

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [CLOSED] Riders of Thrall OOC
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For as long as anyone can remember, there have been dragon riders in Thrall. As the story goes, they were created after a centuries long war between kingdoms and the great lizards themselves, as a means of preventing further conflict. The wild dragons gave their eggs in the hope that some may help to create these great peace keepers. However, centuries ago, the king of your land, a rider himself, decided to change the rules. A charismatic and cunning ruler, he managed to create a large following of fellow riders, in addition to the kingdom's large military. Finally, he made his move with a controversial proclamation. From then on, all riders were forced to swear fealty to the royal family, or faced aggression from the military and allied riders. The explanation was that it would strengthen the kingdom, and thereby strengthen its peace. Many agreed, either from preexisting loyalty or from fear of being killed. Those who resisted were easily done away with by those they once called friends, or else were sent into hiding. It was only then that the king truly tipped his hand: He re-legalized the hunting of so-called wild dragons, thus ending the truce altogether. Amazingly, the wild dragons were decimated in only a few short years. The reason was simple and brutal: While the riders' dragons had all been around humans their entire lives, and had no real connection to their fellow dragons aside from the fact that they were a danger to their riders, the wild ones hesitated in striking down what could very well be their kin. After the initial attacks, the wild dragons disappeared, whether extinct or in hiding, no one is sure. Of course, that was a long time ago. The king, now known as The Conqueror, is now dead and buried along with his army. The law requiring riders to swear fealty to the royals is still in place, and now only nobles are given the honor of laying hands on a dragon egg. Meanwhile, the current king is making numerous rapid expansions into neighboring countries, seeming to want to take his ancestor's title for himself... [rule] Welcome to RoT! Riders of Thrall takes place in a high fantasy universe in which multiple humanoid and draconic species share the realm. Everyone is capable of Thrall’s elemental magic with training; Dragons being the only outlier with innate magical abilities. Starting with the birth of new dragons this RP will follow our group of 'chosen ones' from their first flight to their last adventure. [u][b]Rules & Guidelines[/b][/u] - Dragon species and elements will be stripped from the list as people apply to keep variety within RP. This does not apply to the rider races. - Choosing an element will not only affect your dragon’s birth element but your rider’s magic type as well. - When it comes to elemental abilities - If you can explain how/why it works, I’ll let you do it. - One character/dragon/element per person, again for variety [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] - Dragons communicate via telepathy, in more of a primal feeling rather than actual words. Essentially, it's very hard to hide a secret from your bonded dragon.
For as long as anyone can remember, there have been dragon riders in Thrall. As the story goes, they were created after a centuries long war between kingdoms and the great lizards themselves, as a means of preventing further conflict. The wild dragons gave their eggs in the hope that some may help to create these great peace keepers.

However, centuries ago, the king of your land, a rider himself, decided to change the rules. A charismatic and cunning ruler, he managed to create a large following of fellow riders, in addition to the kingdom's large military. Finally, he made his move with a controversial proclamation. From then on, all riders were forced to swear fealty to the royal family, or faced aggression from the military and allied riders. The explanation was that it would strengthen the kingdom, and thereby strengthen its peace. Many agreed, either from preexisting loyalty or from fear of being killed. Those who resisted were easily done away with by those they once called friends, or else were sent into hiding.

It was only then that the king truly tipped his hand: He re-legalized the hunting of so-called wild dragons, thus ending the truce altogether. Amazingly, the wild dragons were decimated in only a few short years. The reason was simple and brutal: While the riders' dragons had all been around humans their entire lives, and had no real connection to their fellow dragons aside from the fact that they were a danger to their riders, the wild ones hesitated in striking down what could very well be their kin. After the initial attacks, the wild dragons disappeared, whether extinct or in hiding, no one is sure.

Of course, that was a long time ago. The king, now known as The Conqueror, is now dead and buried along with his army. The law requiring riders to swear fealty to the royals is still in place, and now only nobles are given the honor of laying hands on a dragon egg. Meanwhile, the current king is making numerous rapid expansions into neighboring countries, seeming to want to take his ancestor's title for himself...
Welcome to RoT! Riders of Thrall takes place in a high fantasy universe in which multiple humanoid and draconic species share the realm. Everyone is capable of Thrall’s elemental magic with training; Dragons being the only outlier with innate magical abilities. Starting with the birth of new dragons this RP will follow our group of 'chosen ones' from their first flight to their last adventure.

