

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Roleplay: Player Directory

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
I tend to make ocs for the roleplays I join.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Yes, omg, yes. I'm looking for a warrior cat related rp!

Average reply length?

Average reply speed?
Multiple times a day! EST

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
Not really! I prefer 1x1.

Would you like to share any additional information?
I don't have any triggers !
I narrate males more easily, but I can narrate female side characters! I would prefer to double up tbh.

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
I tend to make ocs for the roleplays I join.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Yes, omg, yes. I'm looking for a warrior cat related rp!

Average reply length?

Average reply speed?
Multiple times a day! EST

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
Not really! I prefer 1x1.

Would you like to share any additional information?
I don't have any triggers !
I narrate males more easily, but I can narrate female side characters! I would prefer to double up tbh.

Character Information:

I will mainly play oc characteters, as I am better at creating my own characters rather than following something that already exists. I have done a few fan rps, but with og characters that I have come up with. As to what I can play as, I have done, furs, werewolves (lycans) werecats, were tigers, vampires, even a vampire dragon. Shifters, kitsunes, yes the list would undoubtly go on and every once in awhile I create even more characters in my head. Case in point the dragons in my lair will be oc characters for me, even though I have a few dragon characters of my own.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

Okay, this is where I end up being very picky about the types of storylines I am willing to play. I can do fantasy, romance, scifi (though I always mix that up with a bit of medieval an magic an parts of it being modern to present day) I prefer generally male to female rps, me playing as the girl or the damsel in destress some times. I always love a good ole rescue story, or sometimes the reverse when the bad guy gets the girl instead. (to few of those in my honest opinion)

Player Information

Average reply length:

Usually my intros are quite long, just to set up the character and the setting if I am in a great creative mood to write. Generally, my paragraphs run to be about 3 or four lengths. Just depends on if I feel moved and inspired by the story and I am not suffering writers block which I get all to easily now adays.

Average reply speed: My spend depends on how tired I am form work, as I work too jobs, sometimes I can answer immediately after I get home. But I am in a different time zone from every one else here as I have daylight savings time. I will mostly be prolific in answering rps on the weekends as that is when I am more available.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups:

Currently because of my jobs, I can only do one/one rps, it is easier for the story to evolve at its own pace and doesn't leave anyone behind in the long run if they are absent from a group. I had my fair share of group rps that did that to me.

Would you like to share any additional information:

If for some reason, I don't get a response out it is most likely due to real life issues. Or that I have gone on vacation and do not have internet. Or I have gotten that dreaded writers block that prevents me from coming up with a good response. Which sadly is most often the case with me. As to where I role play, I have done rps in private messages, threads posted on forums, and even some on discord though I am rarely on that. I have used skype in the past.

The other thing is I generally prefer pms to set up the rp, before making a post, but as stated I am comfortable with either pms or posting on a forum long as my rp partner is as well.

And one final note, because of my slight disability, some characters of mine may suffer some form of disability as well. case in point of a character I doubt I will play here because she is something I made up. But she is an elder of the shifters and suffers arthritis. as a terrible health issue. (Was just using that particular character as a reference/example) Also my grammar and punctuation will not always be accurate but thank goodness for spell checker as that has been my life saver.

Character Information:

I will mainly play oc characteters, as I am better at creating my own characters rather than following something that already exists. I have done a few fan rps, but with og characters that I have come up with. As to what I can play as, I have done, furs, werewolves (lycans) werecats, were tigers, vampires, even a vampire dragon. Shifters, kitsunes, yes the list would undoubtly go on and every once in awhile I create even more characters in my head. Case in point the dragons in my lair will be oc characters for me, even though I have a few dragon characters of my own.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

Okay, this is where I end up being very picky about the types of storylines I am willing to play. I can do fantasy, romance, scifi (though I always mix that up with a bit of medieval an magic an parts of it being modern to present day) I prefer generally male to female rps, me playing as the girl or the damsel in destress some times. I always love a good ole rescue story, or sometimes the reverse when the bad guy gets the girl instead. (to few of those in my honest opinion)

Player Information

Average reply length:

Usually my intros are quite long, just to set up the character and the setting if I am in a great creative mood to write. Generally, my paragraphs run to be about 3 or four lengths. Just depends on if I feel moved and inspired by the story and I am not suffering writers block which I get all to easily now adays.

