

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Show Ownership of an item in Joxar's Inv
Definitely support! I'd also love to see the game database link & if one/several of your dragon/s are wearing the apparel, for consistency's sake.
Definitely support! I'd also love to see the game database link & if one/several of your dragon/s are wearing the apparel, for consistency's sake.
23859.png « he/him
« FRT + 9
« avatar dragon
Big support, no other comments... This is super useful!
Big support, no other comments... This is super useful!
o163-d1-Mudy.pngo163-d2-Mudy.pngo163-d3-Mudy.pngo163-d4-Mudy.pngo163-d5-Mudy.png xrunestone-hoard.png x
Mudy | she/they | +8H FR

English is not my mother language
Spruce kills my playstyle.
toss a like to this loser
About & Lore board
Support! I always forget if I have a specific JoxBox familiar so I have to search for them in my bestiary before I buy them. This would be very useful for situations like that!
Support! I always forget if I have a specific JoxBox familiar so I have to search for them in my bestiary before I buy them. This would be very useful for situations like that!

That would be really useful, I'm really lost on what I have and what I don't, and there are other places with this feature already like the Marketplace

That would be really useful, I'm really lost on what I have and what I don't, and there are other places with this feature already like the Marketplace
Big support for this, I have no memory of what I already have, and especially since it is already in other areas of the site hopefully it wouldn't be too difficult to implement!
Big support for this, I have no memory of what I already have, and especially since it is already in other areas of the site hopefully it wouldn't be too difficult to implement!
bumping this since yet another festival has arrived and time for more joxar purchases
bumping this since yet another festival has arrived and time for more joxar purchases
Support! Was thinking of this the other day and it would make the inventory so much easier to buy from!
Support! Was thinking of this the other day and it would make the inventory so much easier to buy from!
Huge support!
Huge support!
Moving icons in forum signaturs make the forum harder accessible to people with visual processing disorders
Support! Really don't know why it's not already there
Support! Really don't know why it's not already there
Omg PLEASE, this would make my life so much easier!
Omg PLEASE, this would make my life so much easier!
