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TOPIC | [T]Coliseum: death by bleed freezes game
This happened to me as well. Emerald Jewel bled out and now it's frozen. :(
This happened to me as well. Emerald Jewel bled out and now it's frozen. :(
"This horror will grow mild, this darkness light."
Free dragons for discerning Plague members. â—˜ Plague Sales Thread
Similar problem to several others here. Dragon died by bleeding on the same turn he was supposed to attack. He went down, but now the game seems to be waiting for him to make a move and now I can't do anything but refresh and lose hunger points.

Kelp Beds

Similar problem to several others here. Dragon died by bleeding on the same turn he was supposed to attack. He went down, but now the game seems to be waiting for him to make a move and now I can't do anything but refresh and lose hunger points.

Kelp Beds

I like to gift people stuff.
Happened to me twice today. Within 5 minutes of each other, which is really annoying. Defeated the enemy with bleed on its turn and it just got stuck waiting on the enemy to make its move, like it didn't register that the enemy died.

I'm running Firefox and was in the Woodland Path.
Happened to me twice today. Within 5 minutes of each other, which is really annoying. Defeated the enemy with bleed on its turn and it just got stuck waiting on the enemy to make its move, like it didn't register that the enemy died.

I'm running Firefox and was in the Woodland Path.
Clueless but caffeinated.
I am having the same problem. If last enemy dies due to bleeding damage, fight freezes waiting on enemy's turn. I had it happen a couple of times today. I am running Google Chrome and was in Sandswept Delta.
I am having the same problem. If last enemy dies due to bleeding damage, fight freezes waiting on enemy's turn. I had it happen a couple of times today. I am running Google Chrome and was in Sandswept Delta.
woah so many ppl having the same issue! i also had it frozen certainly every time that i remember when the last enemy dies of bleeding, esp in kelp beds bc i dont use shred much in other areas..
not even gonna call it a bug. more like one crucial flaw that has passed without noticing thru programming
woah so many ppl having the same issue! i also had it frozen certainly every time that i remember when the last enemy dies of bleeding, esp in kelp beds bc i dont use shred much in other areas..
not even gonna call it a bug. more like one crucial flaw that has passed without noticing thru programming
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Having the same issue too. Happening pretty much every time I use bleed, which, I use it a lot.

I'm too lazy to strategy change xD

Note: 5+ times in the Woodland Path today, but also in the Mire yesterday. I use Firefox.
Having the same issue too. Happening pretty much every time I use bleed, which, I use it a lot.

I'm too lazy to strategy change xD

Note: 5+ times in the Woodland Path today, but also in the Mire yesterday. I use Firefox.
OK, this might be what happened to me as well - reported in this thread:

So maybe that one should just be locked.
OK, this might be what happened to me as well - reported in this thread:

So maybe that one should just be locked.
I haven't been able to load the coli itself for about a week now, if not more. I've tried everything to fix it but nothing works.

I'm hoping its not some bug on my end but man its painful.
I haven't been able to load the coli itself for about a week now, if not more. I've tried everything to fix it but nothing works.

I'm hoping its not some bug on my end but man its painful.
The battle ever rages on,
But will you be predator or prey?
Do you march alongside the Scourge,
Spreading death and decay?
Or are you amongst the Saints,
Preserving the light of day?
I've had death by bleeding my *my* side freeze the game too -- not just the enemy monsters. This and the freeze after the last enemy dies by bleeding have happened several times today, while I was leveling up dragons.
I've had death by bleeding my *my* side freeze the game too -- not just the enemy monsters. This and the freeze after the last enemy dies by bleeding have happened several times today, while I was leveling up dragons.
I've been experiencing this for a while, and I thought it might have been fixed when monsters dying from bleeding in the Training Fields didn't cause the game to freeze.

However, once I reached the Woodland Path the problem started again. I haven't checked this in higher levelled areas.

Judging by the graphics, the game seems to freeze while waiting for the bleeding enemy to make its move - in other words, it fails to remove the enemy from the attack rotation, while the enemy's unable to move because it's classed as dead.

I use Chrome with no addons that affect FR.

ETA: This problem doesn't seem to occur if the enemy that's due to die from bleeding isn't the one first on the enemy turn. I had a situation just now with two Bamboo Phytocats; at the beginning of their two turns, the slower one bled out and died, and then the faster one took its move and the game proceeded as normal.

I know already that if the enemy bleeding out on a turn is the fastest one (e.g. a blooming strangler in a group of autumn dryad and sakura owl), that the problem still occurs, so it only seems to happen if the game is looking to the same enemy to apply damage and immediately take a turn.

I'm afraid I don't remember well enough if it just so happened that all of my enemies in the Training Fields met this criteria or not, so I don't know if my apparent lack of this bug in the Training Fields is due to the location or due to this.
I've been experiencing this for a while, and I thought it might have been fixed when monsters dying from bleeding in the Training Fields didn't cause the game to freeze.

However, once I reached the Woodland Path the problem started again. I haven't checked this in higher levelled areas.

Judging by the graphics, the game seems to freeze while waiting for the bleeding enemy to make its move - in other words, it fails to remove the enemy from the attack rotation, while the enemy's unable to move because it's classed as dead.

I use Chrome with no addons that affect FR.

ETA: This problem doesn't seem to occur if the enemy that's due to die from bleeding isn't the one first on the enemy turn. I had a situation just now with two Bamboo Phytocats; at the beginning of their two turns, the slower one bled out and died, and then the faster one took its move and the game proceeded as normal.

I know already that if the enemy bleeding out on a turn is the fastest one (e.g. a blooming strangler in a group of autumn dryad and sakura owl), that the problem still occurs, so it only seems to happen if the game is looking to the same enemy to apply damage and immediately take a turn.

I'm afraid I don't remember well enough if it just so happened that all of my enemies in the Training Fields met this criteria or not, so I don't know if my apparent lack of this bug in the Training Fields is due to the location or due to this.