Average reply speed: My spend depends on how tired I am form work, as I work too jobs, sometimes I can answer immediately after I get home. But I am in a different time zone from every one else here as I have daylight savings time. I will mostly be prolific in answering rps on the weekends as that is when I am more available.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups:

Currently because of my jobs, I can only do one/one rps, it is easier for the story to evolve at its own pace and doesn't leave anyone behind in the long run if they are absent from a group. I had my fair share of group rps that did that to me.

Would you like to share any additional information:

If for some reason, I don't get a response out it is most likely due to real life issues. Or that I have gone on vacation and do not have internet. Or I have gotten that dreaded writers block that prevents me from coming up with a good response. Which sadly is most often the case with me. As to where I role play, I have done rps in private messages, threads posted on forums, and even some on discord though I am rarely on that. I have used skype in the past.

The other thing is I generally prefer pms to set up the rp, before making a post, but as stated I am comfortable with either pms or posting on a forum long as my rp partner is as well.

And one final note, because of my slight disability, some characters of mine may suffer some form of disability as well. case in point of a character I doubt I will play here because she is something I made up. But she is an elder of the shifters and suffers arthritis. as a terrible health issue. (Was just using that particular character as a reference/example) Also my grammar and punctuation will not always be accurate but thank goodness for spell checker as that has been my life saver.
Hi everyone! I used to roleplay on jcink and proboards, but those communities have been less active lately and I've been itching for a good excuse to get back into FR. :)

Character Information

I typically play original characters, but I don't mind fandom settings! I prefer non-medieval fantasy settings (I'm an academic studying medieval lit!). I'm interested in original fantasy worlds, fandom fantasy worlds (NOT Harry Potter), and FR roleplay. I'm a sucker for political intrigue, plots that explore being queer but aren't necessarily romantic, fantasy art thieves, and various ridiculous & over the top antics. I also like horror, but strongly prefer fantasy or mythological styles of horror (like hauntings and fairies and monsters and witches) or Nightvale-esque weirdness over psychological or apocalyptic horror.

Fandom settings I may be interested in: Grishaverse, Dragon Age, LOTR, ATLA/Korra. I might have forgotten something. Doesn't hurt to ask.

I always play queer characters. Most of my characters are POC and disabled.

Player Information

I tend to write anywhere between 2-3 sentences and 3-5 paragraphs depending on the thread, plot, pacing, etc. I like to volley occasionally, but my average reply speed is usually about 1-2 days. I live in Australia, so our timezones/waking hours may or may not be very compatible. :P

I prefer to roleplay in small groups rather than 1 v 1.

I don't have any preference for whether the roleplay is off site or not.

I prefer roleplay partners to be 18+.
Hi everyone! I used to roleplay on jcink and proboards, but those communities have been less active lately and I've been itching for a good excuse to get back into FR. :)

Character Information

I typically play original characters, but I don't mind fandom settings! I prefer non-medieval fantasy settings (I'm an academic studying medieval lit!). I'm interested in original fantasy worlds, fandom fantasy worlds (NOT Harry Potter), and FR roleplay. I'm a sucker for political intrigue, plots that explore being queer but aren't necessarily romantic, fantasy art thieves, and various ridiculous & over the top antics. I also like horror, but strongly prefer fantasy or mythological styles of horror (like hauntings and fairies and monsters and witches) or Nightvale-esque weirdness over psychological or apocalyptic horror.

Fandom settings I may be interested in: Grishaverse, Dragon Age, LOTR, ATLA/Korra. I might have forgotten something. Doesn't hurt to ask.

I always play queer characters. Most of my characters are POC and disabled.

Player Information

I tend to write anywhere between 2-3 sentences and 3-5 paragraphs depending on the thread, plot, pacing, etc. I like to volley occasionally, but my average reply speed is usually about 1-2 days. I live in Australia, so our timezones/waking hours may or may not be very compatible. :P

I prefer to roleplay in small groups rather than 1 v 1.

I don't have any preference for whether the roleplay is off site or not.

