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TOPIC | [IC] Two Matchy Arcane Hatches
I hatched these two on the first day of Starfall, and while not initially impressed by their colors, scrying them quickly changed that! They both gave me different inspirations, so I wrote little lore blurbs for them and put some recommendations for their scries in their bios! I don’t want to keep these babs, so I guess I just want to check and see if anyone would be interested? I don’t really know what to price them at so suggestions on that would be nice also if anyone felt so inclined! [img][/img] [center][b][u]In The Depths of Madness[/u][/b][/center] [center]One off XYX[/center] [center]Eldritch | Overcast | Obsidian[/center] [center]Arcane Bright[/center] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center]Lovecraftian inspired scry. Once a vibrant dragon of blue and violet hues, his body has twisted into oily greens and dull obsidian as he searches for the source of a pulsing, humming energy deep beneath the Focal Point. It calls to him, the humming edged with an otherworldly voice that promises him untold knowledge and power. He has searched for so long in the darkness beneath the churning sea that he doesn’t remember what sunlight looks like, his sight long having left him in favor of [i]feeling[/i] the cold, dank world around him. He has discovered many strange things as he searches, each more twisted than the last, each promising progress, and each discovery spurs him on. The humming grows louder, gripping his mind, compelling him to continue his descent into madness.[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img],615,20836,20842,20841,20840,23022,20837,28783,41517&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] [center][outfit=1725199][/center] [center]Edit: Accent: Jewels of the Kraken looks really good with this scry and outfit, and fits the Lovecraftian tentacle vibe pretty well in my opinion![/center] [center][img],615,20836,20842,20841,20840,23022,20837,28783,41517&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] [center][item=Lurching tome][/center] [center][item=Seeker brooch][item=Glowing tail][item=Vial of mysterious toxin][/center] [center][item=Rhodochrosite][item=Feline triskull][item=Pulsing relic][/center] [center]Recommended Vista: [item=Vista: tentacles][/center] [center]Recommended Familiar: [item=Bearded pupowl][/center] [img][/img] [center][b][u]Nebula Goddess[/u][/b][/center] [center]Two off XYX[/center] [center]Flint | Murk | Lead[/center] [center]Arcane Common[/center] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center]Scry reminded me of the Eagle Nebula. A fallen being come crashing to earth, she has no memories of the home she once had in the heart of a distant nebula, though the cosmic magic remains. She feels a strange connection to the celestine around the Observatory.[/center] [center][img][/img] [/center] [center][img],3628,3627,3695,28814,28817,41630,3630&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] [center][outfit=1728370][/center] [center][item=Lost crown][item=Hourglass][item=Celestine][/center] [center]Recommended Familiar: [item=sparkling Capricorn][/center] [center]Recommended Vista: [item=Vista: Night Sky] or [item=Vista: Eye see you][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
I hatched these two on the first day of Starfall, and while not initially impressed by their colors, scrying them quickly changed that! They both gave me different inspirations, so I wrote little lore blurbs for them and put some recommendations for their scries in their bios!

I don’t want to keep these babs, so I guess I just want to check and see if anyone would be interested? I don’t really know what to price them at so suggestions on that would be nice also if anyone felt so inclined!


In The Depths of Madness
One off XYX
Eldritch | Overcast | Obsidian
Arcane Bright
Lovecraftian inspired scry. Once a vibrant dragon of blue and violet hues, his body has twisted into oily greens and dull obsidian as he searches for the source of a pulsing, humming energy deep beneath the Focal Point. It calls to him, the humming edged with an otherworldly voice that promises him untold knowledge and power. He has searched for so long in the darkness beneath the churning sea that he doesn’t remember what sunlight looks like, his sight long having left him in favor of feeling the cold, dank world around him. He has discovered many strange things as he searches, each more twisted than the last, each promising progress, and each discovery spurs him on. The humming grows louder, gripping his mind, compelling him to continue his descent into madness.


Into Madness

Edit: Accent: Jewels of the Kraken looks really good with this scry and outfit, and fits the Lovecraftian tentacle vibe pretty well in my opinion!

Lurching Tome
Seeker Brooch Glowing Tail Vial of Mysterious Toxin
Rhodochrosite Feline Triskull Pulsing Relic

Recommended Vista: Vista: Tentacles
Recommended Familiar: Bearded Pupowl


Nebula Goddess
Two off XYX
Flint | Murk | Lead
Arcane Common

Scry reminded me of the Eagle Nebula. A fallen being come crashing to earth, she has no memories of the home she once had in the heart of a distant nebula, though the cosmic magic remains. She feels a strange connection to the celestine around the Observatory.


Nebula Goddess

Lost Crown Hourglass Celestine

Recommended Familiar: Sparkling Capricorn
Recommended Vista: Vista: Night Sky or Vista: Eye See You

img those plans are amazing.. congrats!!
img those plans are amazing.. congrats!!
Oooh. Those plans are really gorgeous.

I'd definitely be interested in the Nebula Goddess, but I'm useless when it comes to pricing. XD If you do settle on a final price or decide to auction, I'd really love a ping.
Oooh. Those plans are really gorgeous.

I'd definitely be interested in the Nebula Goddess, but I'm useless when it comes to pricing. XD If you do settle on a final price or decide to auction, I'd really love a ping.
To Infinity & Beyond
i would be super interested in 'in the depths of madness' or the first one if you end up auctioning or selling him c:
i would be super interested in 'in the depths of madness' or the first one if you end up auctioning or selling him c:
you confiscate my kazoo but little do you know that i have a second, hidden kazoo between my toes