
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | dragon astrology survey: closed
1 2 ... 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (2.6%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (2.6%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (5.1%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (5.1%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (5.1%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (7.7%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (7.7%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (10.3%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (12.8%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (12.8%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (12.8%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] [b](15.4%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (7.7%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (7.7%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (7.7%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (7.7%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (7.7%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (7.7%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (7.7%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] [b](15.4%)[/b] [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] [b](15.4%)[/b] [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] [b](15.4%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (16.7%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (16.7%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] [b](25%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. [b]Cardinal[/b] signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. [b]Fixed[/b] signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. [b]Mutable[/b] signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini. Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score. [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. [b]Fire[/b] signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. [b]Water[/b] signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. [b]Air[/b] signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. [b]Earth[/b] signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score. [/center] ----- [center]The [b]Fixed[/b] mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Fixed signs can be stubborn, fixated, and unyielding. These qualities can make them more loyal and persevering than others. Fixed signs dig in and are able to hold steady in their goals to achieve something solid. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Fire[/b] is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of creation, energy, and vitality. Prominent fire most likely belongs to a person who is active, competitive, and highly passionate. On the other side, someone with fire in their chart can be impatient and quick-tempered. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] The [b]Cardinal[/b] mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Air[/b] is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. Air is the element of communication, intelligence, and versatility. Prominent air most likely belongs to a person who prefers thinking logically rather than emotionally. At the same time, they can be incredibly indecisive. [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] / [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] [/center]


Taurus: (2.6%)
Pisces: (2.6%)
Capricorn: (5.1%)
Virgo: (5.1%)
Cancer: (5.1%)
Sagittarius: (7.7%)
Libra: (7.7%)
Gemini: (10.3%)
Aries: (12.8%)
Leo: (12.8%)
Aquarius: (12.8%)
Scorpio: (15.4%)



Cancer: (7.7%)
Libra: (7.7%)
Scorpio: (7.7%)
Capricorn: (7.7%)
Taurus: (7.7%)
Aries: (7.7%)
Pisces: (7.7%)
Virgo: (15.4%)
Leo: (15.4%)
Gemini: (15.4%)



Virgo: (8.3%)
Cancer: (8.3%)
Gemini: (8.3%)
Taurus: (8.3%)
Sagittarius: (8.3%)
Aquarius: (16.7%)
Scorpio: (16.7%)
Libra: (25%)


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Fixed signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. Mutable signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini.

Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score.


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Air signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score.

The Fixed mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Fixed signs can be stubborn, fixated, and unyielding. These qualities can make them more loyal and persevering than others. Fixed signs dig in and are able to hold steady in their goals to achieve something solid.

Fire is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of creation, energy, and vitality. Prominent fire most likely belongs to a person who is active, competitive, and highly passionate. On the other side, someone with fire in their chart can be impatient and quick-tempered.

The Cardinal mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action.

Air is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. Air is the element of communication, intelligence, and versatility. Prominent air most likely belongs to a person who prefers thinking logically rather than emotionally. At the same time, they can be incredibly indecisive.

[center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (2%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (6.1%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (6.1%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (8.2%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (8.2%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (8.2%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (8.2%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (8.2%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (10.2%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (10.2%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (10.2%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] [b](14.3%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (6.7%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (6.7%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (6.7%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (6.7%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (13.3%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] [b](20%)[/b] [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] [b](20%)[/b] [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] [b](20%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] [b](7.1%)[/b] [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] [b](21.4%)[/b] [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] [b](28.6%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. [b]Cardinal[/b] signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. [b]Fixed[/b] signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. [b]Mutable[/b] signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini. Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score. [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. [b]Fire[/b] signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. [b]Water[/b] signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. [b]Air[/b] signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. [b]Earth[/b] signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score. [/center] ----- [center]The [b]Mutable[/b] mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Mutable signs are flexible, impressionable, and absorbent people. They may feel restless a lot, because they desire change and function well under changing circumstances with an inherent ability to ride the tide. These signs may pick up or mimic the qualities of whomever they spend the most time with because of how impressionable they are. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Water[/b] is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of emotion, dreams, healing, and intuition. Prominent water most likely belongs to a person who is naturally perceptive of their surroundings. On the opposite end of the spectrum, these signs can be moody and hypersensitive. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] The [b]Cardinal[/b] mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Air[/b] is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. Air is the element of communication, intelligence, and versatility. Prominent air most likely belongs to a person who prefers thinking logically rather than emotionally. At the same time, they can be incredibly indecisive. [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] / [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] [/center]


