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TOPIC | Ask a Dragon!
[quote name="Ius" date="2022-04-30 08:31:31" ] @/clothespile [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Buck, why do you steal from others? Do you need the money? Does it bring you joy? What purpose does stealing fulfill in your life? ----- Next: Unfinished projects are fine! [/quote] @Ius Buck would look at you up and down for a while, as if he didn’t fully trust you with the answer he would give. “Finnnee, I’ll answer-“ he said in a somewhat irritated tone while rolling his eyes, then he mumbled “Just don’t tell my dad I steal stuff..”. He’d pause to quickly look around for others, and seeing as there was no one to be seen other than you, he’d begin to speak; “There’s a market near the seaside that sells some really good sweets- and fish sticks! Those are great!! Dad won’t take me there often though, and when he does take me there, he never pays attention to the food! We only buy dum weapons and supplies… Sooo- I thought stealing some coins from others might help me getting what I want.” Buck’s tone then changed to a more worried one as he spoke, “Oh and- don’t tell anyone about this but, Tanya agreed on taking me with her to the market when my dad is out bounty hunting, she’s great.”
Ius wrote on 2022-04-30 08:31:31:

Buck, why do you steal from others? Do you need the money? Does it bring you joy? What purpose does stealing fulfill in your life?

Next: Unfinished projects are fine!
Buck would look at you up and down for a while, as if he didn’t fully trust you with the answer he would give. “Finnnee, I’ll answer-“ he said in a somewhat irritated tone while rolling his eyes, then he mumbled “Just don’t tell my dad I steal stuff..”.
He’d pause to quickly look around for others, and seeing as there was no one to be seen other than you, he’d begin to speak; “There’s a market near the seaside that sells some really good sweets- and fish sticks! Those are great!! Dad won’t take me there often though, and when he does take me there, he never pays attention to the food! We only buy dum weapons and supplies… Sooo- I thought stealing some coins from others might help me getting what I want.” Buck’s tone then changed to a more worried one as he spoke, “Oh and- don’t tell anyone about this but, Tanya agreed on taking me with her to the market when my dad is out bounty hunting, she’s great.”
[quote name="Sariphus" date="2022-04-30 09:38:04" ] @/MandiblesInferno [url=][img][/img][/url] Zygygora, what exactly was it that you found outside of your clan that made you like... This? It certainly does not look like shade magic. It looks more... Uncanny. Eldritch. [/quote] @Sariphus Normally, it would take Zygygora countless bouts of energy to answer a question in a way that wouldn't result in a little crack in the valley of space time; countless pistons, cogs and levers would all need to shift and turn, heave and ho- yet, somehow, that wasn't necessary now; she had a new voice. [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]"She found a blessing."[/b] From some platform high above, A young pearlcatcher emerged, clutching her pearl so close to her you could barely see its surface. [b]"It's... really quite wonderful... we're really a blessed clan,"[/b] she added in an enamored state, showing just how much she cared for what she was preaching so much she almost forgot to get to answer the question properly. [b]"Oh, well... this blessing calls itself the binding. And it is perhaps the most wonderful thing we have ever found... such a powerful blessing... such a powerful being, really..."[/b] The young subordinate's voice echoed in a haunting manner, despite how it trailed off. It seemed to be forever before it grew quiet again; the silence felt thick. And then it was shattered. [b]"it would feel so brilliant... just to feel that power... for more than a day... perhaps forever... Wouldn't you say?" [/b] Before you could reply, you felt something cold on your claw- stong, feeble paw. [b]"Wouldn't you?" [/b] Her grip tightened.
Sariphus wrote on 2022-04-30 09:38:04:


Zygygora, what exactly was it that you found outside of your clan that made you like... This? It certainly does not look like shade magic. It looks more... Uncanny. Eldritch.

Normally, it would take Zygygora countless bouts of energy to answer a question in a way that wouldn't result in a little crack in the valley of space time; countless pistons, cogs and levers would all need to shift and turn, heave and ho- yet, somehow, that wasn't necessary now; she had a new voice.


"She found a blessing." From some platform high above, A young pearlcatcher emerged, clutching her pearl so close to her you could barely see its surface. "It's... really quite wonderful... we're really a blessed clan," she added in an enamored state, showing just how much she cared for what she was preaching so much she almost forgot to get to answer the question properly. "Oh, well... this blessing calls itself the binding. And it is perhaps the most wonderful thing we have ever found... such a powerful blessing... such a powerful being, really..." The young subordinate's voice echoed in a haunting manner, despite how it trailed off. It seemed to be forever before it grew quiet again; the silence felt thick.

And then it was shattered. "it would feel so brilliant... just to feel that power... for more than a day... perhaps forever... Wouldn't you say?" Before you could reply, you felt something cold on your claw- stong, feeble paw. "Wouldn't you?"
Her grip tightened.

@Marching [url=][img][/img][/url] Hey Cutup, do you have any favorite pranks or jokes? Or is there anyone in particular you enjoy pranking the most? Lovely mask btw!
Hey Cutup, do you have any favorite pranks or jokes? Or is there anyone in particular you enjoy pranking the most? Lovely mask btw!
@clothespile [url=][img][/img][/url] Hello there Colorado, how are you doing today? I was wondering, how did you end up in your current lair, and do you like it there?
Hello there Colorado, how are you doing today? I was wondering, how did you end up in your current lair, and do you like it there?
"Alas, love cannot be cured by herbs!"
Quite possibly just a moth with internet access.
autumn_sphinx.png lamp.gif
@Dreambasket [url=][img][/img][/url] Moonrain! you seem to have a very unique magical style! is there any specific power that you practice?

