
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Skittle's Biolocke [WIP]
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[columns][img][/img] [nextcol][size=7][size=5][color=transparent]____[/color][font=Gabriola]Skittle's Biolocke[color=transparent]_____-____________[/color] [nextcol][right][img][/img][/columns] [columns][nextcol][center][url=x][img][/img][/url] [b]x[/b][/center] [nextcol][center][url=x][img][/img][/url] [b]x[/b][/center] [nextcol][img][/img] [nextcol][center][url=x][img][/img][/url] [b]x[/b][/center] [nextcol][center][url=x][img][/img][/url] [b]x[/b][/center][/columns] ----- ----- [center]Hi, hello! It's about time I did my own biolocke. I have all kinds of dragons in my lair with lore- I just haven't wrote it down. Maybe this will help me, who knows. Thanks to [url=]Fitoz Taverbi[/url] and littletoe101 for the idea! I also sorta stole a lot of the coding for the rules from them so that felt obligatory to say a thanks. Without further ado- here's da rules (modified to fit my own tastes, y'know?)[/center] [center][size=2][s](also if you want a ping lmk and I'll make a pingslist, pinky promise)[/s][/center][/size] [center][emoji=scroll size=1] [size=6][size=6][b][font=gabriola]Rules[/font][/b][/size][/size] [emoji=scroll size=1][/center] [b]Pulls[/b] This covers all pulls, whether they be from Crim or from Pinkerton. While Pinkerton pulls must be done each day and cannot be skipped, you have the option of skipping a maximum of two Crim pulls a day should you decide to do Crim. [b]However,[/b] if you have the item she's asking for and you sell it to her, you can skip that item's requirements without it counting towards your daily limit. [u]Food[/u] [emoji=insect size=1] 100 words. [emoji=meat size=1] 200 words. [emoji=plant size=1] 300 words. [emoji=seafood size=1] 400 words. [LIST] [*]If the item pulled has a rating of [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1], then add an additional 400 words. [*][b]If I feel as though the section alone should not be that long, and is better with fewer words, I am obligated to put the remaining words into another segment.[/b] Meaning if the "General Overview" gets done, but the word count isn't, the remaining words are written in another segment. [/LIST] [u]Material or Trinket[/u] [emoji=star size=1] 100 words. [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=star size=1] 150 words. [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=star size=1] 250 words. [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=star size=1] [emoji=star size=1] 400 words. [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] 600 words. [LIST] [*]Same rules apply as above. [/LIST] [u]Familiar[/u] [emoji=bestiary size=1] Roll a 10-sided die. Multiply your result by 100. That's the amount you need to write. [LIST] [*]Same rules apply as above. [/LIST] [u]Apparel[/u] [emoji=sword and shield size=1] Aww guess what buddy? You get to do a short story segment! Read on to see what that means. [LIST] [*]Same rules apply as above. [/LIST] [u]Battlestone/Battle Item[/u] [emoji=eliminate size=1] Guess what, buttercup? That's right, a battlestone means you've got to do a minimum of [b]two[/b] segments on a dragon today. To determine your word count, roll a 100-sided die. Multiply that by 10. That's how many words you need to write [b]in total[/b]. I'm not completely heartless. [LIST] [*]Same rules apply as above. [/LIST] [center] [center][u]Short Stories:[/u] So if you pull a familiar, you get to do a short story segment! That means you get to write a short story/drabble/whatever [b]not connected to your dragon's bio[/b] today. To determine the length of the short story, do the following: [b]roll a 100-sided die and multiply the result by 100 if it is less than 50, and by 10 if it is more than 50.[/b] Dragons who get short stories will have the [emoji=comment size=1] emoji listed beneath them for each story they have done.[/center] "Okay, that's great and all, but which dragon?" Well you can choose whoever, I'm using a number picker to choose. [center][size=6][font=gabriola][b]Exemptions[/b][/size][/font][/center] I'm allowed a pause during flight holidays and micro holidays, since then I'm usually grinding out for festival currency. ----- [center][size=2][s]Rules[/s] | x | x | x | x
____Skittle's Biolocke_____-____________