Taurus: (2%)
Virgo: (6.1%)
Capricorn: (6.1%)
Aries: (8.2%)
Cancer: (8.2%)
Scorpio: (8.2%)
Sagittarius: (8.2%)
Aquarius: (8.2%)
Gemini: (10.2%)
Leo: (10.2%)
Libra: (10.2%)
Pisces: (14.3%)



Aquarius: (6.7%)
Scorpio: (6.7%)
Virgo: (6.7%)
Taurus: (6.7%)
Pisces: (13.3%)
Capricorn: (20%)
Libra: (20%)
Aries: (20%)



Cancer: (7.1%)
Gemini: (7.1%)
Taurus: (7.1%)
Sagittarius: (7.1%)
Capricorn: (7.1%)
Aquarius: (7.1%)
Pisces: (7.1%)
Aries: (21.4%)
Libra: (28.6%)


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Fixed signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. Mutable signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini.

Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score.


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Air signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score.

The Mutable mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Mutable signs are flexible, impressionable, and absorbent people. They may feel restless a lot, because they desire change and function well under changing circumstances with an inherent ability to ride the tide. These signs may pick up or mimic the qualities of whomever they spend the most time with because of how impressionable they are.

Water is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of emotion, dreams, healing, and intuition. Prominent water most likely belongs to a person who is naturally perceptive of their surroundings. On the opposite end of the spectrum, these signs can be moody and hypersensitive.

The Cardinal mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action.

Air is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. Air is the element of communication, intelligence, and versatility. Prominent air most likely belongs to a person who prefers thinking logically rather than emotionally. At the same time, they can be incredibly indecisive.

[center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (3.2%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (3.2%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (3.2%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (6.5%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (6.5%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (6.5%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (9.7%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (9.7%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (9.7%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (12.9%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (12.9%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] [b](16.1%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (14.3%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (14.3%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (21.4%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] [b](28.6%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (25%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] [b](33.3%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. [b]Cardinal[/b] signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. [b]Fixed[/b] signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. [b]Mutable[/b] signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini. Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score. [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. [b]Fire[/b] signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. [b]Water[/b] signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. [b]Air[/b] signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. [b]Earth[/b] signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score. [/center] ----- [center]The [b]Cardinal[/b] mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Fire[/b] is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of creation, energy, and vitality. Prominent fire most likely belongs to a person who is active, competitive, and highly passionate. On the other side, someone with fire in their chart can be impatient and quick-tempered. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] The [b]Mutable[/b] mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Mutable signs are flexible, impressionable, and absorbent people. They may feel restless a lot, because they desire change and function well under changing circumstances with an inherent ability to ride the tide. These signs may pick up or mimic the qualities of whomever they spend the most time with because of how impressionable they are. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Air[/b] is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. Air is the element of communication, intelligence, and versatility. Prominent air most likely belongs to a person who prefers thinking logically rather than emotionally. At the same time, they can be incredibly indecisive. [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] / [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] [/center]


Scorpio: (3.2%)
Virgo: (3.2%)
Taurus: (3.2%)
Libra: (6.5%)
Capricorn: (6.5%)
Pisces: (6.5%)
Leo: (9.7%)
Sagittarius: (9.7%)
Cancer: (9.7%)
Gemini: (12.9%)
Aquarius: (12.9%)
Aries: (16.1%)



Sagittarius: (7.1%)
Virgo: (7.1%)
Taurus: (7.1%)
Cancer: (14.3%)
Aries: (14.3%)
Aquarius: (21.4%)
Libra: (28.6%)



Capricorn: (8.3%)
Aquarius: (8.3%)
Pisces: (8.3%)
Cancer: (8.3%)
Aries: (8.3%)
Gemini: (25%)
Libra: (33.3%)


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Fixed signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. Mutable signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini.

Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score.


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Air signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score.

The Cardinal mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action.

