item=sickle kamaitachi] patches, shine [item=southmarsh podid] rainbow, amber [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Clubs! [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Spades! [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Clubs! [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Hearts! [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Spades! [b][u]Recruits Joined:[/u][/b] 5 | [b][u]Recruits Exalted:[/u][/b] 1 [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=yellow gem size=1]Phase Two[emoji=yellow gem size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Card Drawn: Queen of Hearts[/u] [b]Training Day![/b] If a manager has less than three dragons working for them, hire two more dragons. If they have three or more dragons working for them, level the lowest two by one level. (Portraits of crew involved) [quote name="Joker, Owner of the Starlight Casino"][i]Bundryth took two of her employees out on her paycheck to roam the streets. Her stated reason was to give the two a break, but we both knew better; to better scam our customers, our employees had to know the customers.[/i][/quote] [b][u]Staff Exalted:[/u][/b] 0 | [b][u]Recruits Joined:[/u][/b] 0 [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=four leaf clover size=1]End Stats:[emoji=four leaf clover size=1][/b][/size][/center] [emoji=sword and shield size=1][b][u]Recruits:[/u][/b] [u]Failed:[/u] 1 | [u]Joined:[/u] 5 [emoji=skull size=1][b][u]Losses:[/u][/b] [u]Employees:[/u] 0 | [u]Manager:[/u] 0 [center][emoji=eliminate size=1][b][u]Day's Payout:[/b][/u] 10,108 T, 0 G[emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
Day 25
This Week's Hand:A of Hearts, 4 of Clubs, 5 of Clubs, 8 of Diamonds, Jack of Spades
Phase One
Passed Recruit: Sickle Kamaitachi patches, shine Southmarsh Podid rainbow, amber
92437594.png Joined Clubs!
92457686.png Joined Spades!
92479538.png Joined Clubs!
92479539.png Joined Hearts!
92501827.png Joined Spades!
Recruits Joined: 5 | Recruits Exalted: 1
Phase Two
Card Drawn: Queen of Hearts
Training Day! If a manager has less than three dragons working for them, hire two more dragons. If they have three or more dragons working for them, level the lowest two by one level.
(Portraits of crew involved)
Joker, Owner of the Starlight Casino wrote:
Bundryth took two of her employees out on her paycheck to roam the streets. Her stated reason was to give the two a break, but we both knew better; to better scam our customers, our employees had to know the customers.
Staff Exalted: 0 | Recruits Joined: 0
End Stats:
Recruits: Failed: 1 | Joined: 5
Losses: Employees: 0 | Manager: 0
Day's Payout: 10,108 T, 0 G
[center][size=6][b][u]Day #[/u][/b][/size][/center] [size=4][i]This Week's Hand:A of Hearts, 4 of Clubs, 5 of Clubs, 8 of Diamonds, Jack of Spades, Queen of Hearts[/i][/size] [center][size=5][b][emoji=d20 size=1]Phase One[emoji=d20 size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Passed Recruit:[/u] (Pass Item) [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Hearts! [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Diamonds! [b][u]Recruits Joined:[/u][/b] 2 | [b][u]Recruits Exalted:[/u][/b] 4 [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=yellow gem size=1]Phase Two[emoji=yellow gem size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Card Drawn: Ten of Hearts[/u] [b]Big Night![/b] Draw a card for all of your dragons. If the card's number value is higher than their level, exalt them. Raise all survivors by one level. [b]Exalted:[/b] Crimsonrain, Arilun, Vreffogorg, Bennie, Amber, Rainbow [b]Lost Chance:[/b] Brogram, Shine [b]Leveled:[/b] Bundryth ^8, Hawkfire ^12, Gerhardt ^14, Grelmak ^8, Vor ^12, Kangroman ^8, Bogdroruth ^8, Nukrekk ^9, Vrerm ^9, Frostmantle ^7, Patches ^7, Guano ^8, Malcalm ^7, Jaxon ^7 [quote name="Joker, Owner of the Starlight Casino"][i][/i][/quote] [b][u]Staff Exalted:[/u][/b] 6 | [b][u]Recruits Joined:[/u][/b] 1 [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=heart size=1]Phase Three[emoji=heart size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Poker Draw: [b]A of Hearts,[/b] 4 of Clubs, 5 of Clubs, 8 of Diamonds, 10 of Hearts, Jack of Spades, Queen of Hearts [/u] [b]Last Minute Recruit![/b] The group of the matching suit gets a new member. Train them to level 5. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=four leaf clover size=1]End Stats:[emoji=four leaf clover size=1][/b][/size][/center] [emoji=sword and shield size=1][b][u]Recruits:[/u][/b] [u]Failed:[/u] 4 | [u]Joined:[/u] 4 [emoji=skull size=1][b][u]Losses:[/u][/b] [u]Employees:[/u] 6 | [u]Manager:[/u] 0 [center][emoji=eliminate size=1][b][u]Day's Payout:[/b][/u] 102,684 T, 0 G[emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
Day #
This Week's Hand:A of Hearts, 4 of Clubs, 5 of Clubs, 8 of Diamonds, Jack of Spades, Queen of Hearts
Phase One
Passed Recruit: (Pass Item)
92525465.png Joined Hearts!
