
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | {P} Long Drop Coli Challenge - COMPLETED
[center][quote=Mire] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [item=common shellbug] 99/99 [b]Notable Drops:[/b] [item=brilliant psywurm][item=shellion]x2[item=silt wolf][item=southmarsh podid]x4[item=muckbottom catfish]x3[item=fungal garden][item=swamp wolf][item=mossy cerdae]x3[item=whisper][item=salve kamaitachi][item=poisonous toridae][item=armored colony][item=psywurm]x2[item=venomous toridae][item=sickle kamaitachi] [item=aid][item=bolster][item=meditate][item=regeneration][item=sap][item=ambush][item=shale hybrid fragment] [item=shining might fragment][item=blinding slash][item=enamor][item=frozen acuity fragment][item=frigid bolt]x2[item=freezing slash][item=wave slash][item=drown][item=leaf bolt][item=diseased might fragment][item=contaminate][item=zephyr bolt]x2[item=gust slash][item=boulder bolt][item=fossilize]x2[item=magical might fragment] [item=woodsdrake cape][item=simple pearly wing bangles][item=copper steampunk goggles][item=mage's cranberry overcoat][item=swamp kelpie mane] [item=vial of hypnotic sight][item=scroll of renaming][item=secondary gene: morph]x2[item=tertiary gaoler gene: weathered][item=ancient gene parchment: flutter] [/center]
Mire wrote:

Common Shellbug


Notable Drops:

Brilliant Psywurm Shellion x2 Silt Wolf Southmarsh Podid x4 Muckbottom Catfish x3 Fungal Garden Swamp Wolf Mossy Cerdae x3 Whisper Salve Kamaitachi Poisonous Toridae Armored Colony Psywurm x2 Venomous Toridae Sickle Kamaitachi

Aid Bolster Meditate Regeneration Sap Ambush Shale Hybrid Fragment
Shining Might Fragment Blinding Slash Enamor Frozen Acuity Fragment Frigid Bolt x2 Freezing Slash Wave Slash Drown Leaf Bolt Diseased Might Fragment Contaminate Zephyr Bolt x2 Gust Slash Boulder Bolt Fossilize x2 Magical Might Fragment

Woodsdrake Cape Simple Pearly Wing Bangles Copper Steampunk Goggles Mage's Cranberry Overcoat Swamp Kelpie Mane

Vial of Hypnotic Sight Scroll of Renaming Secondary Gene: Morph x2 Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Weathered Ancient Gene Parchment: Flutter
[center][quote=Kelp Beds] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [item=watermelon] 100/99 [b]Notable Drops:[/b] [item=ruched sojourner][item=corrosive depin]x2[item=maren warrior]x4[item=depin][item=blue-footed eggull]x3[item=maren seahunter]x2[item=kelp tender]x3[item=maren ambusher][item=mammertee][item=maren wavesinger][item=kelp caretaker][item=abyss striker][item=cloud chaser] [item=scratch][item=sap][item=reflect][item=aid]x2[item=clobber][item=obsidian hybrid fragment]x3[item=shale hybrid fragment]x2 [item=shining might fragment][item=bright bolt]x2[item=enamor][item=shock][item=dark acuity fragment][item=mist slash]x2[item=shroud]x2[item=zephyr might fragment][item=zephyr bolt][item=leaf bolt]x2[item=aquatic might fragment]x2[item=wave slash]x2[item=fiery might fragment][item=fiery acuity fragment][item=flame bolt][item=boulder bolt][item=rune slash][item=frozen might fragment] [item=yellow sea slug cloak]x2[item=hydrating garden hat][item=hydrating garden belt][item=copper steampunk spats][item=wavespun tail feathers]x2[item=pathfinder's leggings][item=brown birdskull armband][item=crimson rogue cape] [item=scene: kelp beds][item=cloud chaser crate][item=vista: kelp beds]x2[item=ancient gene parchment: featherbeard][item=ancient gene parchment: diamond] [/center]
Kelp Beds wrote:



Notable Drops:

Ruched Sojourner Corrosive Depin x2 Maren Warrior x4 Depin Blue-Footed Eggull x3 Maren Seahunter x2 Kelp Tender x3 Maren Ambusher Mammertee Maren Wavesinger Kelp Caretaker Abyss Striker Cloud Chaser

Scratch Sap Reflect Aid x2 Clobber Obsidian Hybrid Fragment x3 Shale Hybrid Fragment x2
Shining Might Fragment Bright Bolt x2 Enamor Shock Dark Acuity Fragment Mist Slash x2 Shroud x2 Zephyr Might Fragment Zephyr Bolt Leaf Bolt x2 Aquatic Might Fragment x2 Wave Slash x2 Fiery Might Fragment Fiery Acuity Fragment Flame Bolt Boulder Bolt Rune Slash Frozen Might Fragment

Yellow Sea Slug Cloak x2 Hydrating Garden Hat Hydrating Garden Belt Copper Steampunk Spats Wavespun Tail Feathers x2 Pathfinder's Leggings Brown Birdskull Armband Crimson Rogue Cape