Fire is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of creation, energy, and vitality. Prominent fire most likely belongs to a person who is active, competitive, and highly passionate. On the other side, someone with fire in their chart can be impatient and quick-tempered.

The Mutable mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Mutable signs are flexible, impressionable, and absorbent people. They may feel restless a lot, because they desire change and function well under changing circumstances with an inherent ability to ride the tide. These signs may pick up or mimic the qualities of whomever they spend the most time with because of how impressionable they are.

Air is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. Air is the element of communication, intelligence, and versatility. Prominent air most likely belongs to a person who prefers thinking logically rather than emotionally. At the same time, they can be incredibly indecisive.

[center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (2.1%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (4.2%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (6.3%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (10.4%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (10.4%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (10.4%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (10.4%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] [b](12.5%)[/b] [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] [b](12.5%)[/b] [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] [b](12.5%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (5.6%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (5.6%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (5.6%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (5.6%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (11.1%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (11.1%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (11.1%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (11.1%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] [b](16.7%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (14.3%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (14.3%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (14.3%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] [b](21.4%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. [b]Cardinal[/b] signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. [b]Fixed[/b] signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. [b]Mutable[/b] signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini. Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score. [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. [b]Fire[/b] signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. [b]Water[/b] signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. [b]Air[/b] signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. [b]Earth[/b] signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score. [/center] ----- [center]The [b]Mutable[/b] mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Mutable signs are flexible, impressionable, and absorbent people. They may feel restless a lot, because they desire change and function well under changing circumstances with an inherent ability to ride the tide. These signs may pick up or mimic the qualities of whomever they spend the most time with because of how impressionable they are. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Earth[/b] is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of abundance, stability, and solidity. Prominent earth most likely belongs to a person who is pragmatic, dependable, and realistic. On the other side, someone with earth in their chart can be inflexible and ruthlessly stubborn. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] The [b]Cardinal[/b] mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Fire[/b] is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of creation, energy, and vitality. Prominent fire most likely belongs to a person who is active, competitive, and highly passionate. On the other side, someone with fire in their chart can be impatient and quick-tempered. [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] / [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] [/center]


Aquarius: (2.1%)
Cancer: (4.2%)
Aries: (6.3%)
Virgo: (8.3%)
Libra: (10.4%)
Sagittarius: (10.4%)
Capricorn: (10.4%)
Leo: (10.4%)
Gemini: (12.5%)
Taurus: (12.5%)
Pisces: (12.5%)



Sagittarius: (5.6%)
Pisces: (5.6%)
Virgo: (5.6%)
Aries: (5.6%)
Gemini: (11.1%)
Cancer: (11.1%)
Capricorn: (11.1%)
Aquarius: (11.1%)
Scorpio: (16.7%)



Aquarius: (7.1%)
Leo: (7.1%)
Cancer: (7.1%)
Aries: (7.1%)
Taurus: (7.1%)
Gemini: (14.3%)
Virgo: (14.3%)
Scorpio: (14.3%)
Libra: (21.4%)


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Fixed signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. Mutable signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini.

Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score.


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Air signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score.

The Mutable mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Mutable signs are flexible, impressionable, and absorbent people. They may feel restless a lot, because they desire change and function well under changing circumstances with an inherent ability to ride the tide. These signs may pick up or mimic the qualities of whomever they spend the most time with because of how impressionable they are.

Earth is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of abundance, stability, and solidity. Prominent earth most likely belongs to a person who is pragmatic, dependable, and realistic. On the other side, someone with earth in their chart can be inflexible and ruthlessly stubborn.

The Cardinal mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action.

Fire is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of creation, energy, and vitality. Prominent fire most likely belongs to a person who is active, competitive, and highly passionate. On the other side, someone with fire in their chart can be impatient and quick-tempered.

