

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | LF 1x1 :) (Still Looking!)
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I made a post here that got taken down for some reason so I'm back at it!

- I'm a college student and I only want to play with 18+ people
- I am queer and so are most of my characters, respect that and we'll get along just fine :)
- I only play women and nonbinary people, but my partner can play whatever they please
- I am picky about who I rp with so I will ask for an example/sample of your rp style before we get into planning
- I'm a sucker for romance and it's in all of my rp interests as of right now
- I do like to dabble in darker/R-rated things so we'll either rp through discord or Google Docs or something else not on here

Things I would love to rp:
- Arranged marriage that either ends in them falling in love or that ends with them falling for a maid/bodyguard/knight/etc
- Surviving the zombie apocalypse together
- In a school/college/academy for magic users, shifters, assassins, etc
- HeroxHero, HeroxVillian, VillianxVillian, fall for each other outside of work
- Maybe a soulmate trope
- Pirates hunting something down

- Marvel
- DC
- Clone Wars (I'm still watching)

I'd love to make a new friend but it's not required. I want your input!! I like to world-build and bounce ideas off of each other and really make it our rp :)

I need at least semi-lit and anywhere from 1-5+ paragraphs (but sometimes it's better to do one line at a time)

I'm subbed to this thread if you want to talk here but you're more than welcome to dm to start talking
I made a post here that got taken down for some reason so I'm back at it!

- I'm a college student and I only want to play with 18+ people
- I am queer and so are most of my characters, respect that and we'll get along just fine :)
- I only play women and nonbinary people, but my partner can play whatever they please
- I am picky about who I rp with so I will ask for an example/sample of your rp style before we get into planning
- I'm a sucker for romance and it's in all of my rp interests as of right now
- I do like to dabble in darker/R-rated things so we'll either rp through discord or Google Docs or something else not on here

Things I would love to rp:
- Arranged marriage that either ends in them falling in love or that ends with them falling for a maid/bodyguard/knight/etc
- Surviving the zombie apocalypse together
- In a school/college/academy for magic users, shifters, assassins, etc
- HeroxHero, HeroxVillian, VillianxVillian, fall for each other outside of work
- Maybe a soulmate trope
- Pirates hunting something down

- Marvel
- DC
- Clone Wars (I'm still watching)

I'd love to make a new friend but it's not required. I want your input!! I like to world-build and bounce ideas off of each other and really make it our rp :)

I need at least semi-lit and anywhere from 1-5+ paragraphs (but sometimes it's better to do one line at a time)

I'm subbed to this thread if you want to talk here but you're more than welcome to dm to start talking
hey my discord is puppcat#9884 if you wanna talk :0 I’m interested in a mha rp!
hey my discord is puppcat#9884 if you wanna talk :0 I’m interested in a mha rp!
MV1Iakt.png they/them | 18 | artist | INTP | FR+2 MV1Iakt.png
Hello @Loststar1028. I might have a few ideas that might be cool to rp if you ae willing enough
Hello @Loststar1028. I might have a few ideas that might be cool to rp if you ae willing enough
I'm still looking if anyone is interested :)
I'm still looking if anyone is interested :)
I'd love to strike up a conversation for worldbuilding. Feel free to DM me, I love fantasy inspired settings.
I'd love to strike up a conversation for worldbuilding. Feel free to DM me, I love fantasy inspired settings.
If you're still looking for folks, hit me up via DMs! I'm back into flight rising and want to get back to business. :>~
If you're still looking for folks, hit me up via DMs! I'm back into flight rising and want to get back to business. :>~
If you are still looking, drop me a DM! We can exchange discords :D
If you are still looking, drop me a DM! We can exchange discords :D

I might have an idea that you'd be interested in. I'll pm you my Discord name

I might have an idea that you'd be interested in. I'll pm you my Discord name
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