
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Skittle's Biolocke [WIP]
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Day Five [item= Reflective Fish Scales] Focus: [url=]Aashi[/url] Word Count: 162 Aashi, when described to others, is commonly mistaken as a spiral dragon. Energetic, playful, maybe a bit overbearing- always quick with a ramble that takes a solid 20 minutes to finish a thought thanks to the various offshoots she splits into. By the end, you’ll have all the context you’ll ever need. Her original home was in the Starwood, but due to her tendency to experiment she was unfortunately (politely) told to leave. She wondered for a long time until finding the Shrouded Isle, falling to the thick mists that consumed the mind- waking on the shores and promptly introduced herself to the guard on duty at the time; Nimjirah. She ushered Aashi to the care of the healer Esther, staying in the infirmary for the next three days. It took her those few days to truly return to the energetic gal she once was, but now she has a place on the edge of town to experiment to her heart’s desire!
Day Five

Reflective Fish Scales
Focus: Aashi
Word Count: 162

Aashi, when described to others, is commonly mistaken as a spiral dragon. Energetic, playful, maybe a bit overbearing- always quick with a ramble that takes a solid 20 minutes to finish a thought thanks to the various offshoots she splits into. By the end, you’ll have all the context you’ll ever need. Her original home was in the Starwood, but due to her tendency to experiment she was unfortunately (politely) told to leave. She wondered for a long time until finding the Shrouded Isle, falling to the thick mists that consumed the mind- waking on the shores and promptly introduced herself to the guard on duty at the time; Nimjirah. She ushered Aashi to the care of the healer Esther, staying in the infirmary for the next three days. It took her those few days to truly return to the energetic gal she once was, but now she has a place on the edge of town to experiment to her heart’s desire!
MrRCllp.pngPTVAf7u.pngaQp8eZz.png aKdV5MN.png AWmHNbQ.png qBNWrht.png MTtORbV.png
Sk1ttle | FR +3 | 22
Lore Clan | Semiactive
Pixel decor

Day Six
(I took a loooong break, whoopsies! I'll be on/off still but felt like writing. Also I forgor to nab the icon and already fed it to my guys whoopsies x2)

Focus: Abriella
Word Count: 132

Whenever the Elpida Enclave first escaped into the churning mists, fleeing from the horrors of the Light domain, they had been under the watchful guide of Abriella. From the beginning they were there, pulling invisible strings and nipping at the heels of misfortune while the clan settled and mourned. The dizzying, glimmering fog that didn’t bother them was disastrous for the dragons in this clan. None of them yet shadow-born, the swirling mists was rather the hazard. Nonetheless, on watched the dragon from tangled briar and glowing mushroom. Eventually Abriella had let themself be known to the clan, being given the name they’re known by now. Yet nobody really knows much about the enigmatic dragon, much less what they really are- after witnessing them change shape to a small blip of light.

Day Six
(I took a loooong break, whoopsies! I'll be on/off still but felt like writing. Also I forgor to nab the icon and already fed it to my guys whoopsies x2)