[center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (5.3%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (6.4%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (6.4%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (6.4%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (6.4%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (6.4%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (6.4%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (7.4%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (10.6%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (11.7%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (11.7%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] [b](14.9%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (2.3%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (6.8%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (6.8%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (6.8%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (9.1%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (9.1%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (11.4%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (18.2%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] [b](20.5%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (2.6%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (5.1%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (5.1%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (7.7%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (7.7%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (7.7%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (7.7%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (10.3%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (10.3%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (10.3%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (10.3%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] [b](15.4%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. [b]Cardinal[/b] signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. [b]Fixed[/b] signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. [b]Mutable[/b] signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini. Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score. [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. [b]Fire[/b] signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. [b]Water[/b] signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. [b]Air[/b] signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. [b]Earth[/b] signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score. [/center] ----- [center]The [b]Fixed[/b] mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Fixed signs can be stubborn, fixated, and unyielding. These qualities can make them more loyal and persevering than others. Fixed signs dig in and are able to hold steady in their goals to achieve something solid. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Fire[/b] is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of creation, energy, and vitality. Prominent fire most likely belongs to a person who is active, competitive, and highly passionate. On the other side, someone with fire in their chart can be impatient and quick-tempered. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] The [b]Cardinal[/b] mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Water[/b] is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of emotion, dreams, healing, and intuition. Prominent water most likely belongs to a person who is naturally perceptive of their surroundings. On the opposite end of the spectrum, these signs can be moody and hypersensitive. [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] / [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] [/center]


Taurus: (5.3%)
Sagittarius: (6.4%)
Gemini: (6.4%)
Aquarius: (6.4%)
Libra: (6.4%)
Cancer: (6.4%)
Pisces: (6.4%)
Virgo: (7.4%)
Aries: (10.6%)
Leo: (11.7%)
Capricorn: (11.7%)
Scorpio: (14.9%)



Taurus: (2.3%)
Sagittarius: (4.5%)
Aries: (4.5%)
Pisces: (6.8%)
Leo: (6.8%)
Gemini: (6.8%)
Aquarius: (9.1%)
Libra: (9.1%)
Capricorn: (11.4%)
Scorpio: (18.2%)
Cancer: (20.5%)



Aries: (2.6%)
Aquarius: (5.1%)
Taurus: (5.1%)
Sagittarius: (7.7%)
Cancer: (7.7%)
Leo: (7.7%)
Pisces: (7.7%)
Capricorn: (10.3%)
Virgo: (10.3%)
Libra: (10.3%)
Gemini: (10.3%)
Scorpio: (15.4%)


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Fixed signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. Mutable signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini.

Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score.


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Air signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score.

The Fixed mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Fixed signs can be stubborn, fixated, and unyielding. These qualities can make them more loyal and persevering than others. Fixed signs dig in and are able to hold steady in their goals to achieve something solid.

Fire is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of creation, energy, and vitality. Prominent fire most likely belongs to a person who is active, competitive, and highly passionate. On the other side, someone with fire in their chart can be impatient and quick-tempered.

The Cardinal mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action.

Water is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of emotion, dreams, healing, and intuition. Prominent water most likely belongs to a person who is naturally perceptive of their surroundings. On the opposite end of the spectrum, these signs can be moody and hypersensitive.

[center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (2.2%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (4.3%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (6.5%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (8.7%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (8.7%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (8.7%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (8.7%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (8.7%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (10.9%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (15.2%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] [b](17.4%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (10%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (10%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (10%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (10%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (10%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (10%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (10%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (10%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] [b](20%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (10%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (10%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (10%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (10%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] [b](20%)[/b] [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] [b](20%)[/b] [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] [b](20%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. [b]Cardinal[/b] signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. [b]Fixed[/b] signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. [b]Mutable[/b] signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini. Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score. [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. [b]Fire[/b] signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. [b]Water[/b] signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. [b]Air[/b] signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. [b]Earth[/b] signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score. [/center] ----- [center]The [b]Cardinal[/b] mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Fire[/b] is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of creation, energy, and vitality. Prominent fire most likely belongs to a person who is active, competitive, and highly passionate. On the other side, someone with fire in their chart can be impatient and quick-tempered. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] The [b]Fixed[/b] mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Fixed signs can be stubborn, fixated, and unyielding. These qualities can make them more loyal and persevering than others. Fixed signs dig in and are able to hold steady in their goals to achieve something solid. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Air[/b], [b]Water[/b] and [b]Earth[/b] are tied among the second most dominant element. Air is the element of communication, intelligence, and versatility. Water is the element of emotion, dreams, healing, and intuition. Earth is the element of abundance, stability, and solidity. [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] / [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] [/center]


