
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Top 5 Above You - Write More Edition
@Killunia [url=][img][/img][/url] I have a huge red/black weakness so of course I was drawn to Angaroth immediately. :3 I also love the matching familiar and customization. The NotN rings are some of my fave outfit items and they work so well here~ [url=][img][/img][/url] Holy heck, another of my fave color combos (although tbh, I love the dark base with light accents in general)! Orisa is stunning and I just love Gaolers in general. I didn't realize that this was an accent, and it looks like he has the Shardspikes(? Flanks? I forgot it) gene instead of the one listed on his profile! [url=][img][/img][/url] I got major warrior vibes from Thassarian! The armor blends so well with the fest wearables and they just look perfect! :o I wanna hear about him for sure! [url=][img][/img][/url] Looks like Grimmjow is a fandragon? I don't know the reference (I limit my media due to being easily scarred and cowardice in general), but I love how simple he appears! I admit, I don't like the Jaguar gene at all, BUT the color is so good because it hides the blinding effects of that gene! But the Skeletal gene stuck out most of all, haha. [url=][img][/img][/url] Alabaster already has me intrigued due to having a profile layout, LOL! I can definitely see a swift and intelligant warrior here! Again, the custom is amazing and works super well with the dragon. I am curious about any characters you have in general, tbh~ [s]Character creation is my passion.[/s] Next player: Read profile, please? ;3; I really enjoy seeing comments on the characters as they are my focus and not the dragons (I'm an active Creative Corner user). ZeroWish is honestly an exclusion - they're more for my wishlist and that's it. xD


I have a huge red/black weakness so of course I was drawn to Angaroth immediately. :3 I also love the matching familiar and customization. The NotN rings are some of my fave outfit items and they work so well here~

Holy heck, another of my fave color combos (although tbh, I love the dark base with light accents in general)! Orisa is stunning and I just love Gaolers in general. I didn't realize that this was an accent, and it looks like he has the Shardspikes(? Flanks? I forgot it) gene instead of the one listed on his profile!

I got major warrior vibes from Thassarian! The armor blends so well with the fest wearables and they just look perfect! :o I wanna hear about him for sure!

Looks like Grimmjow is a fandragon? I don't know the reference (I limit my media due to being easily scarred and cowardice in general), but I love how simple he appears! I admit, I don't like the Jaguar gene at all, BUT the color is so good because it hides the blinding effects of that gene! But the Skeletal gene stuck out most of all, haha.

Alabaster already has me intrigued due to having a profile layout, LOL! I can definitely see a swift and intelligant warrior here! Again, the custom is amazing and works super well with the dragon. I am curious about any characters you have in general, tbh~ Character creation is my passion.

Next player:
Read profile, please? ;3; I really enjoy seeing comments on the characters as they are my focus and not the dragons (I'm an active Creative Corner user).

ZeroWish is honestly an exclusion - they're more for my wishlist and that's it. xD
@Commander Im sorry I can't really say a lot for your oc's since Im not aware of your headworld and stories so Im only commenting on the dragons, I hope that's okay. I must still admit that your designs and drawings of them are very cool! [url=][img][/img][/url] I will pick Electro as my first dragon, since he looks very stunning with this skin! I never seen it getting used before so this was a pleasant surprise to finally see it in action. I love machine characters so he instantly grabbed my attention. the saffron runes really blends in well with the rusty elements of the cables and bits. really big fan of glowing horns as well! [url=][img][/img][/url] oh my gosh, such a cute permababy. I love pistachio circuit coupled with tapir and striation, such a neat little effect that it creates. also these adorable shadow eyes.... I love baby fae dragons with every fibre of my soul. you can instantly tell that he a wee small robot friend. [url=][img][/img][/url] they are straight up one of my biggest aesthetics! the entire use of apparels fit extremely well and I really really love the skin that you've used here. such an epic dragon, I think he is my overall favourite that I found in your whole lair. [url=][img][/img][/url] they are a very vibrant appearing dragon! I like how awesome the colours are fading from green to turquoise, then cyan into the hints of red. very amazing effect that is totally attracting the viewer's eye. they really fit a disco and dance vibe, love that about them. I also like how perfect the familiar fits into the picture. [url=][img][/img][/url] my last pick will be this beauty of a mirror. I love the male mirror pose because it looks so mischievous so I instantly suspect them to be a bit of a sneaky character, hehe. I like the effect that smoke gives off here, it almost looks like a yellow outline around the stark lead starmap.
Im sorry I can't really say a lot for your oc's since Im not aware of your headworld and stories so Im only commenting on the dragons, I hope that's okay. I must still admit that your designs and drawings of them are very cool!