Rules & Guidelines
- Dragon species and elements will be stripped from the list as people apply to keep variety within RP. This does not apply to the rider races.
- Choosing an element will not only affect your dragon’s birth element but your rider’s magic type as well.
- When it comes to elemental abilities - If you can explain how/why it works, I’ll let you do it.
- One character/dragon/element per person, again for variety
- Dragons communicate via telepathy, in more of a primal feeling rather than actual words. Essentially, it's very hard to hide a secret from your bonded dragon.
Any Pronouns
Dragon Species:
Imperial RatDad
Obelisk straypunk
(Fae & Spiral removed for size)

Rider Races:
+ Halflings of any kind welcome

Available Elements:
Earth SilencedRose
Wind straypunk
Shadow RatDad
Dragon Species:
Imperial RatDad
Obelisk straypunk
(Fae & Spiral removed for size)

Rider Races:
+ Halflings of any kind welcome

Available Elements:
Earth SilencedRose
Wind straypunk
Shadow RatDad
Any Pronouns
Rider Profile

- Basics -

- Appearance -
Physical Frame:
(May also replace this section with an image)

- Magic -
Magical Focus: (Must be an item other than your dragon)
Specialization: (i.e how do you wield your magic)

- Personality -

- Biography -
(At most I just want to know how your character got their egg)

- Miscellaneous -

Dragon Profile


You may add as many details as you like, as long as the original ref is filled out.
Rider Profile

- Basics -

- Appearance -
Physical Frame:
(May also replace this section with an image)

- Magic -
Magical Focus: (Must be an item other than your dragon)
Specialization: (i.e how do you wield your magic)

- Personality -

- Biography -
(At most I just want to know how your character got their egg)

- Miscellaneous -

Dragon Profile


You may add as many details as you like, as long as the original ref is filled out.
Any Pronouns
[b]- Basics -[/b] Name: Saeros Mithrandír Age: 23 Gender: Genderfluid, He/They/It Orientation: Panromantic, Gray Asexual Race: Half-Elf [b]- Appearance -[/b] Physical Frame: Ectomorph Height: 5’10 Complexion: Olive Hair: Black, close-cropped sides, longer on top Eyes: Almond-shaped, amber colored Misc.: Notch over the bride of their nose, pointed ears [b]- Magic -[/b] Element: [emoji=shadow rune size=1] Shadow Magical Focus: A series of rings embedded with precious stones Specialization: Illusions, shapes shadows into form to project images onto them, the only way to truly know if they are an illusion or not is to touch it [b]- Personality -[/b] General: A stern, serious being with a strong sense of justice. Likes(+)/Dislikes(-): + Learning + Forbidden Knowledge + Foraging - Formal social gatherings - Shoes Hobbies/Skills: Archery, generalized battlefield knowledge [b]- Biography -[/b] Coming from a small farm in The Vales, Saeros is quite well-versed in self-sufficiency, making them exceedingly terrible at communication. Leaving home was as natural as any other step they had ever taken in life, as random as they are. They spent quite a bit of time simply roaming and learning from nature before ending up at Thrall’s gates, piquing a general’s interest during a street fight before ultimately being recruited into the lower guard. Though not the position they’d thought they’d find themselves in, they continued to work and learn as much as possible. Being chosen as a guard for potential rider eggs had been a great honor, until a revearing touch to shell gave way under their fingers; Bringing to life and bonding him to Kakos in turn. [b]- Miscellaneous -[/b] [u][b]Dragon Profile[/b][/u] Name: Kakos Gender: Male, He/They/It Species: Imperial Personality: Appearance: [morphology=2252328]
- Basics -
Name: Saeros Mithrandír
Age: 23
Gender: Genderfluid, He/They/It
Orientation: Panromantic, Gray Asexual
Race: Half-Elf

- Appearance -
Physical Frame: Ectomorph
Height: 5’10
Complexion: Olive
Hair: Black, close-cropped sides, longer on top
Eyes: Almond-shaped, amber colored
Misc.: Notch over the bride of their nose, pointed ears

- Magic -
Element: Shadow
Magical Focus: A series of rings embedded with precious stones
Specialization: Illusions, shapes shadows into form to project images onto them, the only way to truly know if they are an illusion or not is to touch it

- Personality -
General: A stern, serious being with a strong sense of justice.
+ Learning
+ Forbidden Knowledge
+ Foraging
- Formal social gatherings
- Shoes
Hobbies/Skills: Archery, generalized battlefield knowledge

- Biography -
Coming from a small farm in The Vales, Saeros is quite well-versed in self-sufficiency, making them exceedingly terrible at communication. Leaving home was as natural as any other step they had ever taken in life, as random as they are. They spent quite a bit of time simply roaming and learning from nature before ending up at Thrall’s gates, piquing a general’s interest during a street fight before ultimately being recruited into the lower guard. Though not the position they’d thought they’d find themselves in, they continued to work and learn as much as possible. Being chosen as a guard for potential rider eggs had been a great honor, until a revearing touch to shell gave way under their fingers; Bringing to life and bonding him to Kakos in turn.

