

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Montana Wolf Rp : Roleplay thread!
Ederi | interacting w: kofi |

The red wolf spots one of the healer wolves leave the den and trots over, it was better than no wolf. He hadn’t seen the betas or the alpha yet to tell them his report. The red wolf barks at Kofi.

‘Hey, where is everyone? What’s going on. I just got back from scouting.’

Ederi walks up to kofi and sniffs the healer in a greeting.

Autumn | interactions w: Frost

Autumn could hear kofi walk out, she was really great full for the healer wolf, he had safe her life. The she wolf shifts a bit, her paws were falling asleep. She looks over at Frost, he looked concerned, the cream wolf grabs the meat gently tearing off a little bit more before nosing the rest at Frost.

‘I didn’t mean for this to happen. My sincere apologies for worrying you…’

The alphas ears where down in a disappointing way, she was disappointed in herself that she got attacked.
Ederi | interacting w: kofi |

The red wolf spots one of the healer wolves leave the den and trots over, it was better than no wolf. He hadn’t seen the betas or the alpha yet to tell them his report. The red wolf barks at Kofi.

‘Hey, where is everyone? What’s going on. I just got back from scouting.’

Ederi walks up to kofi and sniffs the healer in a greeting.

Autumn | interactions w: Frost

Autumn could hear kofi walk out, she was really great full for the healer wolf, he had safe her life. The she wolf shifts a bit, her paws were falling asleep. She looks over at Frost, he looked concerned, the cream wolf grabs the meat gently tearing off a little bit more before nosing the rest at Frost.

‘I didn’t mean for this to happen. My sincere apologies for worrying you…’

The alphas ears where down in a disappointing way, she was disappointed in herself that she got attacked.
| Kofi | Interactions: Ederi |

"Frost and Autumn are currently inside the healer's den. Autumn suffered multiple injuries and I couldn't bring myself to separate the two of them." He looked inside of the den and then back. "Mahoni left for a reason unknown to me, other than the fight they had which could have hurt Autumn more." He sighed, 'Wish I had that sort of energy,' ran through his head. "I don't keep track of the others, it's not my job to. Anything else you need?"
| Kofi | Interactions: Ederi |

"Frost and Autumn are currently inside the healer's den. Autumn suffered multiple injuries and I couldn't bring myself to separate the two of them." He looked inside of the den and then back. "Mahoni left for a reason unknown to me, other than the fight they had which could have hurt Autumn more." He sighed, 'Wish I had that sort of energy,' ran through his head. "I don't keep track of the others, it's not my job to. Anything else you need?"
Space was so Cool~
So Cool~
But it won't even live in a Memory
Universe Unspooled~
So Cruel~
To be Leaving with only a Melody~
[Firefly] Interacting w: none

Firefly had woken not long ago and nose to the air she tried her best to find Frost amongst the mixture of older wolves around her. She wasn’t sure what had happened to Autumn and Frost but she tucked her tail feeling a little nervous at the sounds and sights around her.
[Mahonia] Interacting w: Axel

She rested her head on his and sighed heavily. She knew he had never been good with words, and she wasn’t either if they were all being honest. She didn’t know how anyone would handle her return, but if she ran now it would only solidify her guilt in the matter.
“I know I need to go back, but this,” she growled and pinned her ears, “this wasn’t a fair role to put on anyone.” With heavy paws she walked back in to camp. Moving towards the healer den she called out.
“Autumn, have you woken?”
[Firefly] Interacting w: none

Firefly had woken not long ago and nose to the air she tried her best to find Frost amongst the mixture of older wolves around her. She wasn’t sure what had happened to Autumn and Frost but she tucked her tail feeling a little nervous at the sounds and sights around her.
[Mahonia] Interacting w: Axel

She rested her head on his and sighed heavily. She knew he had never been good with words, and she wasn’t either if they were all being honest. She didn’t know how anyone would handle her return, but if she ran now it would only solidify her guilt in the matter.
“I know I need to go back, but this,” she growled and pinned her ears, “this wasn’t a fair role to put on anyone.” With heavy paws she walked back in to camp. Moving towards the healer den she called out.
“Autumn, have you woken?”

"Nobody is at fault but ---" he paused as his ears pinned back. He had heard Mahonia. He let out a low, soft growl; however, he didn't say anything to her. He wouldn't keep Autumn's sister away from her. His response was to curl around her as he moved to lay his head over her neck.