I will pick Electro as my first dragon, since he looks very stunning with this skin! I never seen it getting used before so this was a pleasant surprise to finally see it in action. I love machine characters so he instantly grabbed my attention. the saffron runes really blends in well with the rusty elements of the cables and bits. really big fan of glowing horns as well!

oh my gosh, such a cute permababy. I love pistachio circuit coupled with tapir and striation, such a neat little effect that it creates. also these adorable shadow eyes.... I love baby fae dragons with every fibre of my soul. you can instantly tell that he a wee small robot friend.

they are straight up one of my biggest aesthetics! the entire use of apparels fit extremely well and I really really love the skin that you've used here. such an epic dragon, I think he is my overall favourite that I found in your whole lair.

they are a very vibrant appearing dragon! I like how awesome the colours are fading from green to turquoise, then cyan into the hints of red. very amazing effect that is totally attracting the viewer's eye. they really fit a disco and dance vibe, love that about them. I also like how perfect the familiar fits into the picture.

my last pick will be this beauty of a mirror. I love the male mirror pose because it looks so mischievous so I instantly suspect them to be a bit of a sneaky character, hehe. I like the effect that smoke gives off here, it almost looks like a yellow outline around the stark lead starmap.
24699391_bHpOJyVs5JvINoe.png > they/he
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> goth
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[center]Okay, @Ultron, so many times you privately wrote me nice words about my dragons that finally it's time for me. I've been waiting for an opportunity! xD [url=][img][/img][/url] My favuorite for many reasons. But apart from the personal sentiment, I like how everything works together on this dragon. I love his colors and character. The black-gold scheme with red accents is gorgeous! He's just so dignified and beautiful, aww! I love this helmet trick! And of course the art - just beautiful! [url=][img][/img][/url] How could I miss everyone's favorite cyborg? As the owner of (probably) 12 Viktor fandrags, I will ALWAYS choose this guy. He's just so charismatic... and adorable. I really like the fiery color that breaks through the apparel from the accent. I also noticed the casual outfit which is so cute! And I love a good familiar! Evolving Hexcore, that's it!:D [url=][img][/img][/url] Black dragon and red electricity? Yes, you got me. I LOVE this color scheme. I've always had a soft spot for obsidian with elements of red. I really, really like this as a fandragon! I noticed the secondary here, which makes this dragon even more interesting, and the opal on the face looks like a metal jaw! At first I thought it was some kind of apparel. Really great <3 [rule] Okay, these were a bit more popular dragons, so I decided to dig into the younger and newer ones. [url=][img][/img][/url] Ahhh, Casimir. My dear, dignified and handsome Skydancer. I love brown Skydancers, they have something that attracts me. I like that he looks so elegant with his minimalist design. Glasses always look good on this breed, yes! And of course, a feline companion is always a nice addition! [url=][img][/img][/url] I had difficulty choosing the last one, because I would like to choose more, but it's hard, meh. So I choose an aesthetic as close to my heart as Steampunk <3 This dragon has GEARS. Lots of GEARS and beautiful translucent wings that look like a glass accessory. I love the shades of Ivory, so I think this is a great dragon choice for this accent! By the way, I really liked the name familiar. Zeiger, what a nice word!
Okay, @Ultron, so many times you privately wrote me nice words about my dragons that finally it's time for me. I've been waiting for an opportunity! xD


My favuorite for many reasons. But apart from the personal sentiment, I like how everything works together on this dragon. I love his colors and character. The black-gold scheme with red accents is gorgeous! He's just so dignified and beautiful, aww! I love this helmet trick! And of course the art - just beautiful!


