

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | OOC: Star Wars: Attack Over Alurion OPEN
Name: On’tuna ??? [Ohn-Toona]

Age: 32

Race/Species: Twi'lek

Affiliation: Rebels

Occupation: Mechanic

Height: 5’ 8

Personality: She’s very fiesty, often trying to pick a fight with others or getting into arguments. She very rarely lets people get close to her, if she does then eventually she ends up pushing them away. The only people she trusts completely is her brother, Boc’sara and her nephews. She’s on the road to trusting her shipmate, Purge but his reluctance to talk and her stubbornness sometimes makes it difficult.

Physical Description: She’s an orange Twi’lek with a speckle design. She’s quite skinny and has a box shape. She has almond shaped brown eyes. She can usually be seen wearing a dark red turtleneck with a bright red scarf paired with dark grey dungarees with black combat boots. She hides a locket necklace with a picture of her parents, brother, her brother’s husband and nephews inside her scarf.

Additional Note(s): N/A (at the moment)
Name: On’tuna ??? [Ohn-Toona]

Age: 32

Race/Species: Twi'lek

Affiliation: Rebels

Occupation: Mechanic

Height: 5’ 8

Personality: She’s very fiesty, often trying to pick a fight with others or getting into arguments. She very rarely lets people get close to her, if she does then eventually she ends up pushing them away. The only people she trusts completely is her brother, Boc’sara and her nephews. She’s on the road to trusting her shipmate, Purge but his reluctance to talk and her stubbornness sometimes makes it difficult.

Physical Description: She’s an orange Twi’lek with a speckle design. She’s quite skinny and has a box shape. She has almond shaped brown eyes. She can usually be seen wearing a dark red turtleneck with a bright red scarf paired with dark grey dungarees with black combat boots. She hides a locket necklace with a picture of her parents, brother, her brother’s husband and nephews inside her scarf.

Additional Note(s): N/A (at the moment)
Genderpunk (Genderpunk flag) It/Its (Black and red) Any Neopronouns (Neopronoun flag) Ambiamorous (Ambiamorous flag)AaYNmEX.png bCuiqGR.png4xqaZpf.pngyBep0zV.pngoczO35g.pngleo4ZYP.png
@Scottishscurrie She looks cool! Let's see, she's got mechanical skills, so if she's going to be part of Jacelyns undercover teal, then she'd probably ne disguised as an engineer in one of the engine bays (Probably not engine bay 3. Since we were in there earlier and she wasn't there, lol)

OR, she could be disguised as a mechanic assigned to one of the heavy artillery divisions. Maybe she knows Cran because she's worked on his division's tanks! =D
@Scottishscurrie She looks cool! Let's see, she's got mechanical skills, so if she's going to be part of Jacelyns undercover teal, then she'd probably ne disguised as an engineer in one of the engine bays (Probably not engine bay 3. Since we were in there earlier and she wasn't there, lol)

OR, she could be disguised as a mechanic assigned to one of the heavy artillery divisions. Maybe she knows Cran because she's worked on his division's tanks! =D
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@Eaglerider. Psst! Hey, Eagle, how goes the reply?
@Eaglerider. Psst! Hey, Eagle, how goes the reply?
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Going undercover as an engineer sounds fun! :D
Going undercover as an engineer sounds fun! :D
Genderpunk (Genderpunk flag) It/Its (Black and red) Any Neopronouns (Neopronoun flag) Ambiamorous (Ambiamorous flag)AaYNmEX.png bCuiqGR.png4xqaZpf.pngyBep0zV.pngoczO35g.pngleo4ZYP.png
I thought it was Clear's turn?
I thought it was Clear's turn?
I think Clear's just popping in as she has time at the moment, since summer was gonna be so busy.

Correct, @Ghostwolf522 ? Or did you want to toss one up? :D
I think Clear's just popping in as she has time at the moment, since summer was gonna be so busy.

Correct, @Ghostwolf522 ? Or did you want to toss one up? :D
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@Scottishscurrie Awesome! You can post an intro for her whenever you're ready then. ^^
@Scottishscurrie Awesome! You can post an intro for her whenever you're ready then. ^^
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Alright! I’ll make a post for Purge later when everything calms down a bit, we’ll just say he was busy for this mission, I guess?
Alright! I’ll make a post for Purge later when everything calms down a bit, we’ll just say he was busy for this mission, I guess?
Genderpunk (Genderpunk flag) It/Its (Black and red) Any Neopronouns (Neopronoun flag) Ambiamorous (Ambiamorous flag)AaYNmEX.png bCuiqGR.png4xqaZpf.pngyBep0zV.pngoczO35g.pngleo4ZYP.png
@ScottishScurrie Sure! Lots to do on a disabled ship, after all!

Btw, are you subbed to the noards yet? (Don't want to keep pinging if I don't need to. ^^')
@ScottishScurrie Sure! Lots to do on a disabled ship, after all!

Btw, are you subbed to the noards yet? (Don't want to keep pinging if I don't need to. ^^')
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I am subbed to the OOC chat but probably won’t sub to the IC until I do a starter post! :)
I am subbed to the OOC chat but probably won’t sub to the IC until I do a starter post! :)
Genderpunk (Genderpunk flag) It/Its (Black and red) Any Neopronouns (Neopronoun flag) Ambiamorous (Ambiamorous flag)AaYNmEX.png bCuiqGR.png4xqaZpf.pngyBep0zV.pngoczO35g.pngleo4ZYP.png