Moonrain! you seem to have a very unique magical style! is there any specific power that you practice?

@Citruz [url=][img][/img][/url] Poltergeist I don't mean to disturb you, but I picked you as the dragon to interview on this Ask a dragon thread. I know some say you are a ghost and not a dragon. If it is okay with you I would like to assume you are a dragon. Oh yes the question I have. There is this song that goes like this (sing) Oh the itzy bitzy spider climbed up the water spout Down came the rain and washed the spider out Out came the sun and dried up all the rain And the itzy bitzy spider climbed up the spout again." I have been trying to figure out the meaning of that song. If I am correct, a water spout is a tornado over water. Even if the spider did climb up the water spout, it seems like the wind would blow the spider away, but usually by the time the sun comes out and dies up all the rain, the tornado would be gone, but the spider climbs up the water spout again. Does this song ring a bell for you? and if you have heard of this song, can you explain what it is about? Next person, Please ask a dragon from my first tab, the closer to the first row the easier it will be for me to write the response.



I don't mean to disturb you, but I picked you as the dragon to interview on this Ask a dragon thread. I know some say you are a ghost and not a dragon. If it is okay with you I would like to assume you are a dragon. Oh yes the question I have.

There is this song that goes like this

(sing) Oh the itzy bitzy spider climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the itzy bitzy spider climbed up the spout again."

I have been trying to figure out the meaning of that song. If I am correct, a water spout is a tornado over water. Even if the spider did climb up the water spout, it seems like the wind would blow the spider away, but usually by the time the sun comes out and dies up all the rain, the tornado would be gone, but the spider climbs up the water spout again. Does this song ring a bell for you? and if you have heard of this song, can you explain what it is about?

Next person, Please ask a dragon from my first tab, the closer to the first row the easier it will be for me to write the response.
[quote name="TheWorshipOnes" date="2022-04-28 18:06:13" ] @/Thornfell [url=][img][/img][/url] Do those eyes get in the way of normal function? Or are they pretty helpful when doing stuff, like 360 vision all the time? [/quote] (@TheWorshipOnes big apology for the delay!) "In the elemental surge that happened many years ago, thousands of hatchlings had developed mutations due to the sudden increase of magic. Of course, I am one of them. As a result of such mutations, I fortunately do not have vision in these parts of my body. I have heard of a select few who have developed eyesight in these growths however, and I've heard it is extremely disorientating and confusing. I'm very thankful I do not have the need to get my extra eyes surgically removed."
TheWorshipOnes wrote on 2022-04-28 18:06:13:


Do those eyes get in the way of normal function? Or are they pretty helpful when doing stuff, like 360 vision all the time?
(@TheWorshipOnes big apology for the delay!)

"In the elemental surge that happened many years ago, thousands of hatchlings had developed mutations due to the sudden increase of magic.

Of course, I am one of them. As a result of such mutations, I fortunately do not have vision in these parts of my body. I have heard of a select few who have developed eyesight in these growths however, and I've heard it is extremely disorientating and confusing. I'm very thankful I do not have the need to get my extra eyes surgically removed."
@Alligatorsight [url=][img][/img][/url] Hey uh...Dice, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get the skull you're wearing? -------------- Next Person: If you wouldn't mind, ask somebody from the Lover's Cabin tab


Hey uh...Dice, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get the skull you're wearing?

Next Person: If you wouldn't mind, ask somebody from the Lover's Cabin tab
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[quote name="ConfusedUnknown" date="2022-05-02 17:50:17" ] @ConfusedUnknown [url=][img][/img][/url] Hey uh...Dice, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get the skull you're wearing? -------------- With an expression on his face, the bogsneak clearly indicates to you he is not very smart. "I aint wearing no skull" the bogsneak claims. "This is my real skull. and as you can see I am a pearl catcher." Then he shows you his pearl. "And this here is my favorite idea." the bogsneak laughs. "You see us pearl catchers have this thing about collection these pearls. They are made from the egg we hatch from. Baldwin started this tradition." By now you should have it figured out that this bogsneak thinks he's a pearl catcher. Next Person: SKIP ME
ConfusedUnknown wrote on 2022-05-02 17:50:17:


Hey uh...Dice, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get the skull you're wearing?

With an expression on his face, the bogsneak clearly indicates to you he is not very smart.

"I aint wearing no skull" the bogsneak claims. "This is my real skull. and as you can see I am a pearl catcher." Then he shows you his pearl. "And this here is my favorite idea." the bogsneak laughs. "You see us pearl catchers have this thing about collection these pearls. They are made from the egg we hatch from. Baldwin started this tradition." By now you should have it figured out that this bogsneak thinks he's a pearl catcher.

Next Person: SKIP ME
@ConfusedUnknown [url=][img][/img][/url] Basil, have you previously tried to teach Patchwork how to skate? Since Patch seems... Not exactly good at it, to be honest. And you seem to be an expert. You may make a great teacher.


Basil, have you previously tried to teach Patchwork how to skate? Since Patch seems... Not exactly good at it, to be honest. And you seem to be an expert. You may make a great teacher.