How could I miss everyone's favorite cyborg? As the owner of (probably) 12 Viktor fandrags, I will ALWAYS choose this guy. He's just so charismatic... and adorable. I really like the fiery color that breaks through the apparel from the accent. I also noticed the casual outfit which is so cute! And I love a good familiar! Evolving Hexcore, that's it!:D


Black dragon and red electricity? Yes, you got me. I LOVE this color scheme. I've always had a soft spot for obsidian with elements of red. I really, really like this as a fandragon! I noticed the secondary here, which makes this dragon even more interesting, and the opal on the face looks like a metal jaw! At first I thought it was some kind of apparel. Really great <3

Okay, these were a bit more popular dragons, so I decided to dig into the younger and newer ones.


Ahhh, Casimir. My dear, dignified and handsome Skydancer. I love brown Skydancers, they have something that attracts me. I like that he looks so elegant with his minimalist design. Glasses always look good on this breed, yes! And of course, a feline companion is always a nice addition!


I had difficulty choosing the last one, because I would like to choose more, but it's hard, meh. So I choose an aesthetic as close to my heart as Steampunk <3 This dragon has GEARS. Lots of GEARS and beautiful translucent wings that look like a glass accessory. I love the shades of Ivory, so I think this is a great dragon choice for this accent! By the way, I really liked the name familiar. Zeiger, what a nice word!

@Tivan [center] Before I even begin I have so many tabs open of your dragons, its going to be so hard to pick just 5 you have such lovely lads! Genuinely have like 20+ tabs open trying to narrow it down. [url=][img][/img][/url] Alright, I just have to start with SoulProtector. Everything about him is so well done from his gene/color combo to his skin to his apparel. I'm honestly just staring at him while typing this because he's so utterly wonderful. I really love your choice of scene and his matching familiar, and his lore is really cool. I love the skin you chose and all of the voltaic apparel just goes together so well with the snowflakes and ice theme, I simply love looking at him. Closing out of Silco and Singed but they're both really good. [url=][img][/img][/url] Next up is Rot, who is an incredible use of the bardic set combined with everything else you've given him. Clicked on morphology to check him out without the skin and honestly he's really pretty even with his actual colors. I LOVE the use of wind eyes for a plague dragon, especially wind primal, it matches so shockingly well with the plague aura. The little hints of bright green throughout his entire outfit is spectacular. I also really love the matching familiar and scene yet again it ties him together so well. Little shoutout to Viktor who is very cool. I also really like Nocturnal. [url=][img][/img][/url] I simply have to include your Doctor Strange fandragon. You did so incredibly well with him and I adore the gene and color choices you've gone with. Especially that perfectly matching cape familiar, it was practically made for this. I really love your uses of blue though, especially with that maroon starmap, it pulls him together in a perfect way that not only makes him a wonderful fandragon but also just a gorgeous dragon in general. [url=][img][/img][/url] Heimdall is just *chefs kiss*. I love him, he's so pretty, I love how you put so much apparel and yet kept his multigaze visible, I think the fact that you have multigaze on him REALLY fits his mythology. I love all of the colors and that skin is beautiful and gives him such an ethereal feeling. Also once again you're really nailing the matching scene and familiar! [url=][img][/img][/url] It took me a hot minute to figure out who I'd go with for my final pick of your dragons but I simply have to go with Melancholy. She's probably one of the more unique dragons I've ever seen on site, between her apparel combo and general tone she definitely stands out. I love the triple layering of the malign presence to make it that dark, it really adds an inky spooky feel that adds so much to her vibes. That familiar is once again an excellent choice and so is the scene, you're very very good at matching those it's utterly amazing. I don't know for sure if she's my favorite in your den (not sure I could pick a favorite they're all so good) but she definitely stands out! Also final shoutout to Dunkelheit, Bolbok, Midnight and Voodoo, they're gorgeous dragons and I could easily go off about all of them as well :) Also I really really like all of your Loki dragons, I think my favorite is your President Loki, you really capture his vibes and that outfit choice is incredible, your Sakaar Loki is a close second favorite of mine ♥ For the next person, feel free to poke into my hibden!
Before I even begin I have so many tabs open of your dragons, its going to be so hard to pick just 5 you have such lovely lads! Genuinely have like 20+ tabs open trying to narrow it down.

Alright, I just have to start with SoulProtector. Everything about him is so well done from his gene/color combo to his skin to his apparel. I'm honestly just staring at him while typing this because he's so utterly wonderful. I really love your choice of scene and his matching familiar, and his lore is really cool. I love the skin you chose and all of the voltaic apparel just goes together so well with the snowflakes and ice theme, I simply love looking at him.

