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TOPIC | Clan Profile Refactor
Ooooo I don't use the forums terribly often so having the vista appear on the profile is nice
Ooooo I don't use the forums terribly often so having the vista appear on the profile is nice
Good update! And it's exciting to hear that the site recode is almost done. Thank you for your transparency and quick updates, staff!
Good update! And it's exciting to hear that the site recode is almost done. Thank you for your transparency and quick updates, staff!
I like it! The overall design looks great, and I like that it shows the vista + activity indicator. (I'd prefer a "last active" timestamp instead of a flat active/inactive, due to being more informative, but this is still nice. Much better than having to use hunger levels to gauge someone's activity!)
I like it! The overall design looks great, and I like that it shows the vista + activity indicator. (I'd prefer a "last active" timestamp instead of a flat active/inactive, due to being more informative, but this is still nice. Much better than having to use hunger levels to gauge someone's activity!)
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
Heck yeah! I'm already loving the new looks!
Heck yeah! I'm already loving the new looks!
the new profiles look awful, honestly. I really don't like the weird... button-like forum-post esque thing on the right that tells you player info. Just, the gradient is ugly. I don't like how all the information has been separated instead of being in a nice cosy box... Ugh. And all the word highlighting- I made a graphic of my critique here [img][/img] Also the old layout for comparison [img][/img]
the new profiles look awful, honestly. I really don't like the weird... button-like forum-post esque thing on the right that tells you player info. Just, the gradient is ugly. I don't like how all the information has been separated instead of being in a nice cosy box... Ugh. And all the word highlighting- I made a graphic of my critique here


Also the old layout for comparison

I love it! It will take some adjusting for me but I'm giving it a chance. I especially love how the vista looks. The font (?) is also nice. I have a question though, and I apologize if it's already been addressed or asked, but will birthday dates be visible?
I love it! It will take some adjusting for me but I'm giving it a chance. I especially love how the vista looks. The font (?) is also nice. I have a question though, and I apologize if it's already been addressed or asked, but will birthday dates be visible?
oh, I like it!!!! the vistas are a nice touch. the reorganization makes a lot more sense. and i really appreciate that the box is bigger now :)
oh, I like it!!!! the vistas are a nice touch. the reorganization makes a lot more sense. and i really appreciate that the box is bigger now :)
............................ P583N5e.png ....
{ jimmie · he/him · fr +2 }

adopts // clan lorebook
.... 6IsQP.gif
this looks amazing! I love that vista can now be seen on the profile, big bio box is so lovely!
this looks amazing! I love that vista can now be seen on the profile, big bio box is so lovely!
banner by fellefan
Thanks for spotting that @RedWillia!

Yes, we’ve decided to remove the birthday information for privacy reasons. Not including it in the announcement post was an oversight on our part and we apologize for any confusion that caused you!

The activity status indicator is not new, but the updated layout has made players more aware of its existence. If you want, you can hide your active status by setting your account visibility to invisible in your Account Settings.
Thanks for spotting that @RedWillia!

Yes, we’ve decided to remove the birthday information for privacy reasons. Not including it in the announcement post was an oversight on our part and we apologize for any confusion that caused you!

The activity status indicator is not new, but the updated layout has made players more aware of its existence. If you want, you can hide your active status by setting your account visibility to invisible in your Account Settings.
~ Flight Rising Engineering Team ~
- Do you want to hear what I said again? Hoot hoot!

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[quote name="Aequorin" date="2022-10-03 07:57:01" ] Close to the end* [emoji=new friend size=1] (@harpyja) [/quote] Oops, yeah I worded that poorly haha. I did mean close to the end – towards the end might be a better wording?
Aequorin wrote on 2022-10-03 07:57:01:
Close to the end* (@harpyja)
Oops, yeah I worded that poorly haha. I did mean close to the end – towards the end might be a better wording?
Ashen Lightning Glass

((They/Them)) ((Ve/Vir))
