
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [Plaguedom] Scrimshawl Scrawls MAR26-AP1
@BoatBud sorry for the wait! feel free to send the rest ^^
@BoatBud sorry for the wait! feel free to send the rest ^^
@Cheypie565 Silly my Dragon! Username:linin ID:600785 Dragon:[url=]here[/url] Extras: [item=Accent: Summer Coat] Price: 150 lv
Silly my Dragon!
Extras: Accent: Summer Coat
Price: 150 lv
@Kahvinporo [b]Username:[/b] jbapple [b]Option:[/b] Shaded with a simple painted background [b]Character Ref / Dragon Link:[/b] [b]Any other info:[/b] if you could include both a pink and blue pixie from the [item=ethereal entourage] and the [item=pixie procession] (I really wish recolors didn't stack and you could see both at same time) the bust nature means accent would be just the horns but if the background could be similar to wing part that'd be great! creative freedom tho I'm totally down for whatever using those colors. I'm also a receiver for foddart but [b]if you want me to pay you directly in dragons let me know and I can send them to you[/b] (but I will include the FC with the money if I exalt them for you) gonna be in 5s which are already in my den
Username: jbapple
Option: Shaded with a simple painted background
Character Ref / Dragon Link:
Any other info: if you could include both a pink and blue pixie from the Ethereal Entourage and the Pixie Procession (I really wish recolors didn't stack and you could see both at same time)

the bust nature means accent would be just the horns but if the background could be similar to wing part that'd be great! creative freedom tho I'm totally down for whatever using those colors.

I'm also a receiver for foddart but if you want me to pay you directly in dragons let me know and I can send them to you (but I will include the FC with the money if I exalt them for you)

gonna be in 5s which are already in my den
@Rukorix Username: Reignhart ID: 313327 Dragon: [url=][img][/img][/url] Apparel/skin: Seaweed Unicorn Horn, Undine's Flatfins, Sakura Lei, and her accent (Seafarer by Loddie) Anything else?: Nope :)

Username: Reignhart
ID: 313327
Apparel/skin: Seaweed Unicorn Horn, Undine's Flatfins, Sakura Lei, and her accent (Seafarer by Loddie)
Anything else?: Nope :)
Sales Tab < Lots of dragons 5 years and older. Prices aren't fixed!
@absolmon @Sinjin @Sabyrin @flyawaybooks

You are being pinged due to interest in Chibi Aethers! You can find my stall Here! I have 2 slots left for this run, And thank you for your interest!
@absolmon @Sinjin @Sabyrin @flyawaybooks

You are being pinged due to interest in Chibi Aethers! You can find my stall Here! I have 2 slots left for this run, And thank you for your interest!
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Hi there! Your total will come out to 170 levels! (+20 for gaoler blossom sponsor) As well, could i please have a link to a scry, or the original dragon so i can see the genes better? Thank you!

Hi there! Your total will come out to 170 levels! (+20 for gaoler blossom sponsor) As well, could i please have a link to a scry, or the original dragon so i can see the genes better? Thank you!
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@Cheypie565 sure awa here is the dragon although I haven't got the blossom gene yet awa [url=][img][/img][/url]
sure awa
here is the dragon although I haven't got the blossom gene yet awa

Thank you! Ive marked you down for a slot, youre free to go ahead and send 170 levels to me or a receiver!

Thank you! Ive marked you down for a slot, youre free to go ahead and send 170 levels to me or a receiver!
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@cheypie565 AAAA I wish I could scrounge up the levels but I'm a little burnt out on training kites after the MJ push last week ;w; Hopefully next time!! I'm definitely still interested haha :)
@cheypie565 AAAA I wish I could scrounge up the levels but I'm a little burnt out on training kites after the MJ push last week ;w; Hopefully next time!! I'm definitely still interested haha :)
aHHHHaaaaHHHhhhHHHHHHhhh.png nethershroud-by-possumrot-smallest.png fasicination-by-cheitora.png
no worries! i'll be adding them to my adopt shop after this push! Thank you for your interest!
no worries! i'll be adding them to my adopt shop after this push! Thank you for your interest!
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