
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Theme Week: Spooky Dragons!
My kid Mazikeen prooobably counts! :D [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
My kid Mazikeen prooobably counts! :D
[center]Spooky[/center] [img][/img] [center]Gator[/center] [img][/img]



[url=][img][/img][/url] My bloody boy :)

My bloody boy :)
idk how to put stuff here!
[url=][img][/img][/url] Ambon, a sentient rock formation! [url=][img][/img][/url] Anonumos, who dwells in the lightless depths.
Ambon, a sentient rock formation!

Anonumos, who dwells in the lightless depths.
Ping me to get my attention!
we tried to be spooky :) [url=][img][/img][/url] GoopWing
we tried to be spooky :)
Myrsky isn't trying to be spooky, but he kinda is [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] On the other hand, Bolina is definitely trying to be spooky, but achieving big boisterous puppy vibes [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Anyway that's all, hope you enjo-- wait did you hear that???? [emoji=coatl scared size=1] ... ... Oh, well, I guess it was nothing... [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Myrsky isn't trying to be spooky, but he kinda is

On the other hand, Bolina is definitely trying to be spooky, but achieving big boisterous puppy vibes

Anyway that's all, hope you enjo-- wait did you hear that????
Oh, well, I guess it was nothing...
[center]Oh yeh! I almost forgot to submit my entries. Here's my 3 spooky guys! ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=6][emoji=skull size=1] [b]Eizcref[/b] - [i]The Death That Follows[/i] [emoji=skull size=1][/size] Once there was an ancient tribe that lived underground. The underground city was called Drimmingholm. The 182 residents of Drimmingholm lived in peace for many centuries, expanding their hometown constantly. But one day, something bad happened... A group of workers were expanding the tunnels in order to build a new marketplace. When suddenly, one of the workers found something shiny, and their pickaxe hit that something shiny... Then, it broke, making the most underworldy sound they've ever heard... And that was the last thing they heard ever again. The sound was horrifying, like thousands of souls screaming for help in agony. It was so loud, that everyone in the village could hear it faintly, echoing from the walls of the cave. To them, it sounded like a strong wind blowing. It didn't alarm anyone at the time. Some time passed, it got silent. The workers didn't return during lunch time. There was an eerie feeling in the air, that something bad might've happened. Maybe they just forgot lunch time? No, that could've not been the reason. Then, an eerie figure was visible in the entrance of the tunnel... It didn't take long for the first residents who saw it to realize, that this was their end... The Reaper had arrived... And after a few hours... None survived. The souls of everyone in Drimmingholm, were stolen away by the Reaper. The current population of Drimmingholm: 1, Eizcref the Reaper. The vial Eizcref wears around his neck, contains the souls of the innocent ones he has taken. Inside the vial, the souls wander endlessly in the void, screaming for help. But none are to hear them... [item=Ceremonial Scythe] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=6][emoji=skull size=1][b]Unnamed [/b]- [i]Unknown Entity[/i] [emoji=skull size=1][/size] [i]Once they might've been a proud warrior from the eastern lands... Now they're nothing, but also everything. Their old name is long gone. There is no memory of the past. Only the unnamed vessel remains. An unknown species mutated by something we don't yet fully understand... On its neck seems to be a small and shiny red gem, completely fused to be a part of its body. It seems to be a life source of some kind... A Philosopher's Stone? Could it be? ... Who knows for sure. All we know is that it's full of unearthly power... It feels like it can sense our presence... Should we look away? [center][img][/img][/center] [i]The Goblet... Full of endless screams and agony in a liquid form. Countless souls fused and materialized into something new. Forbidden power without limits. A one is to lose their sanity, to ever even touch it. And yet, here we are, witnessing this being... Gulping down its content like its water. Is there a limit how many souls can fit inside the body of this... This... Thing? Has it achieved immortality?[/i][/i] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=6][emoji=skull size=1] [b]Oni[/b] - [i]THE DEVIL[/i] [emoji=skull size=1][/size] [/center]
Oh yeh! I almost forgot to submit my entries. Here's my 3 spooky guys!


Eizcref - The Death That Follows

Once there was an ancient tribe that lived underground. The underground city was called Drimmingholm. The 182 residents of Drimmingholm lived in peace for many centuries, expanding their hometown constantly. But one day, something bad happened... A group of workers were expanding the tunnels in order to build a new marketplace. When suddenly, one of the workers found something shiny, and their pickaxe hit that something shiny... Then, it broke, making the most underworldy sound they've ever heard... And that was the last thing they heard ever again. The sound was horrifying, like thousands of souls screaming for help in agony. It was so loud, that everyone in the village could hear it faintly, echoing from the walls of the cave. To them, it sounded like a strong wind blowing. It didn't alarm anyone at the time.
Some time passed, it got silent. The workers didn't return during lunch time. There was an eerie feeling in the air, that something bad might've happened. Maybe they just forgot lunch time? No, that could've not been the reason.
Then, an eerie figure was visible in the entrance of the tunnel... It didn't take long for the first residents who saw it to realize, that this was their end... The Reaper had arrived... And after a few hours... None survived. The souls of everyone in Drimmingholm, were stolen away by the Reaper.

The current population of Drimmingholm: 1, Eizcref the Reaper.

The vial Eizcref wears around his neck, contains the souls of the innocent ones he has taken. Inside the vial, the souls wander endlessly in the void, screaming for help. But none are to hear them...

Ceremonial Scythe


Unnamed - Unknown Entity

Once they might've been a proud warrior from the eastern lands... Now they're nothing, but also everything. Their old name is long gone. There is no memory of the past. Only the unnamed vessel remains.
An unknown species mutated by something we don't yet fully understand...
On its neck seems to be a small and shiny red gem, completely fused to be a part of its body.
It seems to be a life source of some kind... A Philosopher's Stone? Could it be?
Who knows for sure. All we know is that it's full of unearthly power... It feels like it can sense our presence... Should we look away?


The Goblet... Full of endless screams and agony in a liquid form. Countless souls fused and materialized into something new. Forbidden power without limits. A one is to lose their sanity, to ever even touch it.
And yet, here we are, witnessing this being... Gulping down its content like its water. Is there a limit how many souls can fit inside the body of this... This... Thing? Has it achieved immortality?


(Remind me to actually put a good signature here someday kthxbye~)
| 30 | M | He/Him | Finnish | Furry | Digimon | Pokémon | Anime |
I have way too many Dragons... Feel free to check em out :p
[center]Profane [url=][img][/img][/url] Tathamet [url=][img][/img][/url] Astaroth [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]

Perhaps you've seen it,
maybe in a dream.
A murky, forgotten land…
Ohhh, spookies! Not many here for me, but here are my two spooky dragons! [url=][img][/img][/url] A plague-born Aberration, Mykaela has had a deep infatuation with the Plaguebringer and the rest of the deities. Not much lore for him, but he's my spooky #1! [url=][img][/img][/url] My girl Stavros! She and her sister, Shimmer, are both ghosts, and haunt the grounds of the Stormcatcher. That's all I have for today, thank you! [center][emoji=pursuit size=1] Jackson/ Jay, He/Him[/center]
Ohhh, spookies! Not many here for me, but here are my two spooky dragons!

A plague-born Aberration, Mykaela has had a deep infatuation with the Plaguebringer and the rest of the deities.
Not much lore for him, but he's my spooky #1!

My girl Stavros! She and her sister, Shimmer, are both ghosts, and haunt the grounds of the Stormcatcher.

That's all I have for today, thank you!
Jackson/ Jay, He/Him
[Center] [B][size=4]Oktober[/size][/b] [Rule] [url=][img][/img][/url]