- Miscellaneous -

Dragon Profile

Name: Kakos
Gender: Male, He/They/It
Species: Imperial

Any Pronouns
whOOOO, let's gooooo- profiles are a big wip asdfghj also went ahead and subbed! ----- [u][b][i]Rider Profile[/i][/b][/u] [emoji=harp size=1] [quote] [emoji=pink gem size=1] [b][u]- Basics -[/u][/b] [indent][b]Name;[/b] Jacyn Gherran [b]Age;[/b] Early 20s [b]Gender;[/b] Transmasculine [i](he/him)[/i] [b]Orientation;[/b] Demisexual, Biromantic [b]Race;[/b] Dwarf[/indent] [emoji=treasure chest size=1] [b][u]- Appearance -[/u][/b] [indent][b]Physical Frame;[/b] Stout, Athletic [b]Height;[/b] 4' 9" [b]Complexion;[/b] Russet, freckly [b]Hair;[/b] Ginger, side-shaved loc-ponytail [b]Eyes;[/b] Dark, charcoal brown [b]Misc.[/b] [LIST] [*]Always looks tired due to his semi-prominent sleep-lines. [*]Scarring on his ribs and hip. [/LIST][/indent] [center][img][/img] [url=][u]picrew[/u][/url][/center] [emoji=firework size=1] [b][u]- Magic -[/u][/b] [indent][b]Element;[/b] [emoji=wind rune size=1] Wind [b]Magical Focus;[/b] [b]Specialization;[/b] Enchantment - By using subtle wind magic to weave different "frequencies," Jase can influence other's magic (and perhaps even other's minds) to bend to his whim. He can alter illusions to an extent, corral flames, or disrupt the flow of another's magic entirely. - He can also create small physical and auditory sensory effects.[/indent] [emoji=autumn tree size=1] [b][u]- Personality -[/u][/b] [indent][b]General;[/b] Jase projects himself as your typical highborn, when in noble circles - a haughty, absentminded, brash, and self-centered snarker, who flaunts his wealth like no tomorrow. But in all due reality, Jase plays up his status so that others will underestimate him. When away from his peers and the prying eyes of higher class nobility, Jacyn sheds his persona and embraces his true self: a wild child with a heart of gold that he guards with extreme care. [b]Likes+ & Dislikes–[/b] [b]+[/b] Wilderness travel, camping, anything to do with the outdoors. [b]+[/b] Animal husbandry, falconry. [b]/[/b] Politics, galas. (Mixed feelings. Likes the fashion and intrigue, hates taking part in it.) [b]–[/b] Smithing forges, cramped stores. [b]–[/b] ??? [b]Aspirations* & Fears~[/b] [b]*[/b] Write and illustrate a comprehensive bestiary, as well as various animal care guides. [b]*[/b] ??? [b]~[/b] ??? [b]~[/b] ??? [b]Hobbies;[/b] Horseback riding, painting, dancing [b]Skills;[/b] Swordplay, tactical battlefield knowledge, reads/writes/speaks multiple languages[/indent] [emoji=old parchment size=1] [b][u]- Biography -[/u][/b] [LIST] [*][u][i]Highborn[/i][/u] [indent]Jacyn was adopted into a linage of respected traders and smiths, which he is expected to take after. But instead of learning endless trade routes and smithing techniques, Jase would rather spend his time with his art and critters - much to his family's frustration.[/indent] [*][i]Un-Chosen[/i] [indent]Jacyn's five siblings are line to receive a dragon egg, so that one of them can potentially become a dragon rider. Jacyn is explicitly told, numerous times, that he's not part of this inheritance. The egg does not respond to any of his siblings, much to the youngest sibling's vexation. The eldest sibling brings the egg to Jase, hoping he'll be able to figure out "what's wrong with it," since he's good with animals. Low and behold, the egg hatches for Jacyn, bonding him with Atreus.[/indent] [/LIST] [emoji=ping size=1] [b][u]- Miscellaneous -[/u][/b] [LIST] [*]A chaotic mess of a creative, Jase embraces anarchy and "weird" solutions to problems. His general thought process is something along the lines of [i]"If it sounds too stupid to work, it's most likely the answer."[/i] He also has a habit of over-complicating things, often to the point of his methods being incomprehensible to anyone but himself. [*]Jase puts very little stock in promises and flowery words, and is untrusting those with silver tongues. If he wants to prove his worth, he'll do so with actions - and he expects the same of others. [*]Frighteningly competitive; though he's always a good sport. He mainly just likes the thrill of chase, so to speak, and doesn't care too much if he wins or looses. [*]Undyingly theatric. This man can, and will, add flair to everything he does. [*]Secretly [i]loves[/i] hearing about all the drama within the noble families - though he stays well out of it. [/LIST][/quote] [i][u][b]Dragon Profile[/b][/u][/i] [emoji=obelisk size=1] [quote][emoji=cloud size=1] [b][u]- Basics -[/u][/b] [b]Name;[/b] Atreus [b]Gender;[/b] Agender [i](they/it/zir)[/i] [b]Species;[/b] Obelisk [emoji=bamboo chute size=1] [u][b]- Personality -[/b][/u] [indent] (notes - Looks intimidating; actually just a big puppy - emotionally very sensitive - generally cautious; likes to know everything about a situation before acting or making any big decisions - others would probably consider them a wuss and a crybaby)[/indent] [emoji=wing size=1] [u][b]- Appearance -[/b][/u] [indent][morphology=2260263][/indent] [LIST] [*]other notes... [/LIST][/quote]
whOOOO, let's gooooo-
profiles are a big wip asdfghj
also went ahead and subbed!