Closing out of Silco and Singed but they're both really good.

Next up is Rot, who is an incredible use of the bardic set combined with everything else you've given him. Clicked on morphology to check him out without the skin and honestly he's really pretty even with his actual colors. I LOVE the use of wind eyes for a plague dragon, especially wind primal, it matches so shockingly well with the plague aura. The little hints of bright green throughout his entire outfit is spectacular. I also really love the matching familiar and scene yet again it ties him together so well.

Little shoutout to Viktor who is very cool. I also really like Nocturnal.

I simply have to include your Doctor Strange fandragon. You did so incredibly well with him and I adore the gene and color choices you've gone with. Especially that perfectly matching cape familiar, it was practically made for this. I really love your uses of blue though, especially with that maroon starmap, it pulls him together in a perfect way that not only makes him a wonderful fandragon but also just a gorgeous dragon in general.

Heimdall is just *chefs kiss*. I love him, he's so pretty, I love how you put so much apparel and yet kept his multigaze visible, I think the fact that you have multigaze on him REALLY fits his mythology. I love all of the colors and that skin is beautiful and gives him such an ethereal feeling. Also once again you're really nailing the matching scene and familiar!

It took me a hot minute to figure out who I'd go with for my final pick of your dragons but I simply have to go with Melancholy. She's probably one of the more unique dragons I've ever seen on site, between her apparel combo and general tone she definitely stands out. I love the triple layering of the malign presence to make it that dark, it really adds an inky spooky feel that adds so much to her vibes. That familiar is once again an excellent choice and so is the scene, you're very very good at matching those it's utterly amazing. I don't know for sure if she's my favorite in your den (not sure I could pick a favorite they're all so good) but she definitely stands out!

Also final shoutout to Dunkelheit, Bolbok, Midnight and Voodoo, they're gorgeous dragons and I could easily go off about all of them as well :)

Also I really really like all of your Loki dragons, I think my favorite is your President Loki, you really capture his vibes and that outfit choice is incredible, your Sakaar Loki is a close second favorite of mine ♥

For the next person, feel free to poke into my hibden!
tXKbExw.png Please take a look at my HibDen for forum games! I store a lot of my dragons there cause I don't have space! Tabs I don't want used say so in tab description.
@RiptailShredfang [url=][img][/img][/url] I adore Laik’s accent. The brighter blues in there give a nice bit of contrast to the wings. In fact, the whole effect reminds me of a stormy sea, with the white of the primary being the waves crashing on the shore/rocks. The basic primary helps the runes to stand out, and white/overcast is a really nice colour combo overall! [url=][img][/img][/url] Triple Antique dragons are a weakness of mine, and Memmento is lovely! The accent stands out nicely against the background colours. I like the fact there’s no apparel, since it feels like it would detract from the overall effect. [url=][img][/img][/url] Absinthe looks the very picture of a charming, polite dragon. However, the way she’s dressed makes me think that maybe there’s something darker lurking under the surface. The apparel chosen really matches her colours and genes. She has the look of an illusionist or maybe a dark magician. [url=][img][/img][/url] Kozmotis is simple, but it really works in his case. Always been a fan of darker coloured dragons with lighter eyes, since it reminds me of peering into the shadows and thinking you see something staring back at you. The apparel matches his vibe as well. [url=][img][/img][/url] What a pretty Skydancer! Etienne looks like she’s a part of space come to life. Or something similar anyway. Blackberry starmap/flaunt look really pretty on her. Love the matching apparel as well.


I adore Laik’s accent. The brighter blues in there give a nice bit of contrast to the wings. In fact, the whole effect reminds me of a stormy sea, with the white of the primary being the waves crashing on the shore/rocks. The basic primary helps the runes to stand out, and white/overcast is a really nice colour combo overall!


Triple Antique dragons are a weakness of mine, and Memmento is lovely! The accent stands out nicely against the background colours. I like the fact there’s no apparel, since it feels like it would detract from the overall effect.


Absinthe looks the very picture of a charming, polite dragon. However, the way she’s dressed makes me think that maybe there’s something darker lurking under the surface. The apparel chosen really matches her colours and genes. She has the look of an illusionist or maybe a dark magician.