I prefer roleplay partners to be 18+.
• eli
• he/him
• +17 fr time
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

Yes, most if not all characters I will be roleplaying are original. However, I do have a very few fandom characters. All dragons in my lair are original and I can provide even more OCs from my toyhouse if we discuss doing a RP not Flightrising related.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

Nothing in particular, I just want to get back into RPing in general. I do however, do best on adventure, dark/angst, and fantasy RPs. I am willing to try anything tho, as that's what RP is all about! I prefer slowburns, whether it is romantic or platonic (any type of relationship I can do). I enjoy worldbuilding so the RP might become plot heavy, but still have flexibility to it.

Player Information

Average reply length?

Reply length varies from each response, I will try and match your response length. Even when less inspired to write, I try to give you at least a paragraph (12 sentences) to give you detail, or because I have been given very little information to reply to. I am detail oriented, so I may take 1-2 paragraphs describing dirt on a rock if it fuels the storyline. So heads up there.

Average reply speed?

Depending on whatever platform we use, my reply times vary. For FR I try my best to reply 2-3 times a week, depending on access to my computer. For discord, I can reply 3-4 times a week. These reply times can increase or decrease, depending on my personal life.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

I highly prefer 1x1 roleplays, as I have had negative experiences with group roleplays. People I roleplay with must be 18+ and at minimum semi-literate. There are possibilities that the roleplay may take on higher ratings, whether it is explicit in intimacy or gore wise. Speaking of gore, you must be alright with writing details of it if we ever get into a fighting scenario.

I would really prefer having an RP partner(s) that are committed to the RP. That doesn't mean you can't stop the RP if it's getting too boring. But I would prefer it to last longer than 10 replies before ending it.

Would you like to share any additional information?

I get invested in RPs, especially those built together and planned. So I will be annoying and hyperfixated on it. If I ever become overbearing, please just tell me. I tend to miss social ques when in a text-based platform. You do not need to give me indicators (/j, /srs), but if you feel like that is needed then by all means do so.

I love RPing and have been doing it on and off for years now. If I suddenly disappear or not reply in a decent amount of time just nudge me. I sometimes read them and then get distracted by something else and completely forget to ever reply. Or I am extremely busy with personal life.

If you are interested, feel free to direct message me about a possible roleplay and which platform you would prefer! I'd be happy to take forever world building, joking about our OCs, drawing them possibly, and more!
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

Yes, most if not all characters I will be roleplaying are original. However, I do have a very few fandom characters. All dragons in my lair are original and I can provide even more OCs from my toyhouse if we discuss doing a RP not Flightrising related.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

Nothing in particular, I just want to get back into RPing in general. I do however, do best on adventure, dark/angst, and fantasy RPs. I am willing to try anything tho, as that's what RP is all about! I prefer slowburns, whether it is romantic or platonic (any type of relationship I can do). I enjoy worldbuilding so the RP might become plot heavy, but still have flexibility to it.

Player Information

Average reply length?

Reply length varies from each response, I will try and match your response length. Even when less inspired to write, I try to give you at least a paragraph (12 sentences) to give you detail, or because I have been given very little information to reply to. I am detail oriented, so I may take 1-2 paragraphs describing dirt on a rock if it fuels the storyline. So heads up there.

Average reply speed?

Depending on whatever platform we use, my reply times vary. For FR I try my best to reply 2-3 times a week, depending on access to my computer. For discord, I can reply 3-4 times a week. These reply times can increase or decrease, depending on my personal life.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

I highly prefer 1x1 roleplays, as I have had negative experiences with group roleplays. People I roleplay with must be 18+ and at minimum semi-literate. There are possibilities that the roleplay may take on higher ratings, whether it is explicit in intimacy or gore wise. Speaking of gore, you must be alright with writing details of it if we ever get into a fighting scenario.

I would really prefer having an RP partner(s) that are committed to the RP. That doesn't mean you can't stop the RP if it's getting too boring. But I would prefer it to last longer than 10 replies before ending it.

Would you like to share any additional information?

I get invested in RPs, especially those built together and planned. So I will be annoying and hyperfixated on it. If I ever become overbearing, please just tell me. I tend to miss social ques when in a text-based platform. You do not need to give me indicators (/j, /srs), but if you feel like that is needed then by all means do so.