Rider Profile
- Basics -
Name; Jacyn Gherran
Age; Early 20s
Gender; Transmasculine (he/him)
Orientation; Demisexual, Biromantic
Race; Dwarf

- Appearance -
Physical Frame; Stout, Athletic
Height; 4' 9"
Complexion; Russet, freckly
Hair; Ginger, side-shaved loc-ponytail
Eyes; Dark, charcoal brown
  • Always looks tired due to his semi-prominent sleep-lines.
  • Scarring on his ribs and hip.

- Magic -
Element; Wind
Magical Focus;
Specialization; Enchantment - By using subtle wind magic to weave different "frequencies," Jase can influence other's magic (and perhaps even other's minds) to bend to his whim. He can alter illusions to an extent, corral flames, or disrupt the flow of another's magic entirely.
- He can also create small physical and auditory sensory effects.

- Personality -
General; Jase projects himself as your typical highborn, when in noble circles - a haughty, absentminded, brash, and self-centered snarker, who flaunts his wealth like no tomorrow. But in all due reality, Jase plays up his status so that others will underestimate him. When away from his peers and the prying eyes of higher class nobility, Jacyn sheds his persona and embraces his true self: a wild child with a heart of gold that he guards with extreme care.

Likes+ & Dislikes–
+ Wilderness travel, camping, anything to do with the outdoors.
+ Animal husbandry, falconry.
/ Politics, galas. (Mixed feelings. Likes the fashion and intrigue, hates taking part in it.)
Smithing forges, cramped stores.
Aspirations* & Fears~
* Write and illustrate a comprehensive bestiary, as well as various animal care guides.
* ???
~ ???
~ ???
Hobbies; Horseback riding, painting, dancing
Skills; Swordplay, tactical battlefield knowledge, reads/writes/speaks multiple languages

- Biography -
  • Highborn
    Jacyn was adopted into a linage of respected traders and smiths, which he is expected to take after. But instead of learning endless trade routes and smithing techniques, Jase would rather spend his time with his art and critters - much to his family's frustration.
  • Un-Chosen
    Jacyn's five siblings are line to receive a dragon egg, so that one of them can potentially become a dragon rider. Jacyn is explicitly told, numerous times, that he's not part of this inheritance.

    The egg does not respond to any of his siblings, much to the youngest sibling's vexation.

    The eldest sibling brings the egg to Jase, hoping he'll be able to figure out "what's wrong with it," since he's good with animals. Low and behold, the egg hatches for Jacyn, bonding him with Atreus.