92552501.png Joined Diamonds!
Recruits Joined: 2 | Recruits Exalted: 4
Phase Two
Card Drawn: Ten of Hearts
Big Night! Draw a card for all of your dragons. If the card's number value is higher than their level, exalt them. Raise all survivors by one level.
Exalted: Crimsonrain, Arilun, Vreffogorg, Bennie, Amber, Rainbow
Lost Chance: Brogram, Shine
Leveled: Bundryth ^8, Hawkfire ^12, Gerhardt ^14, Grelmak ^8, Vor ^12, Kangroman ^8, Bogdroruth ^8, Nukrekk ^9, Vrerm ^9, Frostmantle ^7, Patches ^7, Guano ^8, Malcalm ^7, Jaxon ^7
Joker, Owner of the Starlight Casino wrote:
Staff Exalted: 6 | Recruits Joined: 1
Phase Three
Poker Draw: A of Hearts, 4 of Clubs, 5 of Clubs, 8 of Diamonds, 10 of Hearts, Jack of Spades, Queen of Hearts
Last Minute Recruit! The group of the matching suit gets a new member. Train them to level 5.

End Stats:
Recruits: Failed: 4 | Joined: 4
Losses: Employees: 6 | Manager: 0
Day's Payout: 102,684 T, 0 G
[center][size=6][b][u]Day #[/u][/b][/size][/center] [size=4][i]This Week's Hand:[/i][/size] [center][size=5][b][emoji=d20 size=1]Phase One[emoji=d20 size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Passed Recruit:[/u] [item=psywurm] flau, boogie [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Clubs! [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Hearts! [b][u]Recruits Joined:[/u][/b] 2 | [b][u]Recruits Exalted:[/u][/b] 4 [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=yellow gem size=1]Phase Two[emoji=yellow gem size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Card Drawn: Five of Spades[/u] [b]Let's Gamble![/b] Pick two dragons at random, raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die each; if it's a 1, exalt them. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [quote name="Joker, Owner of the Starlight Casino"][i]Malcalm and Leima both served a moderately powerful gambler. Unfortunately, only Leima survived the encounter.[/i][/quote] [b][u]Staff Exalted:[/u][/b] 1 | [b][u]Recruits Joined:[/u][/b] 0 [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=four leaf clover size=1]End Stats:[emoji=four leaf clover size=1][/b][/size][/center] [emoji=sword and shield size=1][b][u]Recruits:[/u][/b] [u]Failed:[/u] 4 | [u]Joined:[/u] 2 [emoji=skull size=1][b][u]Losses:[/u][/b] [u]Employees:[/u] 1 | [u]Manager:[/u] 0 [center][emoji=eliminate size=1][b][u]Day's Payout:[/b][/u] 51,219 T, 0 G[emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
Day #
This Week's Hand:
Phase One
Passed Recruit: Psywurm flau, boogie
92613203_350.png Joined Clubs!
92613204_350.png Joined Hearts!
Recruits Joined: 2 | Recruits Exalted: 4
Phase Two
Card Drawn: Five of Spades
Let's Gamble! Pick two dragons at random, raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die each; if it's a 1, exalt them.
Joker, Owner of the Starlight Casino wrote:
Malcalm and Leima both served a moderately powerful gambler. Unfortunately, only Leima survived the encounter.
