

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Horrors of the Forgotten: Roleplay
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Mist had felt more than a little miffed at Pyroligton's sudden explosion, but it all melted away quite fast, as Galadriel showed her gratitude. He smiled at her, nodding his head. It's good to have someone with a similar mindset, ah! And then, curiosity filled Mist at the scars and burns on the veilspun's back. Mist himself is no stranger to pain, and could only watch in some morbid fascination.

What a hard life this friend of theirs must have had! The scars tell not a pretty story. The wildclaw can relate on some level -no one close to him ever hurt him in such a way, but Mist does have a few emotional scars of his own. He couldn't imagine having gained physical ones as well.

“Ah, well. I appreciate the honesty.” Mist replied, truthfully. Much better his friend be honest instead of saying he won't do it again only to go back on his words! At his words about plants for remedy, Mist leaned closer to get a look at Pyroligton's wound. “Hmm, seems like going after them is a good idea indeed. Are most of us hurt in some way?” Mist didn't pay that much attention to the fight, but he thinks Skel got hit a few times as well…
Mist had felt more than a little miffed at Pyroligton's sudden explosion, but it all melted away quite fast, as Galadriel showed her gratitude. He smiled at her, nodding his head. It's good to have someone with a similar mindset, ah! And then, curiosity filled Mist at the scars and burns on the veilspun's back. Mist himself is no stranger to pain, and could only watch in some morbid fascination.

What a hard life this friend of theirs must have had! The scars tell not a pretty story. The wildclaw can relate on some level -no one close to him ever hurt him in such a way, but Mist does have a few emotional scars of his own. He couldn't imagine having gained physical ones as well.

“Ah, well. I appreciate the honesty.” Mist replied, truthfully. Much better his friend be honest instead of saying he won't do it again only to go back on his words! At his words about plants for remedy, Mist leaned closer to get a look at Pyroligton's wound. “Hmm, seems like going after them is a good idea indeed. Are most of us hurt in some way?” Mist didn't pay that much attention to the fight, but he thinks Skel got hit a few times as well…
========= tumblr_ospvc67HxP1v8lm95o1_r2_250.gif She/he/they
Fav Dragon
Pyroligton turned towards Skel and sighed. "I'm afraid it's not that easy to find them. They don't have a specific place that I know of. I see them living pretty much anywhere as long as there's water. Which.. there's only a few places here that carry water." He then noticed Mist checking out his wound and decided it was best to let him. It's not like looking at his wound would harm him. Several things have happened today and it hasn't even been morning yet. Ugh. Morning. How he hated the morning sun and the sun in general. His scales were too good at keeping in warmth that it made him burn, metaphorically. Now that he thinks about it he does end up leaving burn marks when his scales feel like their burning.
Pyro shook his head to keep himself on track. Remedies. Plants. "I know two of us are." He used a claw to count out two but then looked puzzled as he remembered his battle with Skel. "Skel probably is knowing from how I bit him.. So, three of us are." He moved his wings to hide his scars on his back as he put his snout down to the dirt, using his claws to help keep his body from suddenly flopping to the ground. "I can track the plants, but it might be a long journey." He told the group. "And we may not find them in the end."
Pyroligton turned towards Skel and sighed. "I'm afraid it's not that easy to find them. They don't have a specific place that I know of. I see them living pretty much anywhere as long as there's water. Which.. there's only a few places here that carry water." He then noticed Mist checking out his wound and decided it was best to let him. It's not like looking at his wound would harm him. Several things have happened today and it hasn't even been morning yet. Ugh. Morning. How he hated the morning sun and the sun in general. His scales were too good at keeping in warmth that it made him burn, metaphorically. Now that he thinks about it he does end up leaving burn marks when his scales feel like their burning.
Pyro shook his head to keep himself on track. Remedies. Plants. "I know two of us are." He used a claw to count out two but then looked puzzled as he remembered his battle with Skel. "Skel probably is knowing from how I bit him.. So, three of us are." He moved his wings to hide his scars on his back as he put his snout down to the dirt, using his claws to help keep his body from suddenly flopping to the ground. "I can track the plants, but it might be a long journey." He told the group. "And we may not find them in the end."
Hey the names Mage it's nice to meet you! I'm a roleplayer here so feel free to send me a pm if you want to roleplay! I'm super friendly, I promise!
Currently trying to find a good vista to use around my avatar so don't expect it to last long! If you know a good vista to use let me know!
"Well, I definitely won't find anything wandering around the wasteland. If you'll lead the way to them, I'll follow," Skel rumbled. "And yes, that bite did leave a mark," he confirmed. Skel's gaze flicked over Pryo's scarred body, wondering the stories behind all of them. Maybe he'd find out eventually. Maybe not. Skel shook some dust off off himself, and stretched his stiff wings as well. "We could fly there, especially since the sun isn't out yet," he suggested.
"Well, I definitely won't find anything wandering around the wasteland. If you'll lead the way to them, I'll follow," Skel rumbled. "And yes, that bite did leave a mark," he confirmed. Skel's gaze flicked over Pryo's scarred body, wondering the stories behind all of them. Maybe he'd find out eventually. Maybe not. Skel shook some dust off off himself, and stretched his stiff wings as well. "We could fly there, especially since the sun isn't out yet," he suggested.
Baltic | He/Him | FR Time +2
Siffrin-sprite.png please come talk to me about ISAT that game has a hold on me rn Siffrin-sprite.png
Pyroligton looked up and nodded his head at Skel's words. "That is true. The Forgotten isn't that good for plants. At least, not the more delicate ones." He said and then remembered how a few plant eating dragons had to search for days just to find a cacti. He almost smiled at the memory. He should have thanked those dragons for the knowledge he has now before they faded away like dust.
He stretched out the front of his body in preparation for the long journey they had to take. It was certainly going to be a long one. "Flying now would give us a bit of distance, but if we fly now I'm not so sure Galadriel will make it." He said and used his tail to point in her direction. He wanted to point out that she'll get worse if she flies but quickly thought of a solution for that. "But if we are going to fly, and you are tired, let me know and I'll carry you until you are ready to fly again." He's done it before with several dragons. Though most of them were but small hatchlings so he had his doubts if he could make it very far. He didn't say his worries, though. It would only make them panic if they were to do this.
Pyroligton looked up and nodded his head at Skel's words. "That is true. The Forgotten isn't that good for plants. At least, not the more delicate ones." He said and then remembered how a few plant eating dragons had to search for days just to find a cacti. He almost smiled at the memory. He should have thanked those dragons for the knowledge he has now before they faded away like dust.
He stretched out the front of his body in preparation for the long journey they had to take. It was certainly going to be a long one. "Flying now would give us a bit of distance, but if we fly now I'm not so sure Galadriel will make it." He said and used his tail to point in her direction. He wanted to point out that she'll get worse if she flies but quickly thought of a solution for that. "But if we are going to fly, and you are tired, let me know and I'll carry you until you are ready to fly again." He's done it before with several dragons. Though most of them were but small hatchlings so he had his doubts if he could make it very far. He didn't say his worries, though. It would only make them panic if they were to do this.
Hey the names Mage it's nice to meet you! I'm a roleplayer here so feel free to send me a pm if you want to roleplay! I'm super friendly, I promise!
Currently trying to find a good vista to use around my avatar so don't expect it to last long! If you know a good vista to use let me know!
Mist couldn't help but think it was a bit of a pity, he barely got into this place, and they're all already planning to leave. But ah, it couldn't be helped, they need those plants and staying here won't make them magically appear.