- Miscellaneous -
  • A chaotic mess of a creative, Jase embraces anarchy and "weird" solutions to problems. His general thought process is something along the lines of "If it sounds too stupid to work, it's most likely the answer." He also has a habit of over-complicating things, often to the point of his methods being incomprehensible to anyone but himself.
  • Jase puts very little stock in promises and flowery words, and is untrusting those with silver tongues. If he wants to prove his worth, he'll do so with actions - and he expects the same of others.
  • Frighteningly competitive; though he's always a good sport. He mainly just likes the thrill of chase, so to speak, and doesn't care too much if he wins or looses.
  • Undyingly theatric. This man can, and will, add flair to everything he does.
  • Secretly loves hearing about all the drama within the noble families - though he stays well out of it.

Dragon Profile
- Basics -
Name; Atreus
Gender; Agender (they/it/zir)
Species; Obelisk

- Personality -

- Looks intimidating; actually just a big puppy
- emotionally very sensitive
- generally cautious; likes to know everything about a situation before acting or making any big decisions
- others would probably consider them a wuss and a crybaby)

- Appearance -
  • other notes...
tumblr_inline_p157m551951tc3swm_540.png Achilles / Steven
. It / Thae / They / Fey / He » 1999
. Writer » Artist » Roleplayer
. FR +3 » Offline Weekends
I WILL HONOUR EARTHDAD TODAY [b]Rider Profile[/b] [i]- Basics -[/i] Name: Avery He / He Yanfei Age: 22 Gender: Female Orientation: Demisexual, panromantic Race: Human [b]- Appearance -[/b] Physical Frame: Mesomorph Height: 5’4 Complexion: Warm ivory Hair: Raven black, with some hints of dark brown mixed in. Not truly black. The ends are dip-dyed the colour of larkspurs- purple and blue ones. Eyes: One is a simple brown, the other light pink. Misc.: -Slightly pointed ears -A scar on her neck and ear [img][/img] (skin is more of a light brown, missing the scar on neck and ear) - [b]Magic[/b] - [b]Element[/b]: [emoji=earth rune size=1] Earth Magical Focus: (Must be an item other than your dragon) Specialization: (i.e how do you wield your magic) - [b]Personality[/b] - General: Likes(+)/Dislikes(-): Hobbies/Skills: - [b]Biography[/b] - - [i]Miscellaneous[/i] - —— [b]Dragon Profile[/b] Name: Gender: Female Species: Skydancer Personality: Appearance:

Rider Profile

- Basics -
Name: Avery He / He Yanfei
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Orientation: Demisexual, panromantic
Race: Human

- Appearance -
Physical Frame: Mesomorph
Height: 5’4
Complexion: Warm ivory
Hair: Raven black, with some hints of dark brown mixed in. Not truly black. The ends are dip-dyed the colour of larkspurs- purple and blue ones.
Eyes: One is a simple brown, the other light pink.
-Slightly pointed ears
-A scar on her neck and ear
(skin is more of a light brown, missing the scar on neck and ear)

- Magic -
Element: Earth
Magical Focus: (Must be an item other than your dragon)
Specialization: (i.e how do you wield your magic)

- Personality -

- Biography -

- Miscellaneous -


Dragon Profile

Gender: Female
Species: Skydancer

60884365.png 51165548.png <
< pat?

Are Wildclaws not available?
Are Wildclaws not available?
Call me Dark!
@DarkMoon9 Whoops I missed them! They should be on the list now ^^
@DarkMoon9 Whoops I missed them! They should be on the list now ^^
Any Pronouns
@RatDad (not sure if you're subbed - sorry for the double ping, if so!)

Nearly done with Jase & Atreus! I just have to flesh out Atreus' general personalty, and add some notes to Jase, but I'd say they're about 80 - 90% done~
If anything in Jase's bio needs changing/editing, just let me know!
@RatDad (not sure if you're subbed - sorry for the double ping, if so!)

Nearly done with Jase & Atreus! I just have to flesh out Atreus' general personalty, and add some notes to Jase, but I'd say they're about 80 - 90% done~
If anything in Jase's bio needs changing/editing, just let me know!
tumblr_inline_p157m551951tc3swm_540.png Achilles / Steven
. It / Thae / They / Fey / He » 1999
. Writer » Artist » Roleplayer
. FR +3 » Offline Weekends
Would it be possible to be just a dragon? Either partnering with another player or as a wild dragon? Just would like to know.
Would it be possible to be just a dragon? Either partnering with another player or as a wild dragon? Just would like to know.
Call me Dark!
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