Staff Exalted: 1 | Recruits Joined: 0
End Stats:
Recruits: Failed: 4 | Joined: 2
Losses: Employees: 1 | Manager: 0
Day's Payout: 51,219 T, 0 G
[center][size=6][b][u]Day 28[/u][/b][/size][/center] [size=4][i]This Week's Hand: 5 of Spades[/i][/size] [center][size=5][b][emoji=d20 size=1]Phase One[emoji=d20 size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Passed Recruit:[/u] [item=shellion]moose, mathew [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Clubs! [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Spades! [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Diamonds! [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Diamonds! [b][u]Recruits Joined:[/u][/b] 4 | [b][u]Recruits Exalted:[/u][/b] 2 [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=yellow gem size=1]Phase Two[emoji=yellow gem size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Card Drawn: Five of Clubs[/u] [b]Let's Gamble![/b] Pick two dragons at random, raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die each; if it's a 1, exalt them. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [quote name="Joker, Owner of the Starlight Casino"][i]This time, Leima and Nukrekk went out. Perhaps because of yesterday's encounter, they were much more cautious and survived. [/i][/quote] [b][u]Staff Exalted:[/u][/b] 0 | [b][u]Recruits Joined:[/u][/b] 0 [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=heart size=1]Phase Three[emoji=heart size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Employee Roulette:[/u] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [b]Exalted:[/b] Hawkfire, Brogram, Leima, Moose [b]Lost Chance:[/b] Gerhardt, Vor, Nukrekk, Mathew [b]Leveled:[/b] Bundryth ^9, Grelmak ^9, Kangroman ^9, Bogdroruth ^9, Vrerm ^10, Frostmantle ^8, Shine ^7, Patches ^8, Guano ^9, Jaxon ^8, Doubletime ^7, Flau ^7, Boogie ^7, Preston ^7, Stanley ^7 [b][u]Staff Exalted:[/u][/b] 4 [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=four leaf clover size=1]End Stats:[emoji=four leaf clover size=1][/b][/size][/center] [emoji=sword and shield size=1][b][u]Recruits:[/u][/b] [u]Failed:[/u] 2 | [u]Joined:[/u] 4 [emoji=skull size=1][b][u]Losses:[/u][/b] [u]Employees:[/u] 3 | [u]Manager:[/u] 1 [center][emoji=eliminate size=1][b][u]Day's Payout:[/b][/u] 71,802 T, 0 G[emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
Day 28
This Week's Hand: 5 of Spades
Phase One
Passed Recruit: Shellion moose, mathew
92591304.png Joined Clubs!
92637811.png Joined Spades!
92637812.png Joined Diamonds!
92637813.png Joined Diamonds!
Recruits Joined: 4 | Recruits Exalted: 2
Phase Two
Card Drawn: Five of Clubs
Let's Gamble! Pick two dragons at random, raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die each; if it's a 1, exalt them.
Joker, Owner of the Starlight Casino wrote:
This time, Leima and Nukrekk went out. Perhaps because of yesterday's encounter, they were much more cautious and survived.
Staff Exalted: 0 | Recruits Joined: 0
Phase Three
Employee Roulette:
Exalted: Hawkfire, Brogram, Leima, Moose
Lost Chance: Gerhardt, Vor, Nukrekk, Mathew
Leveled: Bundryth ^9, Grelmak ^9, Kangroman ^9, Bogdroruth ^9, Vrerm ^10, Frostmantle ^8, Shine ^7, Patches ^8, Guano ^9, Jaxon ^8, Doubletime ^7, Flau ^7, Boogie ^7, Preston ^7, Stanley ^7
Staff Exalted: 4
End Stats:
Recruits: Failed: 2 | Joined: 4
Losses: Employees: 3 | Manager: 1
Day's Payout: 71,802 T, 0 G
[center][size=6][b][u]Day 29[/u][/b][/size][/center] [size=4][i]This Week's Hand: 5 of Clubs[/i][/size] [center][size=5][b][emoji=d20 size=1]Phase One[emoji=d20 size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Passed Recruit:[/u] (Pass Item) [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Diamonds! [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Diamonds! [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Clubs! [b][u]Recruits Joined:[/u][/b] 3 | [b][u]Recruits Exalted:[/u][/b] 5 [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=yellow gem size=1]Phase Two[emoji=yellow gem size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Card Drawn: Six of Clubs[/u] [b]Let's Gamble![/b] Pick two dragons at random, raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die each; if it's a 1, exalt them. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [quote name="Joker, Owner of the Starlight Casino"][i]Flau and Hinewai cleaned up the casino. Hinewai was bitten by a pest, but fortunately they bandaged it up quickly.[/i][/quote] [b][u]Staff Exalted:[/u][/b] 0 | [b][u]Recruits Joined:[/u][/b] 0 [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=heart size=1]Phase Three[emoji=heart size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Employee Roulette:[/u] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [b]Exalted:[/b] Vor, Nukrekk, Guano, Boogie, Preston, Borahan [b]Lost Chance:[/b] Bundryth, Vrerm, Gerhardt, Kangroman, Patches, Miniwing [b]Leveled:[/b] Grelmak ^9, Bogdroruth ^9, Frostmantle ^8, Shine ^7, Jaxon ^8, Doubletime ^7, Flau ^8, Stanley ^7, Mathew ^7, Hinewai ^8 [b][u]Staff Exalted:[/u][/b] # [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=four leaf clover size=1]End Stats:[emoji=four leaf clover size=1][/b][/size][/center] [emoji=sword and shield size=1][b][u]Recruits:[/u][/b] [u]Failed:[/u] 5 | [u]Joined:[/u] 3 [emoji=skull size=1][b][u]Losses:[/u][/b] [u]Employees:[/u] 8 | [u]Manager:[/u] 0 [center][emoji=eliminate size=1][b][u]Day's Payout:[/b][/u] 127,578 T, 0 G[emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
Day 29
This Week's Hand: 5 of Clubs
Phase One
Passed Recruit: (Pass Item)
92750035.png Joined Diamonds!