"Nobody is at fault but ---" he paused as his ears pinned back. He had heard Mahonia. He let out a low, soft growl; however, he didn't say anything to her. He wouldn't keep Autumn's sister away from her. His response was to curl around her as he moved to lay his head over her neck.
[Mahonia] Interacting w: Autumn, Frost

Hearing the soft growl she let out a tsk and pinned her ears. Her patience was starting to wear thin with Frost and if he wouldn’t bother letting her explain she wouldn’t bother with pleasantries anymore.
“If I’m going to talk with you it will be alone without your guard puppy, my words with him can gladly be exchanged later, either as words or claws I care not,” her eyes burned as she kept her tone cool and placid, “I would like to be listened to, not judged for the actions of a wolf I cannot control.”
[Mahonia] Interacting w: Autumn, Frost

Hearing the soft growl she let out a tsk and pinned her ears. Her patience was starting to wear thin with Frost and if he wouldn’t bother letting her explain she wouldn’t bother with pleasantries anymore.
“If I’m going to talk with you it will be alone without your guard puppy, my words with him can gladly be exchanged later, either as words or claws I care not,” her eyes burned as she kept her tone cool and placid, “I would like to be listened to, not judged for the actions of a wolf I cannot control.”
Autumn | interactions w: Frost, Mahonia

Autumns ears perk up hearing her sisters voice he attention turns towards the entrance of the healers den. A bit happy for the change in subject of eating since she didn't feel like eating. She feels frost’s growl vibrate through her fur. The she wolf meets her sister eyes and gently nudges frost.

‘Can you wait outside please, just for a bit. I’ll be ok.’

She smiles at frost, reassuring him. She looked back at her sister ready to listen, after all she would listen to both sides of the story.

Ederi | interacting w: kofi, Firefly |

Ederi looks at Kofi, in a blank stare on the information he had told him. Not really interested, he just wanted to tell his report and go back scouting again. The red wolf puts on a concern gaze and voice.

'Oh that's not good. ill just find someone else to give my report too.. thanks Kofi.'

The red wolf flashes a small smile before walking away from the healers den and commotion. Out of the corner of his eye he sees the small red pup and his ears perk up in interest. That pup was definitely not here when he left last. The red wolf walks over to FireFly smelling her, tail wagging with interest.
Autumn | interactions w: Frost, Mahonia

Autumns ears perk up hearing her sisters voice he attention turns towards the entrance of the healers den. A bit happy for the change in subject of eating since she didn't feel like eating. She feels frost’s growl vibrate through her fur. The she wolf meets her sister eyes and gently nudges frost.

‘Can you wait outside please, just for a bit. I’ll be ok.’

She smiles at frost, reassuring him. She looked back at her sister ready to listen, after all she would listen to both sides of the story.

Ederi | interacting w: kofi, Firefly |

Ederi looks at Kofi, in a blank stare on the information he had told him. Not really interested, he just wanted to tell his report and go back scouting again. The red wolf puts on a concern gaze and voice.

'Oh that's not good. ill just find someone else to give my report too.. thanks Kofi.'

The red wolf flashes a small smile before walking away from the healers den and commotion. Out of the corner of his eye he sees the small red pup and his ears perk up in interest. That pup was definitely not here when he left last. The red wolf walks over to FireFly smelling her, tail wagging with interest.
Axel | interactions w: open|

The old wolf sighs as he turns to head out in the direction of where the elk normally graze. He and Mahonia had some history when he was young, as being her mentor. The thought of fresh elk made his stomach growl. Approaching the upper rigged area the brute spotted what he was looking for, a herd of elk. Axel's eyes scan the herd looking for an easy target, seeing some stragglers who wandered away from the herd, he grinned. ~perfect~ The muscular wolf stalked down towards the unaware Elk grazing.

The brown wolf creeps up on his target before launching himself at the elk, his powerful hind legs allowed him to grab onto the leg of the elk as he sunk his teeth in. Once the wolf managed to get the upper hand he managed to dig his claws into the elk's back using his weight to unbalance the elk. As the elk looses its balance and stumbles, Axel takes that chance to sink his teeth into the neck, holding on tightly till the elk stops moving.

The brown wolf climbs off his kill, looking around. He had obviously scared the rest of the herd away. Happy with the large kill, axel starts to drag the dead elk back to camp.
Axel | interactions w: open|

The old wolf sighs as he turns to head out in the direction of where the elk normally graze. He and Mahonia had some history when he was young, as being her mentor. The thought of fresh elk made his stomach growl. Approaching the upper rigged area the brute spotted what he was looking for, a herd of elk. Axel's eyes scan the herd looking for an easy target, seeing some stragglers who wandered away from the herd, he grinned. ~perfect~ The muscular wolf stalked down towards the unaware Elk grazing.

The brown wolf creeps up on his target before launching himself at the elk, his powerful hind legs allowed him to grab onto the leg of the elk as he sunk his teeth in. Once the wolf managed to get the upper hand he managed to dig his claws into the elk's back using his weight to unbalance the elk. As the elk looses its balance and stumbles, Axel takes that chance to sink his teeth into the neck, holding on tightly till the elk stops moving.

The brown wolf climbs off his kill, looking around. He had obviously scared the rest of the herd away. Happy with the large kill, axel starts to drag the dead elk back to camp.