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TOPIC | At last, you finally managed to…
What achievement did you recently hit in anything? Games, sports, school etc.
Share the latest thing you did that you’re proud of!
While minuscule for most people, I finally managed to go to the local shop!
What achievement did you recently hit in anything? Games, sports, school etc.
Share the latest thing you did that you’re proud of!
While minuscule for most people, I finally managed to go to the local shop!
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i finished Gurren Lagann! and cried!
i also got a badge from wind boarding, which is pretty cool.
i finished Gurren Lagann! and cried!
i also got a badge from wind boarding, which is pretty cool.
beware of spelling errord, my keyboard is broken and my hands finemotor skills are too.
please click on my creatures, thanks
Lab Profile
started playing Neo:The World Ends With You! I've been saying I should play it for literally weeks and finally started playing it yesterday!
started playing Neo:The World Ends With You! I've been saying I should play it for literally weeks and finally started playing it yesterday!
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It's a bit heavy as a subject, but contact my doctor for behavioural health assessment. :)
It's a bit heavy as a subject, but contact my doctor for behavioural health assessment. :)
I managed to continue working on an artwork. I'm not that overly far yet, but it'll be a lineless, rim-lighting heavy one. Now, this is notable, since it's quite a departure from my usual thick-lined, semi-cartoony style. It's definitely an experience for me, but so far I like it. After I'm done, I might even revisit that style. Edit: for the curious, this is my current progress. As I said, early, to the point I'm nowhere near the rim-lighting phase, but I'm proud of the progress so for. [img][/img] Next step will be giving the animals some patterns. And maybe some amount of short quills on their lower back and tail.
I managed to continue working on an artwork. I'm not that overly far yet, but it'll be a lineless, rim-lighting heavy one. Now, this is notable, since it's quite a departure from my usual thick-lined, semi-cartoony style.
It's definitely an experience for me, but so far I like it. After I'm done, I might even revisit that style.

Edit: for the curious, this is my current progress. As I said, early, to the point I'm nowhere near the rim-lighting phase, but I'm proud of the progress so for.
Next step will be giving the animals some patterns. And maybe some amount of short quills on their lower back and tail.
i managed to quit the job that was stressing me out, and find a new one in less than a week!
i managed to quit the job that was stressing me out, and find a new one in less than a week!
I finally managed to apply for a job I really want, I've been procrastinating doing this for a while now.
I finally managed to apply for a job I really want, I've been procrastinating doing this for a while now.
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Got a job doing something I really enjoy, and as far as first jobs go, I think it's really exciting to have had the opportunity to apply for and get it! I'm starting out a little late, considering I should've gotten a job sooner than being almost nineteen, but now I'm going to be paid for spending my time hanging out around horses; feel like that's a pretty fair trade-off, as far as I'm concerned.
Got a job doing something I really enjoy, and as far as first jobs go, I think it's really exciting to have had the opportunity to apply for and get it! I'm starting out a little late, considering I should've gotten a job sooner than being almost nineteen, but now I'm going to be paid for spending my time hanging out around horses; feel like that's a pretty fair trade-off, as far as I'm concerned.
I managed to finish a page of my webcomic :D that might not be a lot but recently I didn't feel like drawing at all, so it's nice to slowly get over art block.
Also, did 12k steps today, which is a good achievement for me :D
I managed to finish a page of my webcomic :D that might not be a lot but recently I didn't feel like drawing at all, so it's nice to slowly get over art block.
Also, did 12k steps today, which is a good achievement for me :D
♥ My webcomic on : tapas | webtoons
Familiars Questart igart dump carrd
I was finally able to tame Rei Lun in World of Warcraft on my hunter. Very happy that I was able to catch a time when no one else was around farming it and now I never have to go back to the Hall of the Serpent again (until such a time comes where I also need to farm the mount...).
I was finally able to tame Rei Lun in World of Warcraft on my hunter. Very happy that I was able to catch a time when no one else was around farming it and now I never have to go back to the Hall of the Serpent again (until such a time comes where I also need to farm the mount...).