

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Roleplay: Player Directory
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Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
I play a LOT of fandom characters, but I do also have OCs. I don't usually use my OCs regularly because I find it easier to remain interested in RPs that involve characters from whatever fixation I have at the moment. But I would be willing to use them if the RP called for it.
As of right now I'm not interested in roleplaying Flight Rising, but that's because I haven't read through all of the lore yet and would have no idea what I'm doing anyway. Maybe sometime in the future!

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Not necessarily, but I really like crossover fandom roleplay style stuff a lot. Probably the thing I'm mostly interested on right now, but not the only thing!

Average reply length?
I like to do paragraphs. I can do more or less, but I find it hard to enjoy roleplays that are solely based on sentences or one liners. This isn't to say I ONLY want paragraphs though! I'm aware that sometimes there's not much to say and that's perfectly okay with me.

Average reply speed?
PLEASE be patient with me. I can be very slow with replies for a variety of reasons (college and staffing a discord server being the two main ones), so don't expect me to respond immediately all day every day. Especially if we're doing a thread with a lot of detail. I also don't mind chatting in between RP posts, but please don't bump me for replies unless it's been a week.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
Not that I can think of, apart from the fact I also don't mind using forums or PMs to rp in the site!

Would you like to share any additional information?
Only this. This is the link for my google doc, with any and all other info I didn't include here. There's my fandoms and most of the (canon) characters I play.
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
I play a LOT of fandom characters, but I do also have OCs. I don't usually use my OCs regularly because I find it easier to remain interested in RPs that involve characters from whatever fixation I have at the moment. But I would be willing to use them if the RP called for it.
As of right now I'm not interested in roleplaying Flight Rising, but that's because I haven't read through all of the lore yet and would have no idea what I'm doing anyway. Maybe sometime in the future!

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Not necessarily, but I really like crossover fandom roleplay style stuff a lot. Probably the thing I'm mostly interested on right now, but not the only thing!

Average reply length?
I like to do paragraphs. I can do more or less, but I find it hard to enjoy roleplays that are solely based on sentences or one liners. This isn't to say I ONLY want paragraphs though! I'm aware that sometimes there's not much to say and that's perfectly okay with me.

Average reply speed?
PLEASE be patient with me. I can be very slow with replies for a variety of reasons (college and staffing a discord server being the two main ones), so don't expect me to respond immediately all day every day. Especially if we're doing a thread with a lot of detail. I also don't mind chatting in between RP posts, but please don't bump me for replies unless it's been a week.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
Not that I can think of, apart from the fact I also don't mind using forums or PMs to rp in the site!

Would you like to share any additional information?
Only this. This is the link for my google doc, with any and all other info I didn't include here. There's my fandoms and most of the (canon) characters I play.
Khos/Khoshekh, VoidEnvoy
DMs Open, I do not accept random friend requests.
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
OCs :)

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Open to all types of storylines and genres! We can discuss ideas. I love fantasy, horror, mystery, modern, sci-fi, whatever. Romance is fine. Dark/mature is fine.

Average reply length?
Whatever I need to do to get the idea across!

Average reply speed?
Pretty fast unless I'm working or asleep

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
- Please be 21+
- Don't focus on word count or matching

Would you like to share any additional information?
- I love ooc chatting
- Been rping a long time (mainly d&d lately)
- Sometimes I'll just draw a reply if I can't figure out a way to describe something in my post
- Open to all styles. Even if you wanna just talk about "what ifs" or headcanon I'm down for that.
- I usually RP as a human or human-like character!
- PM if interested and we can swap discord handles! I do most rp there these days
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
OCs :)

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Open to all types of storylines and genres! We can discuss ideas. I love fantasy, horror, mystery, modern, sci-fi, whatever. Romance is fine. Dark/mature is fine.

Average reply length?
Whatever I need to do to get the idea across!

Average reply speed?
Pretty fast unless I'm working or asleep

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
- Please be 21+
- Don't focus on word count or matching

Would you like to share any additional information?
- I love ooc chatting
- Been rping a long time (mainly d&d lately)
- Sometimes I'll just draw a reply if I can't figure out a way to describe something in my post
- Open to all styles. Even if you wanna just talk about "what ifs" or headcanon I'm down for that.
- I usually RP as a human or human-like character!
- PM if interested and we can swap discord handles! I do most rp there these days
|| Art Tumblr || Deviantart ||
Hi! As of now, I am no longer looking for anyone to roleplay with. Will edit to reflect whether or not I am still looking as necessary :)

Character Information
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Please describe.