I love RPing and have been doing it on and off for years now. If I suddenly disappear or not reply in a decent amount of time just nudge me. I sometimes read them and then get distracted by something else and completely forget to ever reply. Or I am extremely busy with personal life.

If you are interested, feel free to direct message me about a possible roleplay and which platform you would prefer! I'd be happy to take forever world building, joking about our OCs, drawing them possibly, and more!
  • Thank Skyflu for the wonderful art.
seeking star trek rp!
Character Information

My star trek character's name is Voth! He's a Vulcan who loves human culture!
he's a medical officer!!

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

a romance, please! I like shipping him with Klingons but any species is cool!
Player Information

2 paragraphs max

Average reply speed?

pretty quickly but will get burnout

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
nope! if you're interested in a group lmk!

Would you like to share any additional information?
I'm hoping for a longterm rp!
seeking star trek rp!
Character Information

My star trek character's name is Voth! He's a Vulcan who loves human culture!
he's a medical officer!!

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

a romance, please! I like shipping him with Klingons but any species is cool!
Player Information

2 paragraphs max

Average reply speed?

pretty quickly but will get burnout

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
nope! if you're interested in a group lmk!

Would you like to share any additional information?
I'm hoping for a longterm rp!
]Character Information
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Ocs. I have so many, I can barely keep track. I invent one weekly lol
I have some fandom-based characters (httyd, Harry Potter, D&D if that counts, Warrior Cats, a few video games,etc.) also ok with any
But most of my characters are flight rising based or my own worlds! I won’t go into characters but a few are Gala, Luna, Rhea, Ifera, Eowyn, Liberty, Notte and Mocha.
(Yes, I’m better with female characters

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Nope, up for anything

Player Information

Average reply length?
100+ words

Average reply speed?
Mmm. I’m in school still and am +6 fr time, but if I’m online it’ll usually be pretty quick!

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
This should go without saying but FOr THE LOVE Of GoD no Mary Sues or anything like that. Please. I’ve had so many role plays spoiled by overly strong characters etc. just please follow rp etiquette and I don’t do romantic rap unless my own characters are together in-universe, but apart from that I get uncomfortable

Would you like to share any additional information?
]Character Information
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Ocs. I have so many, I can barely keep track. I invent one weekly lol
I have some fandom-based characters (httyd, Harry Potter, D&D if that counts, Warrior Cats, a few video games,etc.) also ok with any
But most of my characters are flight rising based or my own worlds! I won’t go into characters but a few are Gala, Luna, Rhea, Ifera, Eowyn, Liberty, Notte and Mocha.
(Yes, I’m better with female characters

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Nope, up for anything

Player Information

Average reply length?
100+ words

Average reply speed?
Mmm. I’m in school still and am +6 fr time, but if I’m online it’ll usually be pretty quick!

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
This should go without saying but FOr THE LOVE Of GoD no Mary Sues or anything like that. Please. I’ve had so many role plays spoiled by overly strong characters etc. just please follow rp etiquette and I don’t do romantic rap unless my own characters are together in-universe, but apart from that I get uncomfortable

Would you like to share any additional information?
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I’m also a K-pop stan and I watch ranboo/Tommyinnit BUT IM NOT LIKE THE OBSESSED FANS PLEASE BELIEVE ME
Other YouTubers I watch are kallmekris and laurenzside :) and my Pinterest is @dying_esque
[i][/i][b][i]Character Info[/i][/b] [b]Flight Rising[/b] Nightshade (at current. All I have are my two starting dragons, just started yesterday). He is my male Mirror dragon progenitor. See the widget below... not to be confused with the image that will appear later. In terms of personality, he pulls [i]FAR[/i] more from his flight than he does his actual species (though he can be a little [i]aggressive[/i] when he plays his games and is scared of his chances of losing. [b]Fandoms[/b] [LIST] [*]I may also do fandom RPs centered around [i]Wings of Fire[/i]. In which case, I will use my NightWing/LeafWing/IceWing tribrid named "Foxglove" (will edit a picture of him onto this message once I get back on my desktop, which is where his image is saved) [/LIST] [b][i]Looking?[/i][/b] Mmm... check back with me on that later, trying to get used to non-Discord RPs and FR-centric RPs (though I am always free to PM RPs if wished). [b][i]Average Reply Length and Speed[/i][/b] I have been called a bit slow with way too much details and lots of OOC. However, I usually start replying as soon as I'm aware that there's something to reply to. [b][i]Other Notes[/i][/b] [LIST] [*]It should be noted that I don't mind time gaps, so long as it is not a week (only exception is if I am made aware ahead of time and can plan for that. [*]I also tend to edit my messages as soon as I realize even the smallest typo in them, yet I never mind when someone else does it. In a way, I could be considered a [i]self[/i]-"Grammar Nazi". [/LIST] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Character Info
Flight Rising
Nightshade (at current. All I have are my two starting dragons, just started yesterday). He is my male Mirror dragon progenitor. See the widget below... not to be confused with the image that will appear later. In terms of personality, he pulls FAR more from his flight than he does his actual species (though he can be a little aggressive when he plays his games and is scared of his chances of losing.
  • I may also do fandom RPs centered around Wings of Fire. In which case, I will use my NightWing/LeafWing/IceWing tribrid named "Foxglove" (will edit a picture of him onto this message once I get back on my desktop, which is where his image is saved)