Kozmotis is simple, but it really works in his case. Always been a fan of darker coloured dragons with lighter eyes, since it reminds me of peering into the shadows and thinking you see something staring back at you. The apparel matches his vibe as well.


What a pretty Skydancer! Etienne looks like she’s a part of space come to life. Or something similar anyway. Blackberry starmap/flaunt look really pretty on her. Love the matching apparel as well.
@Twite [url=][img][/img][/url] I’ve chosen Beloved for her beautiful vibrant coloring. The skin you’ve chosen looks perfect with her braid and the nebula starsilk items as well as her genes. I especially love the parasol familiar you’ve chosen for her. I love that her eyes match too. [url=][img][/img][/url] I find this boy so beautiful. I’ve never seen that skin before, but it looks amazing with his coloring. I love that it has some clothing items within it to. He doesn’t need anything else. He’s simple and beautiful. [url=][img][/img][/url] Another gorgeous boy for me to ogle! I can imagine him roaming the sunparched prowl with his Psywurm. His coloring is so beautiful especially with the Bee Gene. His delicate apparel is added with such finesse. It is so perfect with the amazing skin you’ve chosen. [url=][img][/img][/url] This girl is soooo coool! This is the best witch dragon I’ve seen! The skin really pops against her base coloring. Her attire is once again perfect and not overdone. You really have a talent for making your dragons look perfect. And what is this familiar I’ve never seen before? It is adorable and matches her so well! [url=][img][/img][/url] I’ve chosen Zee because he is beautiful and I like his bio. He has an ethereal aura about him. I can imagine him roaming the depths of space glinting amongst the stars in his flowing starlight guise granting wishes like a shooting star while seeing a hint of the beautiful relic accent on his face before he disappears into the abyss. Your dragons have such character that it was really hard to choose just five. To next person: Please ignore my Breeders and Special Dragons tabs


I’ve chosen Beloved for her beautiful vibrant coloring. The skin you’ve chosen looks perfect with her braid and the nebula starsilk items as well as her genes. I especially love the parasol familiar you’ve chosen for her. I love that her eyes match too.


I find this boy so beautiful. I’ve never seen that skin before, but it looks amazing with his coloring. I love that it has some clothing items within it to. He doesn’t need anything else. He’s simple and beautiful.


Another gorgeous boy for me to ogle! I can imagine him roaming the sunparched prowl with his Psywurm. His coloring is so beautiful especially with the Bee Gene. His delicate apparel is added with such finesse. It is so perfect with the amazing skin you’ve chosen.


This girl is soooo coool! This is the best witch dragon I’ve seen! The skin really pops against her base coloring. Her attire is once again perfect and not overdone. You really have a talent for making your dragons look perfect. And what is this familiar I’ve never seen before? It is adorable and matches her so well!


I’ve chosen Zee because he is beautiful and I like his bio. He has an ethereal aura about him. I can imagine him roaming the depths of space glinting amongst the stars in his flowing starlight guise granting wishes like a shooting star while seeing a hint of the beautiful relic accent on his face before he disappears into the abyss. Your dragons have such character that it was really hard to choose just five.

To next person: Please ignore my Breeders and Special Dragons tabs

@Skylurk Let's go and check these dragons out! First impression of the lair is that there's really distinct color schemes and styles so going through these dragons was fun! [center][url=][img][/img][/url] I am OBSESSED with how this dragon and their familiar perfectly compliment each other! The color schemes and the vibes are there,and Winona is perfectly chosen for this beautiful festival accent. I am enjoying the colors here quite a lot, the soft creams and golds together with the pinks and wine reds. The apparel is carefully and well chosen, love the flame cloak veiling on top of the accent in a way that makes them interconnect. [url=][img][/img][/url] Wyethia got some amazing gothic vibes here and look like some intriguing creature you'd expect to see in some video game with pretty aesthetics. Blacks and whites and reds always work - I enjoy the red flowers paired together with the grittier black apparel. Triple basic does not bother here at all and lets you fully focus and appreciate the touches brought by the accent and the apparel. [url=][img][/img][/url] Those. COLORS! Oh gosh dark greys, soft yellows and turquoise go so nicely together. Syaoran has beastly and dangerous vibes enhanced by the skull apparel and the imposing air of a male ridgeback. Will o' the Wisp gives them an impression of power and magical capabilities; certainly someone you would not cross. Fig plumed set is used perfectly. Bonus points for the beautiful scenic mode. [url=][img][/img][/url] Osiris was chosen for their color palette and the brilliant use of redbolt construct, making the critter look almost like part of the beautiful skincent. The layering of eerie cyan clawrings and sanguine plumage is something I see very rarely - brilliant use of that here. Tiger gene goes beautifully with the skincent here, giving it the perfect finishing touch. [url=][img][/img][/url] Golds and browns and wolf capes oh my! Lovely spooky vibes and color scheme here - the scenery depicted in the accent together with the layering and thematics of the apparel works so nicely. Spinel looks like a regal wolf, dark and mysterious, decaying themes of autumn following in their wake. The use of capes, cloak and the mantle are perfect. [/center]