I don't have any specific characters I urgently want to rp with, but I do have a small collection of developed OCs and a large hoard of half-baked ones that I'd be happy to whip out and dust off. Some of them are for specific fandoms, you can ask which, but most of them are just general characters. I'm cool with doing a fandom roleplay as long as I have a pretty good idea of the fandom and the thing it's centered around, but I'd prefer to do original characters instead of actual, canon ones.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
If yes, please describe.

I'm happy to just build off of any ideas the other party/ies have in mind. If you also have no idea, though, I do have a couple themes that would go well with OCs I already have, some being:
- a D&D-ish world
- medieval fantasy in general
- historical settings (just cause I like history lol)
- space sci-fi
- post-apocalypse
I'm not opposed to doing stuff centered around Flight Rising, but just a fair warning that I'm not super well-versed in lore and haven't put a whole bunch of thought into FR dragon ocs.

Player Information
Average reply length?
I don't know if you could tell from this much, but I kind of have a tendency to ramble and I can get uselessly wordy sometimes. Generally I try to keep it around a couple paragraphs worth of writing, maybe some less or more. I do my best to match lengths with others so as to not over- or underwhelm. I also try to match the style and mood to keep up a consistent vibe.

Average reply speed?
Depends, I guess. As mentioned, my replies are slightly longer-ish and I like to take my time to try to write good responses that'll give others stuff to go off of. Also, something to note is that I don't log onto Flight Rising on my phone, only on the PC shared by my family or on my mom's phone (it's complicated). If you want to rp in forums or pms here, I'm fine with that, just be aware that I only log on once to a couple times a day. I do have Discord on my own phone and I think roleplaying there would guarantee getting replies from me more often/quicker.

Would you like to share any additional information?
-I do have a little bit of roleplaying experience; I've participated in a couple different rps in various settings in the past, but most of them just kinda fizzled out from inactivity. I'd like to an rp that hopefully stays active, but still relatively casual. I'd like to think that I'm pretty chill person and I don't want anyone to feel pressured to respond asap or keep roleplaying if they've lost interest.
-I am a minor. I know some adults aren't comfortable roleplaying with minors; I'm okay as long as it doesn't get weird and there's no romance plot.
-I'm part of the lgbtq community and so are most of my characters. If that bothers you then you probably won't want to rp with me.
-I'm completely up for storybuilding convos or even just random chatting OOC. If we do end up just talking casually please be aware that I do have ASD and so I might come off a bit awkward or difficult to talk to. I apologize in advance and ask that you just be understanding; I do like to talk to people most of the time, I'm just not always very good at it ^^'
-If you're interested you can pm me here or shoot me a message on discord (ten#1781) :)
Hi! As of now, I am no longer looking for anyone to roleplay with. Will edit to reflect whether or not I am still looking as necessary :)

Character Information
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Please describe.

I don't have any specific characters I urgently want to rp with, but I do have a small collection of developed OCs and a large hoard of half-baked ones that I'd be happy to whip out and dust off. Some of them are for specific fandoms, you can ask which, but most of them are just general characters. I'm cool with doing a fandom roleplay as long as I have a pretty good idea of the fandom and the thing it's centered around, but I'd prefer to do original characters instead of actual, canon ones.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
If yes, please describe.

I'm happy to just build off of any ideas the other party/ies have in mind. If you also have no idea, though, I do have a couple themes that would go well with OCs I already have, some being:
- a D&D-ish world
- medieval fantasy in general
- historical settings (just cause I like history lol)
- space sci-fi
- post-apocalypse
I'm not opposed to doing stuff centered around Flight Rising, but just a fair warning that I'm not super well-versed in lore and haven't put a whole bunch of thought into FR dragon ocs.

Player Information
Average reply length?
I don't know if you could tell from this much, but I kind of have a tendency to ramble and I can get uselessly wordy sometimes. Generally I try to keep it around a couple paragraphs worth of writing, maybe some less or more. I do my best to match lengths with others so as to not over- or underwhelm. I also try to match the style and mood to keep up a consistent vibe.

Average reply speed?
Depends, I guess. As mentioned, my replies are slightly longer-ish and I like to take my time to try to write good responses that'll give others stuff to go off of. Also, something to note is that I don't log onto Flight Rising on my phone, only on the PC shared by my family or on my mom's phone (it's complicated). If you want to rp in forums or pms here, I'm fine with that, just be aware that I only log on once to a couple times a day. I do have Discord on my own phone and I think roleplaying there would guarantee getting replies from me more often/quicker.

