
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | Spring apparel missing
I went to buy some more winter wind apparel and could not find it. Nor could I find the spring apparel. I've been checking the Marketplace several times over the past few days. Is this a bug or have the apparel been removed?
I went to buy some more winter wind apparel and could not find it. Nor could I find the spring apparel. I've been checking the Marketplace several times over the past few days. Is this a bug or have the apparel been removed?
@Serri The Winter stock has indeed cycled out just this morning, as the spring items were announced with [url=]Springswarm[/url]. It [i]is[/i] a little odd that you were unable to find them in the past week, as the seasonal items typically stock in great numbers, but players can't really evaluate whether that's a bug. [quote name="Aequorin" date="2022-03-10 06:00:23" ] [size=5][b]Seasons Come, Seasons Go[/b][/size] Right on schedule, the seasons are here to usher us into a new phase of the year. [b]Right after rollover on March 21[/b], winter-themed items will cycle out of the [url=][b]Marketplace[/b][/url] and [b]spring-themed items will cycle in[/b]! [center][item=spring's breath][item=vista: spring][item=spring sphinx][/center] [/quote] Since the Game Database is bugged and never shows cycling items as "available," we can't say for sure whether they got removed on accident. It's entirely possible something went wrong, but it's also entirely possible the restock RNG is just being terrible. We'll have to wait and see if a developer finds the issue, or if something spring-themed finally shows up on its own - whichever comes first!

The Winter stock has indeed cycled out just this morning, as the spring items were announced with Springswarm. It is a little odd that you were unable to find them in the past week, as the seasonal items typically stock in great numbers, but players can't really evaluate whether that's a bug.
Aequorin wrote on 2022-03-10 06:00:23:
Seasons Come, Seasons Go

Right on schedule, the seasons are here to usher us into a new phase of the year. Right after rollover on March 21, winter-themed items will cycle out of the Marketplace and spring-themed items will cycle in!
Spring's Breath Vista: Spring Spring Sphinx

Since the Game Database is bugged and never shows cycling items as "available," we can't say for sure whether they got removed on accident. It's entirely possible something went wrong, but it's also entirely possible the restock RNG is just being terrible.

We'll have to wait and see if a developer finds the issue, or if something spring-themed finally shows up on its own - whichever comes first!

Robin Nightmares
they/them/theirs | FR Time +0

+[Wasteland Radio Hatchery]+
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Ty for your reply. And just an fyi, I've not found Spring's Breath today, :(

Since I couldn't find any posts on this issue, I thought I'd post something. Hopefully it is just a terrible RNG.

And thank you for confirming I didn't miss a notice these items were being cycled out!

Ty for your reply. And just an fyi, I've not found Spring's Breath today, :(

Since I couldn't find any posts on this issue, I thought I'd post something. Hopefully it is just a terrible RNG.

And thank you for confirming I didn't miss a notice these items were being cycled out!
I've been watching the MP since seeing this thread (which admittedly was only a few hours ago) but I haven't seen any of the spring items stock.

Edit: As of now (roughly 4 hours later), I still haven't seen any of the spring items. Could be some weird rng but it certainly feels weird.
I've been watching the MP since seeing this thread (which admittedly was only a few hours ago) but I haven't seen any of the spring items stock.

Edit: As of now (roughly 4 hours later), I still haven't seen any of the spring items. Could be some weird rng but it certainly feels weird.
fr +8
While I can't say anything about the spring items, I can say that Winter Wind was definitely stocking the last few days. I've been keeping an eye out for an item starting with 'W', so have checked the last page a lot, and seen Winter Wind there fairly consistently.
While I can't say anything about the spring items, I can say that Winter Wind was definitely stocking the last few days. I've been keeping an eye out for an item starting with 'W', so have checked the last page a lot, and seen Winter Wind there fairly consistently.
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Spring items still not appearing in the marketplace. I'm not seeing any winter items either but it might just be RNG like in previous posts?
Spring items still not appearing in the marketplace. I'm not seeing any winter items either but it might just be RNG like in previous posts?
+3 FR time | feel free to ping, please ask to dm
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I've been checking regularly, and I've not seen either spring or winter for the past week.
I've been checking regularly, and I've not seen either spring or winter for the past week.
I haven't seen the spring apparel yet either
I haven't seen the spring apparel yet either
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I'm afraid this thread might get ignored because of the title saying that the winter apparel is missing (which is not supposed to be in the mp now) instead of the missing spring apparel. Is it possible for OP to change the title to something like "Spring's Breath Apparel Missing"?

I was thinking of posting to the bug report forums before I saw this thread, and I don't want to clutter the forum up with a second thread on it.
I'm afraid this thread might get ignored because of the title saying that the winter apparel is missing (which is not supposed to be in the mp now) instead of the missing spring apparel. Is it possible for OP to change the title to something like "Spring's Breath Apparel Missing"?

I was thinking of posting to the bug report forums before I saw this thread, and I don't want to clutter the forum up with a second thread on it.
Another post was entered and noticed. Spring items are now showing up. Apparently a date was entered wrong.
Another post was entered and noticed. Spring items are now showing up. Apparently a date was entered wrong.