Hi, hello! It's about time I did my own biolocke. I have all kinds of dragons in my lair with lore- I just haven't wrote it down. Maybe this will help me, who knows. Thanks to Fitoz Taverbi and littletoe101 for the idea! I also sorta stole a lot of the coding for the rules from them so that felt obligatory to say a thanks. Without further ado- here's da rules (modified to fit my own tastes, y'know?)
(also if you want a ping lmk and I'll make a pingslist, pinky promise)

This covers all pulls, whether they be from Crim or from Pinkerton. While Pinkerton pulls must be done each day and cannot be skipped, you have the option of skipping a maximum of two Crim pulls a day should you decide to do Crim. However, if you have the item she's asking for and you sell it to her, you can skip that item's requirements without it counting towards your daily limit.


100 words.
200 words.
300 words.
400 words.
  • If the item pulled has a rating of , then add an additional 400 words.
  • If I feel as though the section alone should not be that long, and is better with fewer words, I am obligated to put the remaining words into another segment. Meaning if the "General Overview" gets done, but the word count isn't, the remaining words are written in another segment.
Material or Trinket

100 words.
150 words.
250 words.
400 words.
600 words.
  • Same rules apply as above.

Roll a 10-sided die. Multiply your result by 100. That's the amount you need to write.
  • Same rules apply as above.

Aww guess what buddy? You get to do a short story segment! Read on to see what that means.
  • Same rules apply as above.
Battlestone/Battle Item

Guess what, buttercup? That's right, a battlestone means you've got to do a minimum of two segments on a dragon today. To determine your word count, roll a 100-sided die. Multiply that by 10. That's how many words you need to write in total. I'm not completely heartless.
  • Same rules apply as above.
Short Stories:
So if you pull a familiar, you get to do a short story segment! That means you get to write a short story/drabble/whatever not connected to your dragon's bio today. To determine the length of the short story, do the following: roll a 100-sided die and multiply the result by 100 if it is less than 50, and by 10 if it is more than 50. Dragons who get short stories will have the emoji listed beneath them for each story they have done.

"Okay, that's great and all, but which dragon?" Well you can choose whoever, I'm using a number picker to choose.
I'm allowed a pause during flight holidays and micro holidays, since then I'm usually grinding out for festival currency.

Rules | x | x | x | x
MrRCllp.pngPTVAf7u.pngaQp8eZz.png aKdV5MN.png AWmHNbQ.png qBNWrht.png MTtORbV.png
Sk1ttle | FR +3 | 22
Lore Clan | Semiactive
Pixel decor
Reserved for dragon profiles and links

Rules | Profiles | Extra Profiles | Updates | MISC
Reserved for dragon profiles and links

Rules | Profiles | Extra Profiles | Updates | MISC
MrRCllp.pngPTVAf7u.pngaQp8eZz.png aKdV5MN.png AWmHNbQ.png qBNWrht.png MTtORbV.png
Sk1ttle | FR +3 | 22
Lore Clan | Semiactive
Pixel decor
reserved for extra dragon profiles
reserved for extra dragon profiles
MrRCllp.pngPTVAf7u.pngaQp8eZz.png aKdV5MN.png AWmHNbQ.png qBNWrht.png MTtORbV.png
Sk1ttle | FR +3 | 22
Lore Clan | Semiactive
Pixel decor
reserved for updates and credits
reserved for updates and credits
MrRCllp.pngPTVAf7u.pngaQp8eZz.png aKdV5MN.png AWmHNbQ.png qBNWrht.png MTtORbV.png
Sk1ttle | FR +3 | 22
Lore Clan | Semiactive
Pixel decor
reserved for anything else I forgot
reserved for anything else I forgot
MrRCllp.pngPTVAf7u.pngaQp8eZz.png aKdV5MN.png AWmHNbQ.png qBNWrht.png MTtORbV.png
Sk1ttle | FR +3 | 22
Lore Clan | Semiactive
Pixel decor
last claim just in case, feel free to comment below :3
last claim just in case, feel free to comment below :3
MrRCllp.pngPTVAf7u.pngaQp8eZz.png aKdV5MN.png AWmHNbQ.png qBNWrht.png MTtORbV.png
Sk1ttle | FR +3 | 22
Lore Clan | Semiactive
Pixel decor
Day one [columns][item= fossilized leaf] [nextcol][size=4]Focus: [url=]Bylur[/url] Word Count: 150 ----- A playful burst of chilly winds bring along a new friend... a living blizzard! The snow flutters around her like playful butterflies and her laugh chimes like icicles. A wondrous happenstance of nature, this ice-spirit lives vicariously in the biting winds. Finding the little outpost in the vast territory of the ice domain was easy for an entity like Bylur; for she was following the presence of one of her own! A spirit of winds, a true elemental, but under the guise of a dragon. This piqued the spirit’s interest and has been hanging around since. It’s not easy being as tricky as the frost. Her newfound companion oftentimes undoes her blizzards or snowy skies in favor of clarity and warmth. Bylur doesn’t get it! Why ruin such beautiful scenery of delicate falling flakes or raging icy winds in favor of warmth? The other spirit says it’s so the dragons can survive… but she’s starting to think that the ‘spirit’ isn’t a spirit at all.
Day one
Fossilized Leaf Focus: Bylur
Word Count: 150