Would you like to share any additional information?
-I do have a little bit of roleplaying experience; I've participated in a couple different rps in various settings in the past, but most of them just kinda fizzled out from inactivity. I'd like to an rp that hopefully stays active, but still relatively casual. I'd like to think that I'm pretty chill person and I don't want anyone to feel pressured to respond asap or keep roleplaying if they've lost interest.
-I am a minor. I know some adults aren't comfortable roleplaying with minors; I'm okay as long as it doesn't get weird and there's no romance plot.
-I'm part of the lgbtq community and so are most of my characters. If that bothers you then you probably won't want to rp with me.
-I'm completely up for storybuilding convos or even just random chatting OOC. If we do end up just talking casually please be aware that I do have ASD and so I might come off a bit awkward or difficult to talk to. I apologize in advance and ask that you just be understanding; I do like to talk to people most of the time, I'm just not always very good at it ^^'
-If you're interested you can pm me here or shoot me a message on discord (ten#1781) :)
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
* I can do both Cannon, Fandom and Original Characters! Currently I’m up to use any dragon in my lair with a bio, with preference to my Ancients! Usually whatever dragon is my pfp is gonna be my go-to (Current Fever)
Fever is an adult Plague Element Gaoler, daughter of two members of the Seeker Order. She uses her element to help seek out Shade Beasts in the Scarred Wasteland, traveling places the Ice Gaolers usually couldn’t handle. Other Gaolers take her Primal eyes as a sign of favor of the Plaguebringer, which brings contention given Gaolers are meant to serve the Icewarden.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
* I’m up to anything rn! I’m leaning more towards Flight Rising but strictly storyline wise I’m not picky.

Player Information

Average reply length?
* I try to aim for a paragraph or two, but it depends on how I’m feeling. I’m always open for constructive criticism!

Average reply speed?
* Anywhere from once or twice an hour on FR Forums/PMs, and faster on Discord. It depends on how busy I am. If I don’t reply for a day or two, please ping me!

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
* Preference to being comfortable with angst/gore/trauma/general feels. I like my stories spicy!

Would you like to share any additional information?
* I’m 2 hours ahead FR Time
* I am a minor, just fyi since I know some people can be uncomfortable RPing with people younger than then
* I’m most active on Discord (Otaku_With_A_Pen#2560) so replies there will be much faster than on FR
Message me here or DM on Discord if interested!
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
* I can do both Cannon, Fandom and Original Characters! Currently I’m up to use any dragon in my lair with a bio, with preference to my Ancients! Usually whatever dragon is my pfp is gonna be my go-to (Current Fever)
Fever is an adult Plague Element Gaoler, daughter of two members of the Seeker Order. She uses her element to help seek out Shade Beasts in the Scarred Wasteland, traveling places the Ice Gaolers usually couldn’t handle. Other Gaolers take her Primal eyes as a sign of favor of the Plaguebringer, which brings contention given Gaolers are meant to serve the Icewarden.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
* I’m up to anything rn! I’m leaning more towards Flight Rising but strictly storyline wise I’m not picky.

Player Information

Average reply length?
* I try to aim for a paragraph or two, but it depends on how I’m feeling. I’m always open for constructive criticism!

Average reply speed?
* Anywhere from once or twice an hour on FR Forums/PMs, and faster on Discord. It depends on how busy I am. If I don’t reply for a day or two, please ping me!

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
* Preference to being comfortable with angst/gore/trauma/general feels. I like my stories spicy!

Would you like to share any additional information?
* I’m 2 hours ahead FR Time
* I am a minor, just fyi since I know some people can be uncomfortable RPing with people younger than then
* I’m most active on Discord (Otaku_With_A_Pen#2560) so replies there will be much faster than on FR
Message me here or DM on Discord if interested!
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I will be using only my own dragons when it comes to roleplay. Likely one(or all)of the following dragon(s):
Ligier, Larrousse, and Mercedes
Ligier is a mage of sorts, usually rather quiet.
Larrousse is almost like a parent to the other two, watching over them during any outings they go on. Can be loud and boisterous though, much to the chagrin of Ligier.
Mercedes is absolutely a trickster, always playing little pranks on the other two, or whoever he's with for that matter.

I'm...not really looking for anything specific, honestly. Just something to get me started here.

Average reply length?

It...all depends, really. On my partner(s), I mean. I'll try my best to match the people I'm RPing with, and have a pretty wide range. From one-liners up to essays, if I'm given enough time and material to work with to construct such a long response.

Average reply speed?

