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bump ! still looking to see what people have to offer :3
bump ! still looking to see what people have to offer :3
ive got no idea what im doing
I have this pair that makes pretty blue babies! [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Let me know if you're interested and if you want Ice, Water, or Lightning eyes
I have this pair that makes pretty blue babies!
Let me know if you're interested and if you want Ice, Water, or Lightning eyes
Fear Frog Vibrant Jeweler Familiars For Trade! Masked Gryphon Zephyr Gem Guardian
I have a few! One is multigaze as well Bonus aquatic points- parents are named Flotsam and Jetsam [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
I have a few! One is multigaze as well
Bonus aquatic points- parents are named Flotsam and Jetsam
ooh , theyre all pretty (and that breeding pair is beautiful) but nty ! i hope these dergs find good homes though :3
ooh , theyre all pretty (and that breeding pair is beautiful) but nty ! i hope these dergs find good homes though :3
ive got no idea what im doing
[center][emoji=ancient size=7][/center]
ive got no idea what im doing
I’ve got these two I can throw on a nest. I usually sell the babies for 15g/kt. They are my Island Storm pair. [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img]
I’ve got these two I can throw on a nest. I usually sell the babies for 15g/kt. They are my Island Storm pair.



I have a nest with two Bogsneaks in it and the dad is very blue. It will hatch day after tomorrow. The mother is a bright pink Bogsneak, so I don't know what the babies will look like, but if I get a blue one, I will let you know!

I have a nest with two Bogsneaks in it and the dad is very blue. It will hatch day after tomorrow. The mother is a bright pink Bogsneak, so I don't know what the babies will look like, but if I get a blue one, I will let you know!
@/thewickedfox the babies r so pretty but i dont think theyre quite what im lookin for , sorry !!

@SIRENEMOON okay ! feel free to let me know :D
@/thewickedfox the babies r so pretty but i dont think theyre quite what im lookin for , sorry !!

@SIRENEMOON okay ! feel free to let me know :D
ive got no idea what im doing
[center][emoji=ancient size=7][/center]
ive got no idea what im doing

Hi! I am sorry, but my Bogsneak's nest ended up producing no blue dragons.

Hi! I am sorry, but my Bogsneak's nest ended up producing no blue dragons.