A playful burst of chilly winds bring along a new friend... a living blizzard! The snow flutters around her like playful butterflies and her laugh chimes like icicles. A wondrous happenstance of nature, this ice-spirit lives vicariously in the biting winds. Finding the little outpost in the vast territory of the ice domain was easy for an entity like Bylur; for she was following the presence of one of her own! A spirit of winds, a true elemental, but under the guise of a dragon. This piqued the spirit’s interest and has been hanging around since.

It’s not easy being as tricky as the frost. Her newfound companion oftentimes undoes her blizzards or snowy skies in favor of clarity and warmth. Bylur doesn’t get it! Why ruin such beautiful scenery of delicate falling flakes or raging icy winds in favor of warmth? The other spirit says it’s so the dragons can survive… but she’s starting to think that the ‘spirit’ isn’t a spirit at all.
MrRCllp.pngPTVAf7u.pngaQp8eZz.png aKdV5MN.png AWmHNbQ.png qBNWrht.png MTtORbV.png
Sk1ttle | FR +3 | 22
Lore Clan | Semiactive
Pixel decor
Day Two [item= candy necklace] Focus: [url=]Veyek[/url] Word Count: 122 Veyek was a guardian, once, when he fell in love. His mate and forever his darling, however, was the ever whimsical fae- her tiny form fluttered so strongly around his head and small enough to simply perch upon his skull. Neither of them minded, of course.. Together they founded the first clan; Wings of Belka, in the light territory of the Hewn City. Together they built a family of outcasts much like them… together, well- together they thrived and supported eachother in the very height of pain and loss. Together they led what remained of their clan to the safety of the shadows.. Of Shadowbringer’s embrace. And, together, they stepped down from leadership roles, giving that honor to their adopted son [url=]Ember.[/url]
Day Two
Candy Necklace