Oh boy, this is really hard to say. Sometimes it's really quick(like within a few minutes)other times you'll be waiting all day for one reply. School and my parents are absolutely kicking my tail. If I'm ever late to reply, send me a private message! I'll try my best to let you know what's going on.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

Patience patience patience! I'm fine with groups(so long as they aren't ridiculously massive)but I really don't like being left behind.

Would you like to share any additional information?

I am a big fan of combat RP, and will gladly do any other type of RP. If you're interested in getting something started with me, shoot me a message and I'll tell you if I'm interested or not!

Also, I apologize that this is short, but I'm only able to type this up in quick bursts what with school and hw and whatnot.
Hopefully I'm of interest to someone!
I will be using only my own dragons when it comes to roleplay. Likely one(or all)of the following dragon(s):
Ligier, Larrousse, and Mercedes
Ligier is a mage of sorts, usually rather quiet.
Larrousse is almost like a parent to the other two, watching over them during any outings they go on. Can be loud and boisterous though, much to the chagrin of Ligier.
Mercedes is absolutely a trickster, always playing little pranks on the other two, or whoever he's with for that matter.

I'm...not really looking for anything specific, honestly. Just something to get me started here.

Average reply length?

It...all depends, really. On my partner(s), I mean. I'll try my best to match the people I'm RPing with, and have a pretty wide range. From one-liners up to essays, if I'm given enough time and material to work with to construct such a long response.

Average reply speed?

Oh boy, this is really hard to say. Sometimes it's really quick(like within a few minutes)other times you'll be waiting all day for one reply. School and my parents are absolutely kicking my tail. If I'm ever late to reply, send me a private message! I'll try my best to let you know what's going on.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

Patience patience patience! I'm fine with groups(so long as they aren't ridiculously massive)but I really don't like being left behind.

Would you like to share any additional information?

I am a big fan of combat RP, and will gladly do any other type of RP. If you're interested in getting something started with me, shoot me a message and I'll tell you if I'm interested or not!

Also, I apologize that this is short, but I'm only able to type this up in quick bursts what with school and hw and whatnot.
Hopefully I'm of interest to someone!
I am here, I am there, I am everywhere!
Character Information
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Please describe.

I play OCs and usually create a new one for each roleplay.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
If yes, please describe.

I am not. Though I tend to prefer a slow burn romance as an undercurrent to the main storyline.

Player Information
Average reply length?

It usually depends on my partner(s). I prefer to write at least a paragraph per response if not more if I have enough to play off of.

Average reply speed?

At least a few times a day. I do work full time so I can't always answer right away, but I will do my best. Feel free to ping me as well to remind if you think I've left it too long.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

My one rule is no godmodding (speaking or moving the character that isn't yours). I will certainly explain this more in depth to anyone interested.

Would you like to share any additional information?

I prefer to use PMs or Discord to play, but am flexible. I also have a few storylines that I like to use, if you want to play, but don't have any ideas or I am more than happy to use one of your ideas. I'm prolific writer and am open to most storylines, honestly anything that makes me stretch and expand my skills is fantastic! So please don't be shy!
Character Information
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Please describe.

I play OCs and usually create a new one for each roleplay.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
If yes, please describe.

I am not. Though I tend to prefer a slow burn romance as an undercurrent to the main storyline.

Player Information
Average reply length?

It usually depends on my partner(s). I prefer to write at least a paragraph per response if not more if I have enough to play off of.

Average reply speed?

At least a few times a day. I do work full time so I can't always answer right away, but I will do my best. Feel free to ping me as well to remind if you think I've left it too long.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

My one rule is no godmodding (speaking or moving the character that isn't yours). I will certainly explain this more in depth to anyone interested.

Would you like to share any additional information?

I prefer to use PMs or Discord to play, but am flexible. I also have a few storylines that I like to use, if you want to play, but don't have any ideas or I am more than happy to use one of your ideas. I'm prolific writer and am open to most storylines, honestly anything that makes me stretch and expand my skills is fantastic! So please don't be shy!
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
My characters are usually OCs. I have personal ones too, but for now, just Flight Rising ones.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Not really. I'm flexible with any storyline or scenario!

Average reply length?
It varies, but I can usually do 2-3 paragraphs, maybe a bit more if it's needed.

Average reply speed?
I'm still in school, but I do think I'm quick with responses.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I like roleplaying groups more than one on one pairs! If Discord is also available, I wouldn't mind going there.

Would you like to share any additional information?
I'm rather new to Flight Rising, but I have been RPing for a while now! While some characters aren't built fully yet, I'm not one to shy away from improv.
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
My characters are usually OCs. I have personal ones too, but for now, just Flight Rising ones.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Not really. I'm flexible with any storyline or scenario!