Mmm... check back with me on that later, trying to get used to non-Discord RPs and FR-centric RPs (though I am always free to PM RPs if wished).

Average Reply Length and Speed
I have been called a bit slow with way too much details and lots of OOC. However, I usually start replying as soon as I'm aware that there's something to reply to.

Other Notes
  • It should be noted that I don't mind time gaps, so long as it is not a week (only exception is if I am made aware ahead of time and can plan for that.
  • I also tend to edit my messages as soon as I realize even the smallest typo in them, yet I never mind when someone else does it. In a way, I could be considered a self-"Grammar Nazi".

Character info
I mostly RP with the Dragons on my lair, although I can also rp with my WoF ocs. I'll provide details for them depending on the one I'll use.

What am I looking for?
I'm looking for anything Romance or Action related, any other RPs are also fine, although I would prefer the ones mentioned above. I'm mostly looking for Flight rising RPs right now, although I'm also okay with Wings of Fire roleplays.

Reply Info
Im quite active on Flight Rising so I will probably reply constantly, if I don't, it's probably due to school, yet ill try to get back to you as soon as possible. I write a maximum of a paragraph per post, although I mostly write less than that (1-4 sentences) I will try to match up the reply length depending on yours to ease things up on the RP.

As for requirements, please stay on this site for the RP, I'm fine with Lgtbq pairs for the rp, I usually don't include NSFW stuff on the RP, so don't expect it to be on it. I prefer one on one RPs and small groups as in large groups some might be looked over.
Character info
I mostly RP with the Dragons on my lair, although I can also rp with my WoF ocs. I'll provide details for them depending on the one I'll use.

What am I looking for?
I'm looking for anything Romance or Action related, any other RPs are also fine, although I would prefer the ones mentioned above. I'm mostly looking for Flight rising RPs right now, although I'm also okay with Wings of Fire roleplays.

Reply Info
Im quite active on Flight Rising so I will probably reply constantly, if I don't, it's probably due to school, yet ill try to get back to you as soon as possible. I write a maximum of a paragraph per post, although I mostly write less than that (1-4 sentences) I will try to match up the reply length depending on yours to ease things up on the RP.

As for requirements, please stay on this site for the RP, I'm fine with Lgtbq pairs for the rp, I usually don't include NSFW stuff on the RP, so don't expect it to be on it. I prefer one on one RPs and small groups as in large groups some might be looked over.
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
i have lots of ocs (flight rising, fandom, and otherwise), and am happy to play any of those, though it should be noted that in terms of ocs, i'd prefer to rp flight rising! not all of my dragons have lore and bios written out yet, but i do have backstory and personalities for everyone from the rockrose and wicker tabs. i'm also very happy to roleplay fandom characters, and cross-fandom roleplays are like... my absolute sweet spot in that regard.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
i'm happy to adapt to anything, but i prefer fantasy and adventure stuff for ocs!! when it comes to fandom stuff, i like to figure out the scenario according to what the fandom is.

Player Information

Average reply length?
i try to match what i'm given in a roleplay, so it depends on the level of detail. at minimum, i try to provide 1-2 paragraphs, though this can differ depending on how much energy i have at the time.

