

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 w/ goldensnxtch
“I keep forgetting you guys have a soundproof room. Pretty cool.” Désirée added, writing down a couple of random things. “The thing is that if this is indeed our person we need to find out where he’s getting all these parts to use in his experiments. Clearly he wouldn’t be able to have all that easily at his disposal right? There must be at least another outside source giving him some resources.

“If we can find a steady trail of items going somewhere, maybe I could pinpoint the location of the main base.”

“I suppose…it was good at first, but not…anymore thanks to you.” He mumbled, keeping his head down. It was difficult to think sometimes; it made his head hurt quite a bit. “What-what are you going to do to me, assuming everything goes your way? D-destroy Sage, then what? I’ll become…your personal servant?” Hiroto asked, trying to keep himself in check. He wondered where Sage was now, what he was doing, and most importantly, if he was still safe.

(@ladyvixen just in case you forgot ^^)
“I keep forgetting you guys have a soundproof room. Pretty cool.” Désirée added, writing down a couple of random things. “The thing is that if this is indeed our person we need to find out where he’s getting all these parts to use in his experiments. Clearly he wouldn’t be able to have all that easily at his disposal right? There must be at least another outside source giving him some resources.

“If we can find a steady trail of items going somewhere, maybe I could pinpoint the location of the main base.”

“I suppose…it was good at first, but not…anymore thanks to you.” He mumbled, keeping his head down. It was difficult to think sometimes; it made his head hurt quite a bit. “What-what are you going to do to me, assuming everything goes your way? D-destroy Sage, then what? I’ll become…your personal servant?” Hiroto asked, trying to keep himself in check. He wondered where Sage was now, what he was doing, and most importantly, if he was still safe.

(@ladyvixen just in case you forgot ^^)
SDMKiMj.gifCPMK3ES.gif ytkEBod.png
ryusei-gun — “where stars collide”
`Heh.` He smiled.
`Thats true. Where have he gotten them?` He wondered. `I did read somewhere that the same person we are talking about stole some items as well. Maybe he is stealing as well, and also getting someone to get stuff for him.`

`How unfortunate.` He said, `Yes, you will. You and I, we will destroy the world.` He laughed, `And then we will gather a army of android humans.

short replies :,D cant think of anything to write lol //
`Heh.` He smiled.
`Thats true. Where have he gotten them?` He wondered. `I did read somewhere that the same person we are talking about stole some items as well. Maybe he is stealing as well, and also getting someone to get stuff for him.`

`How unfortunate.` He said, `Yes, you will. You and I, we will destroy the world.` He laughed, `And then we will gather a army of android humans.

short replies :,D cant think of anything to write lol //

OO1. @dove .
OO2. she her .
OO3. wishlist .
“We’ll need to check if there’s a supplier with such items…and maybe we can see where they go and drop off the goods.” Désirée replied, rubbing her neck a little bit. She accessed one of the computers and just typed around a little bit. “I realised the company Dechart was in began using his old plans after he had been expelled, with obvious tweaks to make it safer and friendlier…”

She continued to think. “I’ve just run a search on possible black markets, results should come out soon.”

“You should be destroyed for being such a monster.” Hiroto said, struggling against his bindings again, getting more desperate by the second. He was so scared of his future. No way could he hurt Sage…but what if his future self did?

(should we timeskip a bit?)
“We’ll need to check if there’s a supplier with such items…and maybe we can see where they go and drop off the goods.” Désirée replied, rubbing her neck a little bit. She accessed one of the computers and just typed around a little bit. “I realised the company Dechart was in began using his old plans after he had been expelled, with obvious tweaks to make it safer and friendlier…”

She continued to think. “I’ve just run a search on possible black markets, results should come out soon.”

“You should be destroyed for being such a monster.” Hiroto said, struggling against his bindings again, getting more desperate by the second. He was so scared of his future. No way could he hurt Sage…but what if his future self did?