And now that Mist thought about it… he had felt compelled to reach this place, but felt no such thing about staying. What weird instincts he has! Making Mist walk for decades for nothing! If Mist still cared, he would be fuming.

“Flying works for me.” Mist piped up. It's been a good while since he flew, but it's not like you can just forget how to. “If Pyroligton gets tired carrying our friend Galadriel, then we could have someone else carry her for the rest of the journey.” Mist, at least, was used to carrying someone while walking or flying -though they were his little siblings, and not full grown dragons. But hmmm, that's a memory to forget. Too painful.
Mist couldn't help but think it was a bit of a pity, he barely got into this place, and they're all already planning to leave. But ah, it couldn't be helped, they need those plants and staying here won't make them magically appear.

And now that Mist thought about it… he had felt compelled to reach this place, but felt no such thing about staying. What weird instincts he has! Making Mist walk for decades for nothing! If Mist still cared, he would be fuming.

“Flying works for me.” Mist piped up. It's been a good while since he flew, but it's not like you can just forget how to. “If Pyroligton gets tired carrying our friend Galadriel, then we could have someone else carry her for the rest of the journey.” Mist, at least, was used to carrying someone while walking or flying -though they were his little siblings, and not full grown dragons. But hmmm, that's a memory to forget. Too painful.
========= tumblr_ospvc67HxP1v8lm95o1_r2_250.gif She/he/they
Fav Dragon
[columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [url=]Galadriel[/url] -----[/columns] After the earlier display of pragmatism, the offers from both Pyroligton and Mist to carry her on the impending journey was shocking, though not unwelcome. What did worry her though was all this talk of finding herbs and familiarity with her affliction. Her illness was acquired from the Wyrmwound itself, a sludge of unknown devastation and constantly evolving disease. How was that even possible? With the more pressing issue of travel arrangements at hand, Galadriel shelved that thought. "Thank you both for your kind offers," Galadriel hummed, "I admit, I doubt I could make it alone, this infection saps much of my strength." In her youth she would have been frustrated at her own weakness, but after her ill-fated attempt to petition the Plaguebringer for answers, she had grown to simply accept that this was her lot in life. "Perhaps finding shelter would be a better use of our time than tracking down a rare herb that may not even help," she continued, thinking aloud. "If a foul wind were to kick up, we would have no reprieve from it, and I don't much like the chill of this place."
81464860p.png Galadriel