Leo: (2.2%)
Capricorn: (4.3%)
Pisces: (6.5%)
Taurus: (8.7%)
Virgo: (8.7%)
Cancer: (8.7%)
Scorpio: (8.7%)
Sagittarius: (8.7%)
Libra: (10.9%)
Aquarius: (15.2%)
Aries: (17.4%)



Taurus: (10%)
Gemini: (10%)
Leo: (10%)
Cancer: (10%)
Libra: (10%)
Sagittarius: (10%)
Capricorn: (10%)
Aquarius: (10%)
Pisces: (20%)



Scorpio: (10%)
Sagittarius: (10%)
Taurus: (10%)
Gemini: (10%)
Leo: (20%)
Virgo: (20%)
Libra: (20%)


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Fixed signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. Mutable signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini.

Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score.


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Air signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score.

The Cardinal mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action.

Fire is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of creation, energy, and vitality. Prominent fire most likely belongs to a person who is active, competitive, and highly passionate. On the other side, someone with fire in their chart can be impatient and quick-tempered.

The Fixed mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Fixed signs can be stubborn, fixated, and unyielding. These qualities can make them more loyal and persevering than others. Fixed signs dig in and are able to hold steady in their goals to achieve something solid.

Air, Water and Earth are tied among the second most dominant element. Air is the element of communication, intelligence, and versatility. Water is the element of emotion, dreams, healing, and intuition. Earth is the element of abundance, stability, and solidity.

[center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (2.4%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (2.4%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (4.8%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (4.8%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (4.8%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (7.1%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (11.9%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (14.3%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (14.3%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (14.3%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] [b](19%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (16.7%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (16.7%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (16.7%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] [b](25%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (8.3%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (16.7%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (16.7%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (16.7%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] [b](25%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. [b]Cardinal[/b] signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. [b]Fixed[/b] signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. [b]Mutable[/b] signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini. Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score. [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. [b]Fire[/b] signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. [b]Water[/b] signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. [b]Air[/b] signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. [b]Earth[/b] signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score. [/center] ----- [center]The [b]Cardinal[/b] mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Water[/b] is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of emotion, dreams, healing, and intuition. Prominent water most likely belongs to a person who is naturally perceptive of their surroundings. On the opposite end of the spectrum, these signs can be moody and hypersensitive. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] The [b]Fixed[/b] mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Fixed signs can be stubborn, fixated, and unyielding. These qualities can make them more loyal and persevering than others. Fixed signs dig in and are able to hold steady in their goals to achieve something solid. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Air[/b] is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. Air is the element of communication, intelligence, and versatility. Prominent air most likely belongs to a person who prefers thinking logically rather than emotionally. At the same time, they can be incredibly indecisive. [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] / [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] [/center]


Sagittarius: (2.4%)
Capricorn: (2.4%)
Aquarius: (4.8%)
Virgo: (4.8%)
Aries: (4.8%)
Gemini: (7.1%)
Taurus: (11.9%)
Cancer: (14.3%)
Pisces: (14.3%)
Scorpio: (14.3%)
Libra: (19%)



Aquarius: (8.3%)
Libra: (8.3%)
Gemini: (8.3%)
Capricorn: (16.7%)
Sagittarius: (16.7%)
Scorpio: (16.7%)
Taurus: (25%)



Virgo: (8.3%)
Capricorn: (8.3%)
Pisces: (8.3%)
Leo: (16.7%)
Gemini: (16.7%)
Libra: (16.7%)
Cancer: (25%)


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Fixed signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. Mutable signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini.

Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score.


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Air signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score.

The Cardinal mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Cardinal signs are leaders. They have an initiatory spirit, and the charisma to inspire large groups to take action.

Water is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of emotion, dreams, healing, and intuition. Prominent water most likely belongs to a person who is naturally perceptive of their surroundings. On the opposite end of the spectrum, these signs can be moody and hypersensitive.

The Fixed mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Fixed signs can be stubborn, fixated, and unyielding. These qualities can make them more loyal and persevering than others. Fixed signs dig in and are able to hold steady in their goals to achieve something solid.

Air is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. Air is the element of communication, intelligence, and versatility. Prominent air most likely belongs to a person who prefers thinking logically rather than emotionally. At the same time, they can be incredibly indecisive.