(should we timeskip a bit?)
SDMKiMj.gifCPMK3ES.gif ytkEBod.png
ryusei-gun — “where stars collide”
`Hmm, suppliers.` He said, and jotted it down in his notebook rather quickly. It took him a little to write down all the information, though. He was silently throughout the whole thing, listening to his friend.
`They better come soon.` He said, `We need to get them out of wherever they are.`

`No, I am a genius. Not a monster.` He laughed, `What do you want me to call you when that happens?`
`Hmm, suppliers.` He said, and jotted it down in his notebook rather quickly. It took him a little to write down all the information, though. He was silently throughout the whole thing, listening to his friend.
`They better come soon.` He said, `We need to get them out of wherever they are.`

`No, I am a genius. Not a monster.` He laughed, `What do you want me to call you when that happens?`

OO1. @dove .
OO2. she her .
OO3. wishlist .
(i’ll timeskip then)

A couple weeks later, Désirée did find some results and was at Sage’s home again with her findings. She told him that there was some sort of shipment for robotic parts coming in that night and suggested they do a stake out to see if anything turned up. “I heard they’re doing it near the port. I was lucky to pry this information, or we wouldn’t be able to grab another lead for some time.”

She had gotten a little more stressed since nothing had been turning up about Hiroto’s disappearance, as well as an incident she hadn’t shared with Sage yet regarding yet another encounter with one of the robotic beings. Sipping on some tea, she wrote a couple notes down, sighing.

Hiroto had lost track of time, because there was no way he could tell when it was. Day in, day out, he was chained to his place, constantly being tampered by his kidnapper. Memories were getting fuzzier day by day, and he could barely remember things from last few months. Still, Hiroto tried to fight it, struggling to keep Sage within his mind.
(i’ll timeskip then)

A couple weeks later, Désirée did find some results and was at Sage’s home again with her findings. She told him that there was some sort of shipment for robotic parts coming in that night and suggested they do a stake out to see if anything turned up. “I heard they’re doing it near the port. I was lucky to pry this information, or we wouldn’t be able to grab another lead for some time.”

She had gotten a little more stressed since nothing had been turning up about Hiroto’s disappearance, as well as an incident she hadn’t shared with Sage yet regarding yet another encounter with one of the robotic beings. Sipping on some tea, she wrote a couple notes down, sighing.

Hiroto had lost track of time, because there was no way he could tell when it was. Day in, day out, he was chained to his place, constantly being tampered by his kidnapper. Memories were getting fuzzier day by day, and he could barely remember things from last few months. Still, Hiroto tried to fight it, struggling to keep Sage within his mind.
SDMKiMj.gifCPMK3ES.gif ytkEBod.png
ryusei-gun — “where stars collide”
He frowned, groaning. ‘It’s been weeks. Nearly a whole month now, and we still have nothing except the clues and facts that you have found.’ He said.
He had spent all night (again), searching for more clues, and his eyes were red, bloodshot. He had no luck, and found nothing, absolutely nothing. He couldn’t bid up though..he couldn’t give up on those people..and Hiroto. He had to save them.
‘We should go to the port then, soon, if we must.’ He had spoken, and nodded to himself, ‘Maybe we can catch the culprit and make them talk about what they did, and all that.’ He said. ‘Maybe we can also get the location of the hiding spot as well. We should probably bring something to record, in case.’ He murmured.


‘Hello there. New day, new things.’ The scientist spoke, grinning at Hiroto, ‘So, what do you recall about me telling you what we were doing today?’ He spoke cautiously, holding up a pen and paper.
He frowned, groaning. ‘It’s been weeks. Nearly a whole month now, and we still have nothing except the clues and facts that you have found.’ He said.
He had spent all night (again), searching for more clues, and his eyes were red, bloodshot. He had no luck, and found nothing, absolutely nothing. He couldn’t bid up though..he couldn’t give up on those people..and Hiroto. He had to save them.
‘We should go to the port then, soon, if we must.’ He had spoken, and nodded to himself, ‘Maybe we can catch the culprit and make them talk about what they did, and all that.’ He said. ‘Maybe we can also get the location of the hiding spot as well. We should probably bring something to record, in case.’ He murmured.


‘Hello there. New day, new things.’ The scientist spoke, grinning at Hiroto, ‘So, what do you recall about me telling you what we were doing today?’ He spoke cautiously, holding up a pen and paper.

OO1. @dove .
OO2. she her .
OO3. wishlist .

OO1. @dove .
OO2. she her .
OO3. wishlist .