Let's go and check these dragons out!

First impression of the lair is that there's really distinct color schemes and styles so going through these dragons was fun!

I am OBSESSED with how this dragon and their familiar perfectly compliment each other! The color schemes and the vibes are there,and Winona is perfectly chosen for this beautiful festival accent. I am enjoying the colors here quite a lot, the soft creams and golds together with the pinks and wine reds. The apparel is carefully and well chosen, love the flame cloak veiling on top of the accent in a way that makes them interconnect.


Wyethia got some amazing gothic vibes here and look like some intriguing creature you'd expect to see in some video game with pretty aesthetics. Blacks and whites and reds always work - I enjoy the red flowers paired together with the grittier black apparel. Triple basic does not bother here at all and lets you fully focus and appreciate the touches brought by the accent and the apparel.


Those. COLORS! Oh gosh dark greys, soft yellows and turquoise go so nicely together. Syaoran has beastly and dangerous vibes enhanced by the skull apparel and the imposing air of a male ridgeback. Will o' the Wisp gives them an impression of power and magical capabilities; certainly someone you would not cross. Fig plumed set is used perfectly. Bonus points for the beautiful scenic mode.


Osiris was chosen for their color palette and the brilliant use of redbolt construct, making the critter look almost like part of the beautiful skincent. The layering of eerie cyan clawrings and sanguine plumage is something I see very rarely - brilliant use of that here. Tiger gene goes beautifully with the skincent here, giving it the perfect finishing touch.