Average reply speed?
i'm not particularly busy, so it'll depend on my partner! i'm capable of writing multiple responses in a day, but i'm completely fine if my partner can't do the same. at minimum, though, i'd prefer 1-3 responses a week (but i understand if there's a point that this isn't possible!)

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
i can work well in 1x1 and groups! i'd prefer people i'm rping with to be 16+, and to be at least semi-literate. it's also greatly appreciated if someone i'm rping with is also like... actually interested in what we're doing, and i prefer long term rps. there are some fandoms i absolutely will not roleplay with, though i only feel comfortable sharing that in private

Would you like to share any additional information?
i've been roleplaying pretty actively for around 8 years now! i'd prefer roleplaying through discord (i find personal servers more manageable as there can be a channel specifically for roleplay and specifically for ooc), but i'm willing to try over flight rising dms! just be patient with me, since i'm not particularly accustomed to using them. message me at any time if you're interested in roleplaying, i'll respond within a few hours max if i'm busy!! also, a heads up, i really like roleplaying as a way to make new friends, so i'm more than happy to talk outside of roleplays as well!!!!
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
i have lots of ocs (flight rising, fandom, and otherwise), and am happy to play any of those, though it should be noted that in terms of ocs, i'd prefer to rp flight rising! not all of my dragons have lore and bios written out yet, but i do have backstory and personalities for everyone from the rockrose and wicker tabs. i'm also very happy to roleplay fandom characters, and cross-fandom roleplays are like... my absolute sweet spot in that regard.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
i'm happy to adapt to anything, but i prefer fantasy and adventure stuff for ocs!! when it comes to fandom stuff, i like to figure out the scenario according to what the fandom is.

Player Information

Average reply length?
i try to match what i'm given in a roleplay, so it depends on the level of detail. at minimum, i try to provide 1-2 paragraphs, though this can differ depending on how much energy i have at the time.

Average reply speed?
i'm not particularly busy, so it'll depend on my partner! i'm capable of writing multiple responses in a day, but i'm completely fine if my partner can't do the same. at minimum, though, i'd prefer 1-3 responses a week (but i understand if there's a point that this isn't possible!)

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
i can work well in 1x1 and groups! i'd prefer people i'm rping with to be 16+, and to be at least semi-literate. it's also greatly appreciated if someone i'm rping with is also like... actually interested in what we're doing, and i prefer long term rps. there are some fandoms i absolutely will not roleplay with, though i only feel comfortable sharing that in private

Would you like to share any additional information?
i've been roleplaying pretty actively for around 8 years now! i'd prefer roleplaying through discord (i find personal servers more manageable as there can be a channel specifically for roleplay and specifically for ooc), but i'm willing to try over flight rising dms! just be patient with me, since i'm not particularly accustomed to using them. message me at any time if you're interested in roleplaying, i'll respond within a few hours max if i'm busy!! also, a heads up, i really like roleplaying as a way to make new friends, so i'm more than happy to talk outside of roleplays as well!!!!
Character Information
My main RP character is Astroc(one of my progenitors!) but I can use any dragon in my FR roleplays tab.

I'm into Wings Of Fire, Dungeons And Dragons, and Flight Rising based RPs.
Player Information

Average reply length? A few paragraphs at most, a few sentences at least, always more than 1 sentence.

Average reply speed? Depends, though it might be a few minutes at least.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups? This goes without saying, but by the eleven gods of Sornieth, no Mary Sues/Gary Stus!

Would you like to share any additional information? I roleplayed a lot in Dungeons And Dragons. Roleplays never loose their charm for me.
Character Information
My main RP character is Astroc(one of my progenitors!) but I can use any dragon in my FR roleplays tab.

I'm into Wings Of Fire, Dungeons And Dragons, and Flight Rising based RPs.
Player Information

Average reply length? A few paragraphs at most, a few sentences at least, always more than 1 sentence.

Average reply speed? Depends, though it might be a few minutes at least.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups? This goes without saying, but by the eleven gods of Sornieth, no Mary Sues/Gary Stus!

Would you like to share any additional information? I roleplayed a lot in Dungeons And Dragons. Roleplays never loose their charm for me.