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TOPIC | Very long loading times
I thought it was just me as well. I'm hoping this scheduled maintenance will focus on this issue before the ancient breed can be put into the game, it'd be nice to have a working site so we can play around in scrying workshop with the new dragon
I thought it was just me as well. I'm hoping this scheduled maintenance will focus on this issue before the ancient breed can be put into the game, it'd be nice to have a working site so we can play around in scrying workshop with the new dragon
Among many others, I am experiencing lag as well. Strangely enough, mostly when I click and it's loading extra slowly, if I click again (or refresh) it loads fine.
Among many others, I am experiencing lag as well. Strangely enough, mostly when I click and it's loading extra slowly, if I click again (or refresh) it loads fine.
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I'm having a similar issue as listed here by other players as well. I was trying to put up with it, as I was mostly playing between other tasks, but I'd like to be able to sit down and play the game for a few hours at at a time again.

I'm running on a freshly updated version of windows 10 and firefox.
I'm having a similar issue as listed here by other players as well. I was trying to put up with it, as I was mostly playing between other tasks, but I'd like to be able to sit down and play the game for a few hours at at a time again.

I'm running on a freshly updated version of windows 10 and firefox.
Been having some load time issues, saw people had some here so I might as well list the symptoms I've been having.

Mostly with things the site needs to generate, such as dragons or :blobs: like what's used for the coliseum bonuses between matches. Usually a refresh (or in the case of the coli, just clicking through to try again) fixes it.

Rarely I've experienced static assets timing out to load, but the only thing that's been really hindering playability is for Arlo's Ancient Artifacts and things that require clicking in lists such as apparel or transmuting. But I have experienced entire pages taking a distinctly long time to load, though a refresh usually gets me through those too.

Might the Artifacts be increasing server load enough to cause some of these issues? This thread was opened a few days before it dropped, but I've only really noticed slow load times once it came out. : /
Been having some load time issues, saw people had some here so I might as well list the symptoms I've been having.

Mostly with things the site needs to generate, such as dragons or :blobs: like what's used for the coliseum bonuses between matches. Usually a refresh (or in the case of the coli, just clicking through to try again) fixes it.

Rarely I've experienced static assets timing out to load, but the only thing that's been really hindering playability is for Arlo's Ancient Artifacts and things that require clicking in lists such as apparel or transmuting. But I have experienced entire pages taking a distinctly long time to load, though a refresh usually gets me through those too.

Might the Artifacts be increasing server load enough to cause some of these issues? This thread was opened a few days before it dropped, but I've only really noticed slow load times once it came out. : /
Can't play Glimmer and Gloom because it's so laggy, various pages need to refresh before they load, Coli has delays of 4-8 seconds between hitting the key to attack an enemy and the dragon attacking.
Can't play Glimmer and Gloom because it's so laggy, various pages need to refresh before they load, Coli has delays of 4-8 seconds between hitting the key to attack an enemy and the dragon attacking.
Just chiming in to say it's not VPN on my end. Lag follows. I reeeeaaally think it's a FR issue (esp based off how many people are in here experiencing the same thing). No idea what could be causing it though, seems like all kinds of time zones/areas... definitely odd.
Just chiming in to say it's not VPN on my end. Lag follows. I reeeeaaally think it's a FR issue (esp based off how many people are in here experiencing the same thing). No idea what could be causing it though, seems like all kinds of time zones/areas... definitely odd.
My sister and I are experiencing the same issues. Coliseum lag, familiar bonding lag, problems with loading pages taking very long. I'm probably just going to get my dailies done and leave the coliseum and other parts of the site alone until the issue is resolved. Hopefully it's a quick fix.
My sister and I are experiencing the same issues. Coliseum lag, familiar bonding lag, problems with loading pages taking very long. I'm probably just going to get my dailies done and leave the coliseum and other parts of the site alone until the issue is resolved. Hopefully it's a quick fix.
This game has become basically unplayable for me now. I'm honestly disappointed. It's gotten so much worse and I hoped it would be better today

I can't even do my dailies, I managed to feed my dragons but I'm not able to do literally anything else
This game has become basically unplayable for me now. I'm honestly disappointed. It's gotten so much worse and I hoped it would be better today

I can't even do my dailies, I managed to feed my dragons but I'm not able to do literally anything else
[quote name="kyrin18" date="2022-02-28 16:15:32" ] Among many others, I am experiencing lag as well. Strangely enough, mostly when I click and it's loading extra slowly, if I click again (or refresh) it loads fine. [/quote] Happening for me too. It's like a tab becomes "dead" - if I open a new tab to another location on the site it loads immediately.
kyrin18 wrote on 2022-02-28 16:15:32:
Among many others, I am experiencing lag as well. Strangely enough, mostly when I click and it's loading extra slowly, if I click again (or refresh) it loads fine.

Happening for me too. It's like a tab becomes "dead" - if I open a new tab to another location on the site it loads immediately.
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Hello all,

Just wanted to update that we are looking into this issue.

At the moment, one current lead we are following is that we are seeing indications that we have increased packet loss in the evenings (around 17:00-19:00 Server Time, give or take) based on charts we record. Based on similarity to past issues, this indicates it may be in networking equipment outside our servers, and it also seems like it may be dependent on time of day.

We have some staff members that are also experiencing this issue when it occurs and hopefully that will help us gather information we can send to our hosting provider.

We are also seeing some issues that relate primarily to our search backend, they could be connected or they could be unrelated, but the overlapping timing is suspicious. One example is that there have been instances where new Auction House listings were taking a while to show up.

I apologize for the frustration and inconvenience this is causing!
Hello all,

Just wanted to update that we are looking into this issue.

At the moment, one current lead we are following is that we are seeing indications that we have increased packet loss in the evenings (around 17:00-19:00 Server Time, give or take) based on charts we record. Based on similarity to past issues, this indicates it may be in networking equipment outside our servers, and it also seems like it may be dependent on time of day.

We have some staff members that are also experiencing this issue when it occurs and hopefully that will help us gather information we can send to our hosting provider.

We are also seeing some issues that relate primarily to our search backend, they could be connected or they could be unrelated, but the overlapping timing is suspicious. One example is that there have been instances where new Auction House listings were taking a while to show up.

I apologize for the frustration and inconvenience this is causing!
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