[center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (3.6%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (5.5%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (5.5%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (5.5%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (7.3%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (7.3%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (9.1%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (10.9%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (10.9%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (10.9%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (10.9%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] [b](12.7%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (9.1%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (9.1%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (13.6%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (13.6%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] [b](18.2%)[/b] [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] [b](18.2%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (4.8%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (4.8%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (4.8%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (4.8%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (4.8%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (4.8%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (9.5%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (9.5%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (9.5%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] [b](14.3%)[/b] [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] [b](14.3%)[/b] [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] [b](14.3%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. [b]Cardinal[/b] signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. [b]Fixed[/b] signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. [b]Mutable[/b] signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini. Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score. [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. [b]Fire[/b] signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. [b]Water[/b] signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. [b]Air[/b] signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. [b]Earth[/b] signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score. [/center] ----- [center]The [b]Mutable[/b] mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Mutable signs are flexible, impressionable, and absorbent people. They may feel restless a lot, because they desire change and function well under changing circumstances with an inherent ability to ride the tide. These signs may pick up or mimic the qualities of whomever they spend the most time with because of how impressionable they are. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Water[/b] is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of emotion, dreams, healing, and intuition. Prominent water most likely belongs to a person who is naturally perceptive of their surroundings. On the opposite end of the spectrum, these signs can be moody and hypersensitive. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] The [b]Fixed[/b] mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Fixed signs can be stubborn, fixated, and unyielding. These qualities can make them more loyal and persevering than others. Fixed signs dig in and are able to hold steady in their goals to achieve something solid. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Earth[/b] is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of abundance, stability, and solidity. Prominent earth most likely belongs to a person who is pragmatic, dependable, and realistic. On the other side, someone with earth in their chart can be inflexible and ruthlessly stubborn. [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] / [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] [/center]


Leo: (3.6%)
Capricorn: (5.5%)
Aquarius: (5.5%)
Aries: (5.5%)
Virgo: (7.3%)
Libra: (7.3%)
Gemini: (9.1%)
Scorpio: (10.9%)
Sagittarius: (10.9%)
Cancer: (10.9%)
Pisces: (10.9%)
Taurus: (12.7%)



Capricorn: (4.5%)
Pisces: (4.5%)
Aries: (4.5%)
Taurus: (4.5%)
Aquarius: (9.1%)
Libra: (9.1%)
Leo: (13.6%)
Cancer: (13.6%)
Virgo: (18.2%)
Scorpio: (18.2%)



Aquarius: (4.8%)
Libra: (4.8%)
Gemini: (4.8%)
Capricorn: (4.8%)
Pisces: (4.8%)
Aries: (4.8%)
Sagittarius: (9.5%)
Virgo: (9.5%)
Cancer: (9.5%)
Taurus: (14.3%)
Leo: (14.3%)
Scorpio: (14.3%)


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Fixed signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. Mutable signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini.

Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score.


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Air signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score.

The Mutable mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Mutable signs are flexible, impressionable, and absorbent people. They may feel restless a lot, because they desire change and function well under changing circumstances with an inherent ability to ride the tide. These signs may pick up or mimic the qualities of whomever they spend the most time with because of how impressionable they are.

Water is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of emotion, dreams, healing, and intuition. Prominent water most likely belongs to a person who is naturally perceptive of their surroundings. On the opposite end of the spectrum, these signs can be moody and hypersensitive.

The Fixed mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Fixed signs can be stubborn, fixated, and unyielding. These qualities can make them more loyal and persevering than others. Fixed signs dig in and are able to hold steady in their goals to achieve something solid.

Earth is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of abundance, stability, and solidity. Prominent earth most likely belongs to a person who is pragmatic, dependable, and realistic. On the other side, someone with earth in their chart can be inflexible and ruthlessly stubborn.