Golds and browns and wolf capes oh my! Lovely spooky vibes and color scheme here - the scenery depicted in the accent together with the layering and thematics of the apparel works so nicely. Spinel looks like a regal wolf, dark and mysterious, decaying themes of autumn following in their wake. The use of capes, cloak and the mantle are perfect.
@CeriothOfCinders okay, let me start off by saying your lair is absolutely full of some of the most gorgeous dragons I've ever seen, and it was so hard to pick just 5 to write about!! [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Okay, first up we have Stygai. I love xxy color schemes, and he is no exception... Arc/Loop makes him look like the embodiment of dark water, and angler with that bright pop of cerulean takes him right into 'deep sea dwelling monster' territory, which is so cool!! I also love how he has glowing eyes as well, really matches angler in a fun way.[/columns] [columns]Next is Shaderender! Gosh, I love this guy... The combo of his genes/apparel/skin make him look like some sort of living shadow, and the bright purple accents really break it up and add some visual interest. You're so good at choosing apparel that complements your dragons, I'm jealous!![nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Apotheosis... my god. A GORGEOUS dragon even without apparel, but damn does the apparel she's wearing look amazing on her! The reds and golds look beautiful against her sanguine colors, and once again you've knocked it out of the park with those pops of blue. The flowerfall is an excellent touch that really brings it all together. [emoji=familiar heart size=1][/columns] [columns]I love Maela so much! Green is my favorite color, so that's definitely a bonus. Aberrations are so freaking cool, I adore her accent too! The colors look so beautiful together, and the golden accents and jewelry? I am obsessed.[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Eternity is just so beautiful! She gives off some very regal yet mysterious vibes... Like some sort of sorceress or something. I'm a huge sucker for gold/black color schemes and she is just... *chef's kiss* Gold filigree really complements obsidian metallic and matches gold constellation really well too!! I love her.[/columns]
@CeriothOfCinders okay, let me start off by saying your lair is absolutely full of some of the most gorgeous dragons I've ever seen, and it was so hard to pick just 5 to write about!!
iikBGJo.png Okay, first up we have Stygai. I love xxy color schemes, and he is no exception... Arc/Loop makes him look like the embodiment of dark water, and angler with that bright pop of cerulean takes him right into 'deep sea dwelling monster' territory, which is so cool!! I also love how he has glowing eyes as well, really matches angler in a fun way.
Next is Shaderender! Gosh, I love this guy... The combo of his genes/apparel/skin make him look like some sort of living shadow, and the bright purple accents really break it up and add some visual interest. You're so good at choosing apparel that complements your dragons, I'm jealous!! ViqzCxD.png
MD1nhFs.png Apotheosis... my god. A GORGEOUS dragon even without apparel, but damn does the apparel she's wearing look amazing on her! The reds and golds look beautiful against her sanguine colors, and once again you've knocked it out of the park with those pops of blue. The flowerfall is an excellent touch that really brings it all together.
I love Maela so much! Green is my favorite color, so that's definitely a bonus. Aberrations are so freaking cool, I adore her accent too! The colors look so beautiful together, and the golden accents and jewelry? I am obsessed. 2CuinjK.png
4lQeALR.png Eternity is just so beautiful! She gives off some very regal yet mysterious vibes... Like some sort of sorceress or something. I'm a huge sucker for gold/black color schemes and she is just... *chef's kiss* Gold filigree really complements obsidian metallic and matches gold constellation really well too!! I love her.
[Center][b][u]@PapaGascan[/u] You've got a wonderful lair!! So many pretty dragons!![/b] And the few that stood out to me are: [B]Zatemnennya[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] What a beautiful dragon! I'm a sucker for space-themed dragons, and she is BEAUTIFUL!! I love her plan, it really makes her space-themed. Like she came out of a nebula. The way the foam and constellation just MATCHES!! So pretty! And even the skin with the apperal is fantastic! I love this lil gal so much, I wish you the best of luck on this project! She looks amazing! [B]Zamza[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] She is so soft!! Her pastel colors and her adorable outfit! Plus she's a grandma. With a teahouse. That is so adorable!! I'm not usually one for snappers, but she's just so lovely I just had to give her a spotlight. I'd love to go to her house and have tea with her. Also the little bow on her head! Idk why but it's such a cute little detail. 10/10 would have tea with her! [B]Yukon[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Okay I like this lil guy!! He's just. So darn cute!! The little flowers on him, I like his green eyes and how they compliment the soft blues. He looks like he's got a skull pattern on his face thanks to his primary. And I like it! Plus the orca in general is just MMM SO GOOD!! Gives him a look like snowy ice flowers. Yukon is just so adorable. You're right, he is baby!! [B]Willow![/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Another permabab placement!! And for good reason, because she is [i]beautiful[/i]. Pretty genes and colors, I love how rich and dark she looks. I like how the flaunt gives her a little sparkle on her nose, and that mixed with the glimmer, just makes her extra sparkly. It's a pretty combo that she shows off well! The sparkles on her tail too. She looks like a dusty purple night sky, and I love it! What a wonderful dragon!! [B]Zacharie[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Okay I just had to pick Zacharie. I know he's a dragonsona, but DANG HE IS PRETTY!! The beautiful bright greens, mixed with the green-and-yellow starsilks! The antlers and the cute cat! All topped off with the pretty garlands. He gives off nature spirit/protector of the forest vibes. He showes off his colors and apperal super well too! His eyes also pop out nicely too, a gorgeous blue against the green. Like a pond in a forest. He's just so amazing, I can see why he's your dragonsona!!
You've got a wonderful lair!! So many pretty dragons!!

And the few that stood out to me are:

What a beautiful dragon! I'm a sucker for space-themed dragons, and she is BEAUTIFUL!! I love her plan, it really makes her space-themed. Like she came out of a nebula. The way the foam and constellation just MATCHES!! So pretty! And even the skin with the apperal is fantastic! I love this lil gal so much, I wish you the best of luck on this project! She looks amazing!

She is so soft!! Her pastel colors and her adorable outfit! Plus she's a grandma. With a teahouse. That is so adorable!! I'm not usually one for snappers, but she's just so lovely I just had to give her a spotlight. I'd love to go to her house and have tea with her. Also the little bow on her head! Idk why but it's such a cute little detail. 10/10 would have tea with her!