Focus: Veyek
Word Count: 122

Veyek was a guardian, once, when he fell in love. His mate and forever his darling, however, was the ever whimsical fae- her tiny form fluttered so strongly around his head and small enough to simply perch upon his skull. Neither of them minded, of course.. Together they founded the first clan; Wings of Belka, in the light territory of the Hewn City. Together they built a family of outcasts much like them… together, well- together they thrived and supported eachother in the very height of pain and loss. Together they led what remained of their clan to the safety of the shadows.. Of Shadowbringer’s embrace. And, together, they stepped down from leadership roles, giving that honor to their adopted son Ember.
MrRCllp.pngPTVAf7u.pngaQp8eZz.png aKdV5MN.png AWmHNbQ.png qBNWrht.png MTtORbV.png
Sk1ttle | FR +3 | 22
Lore Clan | Semiactive
Pixel decor
Day Three [item= strawberry hermit] Focus: [url=]Fojan[/url] Word Count: 408 Fojan is a rather broody and secluded dragon, preferring the company of his spiders and other venomous creatures. His position as the clan’s designated assassin means his relationships with the complex thinking creatures tend to be a bit terse. While it does tend to get to him on his worst days, the silence and scared glances have become water to his scaled skin. He tends to hang around the Biovac as its the one place he has his own quarters, content with tinkering on new poison designs. Sure his work may be a bit demented, but it is work, and while he’s converted a lot of hobbies into a beneficial asset he does have things that aren’t connected to assassinating. For instance, he’s hardly shown it, but enjoys the many ways one can work with textile. It isn’t unusual for familiars to have cozy sweaters or clothes seemingly overnight, or for a new well-fitting piece of apparel to show up randomly in your wardrobe. While not outwardly expressing it, the mirror tends to have quite the eye for fashion and personal style- incorporating it into lovely little gifts! A few relationships he’s made within the clan is a strong connection to the guardians Nimjirah and DeMarcus. Really, he’s made good connections to the old souls of the Bivouac, having been there for quite a while. Since Andrei made it, that is- and his favorite part of the ‘uac is the fact so many oddballs and violent individuals had such self control to refocus the anger to be beneficial. He misses Eria’s satire comments, oftentimes finding himself wondering how she’s doing way over in the Southern Icefields- how the Outpost is doing. Maybe one day he’ll visit… Until then, he had an emperor to keep in check. He considered Kael to be a good friend, all three heads actually! He was the one to stitch together the Emperor plushie, and gave it as a gift on Yule as he found the other dragons didn’t get anything for them. As for his view on the others inside the clan, well- he doesn’t much care for their opinions… with one exception. Esther. He is so very fond of the clan’s healer, finding himself intentionally allowing some minor missions go south just to be in her facility… maybe one day he’ll have the courage to hold a proper conversation with her. He’s just happy she wears the gown he made for her…
Day Three
Strawberry Hermit
Focus: Fojan
Word Count: 408

Fojan is a rather broody and secluded dragon, preferring the company of his spiders and other venomous creatures. His position as the clan’s designated assassin means his relationships with the complex thinking creatures tend to be a bit terse. While it does tend to get to him on his worst days, the silence and scared glances have become water to his scaled skin. He tends to hang around the Biovac as its the one place he has his own quarters, content with tinkering on new poison designs. Sure his work may be a bit demented, but it is work, and while he’s converted a lot of hobbies into a beneficial asset he does have things that aren’t connected to assassinating. For instance, he’s hardly shown it, but enjoys the many ways one can work with textile. It isn’t unusual for familiars to have cozy sweaters or clothes seemingly overnight, or for a new well-fitting piece of apparel to show up randomly in your wardrobe. While not outwardly expressing it, the mirror tends to have quite the eye for fashion and personal style- incorporating it into lovely little gifts!

A few relationships he’s made within the clan is a strong connection to the guardians Nimjirah and DeMarcus. Really, he’s made good connections to the old souls of the Bivouac, having been there for quite a while. Since Andrei made it, that is- and his favorite part of the ‘uac is the fact so many oddballs and violent individuals had such self control to refocus the anger to be beneficial. He misses Eria’s satire comments, oftentimes finding himself wondering how she’s doing way over in the Southern Icefields- how the Outpost is doing. Maybe one day he’ll visit… Until then, he had an emperor to keep in check. He considered Kael to be a good friend, all three heads actually! He was the one to stitch together the Emperor plushie, and gave it as a gift on Yule as he found the other dragons didn’t get anything for them. As for his view on the others inside the clan, well- he doesn’t much care for their opinions… with one exception. Esther. He is so very fond of the clan’s healer, finding himself intentionally allowing some minor missions go south just to be in her facility… maybe one day he’ll have the courage to hold a proper conversation with her. He’s just happy she wears the gown he made for her…
MrRCllp.pngPTVAf7u.pngaQp8eZz.png aKdV5MN.png AWmHNbQ.png qBNWrht.png MTtORbV.png
Sk1ttle | FR +3 | 22
Lore Clan | Semiactive
Pixel decor
Day Four was a short story so I'll update this when it's ready
Day Four was a short story so I'll update this when it's ready
MrRCllp.pngPTVAf7u.pngaQp8eZz.png aKdV5MN.png AWmHNbQ.png qBNWrht.png MTtORbV.png
Sk1ttle | FR +3 | 22
Lore Clan | Semiactive
Pixel decor
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