[center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (1.5%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] (1.5%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (2.9%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (5.9%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (5.9%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (8.8%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (10.3%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (11.8%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (11.8%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (11.8%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (13.2%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] [b](14.7%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#109618][b]Cancer:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (9.1%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (9.1%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (13.6%) [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (18.2%) [color=#316395][b]Capricorn:[/b][/color] [b](22.7%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=5][b]KEY[/b][/size] [color=#66aa00][b]Scorpio:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#ff9900][b]Gemini:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#dc3912][b]Taurus:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#b82e2e][b]Sagittarius:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#22aa99][b]Pisces:[/b][/color] (4.5%) [color=#994499][b]Aquarius:[/b][/color] (9.1%) [color=#990099][b]Leo:[/b][/color] (9.1%) [color=#3366cc][b]Aries:[/b][/color] (13.6%) [color=#dd4477][b]Libra:[/b][/color] (18.2%) [color=#0099c6][b]Virgo:[/b][/color] [b](27.3%)[/b] [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. [b]Cardinal[/b] signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. [b]Fixed[/b] signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. [b]Mutable[/b] signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini. Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score. [/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [b]Explanation:[/b] Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. [b]Fire[/b] signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. [b]Water[/b] signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. [b]Air[/b] signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. [b]Earth[/b] signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score. [/center] ----- [center]The [b]Mutable[/b] mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Mutable signs are flexible, impressionable, and absorbent people. They may feel restless a lot, because they desire change and function well under changing circumstances with an inherent ability to ride the tide. These signs may pick up or mimic the qualities of whomever they spend the most time with because of how impressionable they are. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Water[/b] is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of emotion, dreams, healing, and intuition. Prominent water most likely belongs to a person who is naturally perceptive of their surroundings. On the opposite end of the spectrum, these signs can be moody and hypersensitive. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] The [b]Fixed[/b] mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Fixed signs can be stubborn, fixated, and unyielding. These qualities can make them more loyal and persevering than others. Fixed signs dig in and are able to hold steady in their goals to achieve something solid. [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] [b]Earth[/b] is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of abundance, stability, and solidity. Prominent earth most likely belongs to a person who is pragmatic, dependable, and realistic. On the other side, someone with earth in their chart can be inflexible and ruthlessly stubborn. [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] / [size=1][url=]SOURCE[/url][/size] [/center]


Libra: (1.5%)
Capricorn: (1.5%)
Aquarius: (2.9%)
Pisces: (5.9%)
Leo: (5.9%)
Sagittarius: (8.8%)
Cancer: (10.3%)
Aries: (11.8%)
Taurus: (11.8%)
Gemini: (11.8%)
Scorpio: (13.2%)
Virgo: (14.7%)



Sagittarius: (4.5%)
Taurus: (4.5%)
Gemini: (4.5%)
Cancer: (4.5%)
Virgo: (4.5%)
Libra: (4.5%)
Leo: (9.1%)
Aquarius: (9.1%)
Pisces: (13.6%)
Scorpio: (18.2%)
Capricorn: (22.7%)



Scorpio: (4.5%)
Gemini: (4.5%)
Taurus: (4.5%)
Sagittarius: (4.5%)
Pisces: (4.5%)
Aquarius: (9.1%)
Leo: (9.1%)
Aries: (13.6%)
Libra: (18.2%)
Virgo: (27.3%)


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Fixed signs are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius. Mutable signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini.

Within this survey only the Sun sign has determined the overall modality score.


Explanation: Western astrology divides the signs into four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Air signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

Within this survey only the Sun sign determines the overall elemental score.

The Mutable mode is dominant among the Sun signs. Mutable signs are flexible, impressionable, and absorbent people. They may feel restless a lot, because they desire change and function well under changing circumstances with an inherent ability to ride the tide. These signs may pick up or mimic the qualities of whomever they spend the most time with because of how impressionable they are.

Water is dominant among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of emotion, dreams, healing, and intuition. Prominent water most likely belongs to a person who is naturally perceptive of their surroundings. On the opposite end of the spectrum, these signs can be moody and hypersensitive.

The Fixed mode is the second most dominant among the Sun signs. Fixed signs can be stubborn, fixated, and unyielding. These qualities can make them more loyal and persevering than others. Fixed signs dig in and are able to hold steady in their goals to achieve something solid.

Earth is the second most dominant element among the Sun signs. This element is a symbol of abundance, stability, and solidity. Prominent earth most likely belongs to a person who is pragmatic, dependable, and realistic. On the other side, someone with earth in their chart can be inflexible and ruthlessly stubborn.

Unfortunately I missed the survey, and I just discovered this survey post today.
Unfortunately I missed the survey, and I just discovered this survey post today.
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