Average reply length?
It varies, but I can usually do 2-3 paragraphs, maybe a bit more if it's needed.

Average reply speed?
I'm still in school, but I do think I'm quick with responses.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I like roleplaying groups more than one on one pairs! If Discord is also available, I wouldn't mind going there.

Would you like to share any additional information?
I'm rather new to Flight Rising, but I have been RPing for a while now! While some characters aren't built fully yet, I'm not one to shy away from improv.

♣ Working on my college portfolio!
♣ I just think these dragons look real neat :]
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

Original character

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

Not really, however i have a slight preference against romance

Average reply length?

A few sentences

Average reply speed?

It depends, I'm not always on FR so it could be a hot minute before I respond.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

a pulse.

Would you like to share any additional information?
Get ready for a crap-ton of lore

Name: Farranor
Breed: a custom breed i made on this thread
  • TBA
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

Original character

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

Not really, however i have a slight preference against romance

Average reply length?

A few sentences

Average reply speed?

It depends, I'm not always on FR so it could be a hot minute before I respond.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

a pulse.

Would you like to share any additional information?
Get ready for a crap-ton of lore

Name: Farranor
Breed: a custom breed i made on this thread
  • TBA
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.giflover of faes
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.giflover of nocturnes

Character Information
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
I would use almost any of my dragons, but my main ones would probably be the founders. And outside of flight rising, I basically only use OCs.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Not particularly! I always love dragon rps and fantasy based ones. I'm constantly coming up with new stuff.

Player Information

Average reply length?
Varies heavily depending on plot, events in life, etc. But I'll shoot for the equivalent of two paragraphs.
Average reply speed?
Usually I can get two paragraphs done in ten minutes once I see the reply. But I tend to be off and on throughout the day, so it might take longer.
Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
Not really, just want someone who doesn't try to control my characters and is generally respectful. I tend to stick to smaller groups, but I'm willing to broaden my horizons.
Would you like to share any additional information?
Not really. I'm fine with anything within the rules.
Character Information
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
I would use almost any of my dragons, but my main ones would probably be the founders. And outside of flight rising, I basically only use OCs.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Not particularly! I always love dragon rps and fantasy based ones. I'm constantly coming up with new stuff.

Player Information

Average reply length?
Varies heavily depending on plot, events in life, etc. But I'll shoot for the equivalent of two paragraphs.
Average reply speed?
Usually I can get two paragraphs done in ten minutes once I see the reply. But I tend to be off and on throughout the day, so it might take longer.
Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
Not really, just want someone who doesn't try to control my characters and is generally respectful. I tend to stick to smaller groups, but I'm willing to broaden my horizons.
Would you like to share any additional information?
Not really. I'm fine with anything within the rules.
Keeper of Stories
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

I have several fandom characters; Wings of Fire, Flight Rising, etc, all with a variety of personalities and backstories.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

I'm seeking roleplays with OCs within the Flight Rising, Wings of Fire or an original dragon-based universe.
I don't mind what genre it is. I have a strong preference towards adventure, action, romance, apocalypse, etc.

Player Information

Average reply length?

I will provide detailed responses, at minimum a paragraph, ranging up to several paragraphs.

Average reply speed?

I will try to respond as soon as possible, within a few hours or a day. The latest I will reply is within 3 or 4 days, due to my IRL commitments.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

Discord or on the forums are the ways I'd prefer to communicate.

Would you like to share any additional information?

I've been roleplaying for a long time.
I also enjoy some good combat rp.
Don't be afraid to message! I'm really chatty and enjoy meeting new people ^-^

Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

I have several fandom characters; Wings of Fire, Flight Rising, etc, all with a variety of personalities and backstories.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

I'm seeking roleplays with OCs within the Flight Rising, Wings of Fire or an original dragon-based universe.
I don't mind what genre it is. I have a strong preference towards adventure, action, romance, apocalypse, etc.

Player Information

Average reply length?

I will provide detailed responses, at minimum a paragraph, ranging up to several paragraphs.

Average reply speed?

I will try to respond as soon as possible, within a few hours or a day. The latest I will reply is within 3 or 4 days, due to my IRL commitments.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

Discord or on the forums are the ways I'd prefer to communicate.

Would you like to share any additional information?

I've been roleplaying for a long time.
I also enjoy some good combat rp.
Don't be afraid to message! I'm really chatty and enjoy meeting new people ^-^

1 2 ... 122 123 124 125 126 ... 133 134