

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Revert Obelisk Flair, No moreConsistancy
@silverlately See the above - would you consider editing the link to the poll to the top of your OP, please?
@silverlately See the above - would you consider editing the link to the poll to the top of your OP, please?

The problem, to me, isn't really aesthetic—some of the old manes look better and some of the new manes look better IMO.

My main problem is with how this was handled. The lack of communication for so long and the fact that it didn't look obviously glitched means we all thought this was how it was supposed to be. Because we were not warned that this would be changed, I don't think it should have been changed.

The problem, to me, isn't really aesthetic—some of the old manes look better and some of the new manes look better IMO.

My main problem is with how this was handled. The lack of communication for so long and the fact that it didn't look obviously glitched means we all thought this was how it was supposed to be. Because we were not warned that this would be changed, I don't think it should have been changed.
full support. i'm usually of the opinion that all art errors should be fixed, but this particular "fix" feels more like an arbitrary change to me.

my question is - why, after several months of the gene being out, was it suddenly decided that it was too inconsistent and needed to be changed? obelisk flair was clearly very popular as is, as seen by the number of people in this thread complaining that their dragons were ruined. i really don't think anyone noticed or cared that it was different on obelisks; if anything it should be different considering obelisks are 40% mane. having most of that mane be a solid blob of color is just boring. the whole appeal of flair is that it's flashy and sparkly, now you can't even see the sparkles on some colors

this isn't even getting into how flair was literally advertised like this on its announcement thread, or the people that spent millions of treasure on it because they liked it in its previous state. sometimes... things that are consistent... are worse.
full support. i'm usually of the opinion that all art errors should be fixed, but this particular "fix" feels more like an arbitrary change to me.

my question is - why, after several months of the gene being out, was it suddenly decided that it was too inconsistent and needed to be changed? obelisk flair was clearly very popular as is, as seen by the number of people in this thread complaining that their dragons were ruined. i really don't think anyone noticed or cared that it was different on obelisks; if anything it should be different considering obelisks are 40% mane. having most of that mane be a solid blob of color is just boring. the whole appeal of flair is that it's flashy and sparkly, now you can't even see the sparkles on some colors

this isn't even getting into how flair was literally advertised like this on its announcement thread, or the people that spent millions of treasure on it because they liked it in its previous state. sometimes... things that are consistent... are worse.
Palestinian flagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
grey/juniper «a
he/him «a
fr+2 «a
pings OK «a
avatar dragon «a
Official artwork of the tome of Forseti from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. It is dark green with elaborate white detailing.
Staff put up a poll to vote on whether or not the flair changes are reverted. I'm very thankful they listened to us
Staff put up a poll to vote on whether or not the flair changes are reverted. I'm very thankful they listened to us
Link to thread
Link to thread
SUPPORTING THIS THREAD, I just checked out the poll and the only two options will screw over players either way! At this point they should leave all the manes as they were and let Obelisks be different!

@ Kiriati There's no poll option for reverting the changes, they want to change all the other dragons with Flare manes instead.
SUPPORTING THIS THREAD, I just checked out the poll and the only two options will screw over players either way! At this point they should leave all the manes as they were and let Obelisks be different!

@ Kiriati There's no poll option for reverting the changes, they want to change all the other dragons with Flare manes instead.
don't like my dragons
I support this! This change is large and obviously unwanted, I didn't even know something was 'wrong' with Flair and thought the contrast made by using the accent colour from the wings as the main one the mane was purposeful. Old (Good) [img][/img] New (Bad) [img][/img] [emoji=obelisk sad size=2] My boy has also been ruined by the change.
I support this!

This change is large and obviously unwanted, I didn't even know something was 'wrong' with Flair and thought the contrast made by using the accent colour from the wings as the main one the mane was purposeful.

Old (Good)

New (Bad)

My boy has also been ruined by the change.
(UTC +10) - (FR Tumblr) - (Earth)
@Grinder RIP I've also got a Navy Flair boy who looks worse: [url=][img][/img][/url]
@Grinder RIP I've also got a Navy Flair boy who looks worse:

I agree with this! the change wasn't needed and theres plenty of other art issues like mist seraph on male ridgebacks which hasn't been fixed for years from what I heard New [bad but not as bad as others] [img][/img] Old [Amazing] [img][/img]
I agree with this! the change wasn't needed and theres plenty of other art issues like mist seraph on male ridgebacks which hasn't been fixed for years from what I heard

New [bad but not as bad as others]

Old [Amazing]
With regards to the poll:

Option 1 keeps the current state - with Obelisk manes matching all other breeds.

Option 2 reverts Obelisks but also applies the Obelisk color palette to all other breeds on the list (Pearlcatchers, Tundras, Wildclaws, Imperials, and Skydancers). They will also get the missing sparkles.

There is not an option to go back to yesterday's gene behavior.
With regards to the poll:

Option 1 keeps the current state - with Obelisk manes matching all other breeds.

Option 2 reverts Obelisks but also applies the Obelisk color palette to all other breeds on the list (Pearlcatchers, Tundras, Wildclaws, Imperials, and Skydancers). They will also get the missing sparkles.

There is not an option to go back to yesterday's gene behavior.