Focus: Abriella
Word Count: 132

Whenever the Elpida Enclave first escaped into the churning mists, fleeing from the horrors of the Light domain, they had been under the watchful guide of Abriella. From the beginning they were there, pulling invisible strings and nipping at the heels of misfortune while the clan settled and mourned. The dizzying, glimmering fog that didn’t bother them was disastrous for the dragons in this clan. None of them yet shadow-born, the swirling mists was rather the hazard. Nonetheless, on watched the dragon from tangled briar and glowing mushroom. Eventually Abriella had let themself be known to the clan, being given the name they’re known by now. Yet nobody really knows much about the enigmatic dragon, much less what they really are- after witnessing them change shape to a small blip of light.
MrRCllp.pngPTVAf7u.pngaQp8eZz.png aKdV5MN.png AWmHNbQ.png qBNWrht.png MTtORbV.png
Sk1ttle | FR +3 | 22
Lore Clan | Semiactive
Pixel decor
Day Seven [item= Soft Muff] Focus: [url=]Adam[/url] Word Count: 194 Courier, courier coming through!! Got something that needs to be delivered? Adam might be tiny but his parcels are always on time. Always well dressed and a wonderful pick for casual Elpida representation, he is quick with a kind word and observant. But who is he? Well, to the cafe he's a regular that always tips well. To the council he’s the most reliable courier and trusted to run secrets between clans without beastclan interference. He’s the loving familiar-dad to Bloo, his feisty little Ragepuff that’s been with him his whole life; and Ori’s begrudging roommate. Besides all the points made with his relationships and importance of his role within the Enclave, and above all else; he is an arcane inventor. His innate desire to tinker comes from his origins inside the Starfall Isles, blooming into his niche as he crafted ways to carry large items on his (very tiny) body. Enchanting his scrollcase and satchels, he carries parcels from region to region if he must! Thankfully he’s part of a much bigger network of couriers, so he doesn’t often have to go far… unless he must deliver something imporant by claw that is. Day Seven Extra: [item= Bolster] Focus: Igor Word Total: 308 (Remaining is formatting, did his full bio today) The energy of the Gladekeeper is imbued into his very essence. Not born of mortal dragonkind, his egg was created by the elemental embodiment herself. Hatched inside the realm of Light, cradled by a fey and guardian like himself, raised as their own. The uniqueness of his many eyes did not sway the ever loving adoptive parents and as soon as he was old enough to understand; they told him of his true origins. Even now, he considers them his true parents. Many eyes meant seeing lots, and while he could’ve taken many other career paths that wouldn’t have his eyes risk being blinded; he found his calling in becoming the guardian to the Enclave. He was around during the collapse and led the charge to buy time for the people he loved. It broke him to see so many laid to rest, bodies missing but never forgotten, and led him to be somewhat hostile to those that might even pose a threat to his family. While there is no promise of great, untold horrors and violence against his loved ones in the near future, he is still wary of the possibility. — What does Igor do inside the Enclave? Igor is primarily a guard stationed at the entrance of the exterior walls. Underneath Andrei, he more directly influences the patterns of guards and patrol lengths and frequencies. He is often the first person someone meets, aside from representatives outside of their territory. Due to the many-eyed nature of his biology, he is often quite the intimidating first encounter. Besides overseeing a good portion of the guardly duties inside Elpida, he organizes the Warrior’s Way celebration and other Micro holidays. Even though he considers it a ‘small’ task, Carina enjoys the lifting of the many burdens she has as Overseer to many of the social aspects of the clan.
Day Seven

Soft Muff
Focus: Adam
Word Count: 194

Courier, courier coming through!! Got something that needs to be delivered? Adam might be tiny but his parcels are always on time. Always well dressed and a wonderful pick for casual Elpida representation, he is quick with a kind word and observant. But who is he? Well, to the cafe he's a regular that always tips well. To the council he’s the most reliable courier and trusted to run secrets between clans without beastclan interference. He’s the loving familiar-dad to Bloo, his feisty little Ragepuff that’s been with him his whole life; and Ori’s begrudging roommate. Besides all the points made with his relationships and importance of his role within the Enclave, and above all else; he is an arcane inventor. His innate desire to tinker comes from his origins inside the Starfall Isles, blooming into his niche as he crafted ways to carry large items on his (very tiny) body. Enchanting his scrollcase and satchels, he carries parcels from region to region if he must! Thankfully he’s part of a much bigger network of couriers, so he doesn’t often have to go far… unless he must deliver something imporant by claw that is.

Day Seven Extra:
Focus: Igor
Word Total: 308 (Remaining is formatting, did his full bio today)

The energy of the Gladekeeper is imbued into his very essence. Not born of mortal dragonkind, his egg was created by the elemental embodiment herself. Hatched inside the realm of Light, cradled by a fey and guardian like himself, raised as their own. The uniqueness of his many eyes did not sway the ever loving adoptive parents and as soon as he was old enough to understand; they told him of his true origins. Even now, he considers them his true parents. Many eyes meant seeing lots, and while he could’ve taken many other career paths that wouldn’t have his eyes risk being blinded; he found his calling in becoming the guardian to the Enclave. He was around during the collapse and led the charge to buy time for the people he loved. It broke him to see so many laid to rest, bodies missing but never forgotten, and led him to be somewhat hostile to those that might even pose a threat to his family.

While there is no promise of great, untold horrors and violence against his loved ones in the near future, he is still wary of the possibility.

What does Igor do inside the Enclave?

Igor is primarily a guard stationed at the entrance of the exterior walls. Underneath Andrei, he more directly influences the patterns of guards and patrol lengths and frequencies. He is often the first person someone meets, aside from representatives outside of their territory. Due to the many-eyed nature of his biology, he is often quite the intimidating first encounter. Besides overseeing a good portion of the guardly duties inside Elpida, he organizes the Warrior’s Way celebration and other Micro holidays. Even though he considers it a ‘small’ task, Carina enjoys the lifting of the many burdens she has as Overseer to many of the social aspects of the clan.
MrRCllp.pngPTVAf7u.pngaQp8eZz.png aKdV5MN.png AWmHNbQ.png qBNWrht.png MTtORbV.png
Sk1ttle | FR +3 | 22
Lore Clan | Semiactive
Pixel decor
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