Scene: Kelp Beds Cloud Chaser Crate Vista: Kelp Beds x2 Ancient Gene Parchment: Featherbeard Ancient Gene Parchment: Diamond
[center][quote=Golem Workshop] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [item=black iron segment] 99/99 [b]Notable Drops:[/b] [item=sentry squawker]x2[item=war smith]x3[item=jelly drone][item=robotic tender][item=swift lumen][item=monkey wrench][item=black iron creeper]x2[item=swift volt]x2[item=scrapmetal tracker][item=chromefeather lookout][item=geartoggle smith]x2[item=spellbound golem][item=sentinel mith][item=mechanical destroyer][item=clattercog engineer][item=gearspring pocketmouse][item=construction mith] [item=discipline][item=ambush][item=clobber][item=eliminate][item=contuse][item=anticipate][item=obsidian hybrid fragment]x3[item=shale hybrid fragment][item=glass hybrid fragment][item=wave slash][item=drown][item=diseased acuity fragment][item=frigid bolt][item=congeal]x2[item=dark bolt][item=mist slash][item=shining acuity fragment][item=blinding slash][item=leaf bolt][item=mana bolt][item=rune slash]x2[item=shock bolt][item=sear][item=zephyr might fragment] [item=forest green tail wrap][item=copper filigree banner][item=copper filigree breastplate][item=copper filigree tail guard][item=copper filigree boots][item=peridot leg enhancement (back)][item=peridot tail enhancement][item=peridot spine enhancement][item=peridot jaw enhancement][item=peridot ocular enhancement]x2[item=peridot arm enhancement (back)][item=peridot wing enhancements][item=teardrop citrine tail ring] [item=ancient gene parchment: phantom][item=ancient gene parchment: pachy][item=plague runestone][item=scroll of renaming] [/center]
Golem Workshop wrote:

Black Iron Segment


Notable Drops:

Sentry Squawker x2 War Smith x3 Jelly Drone Robotic Tender Swift Lumen Monkey Wrench Black Iron Creeper x2 Swift Volt x2 Scrapmetal Tracker Chromefeather Lookout Geartoggle Smith x2 Spellbound Golem Sentinel Mith Mechanical Destroyer Clattercog Engineer Gearspring Pocketmouse Construction Mith

Discipline Ambush Clobber Eliminate Contuse Anticipate Obsidian Hybrid Fragment x3 Shale Hybrid Fragment Glass Hybrid Fragment Wave Slash Drown Diseased Acuity Fragment Frigid Bolt Congeal x2 Dark Bolt Mist Slash Shining Acuity Fragment Blinding Slash Leaf Bolt Mana Bolt Rune Slash x2 Shock Bolt Sear Zephyr Might Fragment

Forest Green Tail Wrap Copper Filigree Banner Copper Filigree Breastplate Copper Filigree Tail Guard Copper Filigree Boots Peridot Leg Enhancement (Back) Peridot Tail Enhancement Peridot Spine Enhancement Peridot Jaw Enhancement Peridot Ocular Enhancement x2 Peridot Arm Enhancement (Back) Peridot Wing Enhancements Teardrop Citrine Tail Ring

Ancient Gene Parchment: Phantom Ancient Gene Parchment: Pachy Plague Runestone Scroll of Renaming

[center][quote=Forbidden Portal] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [item=taillash rat] 99/99 [b]Notable Drops:[/b] [item=calico ferberus]x3[item=giggling planesrunner][item=void wyvern][item=everburn tangle][item=springfoot bilworper][item=tattertail bilworper]x2[item=starspawn flyer][item=blushing tangle][item=frogspawn flyer]x2[item=deeprealm leon][item=aberrant chacma][item=portal watcher][item=lap pupowl]x2[item=bearded pupowl] [item=might fragment][item=glass hybrid fragment][item=shale hybrid fragment]x2[item=haste][item=shred]x3[item=discipline][item=drown]x2[item=dark acuity fragment][item=dark bolt]x2[item=mist slash][item=shroud]x2[item=frozen might fragment]x2[item=frozen acuity fragment][item=frigid bolt][item=congeal][item=magical might fragment][item=mana bolt]x3[item=rune slash]x2[item=earthen might fragment][item=earthen acuity fragment][item=boulder bolt][item=charged might fragment][item=thunder slash][item=vile bolt]x2[item=contaminate][item=blinding slash][item=sear][item=disorient] [item=pretty pink neck bow] [item=ancient gene parchment: diamond][item=ancient gene parchment: batty][item=ancient gene parchment: skeletal][item=accent: sparksylph][item=vista: forbidden portal] [item=unhatched water egg] [/center]
Forbidden Portal wrote:

Taillash Rat


Notable Drops:

Calico Ferberus x3 Giggling Planesrunner Void Wyvern Everburn Tangle Springfoot Bilworper Tattertail Bilworper x2 Starspawn Flyer Blushing Tangle Frogspawn Flyer x2 Deeprealm Leon Aberrant Chacma Portal Watcher Lap Pupowl x2 Bearded Pupowl

Might Fragment Glass Hybrid Fragment Shale Hybrid Fragment x2 Haste Shred x3 Discipline Drown x2 Dark Acuity Fragment Dark Bolt x2 Mist Slash Shroud x2 Frozen Might Fragment x2 Frozen Acuity Fragment Frigid Bolt Congeal Magical Might Fragment Mana Bolt x3 Rune Slash x2 Earthen Might Fragment Earthen Acuity Fragment Boulder Bolt Charged Might Fragment Thunder Slash Vile Bolt x2 Contaminate Blinding Slash Sear Disorient

Pretty Pink Neck Bow

Ancient Gene Parchment: Diamond Ancient Gene Parchment: Batty Ancient Gene Parchment: Skeletal Accent: Sparksylph Vista: Forbidden Portal

Unhatched Water Egg
This challenge has now been completed! It's been an awesome journey and so many amazing rewards. :)
This challenge has now been completed! It's been an awesome journey and so many amazing rewards. :)

he/him | FR+4
Skin shop

@alchemistG Thank you! It was fun to finally finish a challenge for myself.
@alchemistG Thank you! It was fun to finally finish a challenge for myself.