Okay I like this lil guy!! He's just. So darn cute!! The little flowers on him, I like his green eyes and how they compliment the soft blues. He looks like he's got a skull pattern on his face thanks to his primary. And I like it! Plus the orca in general is just MMM SO GOOD!! Gives him a look like snowy ice flowers. Yukon is just so adorable. You're right, he is baby!!

Another permabab placement!! And for good reason, because she is beautiful. Pretty genes and colors, I love how rich and dark she looks. I like how the flaunt gives her a little sparkle on her nose, and that mixed with the glimmer, just makes her extra sparkly. It's a pretty combo that she shows off well! The sparkles on her tail too. She looks like a dusty purple night sky, and I love it! What a wonderful dragon!!

Okay I just had to pick Zacharie. I know he's a dragonsona, but DANG HE IS PRETTY!! The beautiful bright greens, mixed with the green-and-yellow starsilks! The antlers and the cute cat! All topped off with the pretty garlands. He gives off nature spirit/protector of the forest vibes. He showes off his colors and apperal super well too! His eyes also pop out nicely too, a gorgeous blue against the green. Like a pond in a forest. He's just so amazing, I can see why he's your dragonsona!!
@xXPancakexx [url=][img][/img][/url] I think the smirch gene makes dragons look a little messy just like the crackle gene but xxXxx is one of those rare cases where it really works :D it makes it look like she has lightning streaking across her face. I also like how the cyan smirch blends in with the amethyst morph, it gives the gene an extra color on the tip. She is the embodiement of "it was a dark and stormy night" [emoji=coatl laughing size=2] [url=][img][/img][/url] Atlas looks like a ghost that came out of lava. i like how most of the tips fade into black or dark red, it gives it a slightly singed effect. He may be [i]seemingly[/i] kinder than other demon kings but lets be wary- [url=][img][/img][/url] Just like Atlas, Galaxy looks like a space ghost only except they look more intense. I didn't know that the twilight colony or any of those mushroom apparels glowed but those faint glows from it and their other apparel makes them look like they have glowing nebulae on them. Atlas, Ghoust, and Galaxy the space, fire and magic ghosts :D [url=][img][/img][/url] Pulse is one of the scariest dragons i've seen on FR, blood crackle- blood crackle- why is that gene color the best crackle color :'D Her colors definitely make her look like a zombie and her sliver/gray apparel make me think that those are someof her possessions in her life. I definitely wouldn't want to cross her in the dark- ithink i'd scream :'D [url=][img][/img][/url] Morpheus looks pretty cool i love how that peacock gene's color looks extremely bold against his night sky colors! [emoji=coatl star size=2] The starsilks that he wears makes it look like maybe there are dark clouds of smoke in space. his halo also makes it look like there are extra stars or something from the past floating in space :0

I think the smirch gene makes dragons look a little messy just like the crackle gene but xxXxx is one of those rare cases where it really works :D it makes it look like she has lightning streaking across her face. I also like how the cyan smirch blends in with the amethyst morph, it gives the gene an extra color on the tip. She is the embodiement of "it was a dark and stormy night"

Atlas looks like a ghost that came out of lava. i like how most of the tips fade into black or dark red, it gives it a slightly singed effect. He may be seemingly kinder than other demon kings but lets be wary-

Just like Atlas, Galaxy looks like a space ghost only except they look more intense. I didn't know that the twilight colony or any of those mushroom apparels glowed but those faint glows from it and their other apparel makes them look like they have glowing nebulae on them. Atlas, Ghoust, and Galaxy the space, fire and magic ghosts :D

Pulse is one of the scariest dragons i've seen on FR, blood crackle- blood crackle- why is that gene color the best crackle color :'D Her colors definitely make her look like a zombie and her sliver/gray apparel make me think that those are someof her possessions in her life. I definitely wouldn't want to cross her in the dark- ithink i'd scream :'D

Morpheus looks pretty cool i love how that peacock gene's color looks extremely bold against his night sky colors! The starsilks that he wears makes it look like maybe there are dark clouds of smoke in space. his halo also makes it look like there are extra stars or something from the past floating in space :0