92750036.png Joined Diamonds!
92657825.png Joined Clubs!
Recruits Joined: 3 | Recruits Exalted: 5
Phase Two
Card Drawn: Six of Clubs
Let's Gamble! Pick two dragons at random, raise both of them a level. Roll a 6-sided die each; if it's a 1, exalt them.
Joker, Owner of the Starlight Casino wrote:
Flau and Hinewai cleaned up the casino. Hinewai was bitten by a pest, but fortunately they bandaged it up quickly.
Staff Exalted: 0 | Recruits Joined: 0
Phase Three
Employee Roulette:
Exalted: Vor, Nukrekk, Guano, Boogie, Preston, Borahan
Lost Chance: Bundryth, Vrerm, Gerhardt, Kangroman, Patches, Miniwing
Leveled: Grelmak ^9, Bogdroruth ^9, Frostmantle ^8, Shine ^7, Jaxon ^8, Doubletime ^7, Flau ^8, Stanley ^7, Mathew ^7, Hinewai ^8
Staff Exalted: #
End Stats:
Recruits: Failed: 5 | Joined: 3
Losses: Employees: 8 | Manager: 0
Day's Payout: 127,578 T, 0 G
[center][size=6][b][u]Day 30[/u][/b][/size][/center] [size=4][i]This Week's Hand: 5 of Clubs, 6 of Clubs[/i][/size] [center][size=5][b][emoji=d20 size=1]Phase One[emoji=d20 size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Passed Recruit:[/u] [item=Strawberry Noggle] [item=ink ant] glory, storith [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Hearts! [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Spades! [url=][img][/img][/url] Joined Spades! [b][u]Recruits Joined:[/u][/b] 3 | [b][u]Recruits Exalted:[/u][/b] 3 [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=yellow gem size=1]Phase Two[emoji=yellow gem size=1][/b][/size][/center] [u]Card Drawn: Four of Spades[/u] [b]Freeloader![/b] A debtor now works for the casino. Buy the cheapest adult and leave them at level 1. [url=][img][/img][/url] [quote name="Joker, Owner of the Starlight Casino"][i]A pretty thing stopped by the casino today. She was excited by the bright lights and the promise to riches... only to be quickly drawn into reality. Suffice to say, she'll be staying here until she repays her debts.[/i][/quote] [b][u]Staff Exalted:[/u][/b] 0 | [b][u]Recruits Joined:[/u][/b] 1 [rule] [center][size=5][b][emoji=four leaf clover size=1]End Stats:[emoji=four leaf clover size=1][/b][/size][/center] [emoji=sword and shield size=1][b][u]Recruits:[/u][/b] [u]Failed:[/u] 3 | [u]Joined:[/u] 3 [emoji=skull size=1][b][u]Losses:[/u][/b] [u]Employees:[/u] 0 | [u]Manager:[/u] 0 [center][emoji=eliminate size=1][b][u]Day's Payout:[/b][/u] 29,399 T, 0 G[emoji=money bag size=1][/center]
Day 30
This Week's Hand: 5 of Clubs, 6 of Clubs
Phase One
Passed Recruit: Strawberry Noggle Ink Ant glory, storith
92704187.png Joined Hearts!
92726953.png Joined Spades!
92794149.png Joined Spades!
Recruits Joined: 3 | Recruits Exalted: 3
Phase Two
Card Drawn: Four of Spades
Freeloader! A debtor now works for the casino. Buy the cheapest adult and leave them at level 1.
Joker, Owner of the Starlight Casino wrote:
A pretty thing stopped by the casino today. She was excited by the bright lights and the promise to riches... only to be quickly drawn into reality. Suffice to say, she'll be staying here until she repays her debts.
Staff Exalted: 0 | Recruits Joined: 1
End Stats:
Recruits: Failed: 3 | Joined: 3
Losses: Employees: 0 | Manager: 0
Day's Payout: 29,399 T, 0 G