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TOPIC | Least favorite school subject?
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History: I only liked it when we had activities because most of the time, I got to talk with my friends. But lessons... No. English: 2 words, [i] essay writing [/i]. Science: Specifically physics. I love Math and Science when they're separate but physics in highschool was hell. I fell asleep most of the time and I was in the front row[emoji=skull size=1]. Whenever I woke up, the teacher would just stare at me and I'd find out that she was finished with the lecture and gave the class an activity. I don't really remember much but I know I answered [i]some[/i] of the questions correctly. P.E: Ngl I forgot about this, idk why cuz it was one of my most hated subjects. The teacher would make us run 3 or maybe 5(?) laps around the gymnasium or the quadrangle and it was [i] exhausting [/i]. It was a really wide area and I never want to experience that again. I also sucked at sports. Basketball, volleyball, badminton... You name it, I suck at it.
History: I only liked it when we had activities because most of the time, I got to talk with my friends. But lessons... No.

English: 2 words, essay writing .

Science: Specifically physics. I love Math and Science when they're separate but physics in highschool was hell. I fell asleep most of the time and I was in the front row. Whenever I woke up, the teacher would just stare at me and I'd find out that she was finished with the lecture and gave the class an activity. I don't really remember much but I know I answered some of the questions correctly.

P.E: Ngl I forgot about this, idk why cuz it was one of my most hated subjects. The teacher would make us run 3 or maybe 5(?) laps around the gymnasium or the quadrangle and it was exhausting . It was a really wide area and I never want to experience that again. I also sucked at sports. Basketball, volleyball, badminton... You name it, I suck at it.
History... ugh. I actually like learning history now, but I hate the way it's taught in school (or at least how it was taught to me, for the most part.) It's just memorizing names and dates and spitting that information back out onto a piece of paper. Luckily I had a pretty good history teach for a year and a half, there, and I felt like I actually learned something worthwhile in those classes, lol.

Like, is it more important for me to remember the exact date of the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge, down to the month and day. Or is it more important for me to remember its impact? School seems to think the date is more important.
History... ugh. I actually like learning history now, but I hate the way it's taught in school (or at least how it was taught to me, for the most part.) It's just memorizing names and dates and spitting that information back out onto a piece of paper. Luckily I had a pretty good history teach for a year and a half, there, and I felt like I actually learned something worthwhile in those classes, lol.

Like, is it more important for me to remember the exact date of the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge, down to the month and day. Or is it more important for me to remember its impact? School seems to think the date is more important.
"The world was to me a secret which I desired to divine."
-Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein
they/them | FR+0 | Semi-active
So I'm in medical school now so I don't quite have the whole variety of classes as I used to, but currently pharmacology has always been my weaker point when compared to pathology or physiology.

Back when I had the full variety of courses I never particularly liked English.
So I'm in medical school now so I don't quite have the whole variety of classes as I used to, but currently pharmacology has always been my weaker point when compared to pathology or physiology.

Back when I had the full variety of courses I never particularly liked English.
............................ mudsdale.png

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due to some fun wackiness with being transferred i had several freshman classes as a junior and i HATED them lol. i had nothing against the subjects themselves, my classmates all just had an energy i simply did not share. math was probably the worst as it was first period (and well. math). i was uh, maybe a little complainy that first semester lol
due to some fun wackiness with being transferred i had several freshman classes as a junior and i HATED them lol. i had nothing against the subjects themselves, my classmates all just had an energy i simply did not share. math was probably the worst as it was first period (and well. math). i was uh, maybe a little complainy that first semester lol
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I hate math. There, I said it. For me it’s too boring, everything is uniform and follows a specific set of rules that cannot be changed. Although when I was in middle school, I remember having a bad math teacher so that could be part of it.
I hate math. There, I said it. For me it’s too boring, everything is uniform and follows a specific set of rules that cannot be changed. Although when I was in middle school, I remember having a bad math teacher so that could be part of it.
Definitely Spanish. I am unreasonably bad at Spanish.
Definitely Spanish. I am unreasonably bad at Spanish.
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Thankfully not in school anymore, but all kinds of sciences were my enemy. I think the worst for me were biology (the genetics, plants, cells type of biology) and plain old math. Oh and swedish class too, god i hated it so much. Mostly because it was mandatory and i did not want to learn the language (i was a stupid teenager).
Thankfully not in school anymore, but all kinds of sciences were my enemy. I think the worst for me were biology (the genetics, plants, cells type of biology) and plain old math. Oh and swedish class too, god i hated it so much. Mostly because it was mandatory and i did not want to learn the language (i was a stupid teenager).
@Yews they/them
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ssecretssFRT +10
Srry for the rant but I absolutely loved History as a topic I could read about in my spare time until I encountered the worst teacher ever. TLDR English A+ student gets a 60% in a History essay, writes a 4 page document filled with logical reasoning about why I should at least get like 20% higher, then gets rejected and pretty much insulted for even putting in the effort to try. I then proceed to study my back off for the yearly examination and am met with a 78%. That was when I decided that History wasn’t worth my time. Still gotta take it in the next TWO years which is absolutely fantastic but this time I’ll be wise and put effort into a subject that I:
- enjoy
- am good at
- the teachers don’t suck
Which is English!!
Srry for the rant but I absolutely loved History as a topic I could read about in my spare time until I encountered the worst teacher ever. TLDR English A+ student gets a 60% in a History essay, writes a 4 page document filled with logical reasoning about why I should at least get like 20% higher, then gets rejected and pretty much insulted for even putting in the effort to try. I then proceed to study my back off for the yearly examination and am met with a 78%. That was when I decided that History wasn’t worth my time. Still gotta take it in the next TWO years which is absolutely fantastic but this time I’ll be wise and put effort into a subject that I:
- enjoy
- am good at
- the teachers don’t suck
Which is English!!
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I HATED math and physics but loved bio enough to major in it + go to med school! also english, i loooved writing papers *when we were given free reign.

edit: hey another med student @Alnazar ! pharm my beloathed, pathology my beloved <3 I will never learn all the antibiotics and I accept this <3
I HATED math and physics but loved bio enough to major in it + go to med school! also english, i loooved writing papers *when we were given free reign.

edit: hey another med student @Alnazar ! pharm my beloathed, pathology my beloved <3 I will never learn all the antibiotics and I accept this <3
NOTE: my username is quinceLy, not quincy/quincey --- den/lair cleanout!!
@quincely - SLDKFHF SO RELATABLE me hitting "easy" on all my pharm anki cards knowing it's going to beat me up on the exam versus me looking at my path notes [img][/img]

me hitting "easy" on all my pharm anki cards knowing it's going to beat me up on the exam

versus me looking at my path notes
............................ mudsdale.png

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