Literally my new favorite gene omg

TOPIC | Sparkle Dragons

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[img][/img] I got him off the marketplace today and I adore him so much already!
too flat, looks odd without any varying angles to the sparkles. useless in many colors, and sometimes extremely obvious they're solid circles with solid diamonds behind them and almost no blending. disappointing.
too flat, looks odd without any varying angles to the sparkles. useless in many colors, and sometimes extremely obvious they're solid circles with solid diamonds behind them and almost no blending. disappointing.

So much yes![emoji=firework size=1][emoji=star size=1][emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1][emoji=star size=1][emoji=firework size=1]
Niiice! Love seeing new terts! And, am I mistaken, or is this the first time we got a gene (besides Basic) that's available on ALL dragons? I might have to double check that-
Double checked it and it IS the only Tertiary gene other than Basic available for all dragon breeds, though there are three sets of Primaries and Secondaries (again, other than Basic) that are available for all breeds: Fade/Blend, Giraffe/Hex, Tapir/Striation!
Double checked it and it IS the only Tertiary gene other than Basic available for all dragon breeds, though there are three sets of Primaries and Secondaries (again, other than Basic) that are available for all breeds: Fade/Blend, Giraffe/Hex, Tapir/Striation!
Niiice! Love seeing new terts! And, am I mistaken, or is this the first time we got a gene (besides Basic) that's available on ALL dragons? I might have to double check that-
Double checked it and it IS the only Tertiary gene other than Basic available for all dragon breeds, though there are three sets of Primaries and Secondaries (again, other than Basic) that are available for all breeds: Fade/Blend, Giraffe/Hex, Tapir/Striation!
Double checked it and it IS the only Tertiary gene other than Basic available for all dragon breeds, though there are three sets of Primaries and Secondaries (again, other than Basic) that are available for all breeds: Fade/Blend, Giraffe/Hex, Tapir/Striation!

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