After the earlier display of pragmatism, the offers from both Pyroligton and Mist to carry her on the impending journey was shocking, though not unwelcome. What did worry her though was all this talk of finding herbs and familiarity with her affliction. Her illness was acquired from the Wyrmwound itself, a sludge of unknown devastation and constantly evolving disease. How was that even possible? With the more pressing issue of travel arrangements at hand, Galadriel shelved that thought.

"Thank you both for your kind offers," Galadriel hummed, "I admit, I doubt I could make it alone, this infection saps much of my strength."

In her youth she would have been frustrated at her own weakness, but after her ill-fated attempt to petition the Plaguebringer for answers, she had grown to simply accept that this was her lot in life.

"Perhaps finding shelter would be a better use of our time than tracking down a rare herb that may not even help," she continued, thinking aloud. "If a foul wind were to kick up, we would have no reprieve from it, and I don't much like the chill of this place."
Vigorous Goblet I collect Vigorous Goblets
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Pyroligton took a moment to fully understand what Galadriel had suggested before nodding. "It's much easier finding a place to rest. Plus the sunlight here is not as helpful as you may think." He said, humming a sort of tune he had heard from a few of the plant eaters. He certainly knew where he was going but the journey would be a long one. And, well, his body wouldn't fare very well anywhere else but these lands. He had grown too used to the way of this life. But nevermind that now, now he had to focus on his new companions. He had known of the worries that Galadriel might have over his knowledge of this type of disease and felt compelled to keep most of that knowledge to himself for the time being. He did not live this long to tell every single secret and mystery he had known, after all. "But if you do want to have a chance of, at the very least, lessening the pain, you should come with us."
He remembered how much other dragons he knew were in pain of diseases caused from the outside and had to close that train of thought. He did not need that guilt or that pain at this time. Opening his wings, he nearly flinched from the sudden quick response of his body automatically getting ready for flight. He had to stretch out his wings and close them to stop his body from leaping into the air and flying. He had walked more than he flew so it confused him how his body was ready to fly more than walk the extra few miles. Strange.
He turned his attention to Galadriel. "The choice is yours. Do you wish for shelter first or to find that remedy?" He didn't expect his voice to sound so happy. These dragons are much stranger than he thought. He knew that he must have been happy if his voice sounded like it but he had no such reaction. Had his emotions really die off after all these years? He'd have to rethink this later.
Pyroligton took a moment to fully understand what Galadriel had suggested before nodding. "It's much easier finding a place to rest. Plus the sunlight here is not as helpful as you may think." He said, humming a sort of tune he had heard from a few of the plant eaters. He certainly knew where he was going but the journey would be a long one. And, well, his body wouldn't fare very well anywhere else but these lands. He had grown too used to the way of this life. But nevermind that now, now he had to focus on his new companions. He had known of the worries that Galadriel might have over his knowledge of this type of disease and felt compelled to keep most of that knowledge to himself for the time being. He did not live this long to tell every single secret and mystery he had known, after all. "But if you do want to have a chance of, at the very least, lessening the pain, you should come with us."
He remembered how much other dragons he knew were in pain of diseases caused from the outside and had to close that train of thought. He did not need that guilt or that pain at this time. Opening his wings, he nearly flinched from the sudden quick response of his body automatically getting ready for flight. He had to stretch out his wings and close them to stop his body from leaping into the air and flying. He had walked more than he flew so it confused him how his body was ready to fly more than walk the extra few miles. Strange.
He turned his attention to Galadriel. "The choice is yours. Do you wish for shelter first or to find that remedy?" He didn't expect his voice to sound so happy. These dragons are much stranger than he thought. He knew that he must have been happy if his voice sounded like it but he had no such reaction. Had his emotions really die off after all these years? He'd have to rethink this later.
Hey the names Mage it's nice to meet you! I'm a roleplayer here so feel free to send me a pm if you want to roleplay! I'm super friendly, I promise!
Currently trying to find a good vista to use around my avatar so don't expect it to last long! If you know a good vista to use let me know!
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